Does Bootstrap add horizontal spacing to <img> by default? If so, is there a way to override this setting? - css

I'm designing a homepage in which I'm trying to display the same image 4 times in a single row (to make a kind of decorative banner). I have set each images' width to take up 25% of the screen. Theoretically, this means each image should take up a quarter and fit perfectly within a single row. However, I suspect Bootstrap is adding some kind of spacing between my images causing the 4th to spill over into the next one.
I have tried setting their margin to 0, setting their padding to 0, and setting their border-style to none. I figured setting the properties this way would override any defaults Bootstrap might place on the <img> tag, but this spacing does not seem to be going away. Additionally, checking the Developer Tools on my browser confirms that there is in fact no margin, padding, or border affecting my images. I'm not sure what else I can target to try and resolve this issue.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time in advance.
NOTE: I am not using Grid. I figured what I am attempting to do is simple enough to avoid having to use it.
<img class="back-banner" src="pictures/walyn-homo-erectus.jpg">
<img class="back-banner" src="pictures/walyn-homo-erectus.jpg">
<img class="back-banner" src="pictures/walyn-homo-erectus.jpg">
<img class="back-banner" src="pictures/walyn-homo-erectus.jpg">
.back-banner {
width: 25%;
opacity: .5;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

Image is inline element by default. This causes it to add some white space. You can transform it to block element by using display: block, but then you need to use float: left to make them appear in one row.
Even better is to use modern css like flexbox by adding display: flex on wrapping element.


How do I keep images the same height/width when displaying them in a row in a responsive grid?

I have a %-based grid with a fixed-width (for the moment). The code is based off of this css-tricks article:
Works great until I have a column that has multiple responsive images in it that are the same size and need to be stacked next to each other (floated). Because of padding issues and what-not, I can not get all three images to come out the same width and height, despite the fact that they start that way. The last one is always taller. Here is a codepen showing the issue:
Any help with this would be really appreciated. I've run into this issue before and always just end up hacking my way through it on a case-by-case basis. Thanks!
For whatever reason, if you remove the padding-right: 0 style from the last element, it fixes the issue.
It looks like you're trying to add spacing between the elements using padding. What I tried instead using the Chrome dev tools was to use a margin instead of padding, and then slightly reducing the width of your elements to around 29.5%. That seemed to work.
just add the following to your css. set the size to whatever you like and all images within your grid will remain that size, if they need to grow / shrink use height/width percents instead.
.grid img
width: 350px;
height: 400px;

CSS margins add up or are combined?

Let's assume that we have the following code:
<div style="margin-bottom:100px;">test</div>
<div style="margin-top:100px;">test</div>
I noticed that sometimes it creates 100px of margin between elements and sometimes it's 200px (when we use certain settings that I'm not familiar with). I can't find any information about that in the specification. What does this depend on?
If we have h1 and p in a blank document then the margin of h1 will be combined with the margin of p. They will not add up. Whichever is larger will be used.
This is happening because your margins are allowed to collapse. Certain margins may overlap (mostly block elements) and form a combined margin defined by the larger of the two values defined in the computed element style rules - that's what is happening here. This section from the CSS Box Model document explains it in detail.
Edit: As a point of interest, you can get around this (ie. break the collapsible margins) without breaking things (much?)in a couple of ways
Making the elements width: 100%; display: inline-block
Putting a height: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden block in between the elements and putting a dot or something in it.
I forked ashley's fiddle to demonstrate. There are probably other methods but these are a quick a dirty way to get around collapsible margins if you need to.

Weird css width issue?

Or i have been building web pages for too long without a break or something really weird happened.
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px;"></div>
Will result in a long bar of 5 height across the width of the parent div. This should normally not be visible since i gave the div no width.
I tried everything, messed up my whole CSS layout and nothing seemed to get rid of it. I even check some divs of me in that same project that still work like this.
So i opened a new project and just filled in that line above to make sure there wasn't some style setting messing things up. But still there is a green bar showing.
I just want my div to be the size of the text in it.
Again, i could be seeing things but this happened all of a sudden and i'm really clueless...
use display:inline because a div element automatic get the display:block
Your div must have display:block either in your code or inherited from your browser.
change it to display:inline for your desired outcome.
Example here.
Break the document flow
By default, div element has it's style display property set to block, what makes it's width to fill the dimensions of parent.
You have two options to make it clip to text, position: absolute or float: left (right works also, depends), as in:
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px; position: absolute;"></div>
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px; float: left;"></div>
For more information, see CSS Floats and/or CSS Positions.
P.S. Bear in mind, that absolute position and/or floated element will remove it from document flow.
span instead of div (display: inline)
If you want to keep the document flow, use span instead of div - it's display property is inline by default, as Blowsie suggested.
<span style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px;"></span>
display: inline-block
There is also an option with display property set to inline-block, but it's compatibility is limited. See CSS Display property information for more details.
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px; display: inline-block;"></div>
Usually a padding issue. Difficult to diagnose without seeing code or example of site error.
div {padding: 0px;}
in your css
By default, the width of a div is auto, meaning that it will fill the entire available content. To have "no width" as you seem to want, set the width to zero explicitly. Or, use one of the other answers...

how do i change image width in jCarousel?
Above is the carousel application i'm using (one of the more popular open source ones at the moment) and I can't figure out how to change the default image width as I have a dozen or so pictures that all have a pixel width of 170px and yet the current setting seems to be set at around 80px which makes all of the images overlap, how do i change this? Is there a way to add some margin in as well? I tried changing the css in jcarousel/skins/tango/skin.css but apparently, even when I delete everything in that css file, nothing gets affected on the carousel page - when I remove the link the carousel stops functioning and turns into a wide div with static images, which is very odd to me.
That carousel uses <img> tags which means you'd either have to specify each width in the markup like this:
<img src="..." height="..." width="170" />
or use the img selector in the CSS file, something like this:
.jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-item-horizontal img {
width: 170px;
Either way, you'd also have to make the carousel container wide enough to accommodate its contents. You can give the containing ul some large width (the excess would be hidden anyway), like:
ul#carousel {
width: 99999px;
The carousel would stop at the last image anyway, but at least you'd know you have more than enough room to accommodate however many pictures you have and prevent the overlapping.

Is there a way to specify overflow in CSS?

I have been using a lot of position:relative; in my design, I just find it the easiest way to get everything where I need them to be.
However, the more items I add on my site (each one with their individual div) each one ends up further and further at the bottom of my page, so I have to manually position them higher.
This leaves a lot of empty space at the bottom, and I thought that adding height: 1000px; would limit the scrolling a bit, but this method doesn't seem to work.
I've even tried adding height: 1000px; to the wrapper and it's still not working.
How can I limit vertical scrolling, to the number of pixels I choose?
Thanks so much in advance.
Wait, so you are creating a div, using position relative to move the content of the div to the correct location, and the issue being that the div tag itself is still in the same place and creating a vertical scroll even though there is no content there?
If so you should look into floats.
Here are some tutorials.
Learn CSS Positioning in Ten Steps
You can specify both the height and the overflow:
The most common values for overflow are scroll, auto, and hidden.
To limit the distance someone can scroll, I think you'd need to use JavaScript. I'm not sure how, but I can't think of anything in CSS that would do that.
If you are looking to set when something should scroll instead of just be cut off or expand the tag, use overflow:auto;.
