Proper permission for Cloud Build to deploy to Firebase? - firebase

Permissions recommended for the Cloud Build service account in the official Google documentation and the Firebase CLI community builder docs are insufficient:
In the permissions table, locate the email ending with, and click on the pencil icon.
Add Cloud Build Service Account, Firebase Admin and API Keys Admin roles.
I still get the following error in Cloud Build when I do firebase deploy:
Error: HTTP Error: 403, The caller does not have permission
What I've tried is different Firebase IAM roles, Editor, and Owner. So far only the Owner role works. That is way too much privilege for a Cloud Build service account, and violates the least-privilege model.
Everything is in the same Google Cloud project.
Anyone know how to troubleshoot this? Or know which role/permission is missing?

For our project (which uses Firestore, Functions, Hosting, and Storage extensively) here is the list we came up with. Critically I wanted to avoid "Firebase Admin" because I did not want this service account to have access to read/write my Firestore data:
Artifact Registry Administrator
Cloud Build Service Account
Cloud Datastore Index Admin
Cloud Functions Admin
Cloud RuntimeConfig Admin
Cloud Scheduler Admin
Firebase Hosting Admin
Firebase Rules Admin
Pub/Sub Admin
Service Account User

tl;dr seems like it was "an accidental permission expansion" that has been corrected.
I am able restrict the roles to:
Cloud Build Service Account
Firebase Admin
API Keys Admin


firebase blaze firestore role

I have a blaze account on firestore. I'm trying to create a new firestore database and get this message:
"To manage Cloud Firestore, ask a project owner for the necessary permissions"
My roles:
Cloud Storage for Firebase Admin,
Firebase Admin
Firebase Analytics Admin
Firebase Develop Admin
Firebase Rules System
What else should I have?
I'm attaching to 2 images:
firestore page
IAM - my roles
Thank you,
The roles you've listed give you read/write access to the various Firebase services, but not the ability to add and remove them entirely from a project - that permission comes from Google Cloud itself.
The basic IAM roles define an Owner role that contains the needed permissions, but this is probably not what you are looking for.
At a more fine-tuned level, you should be able to use roles/datastore.owner to grant the ability to provision a Firestore database (Firestore is a layer on top of Datastore). That should be all you would need, but you might also need to consider roles/appengine.appAdmin too.
Relevant links:
Datastore IAM permissions
Firebase documentation on IAM permissions.
As documented here, you need the follow role:
Firebase Develop Admin - roles/firebase.developAdmin

Previous GCP service account being used when deploying Firebase Functions despite passing updated service account info to admin.initializeApp

I am switching my Firebase functions from one Firebase account to another.
I have rerun firebase init.
I have added the new service account configs to the project and am passing it to admin.initializeApp. I have logged into GCP via my CLI and have run firebase login:ci as well.
Despite all this, whenever I try to run firebase deploy, I am met with the error:
Missing permissions required for functions deploy. You must have permission iam.serviceAccounts.ActAs on service account
Any idea what's going on here?
This doesn't have anything to do with the service account you use to initialize the Firebase Admin SDK. The error has to do with the lack of permission of the Google Account that you used to sign in with the Firebase CLI. It doesn't have permission to deploy to Cloud Functions. You should either sign out then sign back in with an account that has permission (typically "editor" role), or add the appropriate permission to the account that you want to use.
If you're migrating to a new Firebase project / account, you must delete the project's existing .firebaserc and firebase.json files before running firebase init - this will ensure that you're using the updated project configs.

Firebase hosting deploy with serviceaccount fails with 403

I'm trying to deploy a Firebase hosted project with a Service Account (that I created myself, not one provided by Google/Firebase as default) via a pipeline (Gitlab, but that shouldn't matter for this issue).
When I run the following command locally (same happens in the pipeline):
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/serviceaccount.json" firebase deploy --only hosting
I'm getting the following error:
=== Deploying to 'my-firebase-project'...
i deploying hosting
Error: HTTP Error: 403, The caller does not have permission
The --debug does not provide any more details, other than the 403. I've set the following roles to the serviceaccount:
Firebase Hosting Admin
Firebase Rules Admin
API keys viewer
Deploying the rules (using --only firestore) works without issues. I've read the documentation about the roles of Firebase hosting, but assigning these don't work either.
Does anyone know which roles I'm missing?
Note: a service account is used here to do a deployment, so any firebase login / firebase logout actions won't have any effect. See Login to firebase using gcloud service account for details.
With the help of Firebase support, I was pointed to the Deploying to Firebase page, which provides an enumeration of all required roles. To sum it up here:
Cloud Build Service Account
Firebase Admin
API Keys Admin
I was missing the first one, which resulted in this error. Hope that this'll help others as well!
You have to add the role at the cluster level using oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:myproject:default

Firebase Service Account for Firestore and Remote Config

I have created/forked a lil Google Apps Script Library to manage Firebase Firestore and Firebase Remote Config called FirebaseGoogleAppsScript. The goal is to simply manage the contents of your collections in an apps script as well as update your remote config.
My issue is I can't get the a service account to do both.
Firebase creates two service accounts upon creating a project:
The first is listed in the Firebase Console -> Project Settings -> Service Accounts. This one I use within my cloud functions to retrieve the Remote Config just fine. However in the Apps Script Project it is unable to retrieve any data from firestore. I tried adding all kinds of roles including Owner and Editor yet no firestore data, but I still can get the RemoteConfig.
The second is only visible in the GCP service accounts and has the title: Firebase Admin SDK Service Agent with the roles Firebase Admin SDK Administrator Service Agent and Service Account Token Creator. This one is able to retrieve all the data from firestore within an Apps Script Project. However in the apps script project I can't get it to retrieve the RemoteConfig even if I add the role Firebase Remote Config Admin.
I have also made my own service account which was able to get the Remote config and just about everything else from Firebase except the Firestore data. Seems only the one service account created by Firebase is able to get any data.
To recreate the issue simply deploy my lil FirebaseGoogleAppsScript project and associate it to the same GCP project Firebase is connected to. There is a test file in it which can recreate the issue assuming you have some data in RemoteConfig and a collection called posts with some docs.
What the heck is going on here? Why can't I make a service account who can access Firestore and RemoteConfig? Any ideas on what to do to create a proper role to do both? Do I really have to use two separate service accounts?

Does firebase login:ci have access to all my projects?

I am using the firebase login:ci token for CI/CD. But there is not enough documentation regarding the token.
Does it have access to all my firebase projects where my account has access or only the current active project?
Where can I see a list of all tokens and their activity?
The solution I am going for is creating a throwaway email and adding that to the project I want to deploy. Is this ok?
When you run firebase login:ci you get prompted to log in with a Firebase account. After picking your account, you get a dialog that shows the permissions you're granting. This contains:
This will allow Firebase CLI to:
View and administer all your Firebase data and settings
So if you click Allow in that dialog, the Firebase CLI will have access to all Firebase projects that the account has access to. The generated token does (as far as I know) have access to the same scope.
