react-table : Add a select (checkboxes) column with a headergroup - react-table

For aesthetic reasons I'm trying to add a HeaderGroup to the "select" (checkboxes) column solution provided in react-teable examples.
hooks => {
hooks.visibleColumns.push(columns => {
return [
id: 'selection',
// Make this column a groupByBoundary. This ensures that groupBy columns
// are placed after it
groupByBoundary: true,
// The header can use the table's getToggleAllRowsSelectedProps method
// to render a checkbox
Header: ({ getToggleAllRowsSelectedProps }) => (
<IndeterminateCheckbox {...getToggleAllRowsSelectedProps()} />
// The cell can use the individual row's getToggleRowSelectedProps method
// to the render a checkbox
Cell: ({ row }) => (
<IndeterminateCheckbox {...row.getToggleRowSelectedProps()} />
I've tried many ways using hooks object but none of them worked (for example nested calls to hooks.headerGroups.push and then hooks.visibleColumns.push).
Here is my last attempt which makes sense but doesn't work either (TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined) :
hooks => {
hooks.headerGroups.push(headerGroups => {
return [
Header: 'X',
columns: [
id: 'selection',
// Make this column a groupByBoundary. This ensures that groupBy columns
// are placed after it
groupByBoundary: true,
// The header can use the table's getToggleAllRowsSelectedProps method
// to render a checkbox
Header: ({ getToggleAllRowsSelectedProps }) => (
<IndeterminateCheckbox {...getToggleAllRowsSelectedProps()} />
// The cell can use the individual row's getToggleRowSelectedProps method
// to the render a checkbox
Cell: ({ row }) => (
<IndeterminateCheckbox {...row.getToggleRowSelectedProps()} />
Thank you for your help ^^


React-Table display contents of array as individual elements inside a cell

I am trying to use react-table to visualise some data structured as below:
companyName: "Barclays Bank Plc",
tenancies: ["G.01 # Newbuilding"],
status: "Active",
accountNumber: "EX209302",
logo: "companylogo1",
companyName: "Boeing AerospaceLtd",
tenancies: ["G.01 # Newbuilding", "G.02 # Newbuilding"],
status: "Active",
accountNumber: "EX209302",
logo: "companylogo1",
My column definition (which doesn't work) looks something like this:
Header: "Tenancies",
accessor: "tenancies",
Cell: (tableProps) => (
<div>{tableProps.cell.value.forEach((item) => item)}</div>
What I am trying to do is display each array item within it's own HTML tags (such as a div) so I can visually style and seperate them within the table cell.
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to the best way to achieve this?
According to the API document, the Cell receives the table Instance and returns a valid JSX.
Cell: (tableInstance) => JSX
Since the tenancies array are available from tableInstance.row.original.tenancies, so you can change your tenancies column definition as follow:
Header: "Tenancies",
Cell: ({ row }) => {
return (
{, i) => (
<div key={i}>{tenancy}</div>
Here is the example:

How to pass attributes to child Gutenberg blocks in InnerBlocks template?

I'm trying to build a custom set of column blocks using InnerBlocks and am having trouble passing attributes to block templates. To start, I scaffolded a new plugin using Create-Guten-Block. I then created two blocks, one to serve as a row container, and one for individual columns.
Here is a simplified version of how I'm creating the main container (with two columns hard-coded for testing):
registerBlockType( 'wabe/multi-column-block', {
title: __( 'Multi-Column' ),
icon: 'columns',
category: 'common',
keywords: [
__( 'columns' ),
__( 'grid' ),
attributes: {
layout: {
type: 'string',
edit: () => {
return (
{ /* inspector controls for choosing a layout will go here */ }
template={ [
[ 'wabe/multi-column-column', { columnwidth: '6' }, [
[ 'core/paragraph', { content: 'Insert column content here.' } ],
[ 'wabe/multi-column-column', { columnwidth: '6' }, [
[ 'core/paragraph', { content: 'Insert column content here.' } ],
] }
save: () => {
// This is a dynamic block
return (
<InnerBlocks.Content />
} );
... and how I'm creating the individual column block:
registerBlockType( 'wabe/multi-column-column', {
title: __( 'Multi-Column Column' ),
icon: 'columns',
category: 'common',
keywords: [
__( 'columns' ),
__( 'grid' ),
attributes: {
columnwidth: {
type: 'string',
default: '',
edit: ( props ) => {
return (
<p>Width: { props.attributes.columnwidth }</p>
<InnerBlocks />
save: () => {
return (
<InnerBlocks.Content />
} );
I'll have a custom select for users to choose a column layout, and using that, will determine how many columns to include, and pass the "columnwidth" attribute to each column block. This will tell each column what CSS class to use.
The problem is no matter what I try, that "columnwidth" attribute just will not be passed to the column block. In fact, I can't get it to pass anything, even "className".
I've looked at the code for core columns/column blocks, and can't see what I'm doing wrong. Everything has gone great up until this giant roadblock. Any tips are appreciated.
The block code example you have provided shows you are setting up the InnerBlocks fine. The issue may be a simple oversight that you have missed importing the required dependancy of <InnerBlocks>.
I was able to build your block code successfully once I added the required imports:
import { registerBlockType } from '#wordpress/blocks';
import { __ } from '#wordpress/i18n';
import { InnerBlocks} from '#wordpress/block-editor';
Here is the result:
The code editor shows that your attributes are being passed and being saved.
If you are still encountering an issue, double check that you are clearing your browser cache before retesting and also check the browser console to see if any errors are present.
As you mentioned you have already reviewed the Gutenberg code for Columns/Column, a tip would be to look at how they do variations for creating the options in your Inspector Control. Hope this gets you back on track with creating your block.

How to specify column width for first column using react-table

When using useRowSelect and useTable how can I specify column width for the first column so that it never exceeds the width of the checkboxes? I don't want to use useFlex as I want to preserve column widths based on the header width.
You'll notice when the table is set to 100% width the first column starts to grow if you expand your browser window.
Here's an example:
I'm also open to just grabbing the Header and Cell from where I'm pushing into the columns array and adding a className, but wasn't able to find a way to do that. How can I add a className so that the table cell that surrounds this column data has a className to attach to:
(hooks) => {
isRowSelectable &&
hooks.allColumns.push((columns) => [
id: 'selection',
minWidth: 35,
width: '35px',
maxWidth: 35,
Header: ({ getToggleAllRowsSelectedProps }) => (
<Checkbox alignSelf="center" {...getToggleAllRowsSelectedProps()} />
Cell: ({ row }: any) => {
row.className = '123';
return <Checkbox alignSelf="center" {...row.getToggleRowSelectedProps()} />;
Since can pass the index of the element, it's fairly simple to conditionally add a className to the cell if the row index is 0:
{, i) => {
return (
<td className={i === 0 ? "class-name" : ""} {...cell.getCellProps()>
) ​
If you want the same class to apply to the headers, you can do the same thing on the <th> or <tr> elements, since those are also rendered with You don't actually need to touch the columns object at all for this change.

How to upgrade column hiding from react-table 6 to react-table 7

Previous in react-table 6, one just added a show: false to the column spec to hide a column.
How can this be implemented in react-table 7?
You can access getToggleHiddenProps property from the column.
According to the docs
You can check the demo:
Also, if you want to hide some columns by default, add the accessors for the columns you want to hide and pass it as an array of strings to initialState.hiddenColumns
function Table({ columns, data }) {
const {
} = useTable({
initialState: {
hiddenColumns: ["firstName"]
// usual table markup from here on
There is more than one way to do this, but one way is to respond to the show property in from your column spec.
In your react-table 7 code that outputs the header:
eg. => {
return ( <TableCell> column.render('Header') </TableCell> )
add a filter:
headerGroup.headers..filter(column => !== false).map(column => {
return ( <TableCell> column.render('Header') </TableCell> )
And you your react-table 7 code that outputs your rows:
{ =>
return (
<TableCell {...cell.getCellProps({ className: cell.column.className })}>
add a filter:
{row.cells.filter(cell => !== false).map(cell =>
return (
<TableCell {...cell.getCellProps({ className: cell.column.className })}>

