Shortest distance in R - r

I would like to know how to calculate the shortest distance between two properties (points) for my code below. There are two shapefile files, one being a points shapefile, the other a roads shapefile.
For testing, both shapefiles can be downloaded from the following website:
roads <- st_read('Roads/Roads.shp')
pts <- st_read('Points/Points.shp') %>%
plot(st_geometry(pts), add = T, col = 'red', pch = 20)

You can just use st_distance to get a distance matrix and find the minimum. I wrote a function that can process all of that and return a new sf data.frame. The data.frame will contain attributes called nearest and distance which is the index of the nearest point and the distance to that point respectively. Note the distances are in meters reflecting your projection. Your data have repeating points, so some of the points show no distance because of that. If you don't want those points you will have to remove the duplicates.
getNearest <- function(shp){
dist <-
for (i in 1:ncol(dist)){
rows <- seq(1:ncol(dist))
rows <- rows[i != rows]
shp[i, 'nearest'] <- which.min(dist[rows, i])
shp[i, 'distance'] <- dist[which.min(dist[rows, i]), i]
pts2 <- getNearest(pts)

From what I understand, you are trying to measure the distance along the road to each point and it's closest point. Please see a similar workflow here:


Create neighborhood list of large dataset / fasten up

I want to create a weight matrix based on distance. My code for the moment looks as follows and functions for a smaller sample of the data. However, with the large dataset (569424 individuals in 24077 locations) it doesn't go through. The problem arise at the nb2blocknb fuction. So my question would be: How can I optimize my code for large datasets?
# load all survey data
DHS <- read.csv("Daten/final.csv")
# define coordinates matrix
coormat <- cbind(DHS$location, DHS$lon_s, DHS$lat_s)
coorm <- cbind(DHS$lon_s, DHS$lat_s)
colnames(coormat) <- c("location", "lon_s", "lat_s")
coo <- cbind(unique(coormat))
c <-
coor <- cbind(c$lon_s, c$lat_s)
# get a list with beneighbored locations thath are inbetween 50 km distance
neighbor <- dnearneigh(coor, d1 = 0, d2 = 50, row.names=c$location, longlat=TRUE, bound=c("GE", "LE"))
# get neighborhood list on individual level
nb <- nb2blocknb(neighbor, as.character(DHS$location)))
# weight matrix in list format
nbweights.lw <- nb2listw(nb, style="B", zero.policy=TRUE)
Thanks a lot for your help!
you're trying to make 1.3 e10 distance calculations. The results would be in the GB.
I think you'd want to limit either the maximum distance or the number of nearest neighbors you're looking for. Try nn2 from the RANN package:
nearest_neighbours_w_distance<-nn2(coordinatesA, coordinatesB,10)
note that this operation is not symmetric (Switching coordinatesA and coordinatesB gives different results).
Also you would first have to convert your gps coordinates to a coordinate reference system in which you can calculate euclidean distances, for example UTM (code not tested):
proj4string(spdf) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
return(spTransform(spdf, CRS(paste0("+proj=utm +zone=",utmzone," ellps=WGS84"))))

