Owin Authentication: SSO token vs ID token - asp.net

I have implemented sign-in to Microsoft to my ASP.NET web application. Everything works as intended, but I am struggling to comprehend how the sessions work. I am using OWIN middleware and OpenID connect.
What is the difference between the SSO-Token and the ID-token? Which
one keeps me logged in?
What happens if I try to access claims ( e.g.
from an expired ID token?
How does !Request.IsAuthenticated realize that the current user is
Authenticated after the microsoft login? Is this because The Generic
Identity, is now a Claims Identity, that returns true?
If I am logged in, and keep refreshing the site, at what point will
I be forced to Authenticate again? And what controls this time?
I understand what an ID-token is, and that it carries claims, and how I access and use the claims. I am just confused about how the session works after a user has logged in with their Microsoft account.

There is no SSO token. The id token represents proof of authentication and some basic user info is included in it. So your web app can get name, email etc.
Expiry is based on an auth cookie that the MS libraries issue. This is tied to another token, the refresh token, which represents the session time.
The id token has a digital signature that is cryptographically verified. Also your app supplies a client secret to help ensure that tokens can be trusted.
The cookie is given an expiry related to the refresh token. When the cookie expires the user has to login again.
I would strongly recommend tracing messages, via a tool such as Fiddler, as in this blog post of mine.
Personally I prefer Single Page Apps, which only use tokens and not cookies. They make OAuth aspects easier to understand and code can be simpler, though there are still plenty of subtleties.


ASP.NET Web API 2 - How to implement OAuth2.0 for SPA applications

I am trying to implement WEB API 2 (for Single Page App, not as part of Visual Studio project) OAuth2.0 protocol. As per Which OAuth 2.0 flow should I use, using refresh tokens is not an option. However, I am not sure I understand Implicit Grant flow with eventual Silent Authentication.
Does Implicit Flow mean only issuing normal access tokens? In that case, how do we allow user to stay logged in for long time? How should Silent Authentication endpoint look like, what should it receive and return to client? Is using refresh token really an issue - most of people have their usernames / passwords saved in browser?
Does Implicit Flow mean only issuing normal access tokens? Yes.
In that case, how do we allow user to stay logged in for long time? You can set timeout using "expires_in" parameter.
Refer for Complete Detail here: https://oauth2.thephpleague.com/authorization-server/implicit-grant/
How should Silent Authentication endpoint look like, what should it receive and return to client? Upon authentication of the user during login, the server sends & set the authentication key in the session/browser. So, during every page call, only authentication key is send to server. You shall find many examples of implementation online.
Is using refresh token really an issue - most of people have their usernames / passwords saved in browser? No, it's not an issue. If token expires, you can easily reissue token after authentication. Password & username is not saved in the browser. Only authentication key is stored.

Refreshing token with Hybrid Flow

I'm sure I'm missing something.
I have an MVC app & an SSO site that uses Thinktecture Identity Server. The MVC app use hybrid flow to authenticate users on the SSO site. The MVC site uses the Microsoft OpenIdConnect OWIN client to talk to SSO. My tokens have quite a short lifespan - about 5 mins, but I have refresh tokens so the user is constantly re-authenticated. This is a quite useful feature.
However when the token needs refreshing, the user is bounced via the SSO site, which breaks form posts, ajax calls, etc. This is less useful.
Can I not do this renewal on the server, rather than having the user-agent do it? I can't see a way to do this.
I'm also about to look into sliding expiration to try to solve this problem, although I'd been lead to believe sliding expiration was a bad think from a security point of view.
I was missing something. I was getting confused about who was responsible for various activities.
The user should be bounced via the SSO site when their token has expired. I now have sliding expiration on the cookie with an absolute time limit. Ideally this limit should correspond with the expiration of the tokens, but I have a refresh token, so that could be used to refresh the tokens from the server.
Once the relying party has received a valid response, it is responsible for keeping the user logged in, not the SSO site. The SSO site can be used once the tokens need refreshing.

OpenAM, OpenId, REST API, In-House applications: how do I connect them all?

