Sass does not compile mixins and variables into css - css

I have added font and tried to make mixin (also tried as varible, result is the same) to use it.
All sass files are connected through "style.sass"
#import '_interface'
#import '_fonts'
file "_fonts.sass", where I added font and made mixin
font-family: 'Museo Sans Light'
src: url('../fonts/MuseoSansCyrl-300.eot')
src: url('../fonts/MuseoSansCyrl-300.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('../fonts/MuseoSansCyrl-300.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/MuseoSansCyrl-300.ttf')
font-weight: normal
font-style: normal
#mixin reg
font-family: 'Museo Sans Light'
font-weight: 300
Then I tried to use it into "_interface.sass" for body tag:
box-sizing: border-box
color: $text-color
In the result I caught sass exception "no mixin named reg"
I will very grateful, If someone help!
Thank You.

SASS files are processed and loaded in an order-dependent way, so the file in which a mixin (or variable or function, etc.) is declared must be imported before that mixin is used in other files.
In your example, your mixin reg is declared in _fonts and used in _interface. For SASS to recognize and load reg, _fonts must be imported. After _fonts is imported, all subsequently loaded files, like _interface, will have access to reg.
A common pattern of working with shared SASS mixins, variables, or functions, is to create and store them in a single place (e.g. a file named _mixins, _vars, _functions) which you then import in your main SASS stylesheet before individual stylesheet modules. That way, you know that everything you need is already declared and available.
That might look something like this:
#import "_vars"; // Everything below knows about contents of _vars
#import "_mixins"; // Everything below knows about contents of _mixins
// These files can use everything above!
#import "_fileThatUsesSharedVariables";
#import "_fileThatUsesMixins";
#import "_fileThatUsesMixinsAndVariables"; // This last file can use everything above it!


Cannot set font-family to AvantGard in React.js

I want to add AvantGard font to one paragraph in my React app, but it seems the font has no effect and I don't know why, here is how I am adding it:
I keep it as a ttf file in my assets folder.
I have global scss file index.css and I declare it there like this:
#font-face {
font-family: 'AvantGard';
font-style: normal;
src: url('./assets/fonts/avant_gartt/AvantGard.ttf');
I also have a variables.scss in which I keep it like this:
$avantGard: 'AvantGuard';
I import my variables in my component's css like this:
#import './variables.scss';
and then I just set the font-size of my paragraph:
font-family: $avantGard;
Does anyone have any idea why my font does not work? The rest of my fonts work the same way, but not this one.
Check your spelling on number 3.
AvantGard or AvantGuard?

url() does not refer to correct file when using relative paths in imported sass files

My project contains the following :
A balloon JS widget with a hand-coded SCSS file common/balloon/luciad-balloon.scss :
.lcdClose {
background-image: url("close-icon-selected.png");
.lcdClose:hover {
background-image: url("close-icon.png");
An icon font with a generated CSS file resources/font/luciad/style.css :
#font-face {
font-family: 'LuciadRIA';
url('fonts/LuciadRIA.ttf?25o3wd') format('truetype'),
url('fonts/LuciadRIA.woff?25o3wd') format('woff'),
url('fonts/LuciadRIA.svg?25o3wd#LuciadRIA') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
I'm now creating a theme file template/css/sample-single.scss. This theme includes several components, including the two components I mentioned.
Unfortunatelty, I'm not able to do this :
#import "../../resources/font/luciad/style";
#import "../../common/balloon/luciad-balloon";
Considering a CSS import resolves the URL files relative to the file they are found in and SCSS does not adjust the URL after embedding it into sample-single.scss, the URL is still relative to the imported file and thus incorrect. This behavior is confusing, because I would expect SCSS imports to behave the same as CSS imports in this regard.
I could replace #import "../../resources/font/luciad/style" with #import "../../resources/font/luciad/style.css", considering this is a css file. Because the file is now referenced as an external file instead of embedded, this solves the issue for that particular file. However, I'd rather avoid external dependencies and prefer to embed everything in my sample-single.css.
And for #import "../../common/balloon/luciad-balloon", I do not have that option. Considering this is an SCSS file, I can not use this as an external reference. I suppose I could fix this issue by using absolute paths, but this reduces the reusability of this component. It prohibits using this component across different projects with different folder structures or server configs.
Is there a way I can include common/balloon/luciad-balloon.scss & resources/font/luciad/style.css into template/css/sample-single.scss without having to rewrite the URLs in their property values to absolute paths?

