Attempts to parse bencode / torrent file in R - r

I wish I could parse torrent files automatically via R. I tried to use R-bencode package:
test_torrent <- readLines('/home/user/Downloads/some_file.torrent', encoding = "UTF-8")
decoded_torrent <- bencode::bdecode(test_torrent)
but faced to error:
Error in bencode::bdecode(test_torrent) :
input string terminated unexpectedly
In addition if I try to parse just part of this file bdecode('\xe7\xc9\xe0\b\xfbD-\xd8\xd6(\xe2\004>\x9c\xda\005Zar\x8c\xdfV\x88\022t\xe4գi]\xcf'), I get
Error in bdecode("\xe7\xc9\xe0\b\xfbD-\xd8\xd6(\xe2\004>\x9c\xda\005Zar\x8c\xdfV\x88\022t\xe4գi]\xcf") :
Wrong encoding '�'. Allowed values are i, l, d or a digit.
Maybe there are another ways to do it in R? Or probably I can insert another language code in Rscript?
Thanks in advance!

It might be that the torrent file is somehow corrupted.
A bencode value must begin with the character i (for integers), l (for lists), d (for dictionaries) or a number (for the length of a string).
The example string ('\xe7\xc9...'), doesn't start with any of those characters, and hence it can't be decoded.
See this for more info on the bencode format.

There seem to be several issues here.
Firstly, your code should not treat torrent files as text files in UTF-8 encoding. Each torrent file is split into equally-sized pieces (except for the last piece ; )). Torrents contain a concatenation of SHA1 hashes of each of the pieces. SHA1 hashes are unlikely to be valid UTF-8 strings.
So, you should not read the file into memory using readLines, because that is for text files. Instead, you should use a connection:
test_torrent <- file("/home/user/Downloads/some_file.torrent")
open(test_torrent, "rb")
Secondly, it seems that this library is also suffering from a similar issue. As readChar that it makes use of, also assumes that it's dealing with text.
This might be due to recent R version changes though seeing as the library is over 6 years old. I was able to apply a quick hack and get it working by passing useBytes=TRUE to readChar.
You can install my version as follows:
Caveat lector! I'm not a R programmer :).


R version 4.2.0 and Swedish letters (ä ö å) not working in newest R release. Anyone found a solution?

I have updated to the latest R release (R version 4.2.0), but I am now facing the problem that all the Swedish special letters cannot be read anymore. I am working with a database that has many Swedish letters in its factor lables and even if I am reading them in as strings R doesn't recognise them, with the consequence that all summary tables that are based on these factors as groups are not calculated correctly anymore. The code has been working fine under the previous release (but I had issues with knitting Rmarkdown files, therefore the need for updating).
I have set the encoding to iso-5889-4 (which is nothern languages) after UTF-8 has not worked. Is there anything else I could try? Or has anyone come to a solution on how to fix this, other than to rename all lables before reading in the .csv files? (I would really like to avoid this fix, since I am often working with similar data)
I have used read.csv() and it produces cryptic outputs replacing the special letters with for example <d6> instead of ö and <c4> instead of ä.
I hope that someone has an idea for a fix. Thanks.
edit: I use windows.
[1] "Swedish_Sweden.utf8"
Use the encoding parameter
I have been able to detect failed loads by attempting to apply toupper to strings, which gives me errors such as
Error in toupper(dataset$column) :
invalid multibyte string 999751
This is resolved and expected outcomes obtained by using
read.csv(..., encoding = 'latin1')
data.table::fread(..., encoding = 'Latin-1')
I believe this solution should apply to Swedish characters as they are also covered by the Latin-1 encoding.
I have the same problem, what worked for me was like the answer above said but I used encoding ISO-8859-1 instead. It works for both reading from file and saving to file for Swedish characters å,ä,ö,Å,Ä,Ä, i.e:
read.csv("~/test.csv", fileEncoding = "ISO-8859-1")
write.csv2(x, file="test.csv", row.names = FALSE, na = "", fileEncoding = "ISO-8859-1")
It's tedious but it works right now. Another tip is if you use Rstudio is to go to Global options -> Code -> Saving and set your default text encoding to ISO-8859-1 and restart Rstudio. It will save and read your scripts in that encoding as default if I understand correctly. I had the problem when I opened my scripts with Swedish characters, they would display wrong characters. This solution fixed that.

Is there any way to use Å letter in R?

