Page rendering differently when default.aspx was modified -

I have code deployed on IIS server, i just tried to modify some html content in Default.aspx page to show site was in "under construction" mode then later i brought back Default.aspx page as it was in original stage (i had copy of original Default.aspx).
I also added app_offline.html file to root directory to bring site to offline, now removed this file from root.
But now when we access the website IIS renders differently and give actual result only after 6-7 refreshes.
I tried to restart IIS server as i read that iis server is rendering new change structure and forgotten old rendering pattern. But this did not work.
Note: I do not have source code to debug i have only files .aspx files and dll files which are deployed at server.

The content to show that the site was "under construction" should have been placed in the app_offline.html file. I don't understand why you even touched the Default.aspx page. Either way the Default page may now be out of synch with its code-behind file. You don't say how much code, if any, is in the code-behind file. So an option for you now would be to create a new Default.aspx and copy/paste and markup and code involved.

Try fiddler to find out the navigation path. This will help you understand where your request is going.


.ASPX pages markups are opening in web browser

When I double click on .aspx pages in my web application project in VS2010, instead of showing the mark up in the ide the .aspx pages are opening in the web browser as shown below. The same is happening when I run my application it opens all the .aspx pages in the web browser along the application url i.e., http://localhost123456/default.aspx. I have to close all the other pages except the http://localhost123456/default.aspx to run/ test my application. Not sure what would cause this to happen. I am not able to find any solutions so far, any help is appreciated. I used the option View Markup (Rightclick on aspx page -> view Markup) to see the markup for now.
As per Mike's answer I checked the options under Open with... and I do have a Internet Explorer (Default) set as shown in the following image. Not sure how did it got there.
Deleting the Internet Explorer (Default) option might be cumbersome if I have lot of .aspx pages , if there is a way to remove this option at once for all .aspx pages rather than right clicking on each and every .aspx and remove it that would be great.
As per #JB King suggestion I did checked the file properties and all the .aspx files are set with Opens with: Microsoft Visual Studio option as shown it the image below.
Right-click any .aspx file in the project, select Open With...
In the screen that pops up, select Web Form Editor, then click the Set as Default button.
Not sure how you got Internet Explorer as an option here, but if it is there, you can just delete it. It's not applicable for loading the aspx from disk. Rather, to see the rendered page in IE, you'd do View in Browser or Browse With... (in which you can set your default browser, as well).
Your address bar shows you're loading files directly from disk. This won't work. ASP.NET is not lilke static HTML. ASP.NET applications must be run from within a webserver. Install IIS and ensure ASP.NET is installed and configured, or use the Debugging Webserver (IIS Express) in Visual Studio.
If you look at the properties of the file, there should be a line of Opens with: that is where you want to have Visual Studio rather than Internet Explorer as the issue is with which programs are mapped to what file extension. Microsoft instructions if you want those as specific steps to do.

ASP.Net 4.0 Error Message - BC30456: 'Title' is not a member of

I have a ASP.Net 4.0 Web forms page that is giving me the following error on our web server
This page runs correctly on my localhost computer. This is the only page in the web app that has this issue. I've tried coping the contents of the \bin directory to the web server and copying the ASPX web page from my localhost to the web server.
Any thoughts as to what I would try next?
This happened to me when I had two pages with the same "inherits" name.
I copied a "search" page, and renamed it "search2". It worked great "on my machine". :)
Next, I deployed... and got the "'Title' is not a member of" error. My html page had Inherits="Private_Search", the exact same as the page I copied it from! Also, the code behind was the same.
I changed that to Inherits="Private_Search2", and then in the code behind, renamed my class to Private_Search2, and now, no more errors!
If you recently copied a module, renamed it, and ran with it... check the inherits and the code behind class name.
happy coding!
From this thread of ASP.NET forums, it is concluded that you first need to delete all the pages from the bin directory and then copy it again. It might be an issue of caching here! A full refresh might be required to handle this case.