I'm having trouble tying all of this together. Partially due to lack of understanding, and partially because I've not use OpenAM before.
I'm trying to implement Single Sign-on. Here are the players.
OpenAm. https://www.forgerock.com/en-us/products/access-management/
A 3rd party proprietary app that can use it's own username/password database, or authenticate against an SAML or OpenId provider.
Several In-house applications written in either angularjs or .net webforms.
An in-house REST API written in nodejs.
I need to be able to have a user sign-on/register in openam, and then they don't sign-in to any of the other applications. We see this all over the web, so the use-case is pretty normal, but I've never actually implemented it myself before.
See what I'm trying to do using the image below for starters.
Here's what I'm stuggling with:
For SSO purposes, OpenAM seems to store the authenticated user information in a cookie. How does my Proprietary app pick up this cookie and use it if it can only authenticate via openid or saml? It can't use the openam API by going through the /json/* endpoints.
With the in-house apps, I'm assuming I can just pass the cookie along and the appropriate parties can validate the cookie's session info or token and that's that. Is this correct, or am I looking at this wrong?
Can I have the user login to the OpenAm login page, and then use the /oauth2/* endpoints to validate the user's requests? I could see this working better, but am unsure if this is how it's supposed to happen.
Basically, I feel like I've scrambled my brain this last week trying to sort this out. I need some help to get some direction here. As I said above, a good portion of this is new. I've done front-end->rest api->database using a token, but this SSO scenario has given me a real headache.
Any help would be appreciated.
It sounds to me that you miss the "redirection" aspect of SAML SSO. I'll try to explain how it works in a nutshell:
Step 1:
When a user sends a request to one of your in house applications (call it the Service Provider, SP, from here), the SP detects that this is an unauthenticated request and redirects the browser to the OpenAM server (call it the Identity Provider, IdP, from here).
Step 2:
The IdP analyses the redirection request and expects to find a "SAML authnResponse", this is encoded XML metadata added in the redirection request by the SP. It finds out that your SP wants to authenticate a user. The IdP will respond to the request by showing a login page. Here the user can authenticate to the IdP. After the user succesfully authenticated to the IdP, it will redirect him back to the SP adding a "SAML authnResponse" to the request.
Step 3:
The SP will analyse this "SAML authnResponse", which is again just a form of XML metadata. If the validation of the signature is OK,find out which user successfully authenticated, create a session for him and redirect him to the resource he initially tried to access.
Remark 1:
In Step 2, if the user already authenticated to the IdP before, he will have an active session to the IdP. The IdP will not require him to login again but just inmediately redirect him back to the SP with a valid "SAML authnResponse". In this way the user will barely notice all these redirects and it will look like he 'seamlessly' got access to the SP.
Remark 2:
So don't worry to much about cookies, they're used by the IdP to recognize already authenticated user sessions etc. but you should only bother with redirects and analyzing the SAML Responses and Requests. Does this make sense?
Remark 3:
The way how the browser (GET 302 or JS POST) of the user will be redirected depends on your chosen "SAML Profile".

ASP.net OWIN OAuth middleware with bearer token and changing roles

I am using the standard ASP.net OWIN OAuth middleware system to authenticate local users with Bearer tokens. I was thinking of embedding roles as a claim in the token, but was wondering how I would be able to change a users role such as taking away admin privileges without them logging out. Any ideas?
It's always possible to implement some dirty solutions to support your problem, for example :
When the roles have changed then raise an even in a queue like RABBITMQ / NServiceBus (or via event).
The subscriber (website) will invalidate the cookie and regenerate a new one with new claims.
I don't see the issue with waiting for the cookie is expired.
In fact a bearer token (identity or access) has an "expires_in" property, so even if your cookie
is regenerated with new claims, the token is still valid in the provider.
Another remark your permissions can be returned by a UMA server, they shouldn't necessarily comes from your claims.
Take a look to this scenario : http://lokit.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/Documentation#third-scenario-limit-access-to-certain-website-features

Authenticate native mobile app using a REST API

Like the Facebook application, you only enter your credentials when you open the application for the first time. After that, you're automatically signed in every time you open the app. How does one accomplish this?
There's a commom line in all auto-login implementations
Upon an initial login, a token is received and stored on the client side
Upon subsequent visits, if token is available on the client side, the server resolves the identity and logs in automatically
Now concrete implementation variations can be numerous. The token can be a session ID (encripted or not), OAuth token, custom token, username and password should be avoided. Storing token can be on within a browser cookie, browser local storage, can have a server counter-part. Security is the major concern. Generally about the topic you can read more here https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/200511/how-to-securely-implement-auto-login
You have an interesting explanation of how does Stackoverflow do it https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/64260/how-does-sos-new-auto-login-feature-work.
