How to shorten code for "visRemoveNodes" using loop in rstudio - r

I have constructed multiple protein - protein networks for diseases in shiny app and I ploted them using visnetwork. I found the articulation points for each network and I want to remove them.
My code for a disease looks like this:
output$plot54 <- renderVisNetwork({
alsex <- as.matrix(alsex)
sel1 <- alsex[,1]
sel2 <- alsex[,2]
n10 <- unique(c(sel1,sel2))
n10 <-
colnames(n10) <- "id"
ed10 <-
colnames(ed10) <- c("from", "to", "width")
g <- graph_from_data_frame(ed10)
nodes4 <- data.frame(n10, color = ifelse(n10$id=="CLEC4E"|n10$id=="ACE2"|n10$id=="MYO7A"|n10$id=="HSPB4"
visNetwork(nodes4, ed10, main = "Articulation Points") %>%
visNodes (color = list(highlight = "pink"))%>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled = T, hover = T),
nodesIdSelection = T)%>%
visInteraction(keyboard = TRUE)
visNetworkProxy("plot54") %>%
visRemoveNodes(id="CLEC4E")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "CLEC4E")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="ACE2")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "ACE2")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="MYO7A")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "MYO7A")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="HSPB4")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "HSPB4")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="EXOSC3")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "EXOSC3")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="RBM45")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "RBM45")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="SPAST")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "SPAST")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="ALMS1")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "ALMS1")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="PIGQ")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "PIGQ")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="CDC27")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "CDC27")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="GFM1")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "GFM1")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="UTRN")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "UTRN")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="RAB7B")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "RAB7B")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="GSN")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "GSN")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="VAPA")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "VAPA")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="GLE1")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "GLE1")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="FA2H")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "FA2H")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="HSPA4")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "HSPA4")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="SNCA")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "SNCA")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="RAB5A")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "RAB5A")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="SETX")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "SETX")
g <- graph_from_data_frame(ed10)
I found the articulation points, and I marked them with red color using ifelse as you can see in nodes4 vector.
My questions:
How to shorten my code in ifelse using loop, so I don't have to write the articullation points one by one manually.
How to shorten my code in visRemoveNodes and visRemoveEdges using loop, so I don't have to write them one by one manually as well.
Crossed posted at:

The answer for the second question is:
l <- c("CLEC4E","ACE2", "MYO7A", "HSPB4", "EXOSC3", "RBM45","SPAST","ALMS1",
"RAB7B", "GSN", "VAPA", "GLE1","FA2H","HSPA4",
"SNCA","RAB5A","SETX") #we put all genes that we want to delete in a vector
for (i in l){
visRemoveNodes(id= i)%>%visRemoveEdges(id = i)


Dataframe issue when double clicking on VisNetwork node to run a function

I have a network diagram with a fairly large amount of nodes (~600), each node having some data, including an ID and its name.
I want to be able to run a very simple function when double-clicking on a specific node.
For that purpose, I have followed the instructions from this thread.
Using the code provided:
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
getDiagramPlot <- function(nodes, edges){
v <- visNetwork(
) %>%
visPhysics(stabilization = TRUE, enabled = TRUE) %>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled = T, degree = 1, hover = F), autoResize = TRUE, collapse = FALSE) %>%
visEdges(color = list(highlight = "red")) %>% # The colour of the edge linking nodes
visLayout(improvedLayout = TRUE) %>%
visEdges(arrows = edges$arrows) %>%
visInteraction(multiselect = F) %>%
visEvents(doubleClick = "function(nodes) {
Shiny.onInputChange('current_node_id', nodes.nodes);
testFunction <- function(node_id){
print(paste("The selected node ID is:", node_id))
nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:3, label = 1:3)
edges <- data.frame(from = c(1,2), to = c(1,3))
output$network <- renderVisNetwork(
getDiagramPlot(nodes, edges)
shinyApp(ui, server)
The codes works well but when I replace the simple nodes and edges dataframe provided as example by my data (much larger network) then the code doesn't work anymore (nothing gets printed in the console when I double-click on any nodes).
Would anyone know why the code is not running with my data ?
Here is the adjustments that should be done to the code below:
# nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:3, label = 1:3)
# edges <- data.frame(from = c(1,2), to = c(1,3))
Best wishes,
I have tried:
adding more columns to the example nodes/edges (group, value, color, etc.) and the codes still runs well.
restricting my larger nodes/edges dataframes respectively to the "id", "label" and "from", "to" columns (same as example data) but the codes still fails.
I wonder whether the problem comes from the size of the dataframe.

