Return integer using TclTK from C library - r

I have C code that uses Tcl/Tk library. I then create a library using this C code which is then linked to R language package. I have a function in the C code:
int doSomething(){
return TCL_OK;
return TCL_OK;
Currently, I use TCL_RESULT3("Error") in the C code, and then in R check if result <- tclvalue(tcl(...)) #calls doSomething() returns a string with Error:
if (startsWith(result, "Error"))
and base further actions in R on the returned value.
However, even though there is an error, I still call TCL_OK because TCL_ERROR produces something that R cannot seem to handle (at least it is not straightforward). My question is if it is possible to restructure my function as:
int doSomething(){
return TCL_OK;
return TCL_ERROR;
and have R understand what is being returned. Currently, if TCL_OK is returned, then result will be an empty string "". If TCL_ERROR is returned, then result will yield: Error in structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj") : [tcl] . which R does not know how to handle.
Is it possible to have R handle such an error (i.e. return a value of FALSE if this error pops up) or is checking for an error message using TCL_RESULT3() in conjunction with TCL_OK the best method for such a process?

When your C code returns TCL_ERROR (instead of TCL_OK) that's an error condition, which is logically like an exception in other languages. Can R handle those? Yes (apparently; I know very little R). Here's one way (there are others, of course; the right choice depends on what you're doing and the likely cause of the exception).
result <- tryCatch(
# This is where you put in the code to call into Tcl
tclvalue(tcl(...)) # calls doSomething()
error = function(err) {
message(paste("error occurred in Tcl code:", err))
return(NaN) # Need an alternative result value here
Note that if you're calling an arbitrary Tcl command, you pretty much have to handle exceptions. Failures are a fact of life, and you need to allow for them in robust code.


R: Function changing print behavior when returning NULL

This question is only for curiosity. My colleague and I were trying to write a function which returns NULL, but doesn't print it.
Before we found return(invisible(NULL)), I tried return({dummy<-NULL}) which works, but only once. After the first evaluation, the functions starts printing again:
test <- function() {
# no printout
# with printout
# with printout
How does this come about?
I think this is due to some older return handling built into R. There are many return functions, withVisible, invisible, etc. When you return an assignment x<-null inside the return function it will not automatically print. If you want an assignment to print...
test <- function() {
# with printout this time
# with printout
# with printout
I think this just may be hard coded into the return function, maybe pulling something from this logic below, just a shot in the dark though.
Source: R Documentation
x <- 1
withVisible(x <- 1) # *$visible is FALSE
withVisible(x) # *$visible is TRUE
Again if we do not use an expression and simply return a variable or value inside our return function we get automatic printing. The reason I am guessing it returns on a second call has to do with the fact x was already assigned previously.
EDIT: I found this deep into the documentation on auto printing. "Whether the returned value of a top-level R expression is printed is controlled by the global boolean variable R_Visible. This is set (to true or false) on entry to all primitive and internal functions based on the eval column of the table in file src/main/names.c: the appropriate setting can be extracted by the macro PRIMPRINT."(Source)

how to use if condition to check if function argument is TRUE in R

There is my function code
if(arg1 == 'ggwp'){
>Error in fun(ggwp): object 'ggwp' not found.
i don't know how to use if condition that make arg1 = str, then run a new function in R. It is different from C. There is error when I try this code. So, how do I make it work?

Catching use of return without parentheses in R

I just tracked down a silly bug in some R code that I had written. The bug was equivalent to this:
brokenEarlyReturn = function(x=TRUE) {
if (x) return # broken with bare return
stop("Should not get here if x is TRUE. x == ", x)
# Error in brokenEarlyReturn(TRUE) :
# Should not get here if x is TRUE. x == TRUE
The problem is that instead of return() I had just a bare return without the following parentheses. This causes the if statement be roughly equivalent to if (x) constant, where the body is a bareword that performs no action. In this case, the bareword is the definition of the return function itself, and the function continues rather than returning. The correct version would look like this:
workingEarlyReturn = function(x=TRUE) {
if (x) return() # parentheses added to return
stop("Should not get here if x is TRUE. x == ", x)
It makes sense that R requires parentheses after return, but as a C programmer I'm likely to occasionally forget to add them. Usually there would be a parsing error if they are omitted, but in this case of a bare return in the body of an if statement there is not.
Assuming I want the ability to put a "guard" statement at the top of a function that will return without a value if some condition is not met, how I can avoid making this error in the future? Or at least, how can I make it easier to track down this error when I do make it? Is there some "expression has no effect" warning that I can turn on?