Calculate Centroid WITHIN / INSIDE a SpatialPolygon

In Software like ArcMap one can create centroids for polygons within a polygon. In cases like the one shown below this is necessary.
In R it is possible to calculate centroids of spatial polygons with rgeos::gCentroid(). However there is no way to force the calculation of centroids within the polygon.
x <- readWKT("POLYGON ((1441727.5096940901130438 6550163.0046194596216083,
1150685.2609429201111197 6669225.7427449300885201,
975398.4520359700545669 6603079.7771196700632572,
866257.6087542800232768 6401334.5819626096636057,
836491.9242229099618271 6106985.0349301798269153,
972091.1537546999752522 5835786.5758665995672345,
1547561.0546945100650191 5782869.8033663900569081,
1408654.5268814601004124 5600968.3978968998417258,
720736.4843787000281736 5663807.0652409195899963,
598366.4479719599476084 6001151.4899297598749399,
654590.5187534400029108 6341803.2128998702391982,
869564.9070355399744585 6784981.1825891500338912,
1451649.4045378800947219 6788288.4808704098686576,
1441727.5096940901130438 6550163.0046194596216083))")
This is the polygon x
gCentroid() creates a centroid which in this specific case is located outside of the polygon. Despite being geometrically correct, some applications require centroids within the polygon, as they can be calculated by ArcMap.
xCent <- gCentroid(x, byid = TRUE)
points(xCent, col = "red", pch = 16)
A desired output (from ArcMap) looks like this:
Is there any possibility to generate centroids like this in R?
After some digging, it turns out that ArcMap picks a random point within the Polygon:
"For an input polygon: the output point will be inside the polygon."
Thus the question has to be: is there a function that creates a point at any random position WITHIN the polygons?
sf solution
With the advent of the sf package, things got a bit easier. Just use:
y <- st_as_sf(x) # only necessary when you don't already have an sf object
It "returns a point guaranteed to be on the (multi)surface."
sp solution
As pointed out in the updates of the Question, it seems that ArcMap is just putting a point at a random location within the polygon. This can be achieved by gPointsOnSurface(..., n = 1, type = 'random') as well.
xCent2 <- gPointOnSurface(x, byid = T)
points(xCent2, col = "blue", pch = 16)
I wrote this function which first finds the centroid and, if it is not on within (i.e. it does not overlap / intersect the polygon), it is substituted by a point on the surface. Furhtermore, it returns a new column which indicates if a point is the real centroid or not.
gCentroidWithin <- function(pol) {
pol$.tmpID <- 1:length(pol)
# initially create centroid points with gCentroid
initialCents <- gCentroid(pol, byid = T)
# add data of the polygons to the centroids
centsDF <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(initialCents, pol#data)
centsDF$isCentroid <- TRUE
# check whether the centroids are actually INSIDE their polygon
centsInOwnPoly <- sapply(1:length(pol), function(x) {
gIntersects(pol[x,], centsDF[x, ])
if(all(centsInOwnPoly) == TRUE){
else {
# substitue outside centroids with points INSIDE the polygon
newPoints <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(gPointOnSurface(pol[!centsInOwnPoly, ],
byid = T),
newPoints$isCentroid <- FALSE
centsDF <- rbind(centsDF[centsInOwnPoly,], newPoints)
# order the points like their polygon counterpart based on `.tmpID`
centsDF <- centsDF[order(centsDF$.tmpID),]
# remove `.tmpID` column
centsDF#data <- centsDF#data[, - which(names(centsDF#data) == ".tmpID")]
cat(paste(length(pol), "polygons;", sum(centsInOwnPoly), "actual centroids;",
sum(!centsInOwnPoly), "Points corrected \n"))