Error in m == q : R comparison (1) is possible only for atomic and list types

The whole function which i need to convert the for loop in to apply for optimization
plans_achievements <- function(pa_m,pa_q){
if(nrow(pa_m)==0 & nrow(pa_q==0)){
df = data.frame(a = c(""), b = c("No Data Available"))
pa_m= pa_m%>% select(inc,month_year,Plans,Achievements,quarter_year)
colnames(pa_mon)[2] = "Period"
pa_q= pa_q%>% select(inc,quarter_year,Plans,Achievements)
colnames(pa_qtr)[2] = "Period"
df = data.frame(inc=c(""),Period=c(""),Plans=c(""),Achievements=c(""))
for (q in unique(pa_q$Period)){
df1 = pa_q[pa_q$Period==q,]
df1$Period = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Period,"</span>")
df1$Plans = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Plans,"</span>")
df1$Achievements = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Achievements,"</span>")
df = rbind(df,df1)
for (m in unique(pa_m$quarter_year)){
df2 = pa_m[pa_m$quarter_year==q,][-5]
df = rbind(df,df2)
df = df[-1,]
The apply which i tried
my_fun <- function(q){
df1 = pa_qtr[pa_qtr$Period==q,]
df1$Period = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Period,"</span>")
df1$Plans = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Plans,"</span>")
df1$Achievements = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">",df1$Achievements,"</span>")
df = rbind(df,df1)
df =,lapply(unique(pa_qtr$Period), my_fun))
my_fun2 <- function(m,my_fun){
if (m == q) {
df2 = pa_mon[pa_mon$qtr_yr == q, ][-5]
df = rbind(df,df2)
df =,lapply(unique(pa_mon$qtr_yr), my_fun2))
DT::datatable(plans_achievements(pa_m[pa_m$inc=="vate",],pa_q[pa_q$inc=="vate",]), rownames = F,escape = FALSE,selection=list(mode="single",target="row"),options = list(pageLength = 50,scrollX = TRUE,dom = 'tp',ordering=F,columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=c(0)),list(className = 'dt-left', targets = '_all'))))
Why you get the error comparison is possible only for atomic and list types
I will answer your original question first:
You get the error because you haven't defined q as a variable inside the function my_fun2. Since you haven't defined this variable, R will look for it in the global environment. There R will find the function q() (used to quit R). So you get the error message comparison (1) is possible only for atomic and list types because R thinks you are trying to compare a number m with the function q.
Here is a small example to make it easy to see:
# Run this in a clean environment
m <- 1
m == b # Understandable error message - "b" is not found
m == q # Your error - because R thinks you are comparing m to a function
You fix this error by making sure that q is defined inside your function. Either by creating it inside the function, or by supplying it as an input argument.
A possible solution for your problem
As I understand your code, you want to format, merge and sort the values in pa_q and pa_m, to display them in a html table.
Under is a possible solution, using tidyverse and vectorized operations, rather than a loop or apply functions. Vectorized functions are typically your fastest option in R, as I know you want to optimize your code.
plans_achievements <- function(pa_m, pa_q) {
# I've modified the logic a bit: there is no need to wrap the full function in
# an else statement, since we can return early if the data has no rows
if (nrow(pa_m) == 0 && nrow(pa_q == 0)) {
df = data.frame(a = c(""), b = c("No Data Available"))
colnames(df) = ""
pa_q <-
pa_q %>%
# Select and rename the columns vi need
select(inc, Period = quarter_year, Plans, Achievements, date) %>%
# Format the values
Period = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">", Period,"</span>"),
Plans = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">", Plans,"</span>"),
Achievements = paste0("<span style=\"color:#288D55\">", Achievements,"</span>")
pa_m <-
pa_m %>%
# Select and rename the columns we need
select(inc, Period = month_year, Plans, Achievements, date) #%>%
# Combine the datasets
) %>%
# Make sure that R understand date as a date value
date = lubridate::dmy(date)
) %>%
# Sort by date
arrange(desc(date)) %>%
# Remove columns we do not need
select(-date, -inc)
rownames = FALSE,
escape = FALSE,
selection = list(mode = "single", target = "row"),
options = list(
pageLength = 50,
scrollX = TRUE,
dom = 'tp',
ordering = FALSE,
columnDefs = list(
list(className = 'dt-left', targets = '_all')
Hopefully this solves your problem.

