I want the progress of the function to be displayed on progressBar. Following the guides, I wrote the code below. But during the execution of the function, the program freezes, then progress bar's value becomes equal to one.
The program itself will not produce errors. The result of the function is correct.
I think my problem is that I don’t know how to connect the value of the progress of a function with the value of a progress bar.
MyObject object;
QFutureWatcher<QBitArray> FutureWatcher;
QFuture<QBitArray> future;
(Form.cpp) Form constructor body:
connect(&this->FutureWatcher, SIGNAL(progressValueChanged(int)), ui->progressBar, SLOT(setValue(int)));
(Form.cpp) Function on_button_clicked():
void Form::on_button_clicked()
QString message = ui->textEdit->toPlainText();
future = QtConcurrent::run(&this->object, &MyObject::longFunction, message);
QBitArray bitresult = future.result();
The problem is that you're immediately calling future.result(). The problem with this is that result() will wait until the QFuture has finished.
The Qt documentation says (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qfuture.html#result):
If the result is not immediately available, this function will block and wait for the result to become available.
The solution is to connect a slot to QFutureWatcher::finished():
auto *watcher = new QFutureWatcher<QBitArray>(this);
connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, [=]() {
auto result = watcher->result();
// do something with the result
// important: delete watcher again
// now start the task
QString message = ui->textEdit->toPlainText();
watcher->setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(myObject, &MyObject::longFunction, message));
I'm trying to monitor changes in a folder using QFileSystemWatcher, and whenever changes happen they will be reflected in the GUI.
The idea is that I have a folder that gets updated every second with new images, and I need to display those images in sequence
nevertheless, the changes happen very fast, and the GUI freezes.
how can I make this line run in a different thread whenever there's a change in the folder.
QObject::connect(&watcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), w, SLOT(showModified(QString)));
or how can I make the code that creates reflections on the GUI run in a separate thread?
To make QFileSystemWatcher work in a separate thread you can do:
Create new thread - auto thread = new QThread;
Create new file system watcher - auto watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher;
Move watcher to thread - watcher->moveToThread(thread);
Make connections
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, watcher, &QObject::deleteLater);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QObject::deleteLater);
connect(watcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged, w, &<YourWidgetClassName>::showMidified, Qt::QueuedConnection);
Start thread thread->start();
Setup watcher with addPath or addPaths
Do not forget call thread->quit(); when it's not needed or before application exits
So about problem of bunch images rendering in GUI.
I suggest you to use QImage to load and scale images for QPixmap to be created and rendered in GUI. Here QtConcurrent::run can be used per image to preform an image loading in a separate thread. It returns a QFuture object, that can be tracked with a QFutureWatcher object, that emits a finished signal, when a watched future is complete. Once connected to a QFutureWatcher::finished signal you can handle QFuture's result to assign a loaded QImage to QPixmap.
So, you need a code like this for QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged signal handler:
QStringList filenames = <some code to get new image filenames to render>;
auto loadImage = [](const QString &aFilename) -> QPixmap {
auto image = QImage(aFilename).scaled(200, 200, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
return QPixmap::fromImage(image);
for (auto &filename : filenames) {
auto pixmap = QPixmap(200, 200); //create empty pixmap of desired size
auto label = new QLabel;
auto future = QtConcurrent::run(loadImage, filename);
auto watcher = new QFutureWatcher<QPixmap>(this);
connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher<QPixmap>::finished, this, [watcher, label]() { label->setPixmap(watcher->result()); });
connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher<QPixmap>::finished, watcher, &QFutureWatcher<QPixmap>::deleteLater);
I have a program which when it runs, at first the user is asked to initialize the system. In that question form, there are 3 checkboxes that the user can check them for specific person or every persons and the system initializes the items related to that checkbox for the person(s).
When a checkbox is selected, a specific function and subsequently the specific class is called and initialization is done.
In the mainwindow.cpp I have:
InitializeDialog *id=new InitializeDialog;
id is the question form which has 3 checkboxes in it. And:
void MainWindow::initializeSlot(QStringList persons, bool interests, bool plots, bool graphs)
initializeMBox->setWindowTitle(tr("Initializing System")+"...");
initializeMBox->setText(tr("Please wait until initialization has been done") + ".<br>");
if (interests)//checkbox 1 is checked
if (plots)//checkbox 2 is checked
if(graphs)//checkbox 3 is checked
And again:
void MainWindow::initializeInterests(QStringList persons)
for(int p=0;p<persons_comboBox_->count();p++)
if (persons.contains(persons_comboBox_->currentText()))
//create a specific class object and some specific functions
initializeMBox->setText(initializeMBox->text() + "<div><img src=\":/tickIcon.png\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\">" + " " + tr("Interests analyzed for the persons") + ": " + persons_comboBox_->currentText() + ".</div>");
initializePlots and initializeGraphs are similiar to initializeInterests.