Why expression after return's parenthesis is checked for lexical correctness, but is not evaluated?

Consider the following code:
a = function() {
return (23)
b = function() {
return (23) * 23
c = function() {
return (23) * someUndefinedVariable
All of the above runs successfully (if called) and return 23.
I assumed that R ignores everything that goes after the closing parenthesis of return, but it does not really, because this code fails during code loading:
d = function() {
return (23) something
My assumption is that in the latter example some lexer or parser fails. But in the former, expression is parsed as (return(23))*some (because return is treated like a function), but evaluation stops at return and therefore R does not try to find some.
Does that sounds ok? Is that the reason? Is such behavior intended? Can I enable some warnings so that interpreter tells me about such 'unreachable code'?
The failure of this code:
d = function() {
return (23) something
... has nothing to do with the prior code and everything to do with the inability to parse: return (23) something. Unlike the earlier misguided attempt to redefine c which had a valid/parseable function body, the d-body is incapable of being put into a functional form. The parser doesn't really stop at return(23) but rather after it tokenizes something and "realizes" that it is not a semicolon or an infix function name. So the R interpreter now has two expressions and no valid connector/separator between them.
The referenced objects inside R function bodies at the time of definition do not get evaluated or even checked for existence in the parameter list or outside the function. (R is not a compiler.)
R parses the statement before it is evaluated:
parse(text = "funky <- function(x) {
return(x) * dog
expression(funky <- function(x) {
return(x) * dog
parse(text = "funky <- function(x) {
return(x) dog
Error in parse(text = "funky <- function(x) {\n return(x) dog\n}") :
<text>:2:19: unexpected symbol
1: funky <- function(x) {
2: return(x) dog
In the above example, even though the variable dog doesn't exist (and comes after return), R is still able to parse it as it correct code.
return is not just "treated like a function", it is a function. And anytime it's called, the code path will exit from whatever function you're in at that moment.
So that means that by the time R would have gotten to multiplying the result of return by 23, it's all over, that evaluation stops, and there are no errors or warnings to report (just like there are no warnings or errors when you return inside some if condition).
Whereas your last function simply cannot be parsed (which more or less means that the expression is put into a function tree), and so that (function) object can't be created.

