Count with Varying Levels Parameters in R - r

I want R to count how many times my simulated ARIMA data conform to ARIMA(1,0,0) which I have achieved with:
cnt <- 0
num <- 60
phi <- 0.8
for(i in 1:10) {
epselon <- rnorm(num, mean=0, sd=1)
ar1 <- arima.sim(n = num, model=list(ar=phi, order = c(1, 0, 0)),
ar2 <- auto.arima(ar1)
if(all(arimaorder(ar2) == c(1, 0, 0))) cnt <- cnt + 1}
The above is just for a single case when sd=1, n=60, and ar=0.8.
I want a case when I have varying levels of N <- c(15, 20), SD <- c(1, 2) ^ 2, and phi = c(0.8, 0.9) for sample size, standard diviation and AR parameter respectively.
I have traid this:
N <- c(15, 20)
SD <- c(1, 2) ^ 2
phi = c(0.8, 0.9)
## generate all combos
all_combos <- expand.grid(N = N, SD = SD, phi = phi)
epselon = function(n) rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = SD)
## create function
fx_arima <- function(n, SD, phi) {
cnt <- 0
num <- 60
phi <- 0.8
for(i in 1:10) {
epselon <- rnorm(num, mean=0, sd=1)
ar1 <- arima.sim(n = num, model=list(ar=phi, order = c(1, 0, 0)), sd=1)
ar2 <- auto.arima(ar1)
if(all(arimaorder(ar2) == c(1, 0, 0))) cnt <- cnt + 1}
## find arima for all combos using Map
res = Map(fx_arima, all_combos[["N"]], all_combos[["SD"]],
## or a little bit more work:
res2 = by(all_combos, all_combos["N"],
function(DF) {
res = mapply(fx_arima, DF[["N"]], DF[["SD"]], DF[["phi"]])
colnames(res) = paste("SD", DF[["SD"]], "phi", DF[["phi"]], sep = "_")
## write to csv
Map(function(file, DF) write.csv(DF, paste0("N_", file, ".csv")),
names(res2), res2)
which I mirror from arima.sim() function with varying: sample sizes, phi values and sd values and R Count How Many Time auto.arima() Confirmarima.sim() to be True
I got this error message
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("SD_1_phi_0.2", "SD_4_phi_0.2", : attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions
How can I solve this such that will have my result to show in varying form suuch that first row will be the label while the second row will be the count itself. The result will in two sheets; the first will be for 'N=15' and the second will be for 'N=20'.

If I understood your problem correctly, the error comes from function colnames because your function does not return a "pure" matrix-like object. If, instead, you use the function names in your last chunk of code as follows:
res2 = by(all_combos, all_combos["N"],
function(DF) {
res = mapply(fx_arima, DF[["N"]], DF[["SD"]], DF[["phi"]])
names(res) = paste("SD", DF[["SD"]], "phi", DF[["phi"]], sep = "_")
You will get:
> res2
N: 15
SD_1_phi_0.8 SD_4_phi_0.8 SD_1_phi_0.9 SD_4_phi_0.9
1 3 7 5
N: 20
SD_1_phi_0.8 SD_4_phi_0.8 SD_1_phi_0.9 SD_4_phi_0.9
3 4 5 2
With elements accessible by name and index:
> res2$`15`["SD_1_phi_0.8"]
> res2$`15`[1]


How can I use try catch for nls function in R

I am doing a regression for a Quadric Linear function. I got two option is to use either nlsLM and nls2. However, for some dataset, the use of nlsLM casing some problem such as: singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates or they ran in to an infinitie loop. I want to use the try catch to deal with this issue. Can anyone help me out? Thanks everyone in advance.
