How to specify where cronR saves output file - r

I have successfully run a simple cronR tutorial using the cronR add in within R Studio. Here is the following code that I have saved in a R script file:
current_time <- Sys.time()
msg <- glue::glue("This is a test I am running at {current_time}.")
cat(msg, file = "test.txt")
The R script file is saved within a specific project directory. The log file when the job runs is also saved there. However, the output of the script file, test.txt, is saved in my home directory. I am on a Mac. In the tutorial, it was stated that this would happen, that cron would save any output in the home directory and that if I want to change the location that I have to "specify otherwise". However, the tutorial gives no instructions for how to do this and I am not sure if I am supposed to do this through the terminal in mac and if so how? Changing the file path in the script file (e.g. Documents/test.txt) changes nothing, as the test.txt file is still saved in the home drive. I suspect I have to make this change somewhere else but I am not sure where. Any help would be appreciated.

For anyone who runs into the same issue, I was able to solve my problem by using launchD. I followed this tutorial It worked as anticipated and now my .txt file is saved to the correct place. There is also a tutorial there for cron jobs, though if you are on a mac, launchD is apparently the preferred method.


How to run R projects / use their relative paths from the terminal without setwd() resp. cd

I'm kinda lost on that one:
I have set up an R project, let's call it "Test Project.Rproj". The beauty of R projects is the possibility to use relative paths (relative to the .Rproj file). My project consists of a "main.R" script, which is saved on the same level as the .Rproj file.
Additionally I have a directory called 'Output', where I want my plots and exported data to be saved. My "main.R" file looks like the following:
my_df <- data.frame(A = 1:10, B = 11:20)
my_df |>
stringr::str_replace_all(as.character(Sys.time()), ":", ""),
My final goal is to automate the execution of the 'main.R' file using the Windows Task Scheduler. But in order to do so, I have to be able to run the script from the terminal. The problem here is the working directory. When opening an R project, all the paths are relative to .Rproj file. But in the terminal the current working directory is <C:\Users\my_name>. Of course I could manually set the working directory via cd "path\to\my\project. But I would like to avoid that.
My current call for the execution of the main.R file in the terminal is the following:
"C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.0\bin\Rscript" -e "source('C:/Users/my_name/path/to/my/project/main.R')"
My two ideas for a solution are the following, but I am happy for other suggestions as well.
In order to replicate the usual use of a project: Is there a way to execute the .Rproj
file from the terminal? In order to create a similar environment as in RStudio, where all the relative paths are working, when executing scripts from the project afterwards?
There are two packages adressing the problem of relative paths: rprojroot and here, where the former is the basis for the latter. I am pretty sure that here does not provide the needed functionality. I tried adding here::i_am("main.R) to my main.R file, but the project root directory still is not found when executing in the terminal from a working directory outside the project.
For rprojroot to work, I think it is also necessary to have your current working directory somewhere within the project. But this package offers a lot of functionality, so I am not sure wheter I am overlooking something.
So I would be happy about any help. Maybe it is impossible and I have to change the working directory manually - then I would be glad to know that as well.
Some links I used in my research:
Thanks a lot!
Edit: My current implementation is an additional R script, where I manually set the working directory via setwd() and source the main.R file. However it is always suggested to avoid setwd, which is why this whole question exists.

Unable to get R script to execute second part of code to download a csv

I'm trying to create a script in R that will:
Check if a folder exists and if not, create it
Download a csv file from the internet and place it in the specified folder
The script executes Part 1 fine and creates the folder, however it won't execute Part 2 and download the file automatically. I have to do this manually in RStudio and it works, but I want it to run automatically
Created a script with just Part 2 and it executes fine.
#Create directory first
if (!file.exists("data")) {
#Download file
fileUrl <-""
download.file(fileUrl, destfile = "./data/cameras.csv")
There are no error messages, it just executes Part 1 but does not execute Part 2.
Can someone advise what I'm missing here? TIA
Thanks it is working now. It worked in R console but not Studio but worked after restarting R Studio. Thanks all for the input