Can't import fonts in react (node-sass)

I'm currently developing a small project for my brother who needs to realize a website (he is in an art-school).
I was planning to do it in React (good for me to practice)
I recently started to use Sass and fell in love with it, it's so much handy than regular css !
He gave me a font to use for his website ( but I can't manage it to import it in the project. I had read so many subjects but I can't make it work.
So I found their was two solutions, one is to use import because then the font will enter in the build pipeline, and the other is to use directly the build folder. Apparently using import is the best practice.
I found this answer saying we need to put them in an assets folder ( so this is what I did, this time I got no error message saying 'hey can't resolve blablabla' but it simply don't use the font.
+ I can put whatever I want like '/assets/somethings/dumb' I will not get any error message.
I'll send you a picture of my tree so you can see better
Here is my _typography.scss
#font-face {
font-family: 'murmure';
src: url('/assets/fonts/Le_Murmure-Regular_web.eot');
src: url('/assets/fonts/Le_Murmure-Regular_web.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('/assets/fonts/Le_Murmure-Regular_web.woff') format('woff'),
url('/assets/fonts/Le_Murmure-Regular_web.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('/assets/fonts/Le_Murmure-Regular_web.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('/assets/fonts/Le_Murmure-Regular_web.svg#svgFontName') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
Which I import into my main.scss
#import './abstracts/functions';
#import './abstracts/mixins';
#import './abstracts/variables';
#import './base/typography';
#import './base/base';
#import './base/animations';
#import './base/utilities';
#import './components/input.scss';
#import './screens/home';
which I import into my App.tsx
import '#assets/sass/main.scss';
I have a rule in my screens/_home.scss
.home {
&__title {
font-size: 500px;
font-family: "murmure", serif !important;
And the only thing that gets applied is the font-size
Does someone have an idea how to make the fonts import ?
I'm really stuck into this :/
Have the impression I just tried every relative imports I could

SASS not compiling external Google Font with #import

I'm using the following line in scss:
#import url(,700);
Which gets compiled to css without errors to... exactly the same:
#import url(,700);
But it should get compiled to:
/* vietnamese */
#font-face {
font-family: 'Montserrat';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 300;
I'm using gulp sass to compile my scss, which is based on libsass. It says here that my syntax is correct. Why isn't this working?
This is in fact expected behaviour. Quoting the Sass docs:
#import takes a filename to import. By default, it looks for a Sass
file to import directly, but there are a few circumstances under which
it will compile to a CSS #import rule:
If the file’s extension is .css.
If the filename begins with http://.
If the filename is a url().
If the #import has any media queries.
In other words: Sass does not integrate the css from google fonts directly into your css file. Instead, at runtime, the css import directive will resolve the link. Google responds differently depending on your browser by the way.

Sass Placeholders with #font-face

Sass placeholders are hoisted to the top of compiled stylesheets. I'd like to harness this to force any #font-face declarations to the top of my stylesheets (before any other compiled placeholders).
But when I try to do this:
%font-face {
font-family: 'FontName';
// other font files
#font-face {
#extend %font-face;
Sass gives me this error: Extend directives may only be used within rules.
Does anyone know a way to make Sass placeholders work with #font-face or a workaround that will have the same result?
You should use a mixin to handle the font-face import. It isn't going to work with a placeholder.
#include font-face;