The labels for my Sankey diagram (R, Plotly) do not show properly on the online version of my Shiny dashboard, but behave correctly locally

So I'm working on a Shiny dashboard, which I deployed on an AWS EC2 instance. It behaves exactly the same both locally and online save for one detail: the labels on the right hand side do not behave properly!
Here is the online version of the Plotly Sankey diagram in question:
Here is what I see locally when I run the app through RStudio.
There's absolutely no difference among any files. I don't see why the rendering of the labels should differ on both versions, but anyway, here's the relevant part of the code inside server.R:
# gender_sankey
nodes <- c('Hombres', 'Mujeres', unique(gender_df$UltimoGradoEstudios))
nodes <- nodes[c(1,2,4,3,5,7,12,10,8,6,11,9)]
gender_df$count <- 1
hom_stud <- aggregate(count ~ UltimoGradoEstudios, FUN = sum,
data = gender_df[gender_df$hom == 1,])
muj_stud <- aggregate(count ~ UltimoGradoEstudios, FUN = sum,
data = gender_df[gender_df$muj == 1,])
# Setting the sources and targets
hom_stud$src <- 0
muj_stud$src <- 1
hom_stud$tgt <- c(2,4,3,11,5,8,6,9,7)
muj_stud$tgt <- c(2,4,3,11,5,8,10,6,9,7)
# Setting the positions for the nodes
node_x <- c(0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
node_y <- c(0,1,-10:-1) # NOTE: Probably one of the fishy parts (2/2)
colors <- c('#C7FFA9','#E4A9FF','#2424FF','#2477FF','#248EFF','#249FFF',
# NOTE: Probably one of the fishy parts (1/2)
# Button to select/de-select all
if (input$selectall_sankey > 0) {
if (input$selectall_sankey %% 2 == 0){
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session = session,
inputId = "schoolSelect",
choices = list("Doctorado" = 'Doctorado',
"Maestría" = 'Maestría',
"Licenciatura" = 'Licenciatura',
"Pasante/Licenciatura trunca" = 'Pasante/Licenciatura trunca',
"Profesor Normalista" = 'Profesor Normalista',
"Técnico" = "Técnico",
"Preparatoria" = "Preparatoria",
"Secundaria" = 'Secundaria',
"Primaria" = "Primaria",
"No disponible" = 'No disponible'
selected = c(choices = list("Doctorado" = 'Doctorado',
"Maestría" = 'Maestría',
"Licenciatura" = 'Licenciatura',
"Pasante/Licenciatura trunca" = 'Pasante/Licenciatura trunca',
"Profesor Normalista" = 'Profesor Normalista',
"Técnico" = "Técnico",
"Preparatoria" = "Preparatoria",
"Secundaria" = 'Secundaria',
"Primaria" = "Primaria",
"No disponible" = 'No disponible'
} else {
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session = session,
inputId = "schoolSelect",
choices = list("Doctorado" = 'Doctorado',
"Maestría" = 'Maestría',
"Licenciatura" = 'Licenciatura',
"Pasante/Licenciatura trunca" = 'Pasante/Licenciatura trunca',
"Profesor Normalista" = 'Profesor Normalista',
"Técnico" = "Técnico",
"Preparatoria" = "Preparatoria",
"Secundaria" = 'Secundaria',
"Primaria" = "Primaria",
"No disponible" = 'No disponible'
selected = c())
# Plot
output$gender_sankey <- renderPlotly({
hom_stud <- hom_stud[hom_stud$UltimoGradoEstudios %in% input$schoolSelect,]
muj_stud <- muj_stud[muj_stud$UltimoGradoEstudios %in% input$schoolSelect,]
node_x <- c(node_x[hom_stud$UltimoGradoEstudios %in% input$schoolSelect])
node_y <- c(node_y[hom_stud$UltimoGradoEstudios %in% input$schoolSelect])
colors <- c(colors[hom_stud$UltimoGradoEstudios %in% input$schoolSelect])
fig <- plot_ly(
type = "sankey",
orientation = "h",
arrangement = 'snap',
node = list(
label = nodes,
color = colors,
x = node_x,
y = node_y,
pad = 15,
thickness = 20,
line = list(
color = "black",
width = 0.5
link = list(
source = c(hom_stud$src, muj_stud$src),
target = c(hom_stud$tgt, muj_stud$tgt),
value = c(hom_stud$count, muj_stud$count)
fig <- fig %>% layout(
font = list(
size = 10
) %>% config(modeBarButtons = list(list('toImage'), list('resetScale2d')), displaylogo = F)
Packages used: shiny, shinydashboard, shinythemes and plotly (same versions both locally and on server). dplyr, magrittr, and ggplot2 are on the same version as well.
R version in my computer is 4.0.2, R version in the server is 3.6.3
It's not the cleanest implementation, specially on the button part, but it works perfectly locally! Note that I marked the sketchy practices I used, and where the problem could lie. Basically the default node order wasn't cutting it because the position on the right hand side itself contains information (Doctorado > Maestría > Licenciatura> ...), so I kind of forced a different order for the nodes through node_x and node_y. The thing is, the implementation works locally! What could be the reason for it not to work online?