Is there any way to deal with this letter in R -Å?
In some configuration I'm able to read this letter from SQL by RODBC, but I didn't found any solution to save this letter to csv or txt. It's always getting converted to normal A or Ĺ.
Also, how to read this letter correctly from Excel file?
I understand from you question that the letter displays properly inside R but you have problems writing it to files.
R's writing functions usually have an encoding parameter (for example, for write.csv and write.table it's called fileEncoding).
When you don't set it explicitly, the function will encode the file using your OS's (or R-installations) native encoding, which can sometimes cause problems with special characters. What exactly goes wrong and how to fix it depends heavily on your system setup - especially if you're also interacting with databases, as you describe.
But very often, an easy fix is writing files in UTF-8 encoding, i.e.
write.csv(your_df, your_path, fileEncoding='UTF-8')
as most external programs (such as Excel) are able to automatically detect and properly read UTF-8 encoded files.
Set the fileEncoding argument on write.table to fit your needs (e.g., if your text is encoded as UTF-8, try write.table(my_tab, file = "my_tab.txt", fileEncoding = "UTF8")).

PDF File Import R

I have multiple .pdf-files (stored in a local folder), that contain text. I would like to import the .pdf-files (i.e., the texts) in R. I applied the function 'read_dir' (R package: [textreadr][1])
library ("textreadr")
Data <- read_dir("<MY PATH>")
The function works well. BUT. For several files, that include special characters (i.e., letters) in their names (such as 'ć'; e.g., 'filenameć.pdf'), the function did not work (error message: 'The following files failed to read in and were removed:' …).
What can I do?
I tried to rename the files via R (did not work (probably due to the same reasons)). That might be a workaround.
I did not want to rename the files manually :)
Follow-Up (only for experts):
For several files, I got one of the following error messages (and I have no idea why):
PDF error: Mismatch between font type and embedded font file
PDF error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
Any suggestions or hints how to solve this issue?
Likely the issue concerns the encoding of the file names. If you absolutely want to use R to rename the files for you, the function you want to use is iconv, determine the encoding of the file names and then convert them to utf-8.
However, a much better system would imply renaming them using bash from command line. Can you provide a more complete set of examples?

Track the exact place of a not encoded character in an R script file

more a tip question that can save lots of time in many cases. I have a script.R file which I try to save and get the error:
Not all of the characters in ~/folder/script.R could be encoded using ASCII. To save using a different encoding, choose "File | Save with Encoding..." from the main menu.
I was working on this file for months and today I was editing like crazy my code and got this error for the first time, so obviously I inserted a character that can not be encoded while I was working today.
My question is, can I track and find this specific character and where exactly in the document is?
There are about 1000 lines in my code and it's almost impossible to manually search it.
Use tools::showNonASCIIfile() to spot the non-ascii.
Let me suggest two slight improvements this.
Save your file using a different encoding (eg UTF-8)
set a variable 'f' to the name of that file. something like this f <- yourpath\\yourfile.R
Then use tools::showNonASCIIfile(f) to display the faulty characters.
Something to check:
I have a Markdown file which I run to output to Word document (not important).
Some of the packages I used to initialise overload previous functions. I have found that the warning messages sometimes have nonASCII characters and this seems to have caused this message for me - some fault put all that output at the end of the file and I had to delete it anyway!
Check where characters are coming back from Warnings!
Expanding the accepted answer with this answer to another question, to check for offending characters in the script currently open in RStudio, you can use this:

odfWeave error source document containing non-ASCII chars

Getting this error calling ODFWeave on my doc.
Pre-processing the contents
Sweaving content.Rnw
Error: ‘content.Rnw’ is not ASCII and does not declare an encoding
I've seen some ways you can add an encoding switch in LaTeX docs "(Sweave --encoding=utf-8)", but don't know if this can be done with odfWeave
I've worked around it before by converting the source doc back to ASCII, but ideally it would be nice if the conversion would run with whatever is in my doc (and some names, for example, require a non-ASCII charset).
We made changes to odfWeave so that it (rightly) uses a utf-8 encoding. In fact, we coerce this by using the 'encoding="UTF-8"' option to Sweave.
I guess the question is "why isn't the document utf-8"? Honestly, I dont really have a good answer for you since I don't have the document (or the results of sessionInfo()). You might be creating non-utf8 characters in the course of weaving.
One thread that might help is this:
Figuring this out appears pretty complex and I wish I had a clear-cut answer for you.
