Rest API to get all media from Wordpress Site - wordpress

I am trying to get all the media from my WordPress site: through the use of a REST API. However, when I go to, all I receive is an empty array.
So I was wondering, how would I be able to access all the media from my website through an API Call?

REST API will show only those uploaded directly to Media Libary, try it for your self and see it.
If you call media/id/ of the image you will get
"code": "rest_forbidden",
"message": "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that.",
"data": {
"status": 401
But If it's an image not attached to post and created directly at Media Libary It will display in REST API.
Your second best option is to directly access via SQL all those images
select * from wp_posts where post_type = 'attachment';


How to retrieve member list from Silverstripe API

I am developing a platform and I need to get the members emails from an existing Silverstripe installation. I think it is V4 but not sure yet.
I was hoping to call a REST API but I can't seem to find any information about how you would go about doing this. I would need to call this each day to get the latest members.
Is this possible or is there another way to go about doing this?
I had a look at the API documentation but the information is not helpful and it does not have an explanations or examples.
Silverstripe 4 does not expose its data through a REST API service out of the box. We can install a module to allow us to do this.
Rest API module:
Rest API module:
An alternative is to use the Silverstripe GraphQL module to retrieve data:
You can do this almost out of the box with the SilverStripe GraphQL API in SilverStripe 4. In addition to 3dgoo's answer, here's a bit of a guide for you:
Out of the box configuration
SilverStripe exposes an "admin" GraphQL server, which requires you to be logged in to use it. If you want to use it from another server, you can base64 encode your basic authentication credentials and pass it as a header. More info on this here.
The SilverStripe CMS module already exposes member's first and last names, since they're used by parts of the CMS through the GraphQL API already. If you want an email address then you can add that with some basic YAML in your app folder.
Adding the member's email field
Add some custom configuration to your app/_config folder - configuration in SilverStripe is merged, so the array values fields: [Email] will merge with the CMS values linked above
# File: app/_config/graphql.yml
Name: appgraphql
fields: [Email]
read: true
Note that I've also added true to this, because the CMS will only let you read members one at a time via the readOne operation. For your case you'll want to enable read, which returns a paginated list. More info on available operations.
Testing your query
The easiest way to do this is to install GraphiQL (via silverstripe-graphql-devtools), a web (or app) based UI for inspecting GraphQL schemas and running queries against your server. This can be done easily with Composer:
composer require --dev silverstripe/graphql-devtools dev-master
Open up your browser to http://localhost/dev/graphiql?flush. Replace localhost with whatever your SilverStripe server is running on. You add ?flush to the querystring to tell SilverStripe to flush its cache (YAML and PHP files) to pick up your new module and config.
When you get your GraphiQL query editor you can start by writing query GetUsers { ... } and you'll notice that as you type deeper into the query it autocompletes the available options for you.
Here's the query to retrieve your member email addresses:
query GetUserEmails {
readSilverStripeMembers {
edges {
node {
Micro-explanation: GetUserEmails is an arbitrary query name you create. You don't actually need to write one, it'll work fine without. readSilverStripeMembers is an automatically scaffolded query name, which happens because you enabled read: true in the GraphQL operations. If you delete it and start typing it again you'll see the other options available as well, the one that ships out of the box with the CMS is readOneSilverStripeMember. The edges and node levels are for pagination.
Using the query
It sounds to me like your SilverStripe server is already running somewhere, and you may not have a local version to test. If that's the case, simply adding the YAML configuration above to your app folder and deploying it will be enough to get your server to give member emails in admin GraphQL calls, then you can do your GraphQL queries with cURL or something:
curl 'http://localhost/admin/graphql/' \ # Adjust to your domain
-H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ # This is admin:admin base64 encoded
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ # Required for the input data structure
--data-binary '{"query":"query { readSilverStripeMembers { edges { node { Email } } } }","variables":null}'
Example output:
"data": {
"readSilverStripeMembers": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"Email": ""
"node": {
"Email": ""
"node": {
"Email": ""