Setting subgraph/cluster attributes in Rgraphviz

I want to plot a graph via Rgraphviz but I can't handle the design attributes of the clusters that I set.
There are similar questions already on SO and elsewhere but none has a real minimal working example and none of them is answered. So I want to try to ask a complete question to receive a complete answer. As an introduction to the package, I read the paper "How To Plot A Graph Using Rgraphviz" by Gentry, Gentleman, and Huber.
My example network:
V <- letters[1:6]
M <- 1:4
g1 <- randomGraph(V, M, 0.2)
If I want to plot it, I can easily give it some attributes via a list:
attributes <- list(node = list(shape = "rectangle", fixedsize = FALSE),
graph = list(layout = "dot", bgcolor = "transparent"))
plot(g1, attrs = attributes )
Plotting it via plot(g1) gives the following result:
Now I want to define two clusters/subgraphs. This can be done this way:
sg1= subGraph(c("a", "e", "f"), g1)
sg2= subGraph(c("b", "c", "d"), g1)
subGList <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
subGList[[1]] <- list(graph = sg1, cluster = TRUE)
subGList[[2]] <- list(graph = sg2, cluster = TRUE)
Plotting the graph again now including a subGlist argument:
plot(g1, attrs = attributes , subGList = subGList)
So, obviously, there has been a change in the setting and even though it would be convenient having the clusters a little bit more separated, the result is ok.
Now if I want to define cluster-specific styles or try to have them framed, I start having problems. According to page 4 of the mentioned introductory paper one can simply add an element called attrs to the sublists of subGlist.
To my understanding, it should work this way:
subGList[[1]] <- list(graph = sg1,
cluster = TRUE,
attrs = c(fontcolor = "red"))
plot(g1, attrs = attrs, subGList = subGList)
Unfortunately, it doesn't. As mentioned, I would like to frame my clusters (similar to this SO post) but as I can't even handle the fontcolors of the clusters, I think I make a somehow more fundamental mistake.
My complete code:
V <- letters[1:6]
M <- 1:4
g1 <- randomGraph(V, M, 0.2)
attributes <- list(node = list(shape = "rectangle", fixedsize = FALSE),
graph = list(layout = "dot", bgcolor = "transparent"))
#plot(g1, attrs = attributes )
sg1= subGraph(c("a", "e", "f"), g1)
sg2= subGraph(c("b", "c", "d"), g1)
subGList <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
subGList[[1]] <- list(graph = sg1, cluster = TRUE)
subGList[[2]] <- list(graph = sg2, cluster = TRUE)
#plot(g1, attrs = attributes , subGList = subGList)
subGList[[1]] <- list(graph = sg1,
cluster = TRUE,
attrs = c(fontcolor = "red"))
plot(g1, attrs = attrs, subGList = subGList)
I hope someone can help! Thank you

plotly Sankey diagram: Can I make 4 or more links between two nodes?

I created a Sankey diagram using the plotly package.
Please look at below example. I tried to make five streams, 1_6_7, 2_6_7, and so on. But two of five links between 6 and 7 disappeared. As far as I see, plotly allows to make only three or less links between two nodes.
Can I remove this restrictions ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is an example code and the outputs:
d <- expand.grid(1:5, 6, 7)
node_label <- 1:max(d)
node_colour <- scales::alpha(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7, "Set2"), 0.8)
link_source_nodeind <- c(d[,1], d[,2]) - 1
link_target_nodeind <- c(d[,2], d[,3]) - 1
link_value <- rep(100, nrow(d) * 2)
link_label <- rep(paste(d[,1], d[,2], d[,3], sep = "_"), 2)
link_colour <- rep(scales::alpha(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5, "Set2"), 0.2), 2)
p <- plotly::plot_ly(type = "sankey",
domain = c(x = c(0,1), y = c(0,1)),
orientation = "h",
node = list(label = node_label,
color = node_colour),
link = list(source = link_source_nodeind,
target = link_target_nodeind,
value = link_value,
label = link_label,
color = link_colour))
