Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) & RARP in netwrokig [closed] - networking

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Closed 2 years ago.
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ARP and RARP are the main Protocol uses in Link Layer. To do the ARP request, a device requires IP and MAC address pair for broadcasting. So my question is ARP doing the mapping the IP to MAC by referring the data
and operates using the LAN.
So RARP is the reverse algorithm of that like mapping logical address to physical address in caches in Computer Systems.
I hope a good answer from the community.

There are dozens of protocols that use the data-link layer the same way ARP does, including IPv4, IPv6, etc. See IEEE 802 Numbers for a list of protocols that use the data-link layer.
For protocols in the data-link layer, there are/were many. For example, token ring, ARCNET, FDDI, frame relay, HDLC, ATM, PPP, etc. Ethernet used to be the king, but Wi-Fi has dethroned it since there are more devices shipping with Wi-Fi interfaces than devices with ethernet interfaces.


Are TCP/IP and UDP the only protocols supported by the Internet? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Are TCP and UDP the only protocols supported by the Internet? If they are, do other networking protocols that are not meant to be used with common hardware exist?
No, not at all. The Internet is routed at the network layer, which is IP.
The problem is that NAPT that is used for IPv4 because we have run out of those addresses only supports TCP, UDP, and ICMP. IPv6 restores the IP end-to-end paradigm and you can use any transport protocol because the Internet only cares about IP, not any protocols above that.

Discovering an embedded device's IP address [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am working on a small embedded device based upon an STM32F4xx MCU. It implements a TCP/IP server over a Wi-Fi connection. The question I have relates to exposing the IP address of the device so that it may be discovered by computers on the same network. UPnP and SSDP seem to be rather "heavy" solutions to this problem.
Are there other techniques/protocols that have a smaller footprint than UPnP and SSDP?
Thanks in advance for your input,
If you can make up any custom protocol, a simple UDP beacon periodically sent to the broadcast address ( or your preferred interface's broadcast address) is simple and reliable.
Synopsis of comments:
For listing in mainstream platforms' (Windows, Linux, OS X) network views, the best option would likely be to implement the full stack required for Windows' Network Discovery.
If hostname lookup is enough, Netbios or mDNS could be enough.
The search term you are likely looking for is zero-configuration networking and should give you all the available options

Why do we need Address Resolution Protocol? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I understand the mechanism of ARP but I am wondering why do we use it even if we have the recipient's IP address? Isn't it enough to rely on the recipient's IP address to send packets instead of taking extra steps of finding its matching MAC address?
Thank you.
An IP address is a layer-3 address. Layer-3 packets get encapsulated into layer-2 frames, and layer-2 also has addressing (MAC addresses) which needs to be supplied. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) resolves the layer-3 IP address to a layer-2 MAC address so that the layer-3 packet can be encapsulated into a layer-2 frame which is then sent out the layer-1 interface.

why does wireless access point operates on link layer [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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It's said in text book that, switches are unable to connect heterogeneous networks (networks with different link layer technology).
However, wireless access point do connects different networks (wireless and wired). Why people say it's a link layer device?
Technically most access points are a bridge. Bridges also operate at the Data-Link layer. A switch is simply a multiport bridge.
They are Data-link layer devices because they use the layer 2 (Data-link) addresses to determine where to forward frames (layer 2 data is called frame, layer 3 data is called packets). More specifically they use the data-link layer address (MAC address for Ethernet) to determine which port the frame should be forwarded.
Any device that operates at one layer also operate at all lower levels. Therefore they can convert from one layer 1 protocol (Ethernet) to another (Wireless).

Router vs Switch (Network Address Translation) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I understand that a router uses NAT to translate the public IP we get from the ISP to say 300 local IPs. Does a switch perform the same function? If not, how's it different?
No, a switch cannot perform NAT and translate public(s) IP addresses into private addresses.
A switch is a network device that filters and forwards packets between LAN segments. Switches operate at the data link layer (layer 2). So, they are not aware of IP addresses which are network layer (layer 3). A switch keeps a record of the MAC addresses of all the devices connected to it. With this information, a switch can identify which system is sitting on which port. So when a frame is received, it knows exactly which port to send it to, without significantly increasing network response times.
Routers are network devices used to interconnect two different networks (with different IP addressing schemes).