Same R history from different workspace

I am new to R and I just figured out why my history did not contain all my previous commands. R create a .Rhistory file in each working directory.
I often change working directory and I would like to have the history of all my past sessions in the same file. Is there a simple way to do that ?
(I am on Mac OS 10.6 and I use Rstudio)
An easy way would be to manually save your history like this:
savehistory(file = "~/.Rhistory")
and then load it when you open an R command session:
loadhistory(file = "~/.Rhistory")
Otherwise you can edit your '' and add savehistory() and loadhistory() to the functions .Last and .First respectively.
More info about here
At startup, R will source the file. It will then look for a .Rprofile file to source in the current working directory. If it doesn't find it, it will look for one in the user's home directory. There are two special functions you can place in these files. .First( ) will be run at the start of the R session and .Last( ) will be run at the end of the session.

How to permanently set fix my working dir?

Every time I restart R I issue the following command:
How do make this my permanent working dir
Create a file called ".Rprofile" and add that command. R will look for this file every time it starts and change to that directory accordingly. More info in the R documentation here
In order to change your working directory permanently, you can find the following file “” that is located in your installation path “etc” folder and open it in your favorite text editor (i.e., VSCode). Then you can add your permeant working directory to the first line, like the following line of code:
setwd(“C:\your permeant working directory”)
and save it. Next time you open the R-CRAN, your working directory is set to what you have saved.
Any code which you wish to run every R session can be added to
On a Windows machine, this file is located for example in C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.2\etc. On Windows you will need to run your favourite text editor as an administrator to make changes to this file, since it is in Program Files.
This is also a good place to set your local CRAN repository, etc.

Set working directory to mapped network drive in BATCH mode

I'm having issues on windows with R failing when changing the working directory to a mapped network drive (e.g. \Share\Folder mapped to Z:) in batch mode. If I run the same script in an interactive console I don't have any issues. I am accomplishing this by running R.exe with the script specified inside of a windows batch (.bat) file. The .bat file contains the following.
"C:\RRO\R-3.2.1\bin\R.exe" CMD BATCH "C:/Scripts/Rscript.R"
The error is simply...
> setwd( 'Z:/' )
Error in setwd("Z:/") : cannot change working directory
I'd be open to a different approach entirely for scheduling these scripts via the windows task scheduler if that helps avoid the issue. The reason for mapping the drive is that I need to supply some credentials in order to access it, which is done automatically when it is mapped, but can test to see if that's not the case in R if anyone knows how.
I hope this can help with your question.
I duplicated the problem with no errors by using Rscript command instead of a CMD BATCH
my R code which I saved as a script (test1.R)
setwd("P:/Records/Indexing Operations/Indexing Data Analysis/Daily Reports") = read.xlsx("FSI Daily Project Status Report - 18 Mar 2016.xlsx", sheet = 1)
png(filename = "test.png", width = 500, height = 350 )
main = Sys.time())
Note I change the directory 2 times in this file. Once to access data on a mapped network drive and a 2nd to save the image to the computer. I put a timestamp of the current time as the main plot title so you can run the batch file repeatedly and verify it works
my batch file
cd C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.3\bin\i386
Rscript C:\Users\golieth\Documents\test1.R
Note: On the batch file if your code relies on 32 bit you need to change the directory of your R program (cd) to the R 32bit program. Same with R64. Next the Rscript should reference where you have saved your .R file
Finally, and this might be stating the obvious but make sure you are connected to your VPN before running the batch file.
Imagine a batch file with
cd Z:\<Destination>
RScript "C:/Scripts/Rscript.R"
This will enable Windows to change to the directory with all credentials and then start R within that directory. So the working dir. is the location from where R is started. Doing so requires that "C:\RRO\R-3.2.1\bin\" is part of your PATH variable.
Good luck!
When writing a .bat file, remember that cd is not used to change drive letters. To change drive letters you simply enter the name of the drive letter, which should be done prior to issuing the final cd to the working directory.
Like this:
cd z:\your\working\directory\
C:\RRO\R-3.2.1\bin\Rscript.exe C:/Scripts/Rscript.R
You can save the files locally in your code, and use file.copy in your code to copy the files over to your network drive. Also try replacing the path in file.copy the network drive letter by the full network address name eg. \\....\.....\
