mPDF Page break conditions - mpdf

Every document I generate has list (<ol><li>) with text and footer with captions.
Sometimes there are situations (when document content is huge) when second page contains only block with captions.
Is there any way to move 1-2 list items to the second page instead of moving only the captions:


Creating paged-scrolling tile on Microsoft Band?

I'm creating two FlowPanels, inside these two FlowPnaels there are a text box and a button, these two FlowPanels are contained in single PageLayout that laying the elements horizontally, the problem is that when i scroll the tile in my band, its not a paged scroll like the other tiles (messages, email, etc) in the band.
Is it because I’m only using a single page? And can i use more than one page in a tile? How can i add more pages to tiles?
"How can I add more pages to tiles?"
Section 2.7.6 of the Microsoft Band Public SDK document states:
When setting the content of a tile page, you specify the tile’s Guid and the page’s Guid. If the page Guid matches one of the 8 current pages of the tile, then the content will update that existing page. If the page Guid does not match any of those current pages, then a new page will be created to hold the content. New pages are added on the left, pushing any existing pages to the right and if the tile already has 8 pages then the oldest (rightmost) page will be discarded.
Note that layouts define the visual organization of a page's content. Each page specifies which layout should be used. A tile can have up to 5 different layouts defined.
When a tile has more than 1 page of content, it should be possible to scroll horizontally between the pages.

Drupal 6 - "Link this field to node" not italicized for first list item

Using CCK and a View, I have a block that displays 3 fields from my most recent content articles. The first field is "Node:Title" and I have the box checked for 'Link this field to its node". The block displays the correct content, and creates a link for the title field to the node, however the top item Title Node link is not italicized in the browser. The remaining links are. I can't figure it out. Any suggestions.
If you'd like to see, its happening in the Recent News block at on the front page.
The problem isn't the CSS. You have some unclosed <i> tags that are causing the issue. The first <li> is missing out on the party while the rest are being completely wrapped by a single <i> (and also contain their own nested ones).
Here's a screenshot of the rendered dom for the recent news list. If you still can't figure it out try posting your template code.

Dyamic menu links how to

I have a menu block to the right of my content area. I want to be able to click on one of the links and have the content in the content area change, whether that be to advance a nodeque to the matching content type or just diplay a block containing that one content type.
I would usually do this with php, by adding a url variable to display the data i want on the same page. I don't want to have to create multiple content pages to do this. There has to be a way that the links that are created and displayed in the menu block can just change the content inside the view displayed on the page.
Im a total drupal newb. So any help would be incredibly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
If your content area is displaying a view, you can definitely do this using views arguments. So, for example, if you want the menu links to vary the view content based on different terms, you can set up your view to expect an argument from the url.
To set it up:
Add a 'Contextual filter' to your view (under the 'Advanced' section)
In my example below, I've added 'region' as my contextual filter, which is just a term reference on my content type
When configuring the contextual filter, set it up such that when the filter is not present in the URL, it just displays all values (that's the default) -- shown in screenshot.
This way, when you first load the page, and no menu item has been selected, all your content will show in the view. Now you'll have to set up your menus to provide the argument, and your view should react appropriately!
Let me know if that works or if you have any questions.

Drupal 7: navigation menu with Views?

I want to make a long page consisting of multiple nodes (each of the same Content Type). The page should have navigation on top of it that will allow to jump directly to the desired point of the long page, kind of like here: (there navigation is under the picture)
I used the Views module to assemble a long page from content, and for navigation I tried to use another View of the same content, only inserted in the top of the page as a block. I set this view to display grid of fields; it looks good. Only I could not figure out how to make each cell in the grid to become a link to the content on the same page.
I tried modifying views template, but there $rows variable turned out to be a string with already assembled html. Maybe I could possibly modify the content template, and insert some sort of condition that will change the way content looks based on what part of the page current view is located, but I am not sure how to do that either.
In the views, edit the field selected, and there are options there to configure the field as hyperlinks how you may want them. Also you can just let the field link directly to the node, there is an option for that. cheers

How do I display a block matching page and content type criteria?

I have some Views which display specific content types.
On these views I want to display a block containing a menu.
What I have found is that I can restrict the block containing the menu to certain pages and include the views in those pages, and this works fine but when a user clicks on the teaser through to the actual article it is no longer in the page list and so doesn't display the menu.
I can also restrict the menu block to specific content types in which case the situation is reversed i.e. it displays on the page containing the node (because it is of the content type) but not on the page containing the view.
Is there a way I can display a block so that it meets both a specific page criteria and a content type criteria?
If I'm understanding you correctly... In the block's configuration page you can choose which pages to show the block. If your content type was article, and your view was a page display with a path of path/to/view, you could use settings like this:
