How to add ScaleBarOverlay into arcgis map - qt

Above screenshot is done using custom Scalebar Component, i am wondering to resize scale bar on zoom in and zoom out of Mapview.
anchors.left: mapView.left
anchors.bottom: mapView.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 80
anchors.margins: 10 * scaleFactor
QtObject {
id: internal
property real segmentWidth: scaleBar.width / 4
property real segmentHeight: scaleBar.width * 0.05
Setting Width and height of the scale bar like this but how can i set width dynamically it should expand width on zoom out
Fallowed this example to create scalebar
Added this component in ArcGis Mapview.
What needs to be import to use ScaleBarOverlay in ARCGIS map?
I tried importing Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.7
ScaleBarOverlay scaleBarOverlay = new ScaleBarOverlay()
It says unknown component M300

Got solution by setting map.scale to the width of scale bar


Qt Component Loader scaling to fill the whole Window therefore covering the other Items

I work on a Qt project, where almost all of the QML Items are in the same file main.qml.
The application uses StackLayout to navigate through other QML files, plus the need to present the Items within the main.qml itself.
I use Loader to call a Component containing a GridLayout containing Labels and Images. Outside this container, there are other Images and Labels anchored to the bottom of the mainWindow.
Problem is, when calling the Component within the StackLayout using Loader, the Component dimensions cover the Image defined in the ApplicationWindow. It behaves as fillHeight all the Window which is not what I desire.
Question is, how can I load the Component without it filling the whole Window, but keeping the same size it originally was before using the StackLayout.
I'm still a beginner at Qt, so any other preferred methods of suggestions are welcome.
The code structure is similar to this,
ApplicationWindow {
id: mainWindow
width: 500
height: 400
(... some code ...)
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.bottomMargin: 22
anchors.leftMargin: 24
width: 80
height: 40
fillMode: Image.Stretch
source: "qrc:/image.png"
StackLayout {
id: mainStackLayout
width: mainWindow.width
height: mainWindow.height
FirstPage {} // another .qml file
Loader {
sourceComponent: component
id: component
GridLayout {
id: grid
width: mainWindow.width
height: mainWindow.height
columns: 4
The issue is primarily that you have setup your StackLayout to cover the entire window with:
width: mainWindow.width
height: mainWindow.height
and StackLayout will grow its children to fit its size.
Two simple options:
Place your Loader inside of an Item so that the Item grows instead and your loaded component's size is not affected.
Put a layout on the ApplicationWindow so that your Image and your StackLayout are managed better in relation to each other.
I'd recommend option 2. Unless you aren't going to allow users to resize your window, all of your QML components should be designed to be resizable.

How to remove bounds of the Flickable QML component?

I want to display a large amount of content, for example, a grid of multiple images inside a window that is smaller than the content, similar to a geographical map but instead of a map, I want my own components as the "map". For this minimal working example, let's take for the content a grid of images with a total size of 1000x1000 with a window into this content of only 300x300.
I have tried 2 different approaches, but I will only go into detail of the first approach as that is the one that got me closest to my desired result:
I have tried the Flickable component but the content cannot be moved outside the predefined bounds, making the user unable to move the view in order to display all the parts of the content. So the simplest solution that I'm thinking about now is if I could remove these bounds from the Flickable component, but how?
I have also tried the Map component but it requires a "plugin" and I was unable to figure out how to use this component with my own content of an image grid.
The content that I want to show is something this
Grid {
columns: 5
spacing: 2
Repeater {
model: ListModel {
ListElement {
path: 'test1'
ListElement {
path: 'test2'
// ...
ListElement {
path: 'test25'
Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 200
Image {
anchors.fill: parent
source: 'file:' + path
I tried, putting this inside the Flickable like this
Flickable {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 300
height: 300
contentWidth: 1000
contentHeight: 1000
clip: true
This results in a 300x300 view inside the content as expected, but once you start to flick through the content to view different parts of it, you are stopped by the bounds preventing you from seeing anything outside these bounds. You can see it while dragging but once you release the view of the content is reset to these bounds.
So how do I remove these bounds? (Or is there a different component more suitable for my application?)
Here is a gif that shows how the content can be dragged passed the bounds, but once released it will only go up to the bounds and not further
I found the issue, I set the contentWidth and contentHeight of the Flickable incorrectly, this example works fine. The contentWidth and contentHeight determine the bounds in which you can flick.

Scaling and positioning in QML

I'm developing a Qt5.11.1 QML application that runs into a QQuickWidget. The resize mode is set to SizeRootObjectToView. Hence, whenever I resize the QMainWindow I see my QML root object that scales too.
Inside I have some images anchored to fill the parent, and they are scaled as expected. Instead I have issues with smaller images or text that should maintain the same relative position and size.
I begin with absolute position and size when ratio is 1:1. Example: the root item has a size of 1920x1080 px, and I must place the other items (mainly images and texts) to given coordinates.
When the root changes its size all the elements should follow it. I tried this:
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
Rectangle {
id: root
visible: true
color: "black"
property real ratio: root.width / 1920
readonly property real x_CenterGauge: 502
readonly property real y_CenterGauge: 489
Image {
x: x_CenterGauge * ratio
y: y_CenterGauge * ratio
scale: ratio
but this doesn't work because the root.width property (and in turn ratio) doesn't change when I resize the window. But it actually resize the root element because any anchored item will resize too! I get a change only if I maximize/minimize the window.
I read this article and this question, but I still don't understand how to handle the resising in QML.
In testing it is the property scale that seems to be a problem
By modifying width and height instead it solves the problem
Rectangle {
id: root
visible: true
color: "black"
property real ratio: root.width / 1920
readonly property real x_CenterGauge: 202
readonly property real y_CenterGauge: 489
Image {
x: root.x_CenterGauge * root.ratio
y: root.y_CenterGauge * root.ratio
width: implicitWidth * root.ratio
height: implicitHeight * root.ratio
//scale: ratio

Change polygon size on window resize

In my QML application I am drawing a triangle manually using "Canvas" object. The problem is I cannot figure out how to change the drawn object size each time I resize the main window.
Preferably, it would be convenient If I could simply redraw the triangle each time a window resize occurs. But I don't know how could this be done in QML. In bare QT, I guess I would subscribe to window size changed signal. What is the proper way of doing this in QML?
Edit: The program is described here: Change polygon color dynamically
In my main window there is a rectangle called rectMain. It is always the same size as the window. Then inside that rectangle there is another one, called rectTemp. In that rectangle I draw the canvas.
Edit 2: So far I have figure out how to react manually on window size changes:
property int lastWindowWidth: 0
property int lastWindowHeight: 0
function windowSizeChanged()
if ((lastWindowWidth == width) && (lastWindowHeight == height))
console.log("New height: ", height, " New width: ", width);
lastWindowWidth = width
lastWindowHeight = height
onHeightChanged: windowSizeChanged();
onWidthChanged: windowSizeChanged();

qml virtual keyboard: keyboardDesignWidth and Height

I am looking at the QML Style for the virtual keyboard. What is the purpose of keyboardDesignWidth and Height? I seem to have a lot of trouble managing the width and height of the keyboard and can never set it to how I want it. Setting the keyboardHeight and Width directly also does not help much.
The issue is that the component background size is somehow computed behind the scenes. So, even when I have the keyboard buttons and size how I want, the extraneous background covers some of my other control and it is very difficult to have a fine grained control over the size of the keyboard.
What is the right way to control the width and size of the virtual keyboard directly?
To Quote from the Documentation
The keyboard size is automatically calculated from the available width; that is, the keyboard maintains the aspect ratio specified by the current style. Therefore the application should only set the width and y coordinates of the InputPanel, and not the height.
So if you want to have a specific height, you need to set the width accordingly.
What is the right way to control the width and size of the virtual keyboard directly?
InputPanel {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: 100
anchors.rightMargin: 100
InputPanel {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: 30
So what's the deal with the keyboardDesignHeight/Width? Well this seems to be the dimensions of the keyboard, when it is not necessary to scale it:
scaleHint : real
The keyboard style scale hint. This value is determined by dividing keyboardHeight by keyboardDesignHeight. All pixel dimensions must be proportional to this value.
This property is readonly!
So setting those will not disable the automatic resizing of your input panel in dependence of the width.
You might use them maybe, to calculate a ratio, and from this set the width to achieve your desired height.
Maybe this example helps you to understand this property:
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.0
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 800
height: 600
title: qsTr("Test")
InputPanel {
id: ip
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: 800
Component.onCompleted: console.log(Object.keys(
Slider {
id: sl
from: 0
to: 3000
Binding {
property: 'keyboardDesignHeight'
value: sl.value