Here is the full code:
# Packages needed for estimaton of Ideal trajectory - nonlinear regression
library("tseries") #runs test for auto correlation
#Use NLS2
# Set working directory
setwd("C:/Users/Kevin Le/PycharmProjects/Pig Data Black Box - Copy")
#load dataset
load("Data/JRPData_TTC.Rdata") #load dataset created in MissingData.step
ID <- 5470
#Create a new dataframe which will store Data after ITC estimation
#Dataframe contains ITC parameters
ITC.param.pos2 <- data.frame(ANIMAL_ID=factor(),
#Dataframe contains data points on the ITC
Data.remain <- data.frame(ANIMAL_ID=character(),
# For loop for automatically estimating ITC of all pigs
IDC <- seq_along(ID) # 17, 23, 52, 57, 116
for (idc in IDC){
# idc = 1
i <- ID[idc]
Data <- No.NA.Data.1[No.NA.Data.1$ANIMAL_ID == i,]
idc1 <- unique(as.numeric(Data$idc.1))
####### Create data frame of x (Age) and y (CFI) ########
x <- as.numeric(Data$Age.plot)
Y <- as.numeric(Data$CFI.plot)
Z <- as.numeric(Data$DFI.plot)
Data.xy <-,Y))
#Initial parameteres for parameter estimation
X0.0 <- x[1]
Xlast <- x[length(x)]
# 1. reparametrization CFI at X0 = 0
#function used for reparametrization in MAPLE
# solve({
# 0=a+b*X_0+c*X_0**2,
# DFIs=b+2*c*Xs,CFIs=a+b*Xs+c*Xs**2},
# {a,b,c});
# a = -X0*(2*CFIs*Xs-CFIs*X0-Xs^2*DFIs+Xs*DFIs*X0)/(Xs^2-2*X0*Xs+X0^2)
# b = (-Xs^2*DFIs+DFIs*X0^2+2*CFIs*Xs)/(Xs^2-2*X0*Xs+X0^2)
# c = -(CFIs-Xs*DFIs+X0*DFIs)/(Xs^2-2*X0*Xs+X0^2)
# 2. with the source of the function abcd and pred
#Provide set of initial parameters
Xs.1 <- round(seq(X0.0 + 1, Xlast - 1, len = 30), digits = 0)
X0.1 <- rep(X0.0, length(Xs.1))
DFIs.1 <- NULL
CFIs.1 <- NULL
for(A in seq_along(Xs.1)){
DFIs2 <- Data[Data$Age.plot == Xs.1[A],]$DFI.plot
CFIs2 <- Data[Data$Age.plot == Xs.1[A],]$CFI.plot
DFIs.1 <- c(DFIs.1, DFIs2)
CFIs.1 <- c(CFIs.1, CFIs2)
st1 <- data.frame(cbind(X0.1, Xs.1, DFIs.1, CFIs.1))
names(st1) <- c("X0","Xs", "DFIs","CFIs")
#RUN NLS2 to find optimal initial parameters
st2 <- nls2(Y ~ nls.func.2(X0, Xs, DFIs, CFIs),
start = st1,
# weights = weight,
# trace = T,
algorithm = "brute-force")
par_init <- coef(st2); par_init
# Create empty lists to store data after loop
par <- list()
AC.res <- list()
AC.pvalue <- NULL
data2 <- list()
data3 <- list()
param <- data.frame(rbind(par_init))
par.abcd <- data.frame(rbind(abcd.2(as.vector(par_init))))
param.2 <- data.frame(X0=double(),
j <- 2
AC_pvalue <- 0
AC.pvalue[1] <- AC_pvalue
datapointsleft <- as.numeric(dim(Data)[1])
dpl <- datapointsleft #vector of all dataponitsleft at each step
# Start the procedure of Non Linear Regression
while ((AC_pvalue<=0.05) && datapointsleft >= 20){
weight <- 1/Y^2
# ---------------- NON linear reg applied to log(Y) ---------------------------------
st2 <- nls2(Y ~ nls.func.2(X0, Xs, DFIs, CFIs),
start = st1,
weights = weight,
trace = F,
algorithm = "brute-force")
par_init <- coef(st2)
# st1 <- st1[!(st1$Xs == par_init[2]),]
nls.CFI <- nlsLM(Y ~ nls.func.2(X0, Xs, DFIs, CFIs),