Capture Arbitrary Conditions with `withCallingHandlers`

The Problem
I'm trying to write a function that will evaluate code and store the results, including any possible conditions signaled in the code. I've got this working perfectly fine, except for the situation when my function (let's call it evalcapt) is run within an error handling expression.
The problem is that withCallingHandlers will keep looking for matching condition handlers and if someone has defined such a handler outside of my function, my function loses control of execution. Here is simplified example of the problem:
evalcapt <- function(expr) {
conds <- list()
val <- eval(expr),
condition=function(e) {
message("Caught condition of class ", deparse(class(e)))
conds <<- c(conds, list(e))
} )
list(val=val, conditions=conds)
myCondition <- simpleCondition("this is a custom condition")
class(myCondition) <- c("custom", class(myCondition))
expr <- expression(signalCondition(myCondition), 25)
Works as expected
Caught condition of class c("custom", "simpleCondition", "condition")
[1] 25
<custom: this is a custom condition>
custom=function(e) stop("Hijacked `evalcapt`!")
Doesn't work:
Caught condition of class c("custom", "simpleCondition", "condition")
Error in value[[3L]](cond) : Hijacked `evalcapt`!
A Solution I don't Know How To Implement
What I really need is a way of defining a restart right after the condition is signaled in the code which frankly is the way withCallingHandlers appears to work normally (when my handler is the last available handler), but I don't see the restart established when I browse in my handling function and use computeRestarts.
Things That Seem Like Solutions That Won't Work
Use tryCatch
tryCatch does not have the same problem as withCallingHandlers because it does not continue looking for handlers after it finds the first one. The big problem with is it also does not continue to evaluate the code after the condition. If you look at the example that worked above, but sub in tryCatch for withCallingHandlers, the value (25) does not get returned because execution is brought back to the tryCatch frame after the condition is handled.
So basically, I'm looking for a hybrid between tryCatch and withCallingHandlers, one that returns control to the condition signaler, but also stops looking for more handlers after the first one is found.
Break Up The Expression Into Sub-expression, then Use tryCatch
Okay, but how do you break up (and more complex functions with signaled conditions all over the place):
fun <- function(myCondition) {
expr <- expression(fun())
I looked for the source code associated with the .Internal(.signalCondition()) call to see if I can figure out if there is a behind the scenes restart being set, but I'm out of my depth there. It seems like:
void R_ReturnOrRestart(SEXP val, SEXP env, Rboolean restart)
int mask;
for (c = R_GlobalContext; c; c = c->nextcontext) {
if (c->callflag & mask && c->cloenv == env)
findcontext(mask, env, val);
else if (restart && IS_RESTART_BIT_SET(c->callflag))
findcontext(CTXT_RESTART, c->cloenv, R_RestartToken);
else if (c->callflag == CTXT_TOPLEVEL)
error(_("No function to return from, jumping to top level"));
from src/main/errors.c is doing some of that restart invocation, and this is called by do_signalCondition, but I don't have a clue how I would go about messing with this.
I think what you're looking for is to use withRestarts when your special condition is signaled, like from warning:
.Internal(.signalCondition(cond, message, call))
.Internal(.dfltWarn(message, call))
}, muffleWarning = function() NULL)
evalcapt <- function(expr) {
conds <- list()
val <- eval(expr),
custom=function(e) {
message("Caught condition of class ", deparse(class(e)))
conds <<- c(conds, list(e))
} )
list(val=val, conditions=conds)
expr <- expression(withRestarts({
}, muffleCustom=function() NULL), 25)
leads to
> tryCatch(evalcapt(expr))
Caught condition of class c("custom", "simpleCondition", "condition")
[1] 25
<custom: this is a custom condition>
> tryCatch(
+ evalcapt(expr),
+ custom=function(e) stop("Hijacked `evalcapt`!")
+ )
Caught condition of class c("custom", "simpleCondition", "condition")
[1] 25
<custom: this is a custom condition>
As far as I can tell there isn't and can't be a simple solution to this problem (I'm happy to be proven wrong). The source of the problem can be seen if we look at how tryCatch and withCallingHandlers register the handlers:
.Internal(.addCondHands(name, list(handler), parentenv, environment(), FALSE)) # tryCatch
.Internal(.addCondHands(classes, handlers, parentenv, NULL, TRUE)) # withCallingHandlers
The key point is the last argument, FALSE in tryCatch, TRUE in withCallingHandlers. This argument leads to the gp bit getting set by do_addCondHands > mkHandlerEntry in src/main/errors.c.
That same bit is then consulted by do_signalCondition (still in src/main/errors.c) when a condition is signaled:
// simplified code excerpt from `do_signalCondition
PROTECT(oldstack = R_HandlerStack);
while ((list = findConditionHandler(cond)) != R_NilValue) {
SEXP entry = CAR(list);
R_HandlerStack = CDR(list);
if (IS_CALLING_ENTRY(entry)) { // <<------------- Consult GP bit
... // Evaluate handler
} else gotoExitingHandler(cond, ecall, entry); // Evaluate handler and exit
R_HandlerStack = oldstack;
return R_NilValue;
Basically, if the GP bit is set, then we evaluate the handler, and keep iterating through the handler stack. If it isn't set, then we run gotExitingHandler which runs the handler but then returns control to the handling control structure rather than resuming the code where the condition was signaled.
Since the GP bit can only tell you to do one of two things, there is no straightforward way to modify the behavior of this call (i.e. you either iterate through all the handlers if using withCallingHandlers, or you stop at the first matching one registered by tryCatch).
