Cannot generate predictions in mgcv when using discretization (discrete=T) - r

I am fitting a model using a random site-level effect using a generalized additive model, implemented in the mgcv package for R. I had been doing this using the function gam() however, to speed things up I need to shift to the bam() framework, which is basically the same as gam(), but faster. I further sped up fitting by passing the options bam(nthreads = N, discrete=T), where nthreads is the number of cores on my machine. However, when I use the discretization option, and then try to make predictions with my model on new data, while ignoring the random effect, I consistent get an error.
Here is code to generate example data and reproduce the error.
#generate data.
N <- 10000
x <- runif(N,0,1)
y <- (0.5*x / (x + 0.2)) + rnorm(N)*0.1 #non-linear relationship between x and y.
#uninformative random effect.
random.x <- as.factor(, replicate(2, sample(LETTERS, N, TRUE), FALSE)))
#fit models.
fit1 <- gam(y ~ s(x) + s(random.x, bs = 're')) #this one takes ~1 minute to fit, rest faster.
fit2 <- bam(y ~ s(x) + s(random.x, bs = 're'))
fit3 <- bam(y ~ s(x) + s(random.x, bs = 're'), discrete = T, nthreads = 2)
#make predictions on new data.
newdat <- data.frame(runif(200, 0, 1))
colnames(newdat) <- 'x'
test1 <- predict(fit1, newdata=newdat, exclude = c("s(random.x)"), newdata.guaranteed = T)
test2 <- predict(fit2, newdata=newdat, exclude = c("s(random.x)"), newdata.guaranteed = T)
test3 <- predict(fit3, newdata=newdat, exclude = c("s(random.x)"), newdata.guaranteed = T)
Making predictions with the third model which uses discretization throws this error (which the other two do not):
Error in model.frame.default(object$dinfo$gp$fake.formula[-2], newdata) :
variable lengths differ (found for 'random.x')
In addition: Warning message:
'newdata' had 200 rows but variables found have 10000 rows
How can I go about making predictions for a new dataset using the model fit with discretization?

newdata.gauranteed doesn't seem to be working for bam() models with discrete = TRUE. You could email the author and maintainer of mgcv and send him the reproducible example so he can take a look. See ?bug.reports.mgcv.
You probably want
names(newdat) <- "x"
as data frames have names.
But the workaround is just to pass in something for random.x
newdat <- data.frame(x = runif(200, 0, 1), random.x = random.x[[1]])
and then do your call to generate test3 and it will work.
The warning message and error are the result of you not specifying random.x in the newdata and then mgcv looking for random.x and finding it in the global environment. You should really gather that variables into a data frame and use the data argument when you are fitting your models, and try not to leave similarly named objects lying around in your global environment.


Can glmmLasso be used with the Tweedie distribution?

I have a linear mixed effects model and I am trying to do variable selection. The model is testing the level of forest degradation in 1000 sampled points. Most points have no degradation, and so the dependent variable is highly skewed with many zeros. Therefore, I am using the Tweedie distribution to fit the model. My main question is: can the Tweedie distribution actually be used in the glmmLasso function? My second question is: do I even need to use this distribution in glmmLasso()? Any help is much appreciated!
When I run the function with family = tweedie(var.power=1.2,link.power=0) I get the following error:
Error in logLik.glmmLasso(y = y, yhelp = yhelp, mu = mu, family = family, :
object 'loglik' not found
If I change the link.power from 0 to 1 (which I think is not correct for my model, but just for the sake of figuring out the problem), I get a different error:
Error in grad.lasso[] <- score.beta[] - lambda.b * sign(score.beta[]) :
NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments
Here tweedie comes from the statmod package. A simple example:
power <- 2
mu <- 1
phi <- seq(2, 8, by=0.1)
y <- rtweedie( 100, mu=mu, power=power, phi=3)
x <- rnorm(100)
z <- c(rep(1, 50), rep(2,50))
df =,x,z))
df$z = as.factor(df$z)
f = y ~ x
varSelect = glmmLasso(fix = f, rnd = list(z=~1), data = df,
lambda = 5, family = tweedie(var.power=1.2,link.power=0))
I created a hacked version of glmmLasso that incorporates the Tweedie distribution as an option and put it on Github. I had to change two aspects of the code:
add a clause to compute the log-likelihood if family$family == "Tweedie"
in a number of places where the code was essentially if (family$family in list_of_families) ..., add "Tweedie" as an option.
## [1] ‘’
Your example runs for me now, but I haven't checked at all to see if the results are sensible.