Edits in .asp net website wont show

i've got an issue with website made in A site is published and online, i've made some modifications, republished site on my computer and just uploaded a .aspx file into the server via ftp.
First time it seems to have worked after a while. But i've made a small error and want to edit it again, i did the same, but it wont change. Could it be that i need to wait some time before changes are seen? Or could it be that there needs to be a server restart or something?
If you've edited something in the aspx.cs page you will need to upload the bin directory to the remote site, or better still republish the whole site.
If it is a change to the .aspx, css or javasctipt file, the original will most likely be cached in your browser. Try a differrent browser brand or refreshing the page, ctrl-f5 does a complete refresh.
If this error was by any chance a CSS mistake, that can be easily fixed by adding a "?" at the end of the address since CSS files are normally stored in the cache of the browser and the ? tells the browser to update them. Same thing is true about JavaScripts which are kept in individual files
I'd recommend you to use the Visual Studio Publish Website under the Build instead of manually uploading the site over FTP. That built in publisher provides you many advantages of which one of them is the same issue you have faced. When you make a small change, fixing the error in host would be very faster by republishing the site that way rather than manually upping it over FTP.

ASP 3.0 Folder/File Permissions Settings

Dear Stack Over Flow Folks,
Hi, I have built a form input page in HTML that
has an action to post to an ASP handler/processor
.asp file. The form handler/processor .asp file
contains only <% Insert VBScript Here %> and no
HTML output whatsoever.
The .asp file was never intended to be a
"web viewable" .asp file like an .asp home page
file or html file would. It's supposed to be
for my eyes only- not the public's however
it does need to take info posted by the public
and do something with it on it's end.
I have used VBScript/ASP3.0 to build the form
handler/processor file and would like to know how
to keep someone from viewing the actual VBScript
in the handler/processor .asp file. I am aware of
obfuscation but I would like to know how to keep
prying eyes from even being able to take a look
at the obfuscated code in the handler/processor
I realize that the server executes the .asp file
first before outputting anything to the browser so
I guess that my main concern is mostly that someone
may could "download" the form handler/processor .asp file,
then view it's contents on their machine.
Assuming the form handler .asp file is where it is,
behind the root, and is on a windows server
(no htaccess approach) how could one protect it so that
it could never be viewed or simply pulled down via
anonymous ftp or something like that?
Is there something like "script only" permissions that
the system administrator could set up for a particular
folder? Remember, with shared hosting I can't go above
the root. If so, would the form still be able to post?
How would any of you guys go about protecting the
asp file in addition to obfuscation? Any help would
be greatly appreciated.
ASP Pee-Wee
Unless your code encounters an error, no one should be able to view the contents of the ASP file in the browser. (If you haven't already, add on error resume next to your code, then add some error handling to prevent leaking too much information in any error message.)
If you can (might not be available with your shared-hosting) deny FTP access to all IP addresses except those you permit.
In a hosted environment, no matter what you do to protect your code, bad administrative/security policy by the host provider is a critical point of failure.
While the question specifies a shared-hosted environment, the best bet is to get a dedicated server and secure it yourself. If the information is important enough, the cost should be justified.

Changed a page from ASPX to HTM(L) but IIS points to ASPX regardless

We recently rewrote our company homepage and have come across a peculiar error. We have very few pages that need any code behind them, so we wrote the website in static HTML served out of IIS6. The few pages that need any code (Contact Us, with a contact form, for instance) are .ASPX pages.
The previous version of the website had more .ASPX pages, even if there was no code in the code-behind. One of those pages was "management.aspx", and in the new site this is, logically enough, "management.htm". We're smart enough to not just change the file extension -- we rewrote everything, it just has the name in common.
Here's the peculiar part: Even though every link in the entire website points to "management.htm", IIS6 continues to try and serve "manangement.aspx". I've reset IIS, stopped/started the Default Web Site under IIS6, deleted pages from "Temporary ASP.NET Files" and deleted out temporary GZIP files from the server as well. This isn't MVC or anything, so we have no explicit URL routing, and while I can see us having to implement static file handling in our web.config httpHandlers, I can't imaging that being a necessity.
What gives? Why is IIS6 still trying to serve the old "management.aspx" page when we're explicitly asking for "management.htm"? What can I do to fix it?
Your bindings have to be off somewhere... check top level for *, *.htm, managment.htm, etc. Then check virtual directories.
If you paste "http://yoursite/management.htm" in your browser and you get a YSOD, this is an IIS issue for sure.
Check if you still have the bin folder in the root of your site.
Do you get a 404 because it tries to load management.aspx and it's not there?
Check the Default Page on the Website/Virtual directory in Question, and if it exists remove the reference to manangement.aspx.