In R, how to average spatial points data over spatial grid squares

Managed to solve problem now
I have a set of around 50 thousand points that have coordinates and one value associated with them. I would like to be able to place points into a grid averaging the associated value of all points that fall into a grid square. So I want to end up with an object that identifies each grid square and gives the average inside the grid square.
I have the data in a spatial points data frame and a spatial grid object if that helps.
Improving answer: I have definitely done some searching, sorry about the initial state of the question I had only managed to frame the question inside my own head; hadn't had to communicate it to anyone else before...
Here is example data that hopefully illustrates the problem more clearly
##make some data
longi <- runif(100,0,10)
lati <- runif(100,0,10)
value <- runif(500,20,30)
##put in data frame then change to spatial data frame
df <- data.frame("lon"=longi,"lat"=lati,"val"=value)
coordinates(df) <- c("lon","lat")
proj4string(df) <- CRS("+proj=longlat")
##create a grid that bounds the data
grd <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset=bbox(df)[,1],
sg <- SpatialGrid(grd)
Then I hope to get an object albeit a vector/data frame/list that gives me the average of value in each grid cell/square and some way of identifying which cell it is.
##convert the grid into a polygon##
polys <- as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology(grd)
proj4string(polys) <- CRS("+proj=longlat")
##can now use the function over to select the correct points and average them
results <- rep(0, length(polys))
for(i in 1:length(polys)) {
results[i] = mean(df$val[which(!,y=polys[i])))])
My question now is if this is the best way to do it or is there a more efficient way?
Your description is vague at best. Please try to ask more specific answers preferably, with code illustrating what you have already tried. Averaging a single value in your point data or a single raster cell makes absolutely no sense.
The best guess at an answer I can provide is to use raster extract() to assign the raster values to a sp point object and then use tapply() to aggregate the values to your grouping values in the points. You can use the coordinates of the points to identify cell location or alternately, the cellnumbers returned from extract (per below example).
# Create example data
r <- raster(ncol=500, nrow=500)
r[] <- runif(ncell(r))
pts <- sampleRandom(r, 100, sp=TRUE)
# Add a grouping value to points
pts#data <- data.frame(ID=rownames(pts#data), group=c( rep(1,25),rep(2,25),
rep(3,25),rep(4,25)) )
# Extract raster values and add to #data slot dataframe. Note, the "cells"
# attribute indicates the cell index in the raster.
pts#data <- data.frame(pts#data, extract(r, pts, cellnumbers=TRUE))
# Use tapply to cal group means
tapply(pts#data$layer, pts#data$group, FUN=mean)

How to find point related to set of coordinates?

I have a set of about 5000 geographical (WGS84) coordinates. All of them are inside 40km square.
Is there any algorithm / R function to find point, inside square and not in the given set, farthest from any point from set?
I mean how to find point in the square where the distance to the nearest point from set is longest?
Now I do it by generating grid of coordinates equally spaced and finding distance from each grid point to the nearest set point. Is there any less numerical / not brute force method?
I made mistake in previous version of the question. Maybe this will help:
Set of points are coordinates of the 5000 shops in the city. I want to find place in the city where distance to the nearest shop is the longest.
I think that if the point you seek isn't on the edge of the box then it has to be at a vertex of the voronoi tesselation of the points. If it is on the edge of the box then it has to be on the intersection of the box and an edge of the voronoi tesselation.
So if you compute the voronoi tesselation and then use rgeos to intersect it with the box, that gives you a set of possible points. You can then use the FNN package to compute the neighbour distances from those possible points to the data points, sort, and find the possible point with the biggest nearest neighbour.
That gives you an exact point without any of this gridding business. If it wasn't so close to bedtime I'd sort out some code to do it. You probably want the deldir package or voronoi tesselations. It might even already do the box intersection...
Okay, not quite bedtime. Here's the solution:
findM <- function(pts,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax){
d = deldir(pts[,1],pts[,2],rw=c(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax))
vpts = rbind(as.matrix(d$dirsgs[,1:2]),as.matrix(d$dirsgs[,3:4]))
vpts = rbind(vpts,cbind(c(xmin,xmax,xmin,xmax),c(ymin,ymin,ymax,ymax)))
vpts = vpts[!duplicated(vpts),]
nn = get.knnx(pts,vpts,k=1)
ptmin = which(nn$nn.dist==max(nn$nn.dist))
list(point = vpts[ptmin,,drop=FALSE], dist = nn$nn.dist[ptmin])
Edited version now returns one point and adds the corner points as possibles.
Here's an example that uses several functions (distanceFromPoints(), maxValue(), Which(), and xyFromCell()) from the raster package to perform the key calculations:
# Load required libraries
# Create a SpatialPoints object with 10 points randomly sampled from
# the area lying between longitudes 0 and 1 and latitudes 0 and 1
bbox <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1), ncol=2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("min", "max")))
PRJ4 <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84")
S <- Spatial(bbox = bbox, proj4string = PRJ4)
SP <- spsample(S, 10, type="random")
# Create a raster object covering the same area
R <- raster(extent(bbox), nrow=100, ncol=100, crs=PRJ4)
# Find the coordinates of the cell that is farthest from all of the points
D <- distanceFromPoints(object = R, xy = SP)
IDmaxD <- Which(D == maxValue(D), cells=TRUE)
(XY <- xyFromCell(D, IDmaxD))
# x y
# [1,] 0.005 0.795
# Plot the results
plot(D, main = "Distance map, with most distant cell in red")
points(XY, col="red", pch=16, cex=2)