I toyed with the idea of traceing signalConditions to add a restart there, but that seems too hackish.
With a bit of C you can evaluate an expression within a ToplevelExec() to isolate it from all handlers registered on the stack.
We will expose it at R level in the next rlang version.
I may be a bit late, but I've been digging into the condition-system as well, and I think I've found some other solutions.
But first: some reasons why this is necessarily a hard problem, not something that can easily be solved generally.
The question is which function is signalling a condition, and whether this function can continue execution if it throws a condition. Errors are implemented as "just a condition" as well, but most functions don't expect to be continued after they've thrown a stop().
And some functions may pass on a condition, expecting not be bothered by it again.
Normally, this means that control can only be returned after a stop if a function has explicitly said it can accept that: with a restart provided.
There may also be other serious conditions that can be signalled, and if a function expects such a condition to always be caught, and you force it to return execution, things break badly.
What should happen when you would have written it as follows and execution would resume?
myfun <- function(deleteFiles=NULL) {
if (!all(haveRights(deleteFiles))) stop("Access denied")
withCallingHandlers(val <- eval(myfun(myProtectedFiles)),
error=function(e) message("I'm just going to ignore everything..."))
If no other handlers are called (which alert the user that stop has been called), the files would be removed, even though this function has a (small) safeguard against that.
In the case of an error this is clear, but there could be also cases for other conditions, so I think that's the main reason R doesn't really support it if you stop the passing on of conditions, unless it means halting.
Nonetheless, I think I've found 2 ways of hacking your problem.
The first is simply executing expr step by step, which is quite close to Martin Morgans solution, but moves the withRestarts into your function:
evalcapt <- function(expr) {
conds <- list()
for (i in seq_along(expr)) {
val <- withRestarts(
muffleCustom = function()
custom = function(e) {
message("Caught condition of class ", deparse(class(e)))
conds <<- c(conds, list(e))
list(val = val, conditions = conds)
The main disadvantage is that this doesn't dig into functions, expr is executed for each instruction at the level it is called.
So if you call evalcapt(myfun()), the for-loop sees this as one instruction. And this one instruction throws a condition --> so does not return --> so you can't see any output that would have been there would you not have been catching anything.
OTOH, evalcapt(expression(signalCondition(myCondition), 25)) does work as requested, as this is an expression with 2 elements, each of which is called.
If you want to go hardcore, I think you could try evaluating myfun() step-by-step, but there is always the question how deep you want to go. If myfun() calls myotherfun(), which calls myotherotherfun(), do you want to return control to the point where myfun failed, or myotherfun, or myotherotherfun?
Basically, it's just a guess about what level you want to halt execution, and where you want to resume.
So a second solution: hijack any call to signalCondition. This means you'll probably end up at a quite deep level, although not the very deepest (no primitives, or code that calls .signalCondition).
I think this works best if you're really sure that your custom condition is only thrown by code that is written by you: it means that execution resumes directly after signalCondition.
Which gives me this function:
evalcapt <- function(expr) {
if(exists('conds', parent.frame(), inherits=FALSE)) {
conds_backup <- get('conds', parent.frame(), inherits=FALSE)
on.exit(assign('conds', conds_backup, parent.frame(), inherits=FALSE), add=TRUE)
} else {
on.exit(rm('conds', pos=parent.frame(), inherits=FALSE), add=TRUE)
assign('conds', list(), parent.frame(), inherits=FALSE)
origsignalCondition <- signalCondition
if(exists('signalCondition', parent.frame(), inherits=FALSE)) {
signal_backup <- get('signalCondition', parent.frame(), inherits=FALSE)
on.exit(assign('signalCondition', signal_backup, parent.frame(), inherits=FALSE), add=TRUE)
} else {
on.exit(rm('signalCondition', pos=parent.frame(), inherits=FALSE), add=TRUE)
assign('signalCondition', function(e) {
if(is(e, 'custom')) {
message("Caught condition of class ", deparse(class(e)))
conds <<- c(conds, list(e))
} else {
}, parent.frame())
val <- eval(expr, parent.frame())
list(val=val, conditions=conds)
It looks way messier, but that's mostly because there are more issues with which environment to use. The differences are that here, I use the calling environment as context, and to hijack signalCondition() that needs to be there too. And afterwards we need to clean up.
But the main use is overwriting signalCondition: if we see a custom error we log it, and return control. If it's another condition, we pass on control.
Here there may be some smaller disadvantages:
You may end up in a deeper function, where the bug is the way myfun calls myotherfun, but you end up in myotherfun (or deeper).
It only catches occurrences where signalCondition is called. If you call e.g. warning(myCondition), nothing is caught.
If a function in another package/another environment calls signalCondition, then it uses its own searchpath, meaning our signalCondition might be bypassed, and base::signalCondition is used instead.
When debugging, it's a lot uglier. Variables are assigned in environments where you don't expect them (and then disappear when you exit a function), the scope for different functions may be unclear, parent.frame() might give others results then you'd expect, etc.
And as said before: all functions must be able to handle re-entrance after throwing a condition.
