Hide input field from vuejs-datepicker - css

I am using vuejs-datepicker in one of my vue project. I want to hide the default input and show the Calendar when user press a button. I am trying to have the <datepicker/> inside a div apply css for the div so that I can hide it.
<div class="datePickerDiv">
<datepicker class="date" ref="datepick"></datepicker>
<style scoped>
.datePickerDiv {
position: relative;
float: left;
margin-top: -40px;
.datePickerDiv input {
border: none;
background: transparent;
But its not working as I expect. Sample https://codesandbox.io/s/relaxed-sea-qfuix?file=/src/components/HelloWorld.vue:742-910

You need to use the >>> combinator in order to deeply select the input tag:
.datePickerDiv >>> input {
border: none;
background: transparent;
This is because you're using the scoped attribute on your style tag. scoped will only work to apply styling to child components directly referenced in your current Vue component. In this case, datepicker is creating its own child input which will not be affected by the style, unless you use the deep selector shown above.

For applying style in your date picker tag, use input-class instead of only class. The styling does not work on the default scoped style tags, so add another style tag beneath your scoped style tag like follows:
<style scoped>
---your scoped Styles ----
<style >
-- Apply your unscoped style over vue date picker here ---
<datepicker input-class="date" ref="datepick"></datepicker>
.date {
display: none !important;

Add prop input-class with class hide-input. This will apply the hide-input class to the input element. Read more about props here.
<datepicker input-class="hide-input"></datepicker>
display: none !important;


Scoped css class with elements

I use vue with vuetify. I have to use sass to override the style of vuetify components.
With the following code I want to update the style of my text field.
<style scoped lang="scss">
.center {
input {
text-align: center;
Without the scope attribute it works. But how do I make it work and only apply the current component?
<v-text-field v-model="myText" class="center" #input="onTextInput" />
For Vue2 you need to add ::v-deep before the class.
::v-deep .target-class {
background-color: #000;
For Vue3
:deep(.target-class) {
background-color: #000;

Nuxt CSS properties declared on :root selector are not found

I have a Nuxt 2 app and I'd like to create a component with a <style> tag like the following, using CSS properties for styling.
The goal is to define a default CSS property in the component that can be overridden from outside.
However, when I try this method, the default values don't seem to work at all.
<style lang="scss" scoped>
:root {
--default-badge-color: linear-gradient(90deg, #1717ff 0%, #bc29e0 92%);
--default-badge-text-color: #fff;
--default-badge-font-size: 1.6rem;
--default-badge-padding: 0.6rem 1rem;
--default-badge-border-radius: 16px;
.badge {
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: var(--badge-padding, var(--default-badge-padding));
border-radius: var(--badge-border-radius, var(--default-badge-border-radius));
background: var(--badge-color, var(--default-badge-color));
color: var(--badge-text-color, var(--default-badge-text-color));
font-size: var(--badge-font-size, var(--default-badge-font-size));
text-align: center;
Do I have the wrong approach for the syntax?
EDIT: I corrected to padding: var(--badge-padding, var(--default-badge-padding)). But the CSS properties are still not found except I define them inside .badge.
It doesn't really make sense to scope :root, which is intended to select the root of the document with higher specificity than the html selector. That would be like scoping a style for <body>.
Perhaps you're hoping :root was a selector for the current component's root element (like :host is for Shadow DOM), but there's no such pseudo-class in Vue. An alternative is to apply your own class to the component's root element, and use that as a selector:
<template> 👇
<div class="my-root">
<div class="badge">...</div>
<style scoped>
.my-root {
/* CSS custom properties */
.badge {
/* styles using the CSS custom properties above */
On the other hand, if you really are trying to add CSS custom properties to the document root from within <style scoped>, you can use the :global() pseudo-class function on :root:
<style scoped>
:global(:root) {
/* CSS custom properties */
.badge {
/* styles using the CSS custom properties above */
demo 1
Or a separate global <style> block just for :root:
:root {
/* CSS custom properties */
<style scoped>
.badge {
/* styles using the CSS custom properties above */
demo 2