How to predict gam model with random effect in R?

I am working on predicting gam model with random effect to produce 3D surface plot by plot_ly.
Here is my code;
x <- runif(100)
y <- runif(100)
z <- x^2 + y + rnorm(100)
r <- rep(1,times=100) # random effect
r[51:100] <- 2 # replace 1 into 2, making two groups
df <- data.frame(x, y, z, r)
gam_fit <- gam(z ~ s(x) + s(y) + s(r,bs="re"), data = df) # fit
#create matrix data for `add_surface` function in `plot_ly`
newx <- seq(0, 1, len=20)
newy <- seq(0, 1, len=30)
newxy <- expand.grid(x = newx, y = newy)
z <- matrix(predict(gam_fit, newdata = newxy), 20, 30) # predict data as matrix
However, the last line results in error;
Error in model.frame.default(ff, data = newdata, na.action = na.act) :
variable lengths differ (found for 'r')
In addition: Warning message:
In predict.gam(gam_fit, newdata = newxy) :
not all required variables have been supplied in newdata!
Thanks to the previous answer, I am sure that above codes work without random effect, as in here.
How can I predict gam models with random effect?
Assuming you want the surface conditional upon the random effects (but not for a specific level of the random effect), there are two ways.
The first is to provide a level for the random effect but exclude that term from the predicted values using the exclude argument to predict.gam(). The second is to again use exclude but this time to not provide any data for the random effect and instead stop predict.gam() from checking the newdata using the argument newdata.guaranteed = TRUE.
Option 1:
newxy1 <- with(df, expand.grid(x = newx, y = newy, r = 2))
z1 <- predict(gam_fit, newdata = newxy1, exclude = 's(r)')
z1 <- matrix(z1, 20, 30)
Option 2:
z2 <- predict(gam_fit, newdata = newxy, exclude = 's(r)',
z2 <- matrix(z2, 20, 30)
These produce the same result:
> all.equal(z1, z2)
[1] TRUE
A couple of notes:
Which you use will depend on how complex the rest of you model is. I would generally use the first option as it provides an extra check against me doing something stupid when creating the data. But in this instance, with a simple model and set of covariates it seems safe enough to trust that newdata is OK.
Your example uses a random slope (was that intended?), not a random intercept as r is not a factor. If your real example uses a factor random effect then you'll need to be a little more careful when creating the newdata as you need to get the levels of the factor right. For example:
expand.grid(x = newx, y = newy,
r = with(df, factor(2, levels = levels(r))))
should get the right set-up for a factor r

R: svm from e1071 predictions differ based on "probability" argument setting

Under certain circumstances, there are differences in predictions from e1071 package svm models depending on the setting of the probability input argument. This code example:
rm(list = ls())
## Training and testing subsets
set.seed(73) # For reproducibility
ri = sample(seq(1, nrow(iris)), round(nrow(iris)*0.8))
train = iris[ri, ]
test = iris[-ri,]
## Models and predictions with probability setting F or T
set.seed(42) # Just to exclude that randomness in algorithm itself is the cause
m1 <- svm(Species ~ ., data = train, probability = F)
pred1 = predict(m1, newdata = test, probability = F)
set.seed(42) # Just to exclude that randomness in algorithm itself is the cause
m2 <- svm(Species ~ ., data = train, probability = T)
pred2 = predict(m2, newdata = test, probability = T)
## Accuracy
acc1 = sum(test$Species == pred1)/nrow(iris)
acc2 = sum(test$Species == pred2)/nrow(iris)
will give
acc1 = 0.18666...
acc2 = 0.19333...
My conclusion is that svm() performs calculations differently based on the setting of the probability parameter.
Is that correct?
If so, why and how does it differ?
I haven't seen anything about this in the docs for the package or function.
The reason I bother with this is that I have found the performance of the classification to be not only different, but consistently slightly worse when probability = T in a project where I do classification based on ~800 observations of ~250 gene abundances (bioinformatics stuff). The code from that project contains data cleaning and uses cross-validation, making it a bit bulky to include here, so you'll have to take my word for it.
Any ideas folks?