control = list(tol = 1e-2, printEval = TRUE, maxiter = 1024),
start = list(X0 = par_init[1], Xs = par_init[2],
DFIs = par_init[3], CFIs = par_init[4]),
weights = weight,
algorithm = "port",
lower = c(-10000,X0.0+1, -10000, -10000),
upper = c(10000, Xlast-1, 10000, 10000),
trace = F)
# nls.CFI <- nls2(Y ~ nls.func.2(X0, Xs, DFIs, CFIs),
# Data.xy,
# start = list(X0 = par_init[1], Xs = par_init[2],
# DFIs = par_init[3], CFIs = par_init[4]),
# weights = weight,
# control = nls.control(warnOnly = TRUE),
# trace = T,
# algorithm = "port",
# lower = c(-100000000,X0.0+1, -1000000000, -1000000000),
# upper = c(1000000000, Xlast-1, 1000000000, 1000000000))
# nls.CFI <- nlsLM(Y ~ nls.func.2(X0, Xs, DFIs, CFIs),
# Data.xy,
# control = nls.control(warnOnly = TRUE),
# start = list(X0 = par_init[1], Xs = par_init[2],
# DFIs = par_init[3], CFIs = par_init[4]),
# weights = weight,
# algorithm = "port",
# lower = c(-1000000000,X0.0+1, -1000000000, -1000000000),
# upper = c(1000000000, Xlast-1, 1000000000, 1000000000),
# trace = F)
#--------RESULTS analysis GOODNESS of fit
#estimate params
par[[j]] <- coef(nls.CFI)
par.abcd[j,] <- abcd.2(as.vector(coef(nls.CFI) )) #calculation of a, b, c and d
param[j,] <- par[[j]]
param.2[j-1,] <- cbind(param[j,], par.abcd[j,])
# summ = overview((nls.CFI)) #summary
res1 <- nlsResiduals(nls.CFI) #residuals
res2 <- nlsResiduals(nls.CFI)$resi1
res <- res2[, 2]
AC.res <- test.nlsResiduals(res1)
AC.pvalue[j] <- AC.res$p.value
#---------Check for negative residuals----------
#Add filtration step order to data
Step <- rep(j - 1, length(x))
#create a new dataset with predicted CFI included <- data.frame(cbind(x, Z, Y, pred.func.2(par[[j]],x)[[1]], res, Step))
names( <- c("Age", "Observed_DFI","Observed_CFI", "Predicted_CFI", "Residual", "Step")
# plot($Age,$Predicted_CFI, type = "l", col = "black",lwd = 2,
# ylim = c(0, max($Predicted_CFI,$Observed_CFI)))
# lines($Age,$Observed_CFI, type = "p", cex = 1.5)
#remove negative res
Data.pos <-[!$Residual<0,]
# lines(Data.pos$Age, Data.pos$Predicted_CFI, type = "l", col = j-1, lwd = 2)
# lines(Data.pos$Age, Data.pos$Observed_CFI, type = "p", col = j, cex = 1.5)
#Criteria to stop the loop when the estimated parameters are equal to initial parameters
# Crite <- sum(param.2[dim(param.2)[1],c(1:4)] == par_init)
datapointsleft <- as.numeric(dim(Data.pos)[1])
par_init <- par[[j]]
AC_pvalue <- AC.pvalue[j]
j <- j+1
x <- Data.pos$Age
Y <- Data.pos$Observed_CFI
Z <- Data.pos$Observed_DFI
Data.xy <-,Y))
dpl <- c(dpl, datapointsleft)
#Create again the grid
X0.0 <- x[1]
Xlast <- x[length(x)]
if(par_init[2] -15 <= X0.0){
Xs.1 <- round(seq(X0.0 + 5, Xlast - 5, len = 30), digits = 0)
} else if(par_init[2] + 5 >= Xlast){
Xs.1 <- round(seq(par_init[2]-10, par_init[2]-1, len = 6), digits = 0)
} else{
Xs.1 <- round(seq(par_init[2]-5, par_init[2] + 5, len = 6), digits = 0)