Upgrade dailyLimitExceededUnreg

I have a wordpress pluging to booking class on my gym. This wordpress plugin works with Google calendar API and since yesterday I get the same error.
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
"extendedHelp": ""
"code": 403,
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
Would be possible upgrade this limit? I don't care if I have to paid but need some solution. I have more or less 100 users.
In order to authenticate yourself when using the Google Calendar API, which will allow you considerably larger quotas, you must include an API key in your request's URL. That can be done by simply appending the following query string to it: key=API_key
Where API_key is the key obtained for that project.
In order to obtain an API key you can follow the steps below:
Go to the API Console.
From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the left side menu and select APIs & services.
On the left, choose Credentials.
Click Create credentials and then select API key.
Setting up API keys

google cloud vision api quickstart error opening file

I am following the following Google Cloud Vision quickstart:
This is using the API Explorer, and I get
Error Opening File
I have created a bucket named vision2018, and checked Share Publicly for the file.
My portion of the request related to the file is:
The response I get is:
"responses": [
"error": {
"code": 5,
"message": "Error opening file: gs://vision2018/demo-image.jpg\"."
What do I need to specify in order to access files in my GCP storage?
Alternatively, I read other Stack Overflows that talk about GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, Simple API Key, and "Create Service account key and download the key in JSON format", ... but these seem to be giving commands in the shell, which this quickstart doesn't even open.
Is there initial setup assumed prior to the quickstart?
I am not ready to call the api from code
You might want to doublecheck your request. I went to the quickstart, replaced the placeholder imageUri with gs://vision2018/demo-image.jpg and it worked just fine. The error message you posted is what would be displayed if you had given gs://vision2018/demo-image.jpg\" instead.
Regarding the second part of your question: these are authentication methods. In this particular case, under Authentication you will find a drop down which lets you chose between API key and Google OAuth 2.0. If you chose the former, you don't need to do anything as a demo key will be used just for the purposes of the quickstart. If you chose OAuth 2.0, a popup will appear prompting you to authenticate with a google account. All in all, what you need to do is follow step-by-step the instructions given by the quickstart.
I was receiving a similar JSON response from the Google Vision API:
"error": {
"code": 7,
"message": "Error opening file: gs://bucket/file.jpg."
The fix was to set the GCS file's permission to public-read:
gsutil acl set public-read gs://bucket/file.jpg
Finally I investigated what happened. The problem is that your API token is only grant for process the image (allow right to use OCR engine), but that API is not also for accessing object in GS.
Therefore "message": "Error opening file:
The problem is similar with this post:Authorize Google Cloud Vision API to Google Storage image Maybe the error message is a bit dumb than many years ago.
The solution also mentioned in the answer section, but if you want some thing more clear (expose security side-effect) here it is: Set GCS read-only public
Reason I want to keep using API because it's better for use it in mobile application, we cannot give the OAuth2.0 to any phone. However, still find a way to secure the read-public bucket.

Is possible to use Instagram tags/xxx/media/recent endpoint in sandbox?

I'm trying to use this endpoint on Instagram API in sandbox:<NAME>/media/recent?access_token=<TOKEN>
But it returns:
{"pagination": {"deprecation_warning": "next_max_id and min_id are deprecated for this endpoint; use min_tag_id and max_tag_id instead"}, "meta": {"code": 200}, "data": []}
So I tried:
And it returns:
{"meta": {"error_type": "APIInvalidParametersError", "code": 400, "error_message": "max_id must not be a media id."}}
I tried to use only max_tag_id and only min_tag_id, I also tried different values for max_tag_id and min_tag_id.
My question is how I use max_tag_id and min_tag_id in that request and if it's possible to get recent media while my app is in sandbox ?
For the record, when i use<TOKEN>
It works. But v1/tags/google/media/recent doesn't .
You can only get 20 posts in Sandbox mode and will only show yours and sandbox users' posts in API response.
If you add a photo with the hashtag, then API response will have just your photo in API response, if not it will be empty.
Once you go live from sandbox, u will get all post.
max_tag_id and min_tag_id will not work in Sandbox mode since it is limited to latest 20 posts.
The behavior of the API when you are in sandbox mode is the same as
when your app is live, but comes with the following restrictions:
Data is restricted to sandbox users and the 20 most recent media from each sandbox user
Reduced API rate limits

How to Install Json Api Plugin in worldpress website

I am not wordpress developer Basically I have android application template for wordpress website. My client send me a Json Api to upload that file to "/wp-content/plugins/".I am android developer having no exp with server side. so can any one guide what I have to do(I mean what I have to do to access this path).
You just call recent api plugin like - ...../json=get_recent_posts
*response for the get_recent_post*
"status": "ok",
"count": 10,
"count_total": 79,
"pages": 7,
"posts": [
{ ... },
{ ... },
Explicit mode examples:
With user-friendly permalinks configured:
for details follow this link
Rather then json api try new wp rest api 2 which is feature of wp-4.4
downlaod plugin and install it.
just type /wp-json/wp/v2/posts in end of your site url and you will get all post.
for get all post
For the search functionality - search test post
much more details from this link
Note for best result use latest version of WP
