I was able to advertise the BLE and setup GATT Services and Characteristics by following the "example_advertisement" and "example-gatt-server" in Bluez Examples. How can I know from DBUS when a BLE client is connected and when it is disconnected, using similar DBUS binding for Python? Which DBUS API do I look into?
There is another example that you can look at: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/test/test-discovery
When BlueZ/DBus learns of a new remote device, then the InterfacesAdded signal gets sent.
When a remote device goes from disconnected, to connected. Then that is a property change on the device and the PropertiesChanged signal gets sent.
This is why there is the code in the above example they use add_signal_receiver to add callbacks for both signals.
dbus_interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager",
signal_name = "InterfacesAdded")
dbus_interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
signal_name = "PropertiesChanged",
arg0 = "org.bluez.Device1",
path_keyword = "path")
As a side note, the DBus bindings used in the Buez examples are not the only ones available:
I am working with BLE devices. and using nrf controller with bluez 5.4 code.
I am customizing gatttool source code so that multiple devices can connect and disconnect.
My focus part for now is how to disconnect ble device using gatttool apis.
I had found one solution in code that we can use:
These 2 APIs are use to disconnect ble device.
I am using nrf connect application in my mobile to connect generate dummy ble device so that I can perform operations.
When I use this for disconnecting device any other formalities are needed in between or only these APIs are ok?
I am not able to disconnect using these APIs.Some time it is give effect and some time it is not working.
If any one have idea abut this please respond.
Thanks in advance.
Do you mean Bluez 5.4 or Bluez 5.40? Either way, they are quite old releases.
gatttool is one of the BlueZ tools that has been deprecated in BlueZ.
Ideally you would be using the BlueZ DBus API to interact with BlueZ.
Not sure if you are creating a GATT Server (peripheral device) or GATT client (Central Device) but there are examples of both in the BlueZ source:
These examples are in Python, but most languages have DBus libraries to help access the API which are documented at:
I have created a BLE peripheral that exposes a GATT service. It uses BlueZ 5.50, but it seems that only one device can connect to the GATT service. When the device is connected, then other devices can't see it anymore. It's not showing up in a scan anymore and if it was already scanned, then I can't connect to it anymore.
It seems to be a limitation or configuration issue in BlueZ, because when using the Paypal GATT library it can handle multiple connections. As far as I know, the RPi3 BLE chip should be able to handle up to 10 connections.
Does anyone know if this can be done using BlueZ?
The Paypal GATT library directly connects to the HCI device and bypasses most of the kernel stuff. BlueZ depends on kernel drivers and user-space applications and is capable if the driver reports that the controller allows multiple connections. You need a decent BLE controller and a recent kernel to make it work.
More information can be found in https://github.com/bluez/bluez/issues/12.
I am trying to read ECG real-time data from a movesense sensor by using another generic BT-LE module.
GATT characteristics can be used for Heart Rate (read or notify) or other predefined services : we simply send a raw command to an endpoint, for example a 0x0100 (START_NOTIFY) on the corresponding UUID for a heart rate notification streaming.
The problem is that with a micro controller and a BT LE module we can not use any of the C, Java, React... libraries since all of the underlying code is not open source ( the movesense device-lib and community-lib do define how to use and program the services, but we can not discover what to send on one of the 2 other services that are defined, the UART service or the Unknown Service, which are probably used by the movesense library to send all of the URL requests).
As a footnote, we access our generic BT-LE module with AT UART commands to communicate to the movesense platform.
Thanks for any help or guidance,
Have you looked https://bitbucket.org/suunto/movesense-device-lib/src/master/samples/ble_std_services/CustomBleController.cpp
void CustomBleController::OnUartData(uint8_t * p_data, uint16_t length)
for receiving and
send_ble_nus_data(buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
to send using NUS (Nordic UART service).
It is possible to do your own GATT service on Movesense sensor (since v. 1.6.0) using the CustomGATTService module. Please look into latest movesense-device-lib and the sample "custom_gattsvc_app" (and with 2.0, the "gatt_sensordata_app")
Full Disclaimer: I work for the Movesense team
Im running Qt on ubuntu. I want to write a simple program that recieves a line from android device(this device already has a program to connect and send info) over Bluetooth. How do i start a bluetooth server in QT? I tried to find examples, but all of them act like a client that looks for connection. My program should wait for connection and once it gets a connection, it waits for incoming messages and reads them.
The Bluetooth API provides connectivity between Bluetooth enabled devices.
You can find Bluetooth examples in Qt website here, also see some Bluetooth examples in Qt Creator examples.
Bluetooth chat example and Bluetooth file transfer example is works for you.
The Bluetooth chat example may be used with various Bluetooth terminal applications. For example you could compile the Qt BT chat example on your computer and connect to it from your cell phone running a Bluetooth Terminal application.
In order to do that all that is needed is to change the UUID values as described here and here. That is, in the chatserver.cpp file of the example one needs to change:
static const QLatin1String serviceUuid("e8e10f95-1a70-4b27-9ccf-02010264e9c8");
static const QLatin1String serviceUuid("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
You may also want to do the same thing in the chat.cpp if you are planning on using the client mode as well (in this case make sure to change the reversed UUID also, as described in this bug).
I'm trying to connect a D-Bus signal to a Qt slot. For example, I'm interested to catch the CallAdded signal:
I did the folloging:
QDBusConnection::systemBus().connect(OFONO_SERVICE, m_modem.path(), OFONO_VOICECALLMANAGER_INTERFACE, "CallAdded", this, SLOT(callAdded(QString,QMap<QString,QVariant>)));
OFONO_SERVICE = "org.ofono"
m_modem.path() = /hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_xx_xx_x_xx_xx_xx
but nothing happens when I make or receive a call. Of course I'm connected and I've enabled and set online the modem.
Perhaps my "translated" signature is wrong?