X0.1 <- rep(X0.0, length(Xs.1))
DFIs.1 <- NULL
CFIs.1 <- NULL
for(A in seq_along(Xs.1)){
DFIs2 <- Data[Data$Age.plot == Xs.1[A],]$DFI.plot
CFIs2 <- Data[Data$Age.plot == Xs.1[A],]$CFI.plot
DFIs.1 <- c(DFIs.1, DFIs2)
CFIs.1 <- c(CFIs.1, CFIs2)
st1 <- data.frame(cbind(X0.1, Xs.1, DFIs.1, CFIs.1))
if(X0.0 <= par_init[2] && Xlast >=par_init[2]){
st1 <- rbind(st1, par_init)
names(st1) <- c("X0","Xs", "DFIs","CFIs")
} # end FOR loop
Here is the data file. I have exported my data into the .Rdata for an easier import.:
In this file, the set id: 5470 will have this error: singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates in this part:
nls.CFI <- nlsLM(Y ~ nls.func.2(X0, Xs, DFIs, CFIs),
control = list(tol = 1e-2, printEval = TRUE, maxiter = 1024),
start = list(X0 = par_init[1], Xs = par_init[2],
DFIs = par_init[3], CFIs = par_init[4]),
weights = weight,
algorithm = "port",
lower = c(-10000,X0.0+1, -10000, -10000),
upper = c(10000, Xlast-1, 10000, 10000),
trace = F)
The complementary functions (file Function.R):
abcd.2 <- function(P){
X0 <- P[1]
Xs <- P[2]
DFIs <- P[3]
CFIs <- P[4]
a <- -X0*(2*CFIs*Xs-CFIs*X0-Xs^2*DFIs+Xs*DFIs*X0)/(Xs^2-2*X0*Xs+X0^2)
b <- (-Xs^2*DFIs+DFIs*X0^2+2*CFIs*Xs)/(Xs^2-2*X0*Xs+X0^2)
c <- -(CFIs-Xs*DFIs+X0*DFIs)/(Xs^2-2*X0*Xs+X0^2)
pp <- as.vector(c(a, b, c))
# NLS function
nls.func.2 <- function(X0, Xs, DFIs, CFIs){
pp <- c(X0, Xs, DFIs, CFIs)
#calculation of a, b and c using these new parameters
c <- abcd.2(pp)[3]
b <- abcd.2(pp)[2]
a <- abcd.2(pp)[1]
ind1 <- as.numeric(x < Xs)
return (ind1*(a+b*x+c*x^2)+(1-ind1)*((a+b*(Xs)+c*(Xs)^2)+(b+2*c*(Xs))*(x-(Xs))))
# Fit new parameters to a quadratic-linear function of CFI
pred.func.2 <- function(pr,age){
X0 <- pr[1]
Xs <- pr[2]
DFIs <- pr[3]
CFIs <- pr[4]
x <- age
#calculation of a, b and c using these new parameters
c <- abcd.2(pr)[3]
b <- abcd.2(pr)[2]
a <- abcd.2(pr)[1]
ind1 <- as.numeric(x < Xs)
results <- list()
cfi <- ind1*(a+b*x+c*x^2)+(1-ind1)*((a+b*(Xs)+c*(Xs)^2)+(b+2*c*(Xs))*(x-(Xs))) #CFI
dfi <- ind1*(b+2*c*x) + (1 - ind1)*(b+2*c*(Xs)) #DFI
results[[1]] <- cfi
results[[2]] <- dfi
return (results)
# Quadratic-linear function of CFI curve and its 1st derivative (DFI) with original parameters (only a, b and c)
pred.abcd.2 <- function(pr,age){
a <- pr[1]
b <- pr[2]
c <- pr[3]
x <- age
#calculation of a, b and c using these new parameters
ind1 <- as.numeric(x < Xs)
results <- list()
cfi <- ind1*(a+b*x+c*x^2)+(1-ind1)*((a+b*(Xs)+c*(Xs)^2)+(b+2*c*(Xs))*(x-(Xs))) #CFI
dfi <- ind1*(b+2*c*x) + (1 - ind1)*(b+2*c*(Xs)) #DFI
results[[1]] <- cfi
results[[2]] <- dfi
return (results)
Updated: I did review my logic from the previous step and found that my data is a bit messed up because of it. I have fixed it. The case where a set f data ran into an infinite loop has no longer exists, but this error is still there however: singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates.