How to get a model matrix from clmm objects?

I want to estimate a multilevel ordered logistic model and afterwards access the model matrix. When running a simplified example from ?clmm:
mod1 <- clmm(SURENESS ~ PROD + (1|RESP), data = soup)
I get the error message Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'SURENESS' not found. From other packages I expected that setting parameters like model = TRUE the data going in are also exported to the estimated model, but here all relevant parameters seem to be set accordingly by default. Did I miss some parameters or elements from mod1 (I went through attributes(mod1) but did not find a model matrix.
Strangely if I set a random data.frame, it works:
df <- data.frame(y = factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C"), size = 1000, replace = TRUE), ordered = TRUE),
x = rnorm(1000),
id = factor(rep(1:10, each = 100)))
mod2 <- clmm(y ~ 1 + x + (1|id), data = df)
So what's the difference between mod1 and mod2 and how do I get a model.matrix from mod1?
I do not think model.matrix(mod2) works for clmm objects. However, you can try to build a parallel model for the fixed effects part using functions like 'polr' and apply model.matrix() to the output object. The random-effects part can be fixed separately by using the clmm output.

How do I use predict() on new data for lme4::glmer model?

I have been trying to establish predictive performance (AUC ROC) for a glmer model. When I try and use the predict() function on a test data set, the output for this function is the length of my train data set.
folds = 10;
glmerperf=rep(0,folds); glmperf=glmerperf;
TB_Train.glmer.subset <- TB_Train.glmer %>% select(one_of(subset.vars), IDNO)
TB_Train.glmer.fs <- TB_Train.glmer.subset[,c(1:7, 22)]
TB_Train.glmer.ns <- TB_Train.glmer.subset[, 8:21]
TB_Train.glmer.cns <- TB_Train.glmer.ns %>% scale(center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) %>% cbind(TB_Train.glmer.fs)
foldsamples = caret::createFolds(TB_Train.glmer.cns$Case.Status, k = folds, list = TRUE, returnTrain = FALSE)
for (n in 1:folds)
testdata = TB_Train.glmer.cns[foldsamples[[n]],]
traindata = TB_Train.glmer.cns[-foldsamples[[n]],]
GLMER <- lme4::glmer(Case.Status ~ . + (1 | IDNO), data = traindata, family="binomial", control=glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa", optCtrl=list(maxfun=1000000)))
glmer.probs <- predict(GLMER, newdata=testdata$Non.TB.Case, type="response")
glmer.ROC <- roc(predictor=glmer.probs, response=testdata$Case.Status, levels=rev(levels(testdata$Case.Status)))
glmerperf[n] <- glmer.ROC$auc
prob <- predict(GLMER, newdata=TB_Test.glmer$Non.TB.Case, type="response", re.form=~(1|IDNO))
print(sprintf('Mean AUC ROC of model on test set for GLMER %f', mean(glmerperf)))
Both the prob and glmer.probs objects are the length of the traindata object, despite specifying the newdata argument. I have noticed issues with the predict function in the past, but none as specific as this one.
Also, when the model is run, I get several errors about needing to scale my data (which I already have) and that the model fails to converge. Any ideas on how to fix this? I have already bumped up the iterations and selected a new optimizer.
Figured out that error was arising from using the "." shortcut to specify all predictors for the model.