How to use vue js scoped style

I am using vue js's ELEMENT UI. And i want to override its style. I can do it with global style. But scoped style doesnt work. When i used global style it changes my all pages design. but i want to do it just for one page.
Here is my style(global style. and this is working):
content: "Back" !important;
but when i used scoped it doesnt work:
<style scoped>
content: "Back" !important;
Is there any idea about this?
The scoped keyword means that this the changes to the style will apply only to the elements in the current scope. Meaning all custom made elements in the page. If you want to access elements "created" somewhere else you will have to skip the scoped keyword. The code that is in the scoped tag will apply only for the current page/view else it will apply for all pages/views.
All not scoped elements usually are style in the App.vue file. If you want to apply style of element that is not scoped just wrap it in a div add the class to it and style it in the scoped tag:
<style scoped>
content: "Back" !important;
Atleast that is working with me.
You must use custom class:
smthng goes here...
This is achievable with Deep selectors
For your use case:
<style scoped>
.parent-div /deep/ .el-icon-close:before{
content: "Back" !important;

Unable to apply simple CSS to an angular Materials element

Here's the Stackblitz.
I'm trying to apply the CSS color: blue to the div with class mat-button-toggle-label-content, but its not getting applied.
A similar CSS is getting successfully applied to a parent element called mat-button-toggle-group.
Just apply color to mat-button-toggle and keep it inside mat-button-toggle-group
Working stackblitz
mat-button-toggle-group {
background-color: orange;
mat-button-toggle {
color: blue;
You can apply the style to .mat-button-toggle-label-content but you need to break Encapsulation.
Component styles are encapsulated. You can't access component's styles(classes, ids) from outside of the component. You need to pierce into that component and inject the styles like below
Note: /deep/ is deprecated and no more recommended. So you can go with above approach. And for more details check Component Styles
mat-button-toggle-group {
background-color: orange;
/deep/ .mat-button-toggle-label-content {
color: blue;
There are many reason for that !
Your CSS may not be inserted properly into code
The order of material design CSS take over the order of CSS
My solution is that you may need to put !important after color: blue;
it is : color: blue !important;
Just move it to styles.scss and it will work Stackblitz.

Not CSS selectors

Is there some kind of "not" CSS selector?
For example when I write the following line in my CSS, all input fields inside an tag with class classname will have a red background.
.classname input {
background: red;
How do I select all input fields that are OUTSIDE of a tag with class classname?
With current browser CSS support, you can't.
Newer browsers now support it- see Sam's answer for more info.
(See other answers for the alternatives in CSS.)
If doing it in JavaScript/jQuery is acceptable, you can do:
Mozilla supports negation pseudo-class:
:not(.classname) input {background: red;}
See also: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/Mozilla_CSS_support_chart
Note that the negation pseudo class is in the Selectors Level 3 Recommendation and works in recent versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari (at least). Sample code below.
<title>Negation pseudo class</title>
<style type="text/css">
div {
border: 1px solid green;
height: 10px;
div:not(#foo) {
border: 1px solid red;
<div id="foo"></div>
<div id="bar"></div>
<div id="foobar"></div>
Wouldn't you do that by setting the 'global' background to red, then using the classname to alter the others?
input { background: red; }
.classname input { background: white; }
I would do this
input { /* styles outside of .classname */ }
.classname input { /* styles inside of .classname, overriding above */ }
There is no way to select the parent of matched elements with CSS. You would have to use JavaScript to select them.
From your question I assume you have markup that looks more or less like this:
<form class="formclassname">
<div class="classname">
<input /> <!-- Your rule matches this -->
<input /> <!-- Your rule matches this -->
<input /> <!-- You want to select this? -->
<input /> <!-- You want to select this? -->
One option is to add a class to a higher element, say the <form>, and write a rule to style all of the inputs of the form. I.E:
.formclassname input {
/* Some properties here... */
.formclassname > input {
/* Some properties here... */
If you want to select them based on the fact that they are not inside of an element with a specific class, you're out of luck without the use of JavaScript.
I think the closest you can get is to only affect direct descendants with a declaration
This code for example will only affect input fields directly under divs with class "maincontent"
div.maincontent > input {
// do something
Inputs are a bit annoying because, unlike most other html elements, there isn't necessarily a way of resetting all the css properties back to their default value.
If the styling is non-critical (ie a nice to have but doesn't affect functionality) I would use jQuery to get an array of all the inputs, check their parents, and then only carry out the styling on those outside that div. Something like:
$('input').each(function() {
if($(this).closest('.classname') == false)
// apply css styles
(By the way, I'm no jQuery expert, so there might be some errors in the above, but in principle something like this should work)