why random effect estiamator are not correct

I'm trying to simulate glmmLasso using a binomial data.
but random effect estiamator are not similar 5 that i given.
something wrong in my code?
if not, why random effect shown like that.
makedata <- function(I, J, p, sigmaB){
N <- I*J
# fixed effect generation
beta0 <- runif(1, 0, 1)
beta <- sort(runif(p, 0, 1))
# x generation
x <- matrix(runif(N*p, -1, 1), N, p)
# random effect generation
b0 <- rep(rnorm(I, 0, sigmaB), each=J)
# group
group <- as.factor(rep(1:I, each = J))
# y generation
k <- exp(-(beta0 + x %*% beta + b0))
y <- rbinom(n = length(k), size = 1, prob = (1/(1+k)))
sx <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
simuldata <- data.frame(y = y, x = sx, group)
res <- list(simuldata=simuldata)
# I : number of groups
I <- 20
# J : number of observation in group
J <- 10
# p : number of variables
p <- 20
# sigmaB : sd of random effect b0
sigmaB <- 5
simdata <- makedata(I, J, p, sigmaB)
lam <- 10
xnam <- paste("x", 1:p, sep=".")
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse= "+")))
glmm <- glmmLasso(fmla, rnd = list(group=~1), data = simdata, lambda = lam, control = list(scale = T, center = T))

arima.sim() function with varying: sample sizes, phi values and sd values

I want to simulate ARIMA(1,1,0) with varying:
sample sizes
phi values
standard deviation values.
I admire how the bellow r code is simulating just one ARIMA(1,1,0) which I want to follow the format to simulate many ARIMA(1,1,0) with varying sample sizes, phi values and standard deviation values
wn <- rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = 1)
ar <- wn[1:2]
for (i in 3:10){
ar<- arima.sim(n=10,model=list(ar=-0.7048,order=c(1,1,0)),start.innov=4.1,n.start=1,innov=wn)
I have asked a similar question here and given a good answer based on my question, but now I see that arima.sim() function is indispensable in simulating ARIMA time series and therefore want to incorporate it into my style of simulating ARIMA time series.
I come up with this trial that uses arima.sim() function to simulate N=c(15, 20) ARIMA(1,1,0) time series with varying sample sizes, standard deviation values and phi values by first generating N random number and then using the initial two random number to be the first two ARIMA(1,1,0). The 3rd to **n**th are the made to followARIMA(1,1,0)`.
Here is what I have tried bellow:
N <- c(15L, 20L)
SD = c(1, 2) ^ 2
phi = c(0.2, 0.4)
res <- vector('list', length(N))
names(res) <- paste('N', N, sep = '_')
for (i in seq_along(N)){
res[[i]] <- vector('list', length(SD))
names(res[[i]]) <- paste('SD', SD, sep = '_')
ma <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = N[i], ncol = length(phi))
for (j in seq_along(SD)){
wn <- rnorm(N[i], mean = 0, sd = SD[j])
ar[[1:2, ]] <- wn[[1:2]]
for (k in 3:N[i]){
ar[k, ] <- arima.sim(n=N[[i]],model=list(ar=phi[[k]],order=c(1,1,0)),start.innov=4.1,n.start=1,innov=wn)
colnames(ar) <- paste('ar_theta', phi, sep = '_')
res[[i]][[j]] <- ar
res1 <- lapply(res, function(dat), dat))
sapply(names(res1), function(nm) write.csv(res1[[nm]],
file = paste0(nm, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE))
The last two lines write the time series data in .csv and save it in my working directory.