Export R plot to shapefile

I am fairly new to R, but not to ArcView. I am plotting some two-mode data, and want to convert the plot to a shapefile. Specifically, I would like to convert the vertices and the edges, if possible, so that I can get the same plot to display in ArcView, along with the attributes.
I've installed the package "shapefiles", and I see the command, but the help doesn't talk about how to assign XY coords to the vertices.
Thank you,
Ok, I'm making a couple of assumptions here, but I read the question as you're looking to assign spatial coordinates to a bipartite graph and export both the vertices and edges as point shapefiles and polylines for use in ArcGIS.
This solution is a little kludgey, but will make shapefiles with coordinate limits xmin, ymin and xmax, ymax of -0.5 and +0.5. It will be up to you to decide on the graph layout algorithm (e.g. Kamada-Kawai), and project the shapefiles in the desired coordinate system once the shapefiles are in ArcGIS as per #gsk3's suggestion. Additional attributes for the vertices and edges can be added where the and data frames are created.
# Create dummy incidence matrix
inc <- matrix(sample(0:1, 15, repl=TRUE), 3, 5)
colnames(inc) <- c(1:5) # Person ID
rownames(inc) <- letters[1:3] # Event
# Create bipartite graph
g.bipartite <- graph.incidence(inc, mode="in", add.names=TRUE)
# Plot figure to get xy coordinates for vertices
tk <- tkplot(g.bipartite, canvas.width=500, canvas.height=500)
tkcoords <- tkplot.getcoords(1, norm=TRUE) # Get coordinates of nodes centered on 0 with +/-0.5 for max and min values
# Create point shapefile for nodes
n.points <- nrow(tkcoords)
points.attr <- data.frame(Id=1:n.points, X=tkcoords[,1], Y=tkcoords[,2]) <- data.frame(Id=points.attr$Id, Name=paste("Vertex", 1:n.points, sep=""))
points.shp <-,, "Id", 1)
write.shapefile(points.shp, "~/Desktop/points", arcgis=TRUE)
# Create polylines for edges in this example from incidence matrix
n.edges <- sum(inc) # number of edges based on incidence matrix
Id <- rep(1:n.edges,each=2) # Generate Id number for edges.
From.nodes <- g.bipartite[[4]]+1 # Get position of "From" vertices in incidence matrix
To.nodes <- g.bipartite[[3]]-max(From.nodes)+1 # Get position of "To" vertices in incidence matrix
# Generate index where position alternates between "From.node" to "To.node"
node.index <- matrix(t(matrix(c(From.nodes, To.nodes), ncol=2)))
edge.attr <- data.frame(Id, X=tkcoords[node.index, 1], Y=tkcoords[node.index, 2]) <- data.frame(Id=1:n.edges, Name=paste("Edge", 1:n.edges, sep=""))
edge.shp <-,, "Id", 3)
write.shapefile(edge.shp, "~/Desktop/edges", arcgis=TRUE)
Hope this helps.
I'm going to take a stab at this based on a wild guess as to what your data looks like.
Basically you'll want to coerce the data into a data.frame with two columns containing the x and y coordinates (or lat/long, or whatever).
coordinates(meuse.grid) <- ~x+y
Once you have it as a SpatialPointsDataFrame, sp provides some decent functionality, including exporting shapefiles:
Relevant help files examples are drawn from:
At least a few years ago when I last used sp, it was great about projection and very bad about writing projection information to the shapefile. So it's best to leave the coordinates untransformed and manually tell Arc what projection it is. Or use writeOGR rather than writePointsShape.
