Why is my Firebase Realtime Database not opening on the firebase console? - firebase

I am building an android app, I remember i open the realtime database a day ago but really can't remember if I added any data before pausing the work for some rest. Now return the the firebase web console to view the database (if I did create any) or create a new one. Now the database tab doesn't show any data and if try to create one it shows that "An error occured, null" as in the screenshot image attached. Please any ideas on what to do?


Google Play console rejects my second app in Firebase same database

Hello I am trying to upload a second app in the same app Firebase but they always show me Error 4 in their pictures, when trying to enter with a google account
Although I do not have problems to enter with the same user and account that I gave them.. Of course I change the Json file to the second app , as I said I can log in without problems but they cannot.

How to create teams in firebase crashlytics after migration from fabric?

I have migrated from fabric to firebase by connecting apps via console but I am not getting crash report emails from firebase. I added different users from "Users and Permissions" as suggested here. But I am still not getting email notifications on crash. I tried creating custom role from google cloud console but I am not able to see that in my firebase console. Only case where I am getting mails is when I am adding new user as "Owner" which I think is not right because it would mean I should give full access to all team members. Has anyone faced such issue before?
P.S.: Crashes are logged in console but I am not getting email notifications on crash.
You can configure your email preferences from Alert Settings under the alert icon on the top left of the console. What does this window look like in your firebase console?
Next you need to have at least view permissions on the project to receive e-mail notification. Project owners and editors get email alerts by default. More information on this can be found here.

How do you access OneSignal's database on Android & iOS in Flutter?

I am using OneSignal in my Flutter application to receive notifications. I have created my own table within Flutter to save notifications but I cannot save messages that have been sent whilst the app has been terminated. However, I have found that the OneSignal package has it's own database installed on the device which captures everything no matter what state the application is in! So, to avoid duplicating data I want to use this database instead. It is located outside of the flutter app folder which is my issue (see image below).
How do I access this database? Does anybody know if it is the same on iOS (I haven't been able to check at this time).
Many thanks.
It's important to understand that if an app has been terminated, any onReceived handler will not be fired. We don't recommend using the local db at all. Your best bet is to use the respective notification extender services for each platform. Though you will have to write native code for this! Cheers
ANDROID - NotificationExtenderService - This can be setup to receive silent notifications when your app is not running or to override how notifications are shown in the notification shade. See the Background Data and Notification Overriding section to set this up.

In Firebase Crashlytics, Where can I see user ID in the Reported Crashes?

Firebase Crashlytics has a feature for customizing crash reports. In my case, I'm reporting the internal user ID so that I can pull up more information to debug the issue.
I'm not able to see the user ID anywhere in the Firebase Crashlytics tab.
I call this in
You can see it here:
Or try to search reports by user ID here:
If the search result is empty, it means your "test crash" hasn't synced yet.
You don't see the user ID in Firebase Crashlytics because you are not calling the correct method.
Here is how to do it:
In addition, you can give yourself more context for the events leading up to a crash by logging custom message:
FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().log("Higgs-Boson detected! Bailing out");
For more infos:
Add FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setUserId(uuid);
in all screens (activities). If you add only in login screen then userid will not share to crashlytics, when app is crashed after reopening. Since we will ask user to login only once.

Firebase check for new data on app load

Does firebase have a native way to check if the app has the latest data on the second load?
Here is the app workflow.
When the app loads I get data from firebase and display it to the
Data is also stored locally to be displayed later.
The user closes the app and the reopens it sometime in the future.
How do I check if Firebase had new data and get it only if it has?
What I am doing is that I am storing a TimeStamp on my device and on the database. On each app load I check if the TimeStamp matches.
If it does then I display old local data otherwise make call to get latest.
Is this the correct way?
Basically what I am asking is I want to display locally stored data, but if firebase has new data then I want to get it and display that.