Here may be a method using Map. Please edit your post to include expected output if this does not meet your requirements.
N <- c(15L, 20L)
SD <- c(1, 2) ^ 2
phi = c(0.2, 0.4)
## generate all combos
all_combos <- expand.grid(N = N, SD = SD, phi = phi)
## create function
fx_arima <- function(n, SD, phi) {
arima.sim(n = n,
model=list(ar=phi, order = c(1, 1, 0)),
start.innov = 4.1,
n.start = 1,
rand.gen = function(n) rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = SD))[-1L]
## find arima for all combos using Map
res = Map(fx_arima, all_combos[["N"]], all_combos[["SD"]], all_combos[["phi"]])
## or a little bit more work:
res2 = by(all_combos, all_combos["N"],
function(DF) {
res = mapply(fx_arima, DF[["N"]], DF[["SD"]], DF[["phi"]])
colnames(res) = paste("SD", DF[["SD"]], "phi", DF[["phi"]], sep = "_")
## write to csv
Map(function(file, DF) write.csv(DF, paste0("N_", file, ".csv")), names(res2), res2)

append values by dataframe row in a loop

I'm running models with various initial values, and I'm trying to append values (3 estimators) by rows to a dataframe in a loop. I assign values to estimators within the loop, but I can't recall them to produce a dataframe.
My code: f is the model for the estimation. Three parameters: alpha, rho, and lambda in the model. I want to output these 3 values.
f <- function(param) {
alpha <- param[1]
rho <- param[2]
lambda <- param[3]
u <- 0.5 * (dataset$v_50_1)^alpha - 0.5 * lambda * (dataset$v_50_2)^alpha
p <- 1/(1 + exp(-rho * u))
logl <- sum(dataset$gamble * log(p) + (1 - dataset$gamble) * log(1 - p))
df <- data.frame(alpha = numeric(), rho = numeric(), lambda = numeric())
for (j in 1:20) {
ml <- maxLik(f, start = c(alpha = runif(1, 0, 2), rho = runif(1, 0, 4), lambda = runif(1,
0, 10)), method = "NM")
alpha[j] <- ml$estimate[1]
rho[j] <- ml$estimate[2]
lambda[j] <- ml$estimate[3]
}, error = function(e) {NA})
output <- data.frame(alpha, rho, lambda)
error occurs:
Error in data.frame(alpha, rho, lambda) : object 'alpha' not found
Expected output
alpha rho lambda
0.4 1 2 # estimators append by row.
0.6 1.1 3 # each row has estimators that are estimated
0.7 1.5 4 # by one set of initial values, there are 20
# rows, as the estimation loops for 20 times.
I am running an example, by changing the function f
t <- rexp(100, 2)
loglik <- function(theta) log(theta) - theta*t
df <- data.frame(alpha = numeric(), rho = numeric(), lambda = numeric())
for (j in 1:20){
ml <- maxLik(loglik, start = c(alpha = runif(1, 0, 2), rho = runif(1, 0, 4),
lambda = runif(1, 0, 10)), method = "NM")
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(alpha = ml$estimate[1],
rho = ml$estimate[2],
lambda = ml$estimate[3]))
# I tried to append values for each column
}, error = function(e) {NA})}
> row.names(df) <- NULL
> head(df)
alpha rho lambda
1 2.368739 2.322220 2.007375
2 2.367607 2.322328 2.007093
3 2.368324 2.322105 2.007597
4 2.368515 2.322072 2.007334
5 2.368269 2.322071 2.007142
6 2.367998 2.322438 2.007391

Error in R-script: error in abs (alpha) non-numeric argument to mathematical function

I am trying to reproduce some results from the book "Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimisation with R" and I get an error that I can't seem to get my head around.
I get the following error in the COPPosterior function:
error in abs(alpha) : non-numeric argument to mathematical function
Is anyone able to see why I get the error?
The error is from the following script:
## Loading data set and converting to zoo
Assets <- as.zoo(EuStockMarkets)
## Aggregating as month-end series
AssetsM <- aggregate(Assets, as.yearmon, tail, 1)
## Applying unit root tests for sub-sample
AssetsMsub <- window(AssetsM, start = start(AssetsM),
end = "Jun 1996")
## Levels
ADF <- lapply(AssetsMsub, ur.df, type = "drift",
selectlags = "AIC")
ERS <- lapply(AssetsMsub, ur.ers)
## Differences
DADF <- lapply(diff(AssetsMsub), ur.df, selectlags = "AIC")
DERS <- lapply(diff(AssetsMsub), ur.ers)
VEC <-, ecdet = "none", spec = "transitory")
## Index of time stamps in back test (extending window)
idx <- index(AssetsM)[-c(1:60)]
ANames <- colnames(AssetsM)
NAssets <- ncol(AssetsM)
## Function for return expectations
f1 <- function(x, ci, percent = TRUE){
data <- window(AssetsM, start = start(AssetsM), end = x)
Lobs <- t(tail(data, 1))
vec <-, ecdet = "none", spec = "transitory")
m <- vec2var(vec, r = 1)
fcst <- predict(m, n.ahead = 1, ci = ci)
LU <- matrix(unlist(fcst$fcst),
ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)[, c(2, 3)]
RE <- rep(0, NAssets)
PView <- LU[, 1] > Lobs
NView <- LU[, 2] < Lobs
RE[PView] <- (LU[PView, 1] / Lobs[PView, 1] - 1)
RE[NView] <- (LU[NView, 1] / Lobs[NView, 1] - 1)
names(RE) <- ANames
if(percent) RE <- RE * 100
ReturnEst <- lapply(idx, f1, ci = 0.5)
qv <- zoo(matrix(unlist(ReturnEst),
ncol = NAssets, byrow = TRUE), idx)
colnames(qv) <- ANames
## Computing returns and EW-benchmark returns
R <- (AssetsM / lag(AssetsM, k = -1) -1.0) * 100
## Prior distribution
## Fitting of skewed Student's t distribution
MSTfit <- mvFit(R, method = "st")
mu <- c(MSTfit#fit[["beta"]])
S <- MSTfit#fit[["Omega"]]
skew <- c(MSTfit#fit[["alpha"]])
df <- MSTfit#fit[["df"]]
CopPrior <- mvdistribution("mvst", dim = NAssets, mu = mu,
Omega = S, alpha = skew, df = df)
## Pick matrix and view distributions for last forecast
RetEstCop <- ReturnEst[[27]]
PCop <- matrix(0, ncol = NAssets, nrow = 3)
colnames(PCop) <- ANames
PCop[1, ANames[1]] <- 1
PCop[2, ANames[2]] <- 1
PCop[3, ANames[4]] <- 1
Sds <- apply(R, 2, sd)
RetViews <- list(distribution("norm", mean = RetEstCop[1],
sd = Sds[1]),
distribution("norm", mean = RetEstCop[2],
sd = Sds[2]),
distribution("norm", mean = RetEstCop[4],
sd = Sds[4])
CopViews <- COPViews(pick = PCop, viewDist = RetViews,
confidences = rep(0.5, 3),
assetNames = ANames)
## Simulation of posterior
NumSim <- 10000
CopPost <- COPPosterior(CopPrior, CopViews,
numSimulations = NumSim)
look at the structure of MSTfit:
You can see that if you want the estimated alpha value, you need to access it via:
rather than