The problem starts from here:
I want to show a message after initialization for every person (as I mentioned by star in initializeInterests) but my initializeMBox (is a QMessageBox) does not show the message continuously and when all persons are initialized, all messages are shown suddenly. It should be noted that I see my initializeMBox is getting bigger but it seems that my QMessageBox is Freezed.
I can't use QtConcurrent::run because my QMessageBox is updated from mainwindow (and so from the base thread) by the line that I mentioned by star.
How can I have a QMessageBox which be updated continuously?
Don't reenter the event loop. Replace id->exec() with id->show(). Manage the dialog's lifetime - perhaps it shouldn't be dynamically created at all.
Don't block in initializeInterests. Instead of changing the combo box, get its data, send it out to an async job, set everything up there, then send the results back.
Pass containers by const reference, not value.
Don't create strings by concatenation.
If the input persons list is long, sort it to speed up look-ups.
For example:
class StringSignal : public QObject {
Q_SIGNAL void signal(const QString &);
void MainWindow::initializeInterests(const QStringList &personsIn) {
auto in = personsIn;
std::sort(in.begin(), in.end());
QStringList persons;
for (int i = 0; i < persons_comboBox_->count(); ++i) {
auto const combo = persons_comboBox->itemText(i);
if (std::binary_search(in.begin(), in.end(), combo))
persons << combo;
QtConcurrent::run([persons = std::move(persons), w = this](){
StringSignal source;
connect(&source, &StringSignal::signal, w, [w](const QString & person){
QStringLiteral("%1 <div><img src=...> %2: %3.</div>")
.arg(tr("Interests analyzed for the person"))
for (auto &person : persons) { // persons is const
// create a specific object etc.
QThread::sleep(1); // let's pretend we work hard here
The creation of the "specific objects" you allude to should not access anything in the gui thread. If it doesn't - pass a copy of the required data, or access it in a thread-safe manner. Sometimes it makes sense, instead of copying the data, move it into the worker, and then when the worker is done - move it back into the gui, by the way of a lambda.
I want to use QAudioRecorder to record an audio and save as a file and display the filepath to the user. I had tried using the the example from Qt but there's no feed on the buffer value when I tested it on Android. It works on my Desktop though. Below are part of my codes:
AudioRecord::AudioRecord(QWidget *parent)
audioRecorder = new QAudioRecorder(this);
probe = new QAudioProbe;
connect(probe, SIGNAL(audioBufferProbed(QAudioBuffer)),
this, SLOT(processBuffer(QAudioBuffer)));
void AudioRecord::processBuffer(const QAudioBuffer& buffer)
qDebug()<<"Testing Successful";
The processBuffer function does not seems to be called. What should I do to get the buffer value work? Is there any other way around?
Code is here
void A::fun()
QAction* act = new QAction(this);
QAction* act2 = new QAction(this);
connect(act, QAction::triggered, [this, &act2]() {...; act2.setDisable(true);}
// crash when &act2 is used to capture the variable
// but it is okay using act2 to capture the variable
What is the reason? Thanks.
You are taking a reference of act2 even though it is a pointer that will go out scope, that is why copying the pointer works.
Normal status message -these are always shown by an application unless a temporary message is shown. This is what I know about normal status message. So using these code on my constructor
ui.statusbar->showMessage("Temp message", 3000); // ui is the Ui::AutoGenHeaderForForm
QLabel *label = new QLabel;
label->setText("hello world");
I get that, when I run my project I get the status Temp message for 3 sec. Then I don't get the hello world back. Should the hello world come automatically after 3 sec in the position of Temp message ?
Assuming the code you show is in the constructor of your main window, the problem might be due to events not being properly processed because the event loop is not yet started at the time of the main window creation.
Try to execute the showMessage in a "delayed initialization" slot, e.g.
QLabel *label = new QLabel;
label->setText("hello world");
QTimer::singleShot ( 0, this, SLOT(delayedInit() );
void MainWindow::delayedInit()
ui.statusbar->showMessage("Temp message", 3000); // ui is the Ui::AutoGenHeaderForForm
I think the documentation is pretty clear:
The widget is located to the far left of the first permanent widget
(see addPermanentWidget()) and may be obscured by temporary messages.