Wordpress Gutenberg autocomplete - saving attributes

I want to develop a custom block that will let the user pick some information from autocomplete. I manage to create the autocomplete component on edit function.
A user can select an item but i don't know how to handle the attribute save.
I'm trying to save the selected item as attribute package_name. I created the onChange function on Autocomplete component but is undefined.
Here is my code from block.js
const { __ } = wp.i18n; // Import __() from wp.i18n
const { AlignmentToolbar,
registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { RichText } = wp.editor;
const { Autocomplete, } =wp.components;
const MyAutocomplete = () => {
const autocompleters = [
name: 'fruit',
triggerPrefix: '#',
options: [
{ name: 'Apple', id: 1 },
{ name: 'Orange', id: 2 },
{ name: 'Grapes', id: 3 },
{ name: 'test', id: 4 },
getOptionLabel: option => (
{ }
getOptionKeywords: option => [ ],
isOptionDisabled: option => === 'Grapes',
getOptionCompletion: option => (
<abbr title={ }>{ }</abbr>
function onChangeAuto(newContent){
console.log('autocompletexx '+newContent);
function onSelectAuto(event){
return (
<Autocomplete completers={ autocompleters }>
{ ( { isExpanded, listBoxId, activeId } ) => (
aria-expanded={ isExpanded }
aria-owns={ listBoxId }
aria-activedescendant={ activeId }
onChange={onChangeAuto }
) }
<p class="autocomplete_p">Type # for triggering the autocomplete.</p>
registerBlockType( 'residence-gutenberg-block/membership-package-settings', {
title: __( 'Residence - Membership Package Settings' ), // Block title.
icon: 'shield',
category: 'common',
keywords: [
__( 'membership-package-settings' ),
edit: function( props ) {
const { attributes: {package_name}, className,setAttributes,isSelected } = props;
return (
<div className={ props.className }>
<label className="wpresidence_editor_label">Current Package: {package_name}</label>
save: function( props ) {
// Rendering in PHP
return null;
} );
Passing down onChange, onSelect to the div element won't work, because these attributes are only applicable to the form field elements (as input, select, etc.).
I checked the documentation and the source code and didn't find any details or official approaches for dealing with the case.
However, I'm seeing two possible approaches for getting the selected value:
1. Using Autocomplete onReplace prop
Looking into the Autocomplete's source code, I noticed that onSelect callback invokes onReplace prop with the selected option as array. It may not fit all the cases, but you can give it a try! It may be enough for your case! You can try to add your handler to the onReplace as follows:
onReplace={ option => { console.log(option) } }
completers={ autocompleters }>
{ ( { isExpanded, listBoxId, activeId } ) => (
aria-expanded={ isExpanded }
aria-owns={ listBoxId }
aria-activedescendant={ activeId }
) }
2. Listen for <div /> changes manually
You can add onInput, onBlur listeners to the <div />, having an uncontrolled react div component and when the div's value is changed then we can keep the changed value in your parent component's state.
Here's a great discussion, which describes these technique: React.js: onChange event for contentEditable
The good think is that there's already a plugin (based on this discussion) that can do it for you: react-contenteditable.
Firstly you have to convert your <MyAutocomplete /> component to be a statefull (not functional) and then:
import ContentEditable from 'react-contenteditable'
// Boilerplate ...
<Autocomplete completers={ autocompleters }>
{ ( { isExpanded, listBoxId, activeId } ) => (
aria-expanded={ isExpanded }
aria-owns={ listBoxId }
aria-activedescendant={ activeId }
) }
I'm surprised that in the Autocomplete's documentation there aren't any details for this case. I guess it's because of the following statement (27.08.2018):
Gutenberg is being developed on GitHub, and you can try an early beta
version today from the plugin repository. Though keep in mind it’s not
fully functional, feature complete, or production ready.
However, one of both mentioned approaches above will help you, until they provide a complete API to work with their components.
I would suggest you to keep wrapping the Wordpress's <Autocomplete /> with your own component - in order to easily refactor your code later, when they release the complete API.
If you have questions, feel free to comment below.
