Customizing the WSO2 API Manager 3.1.0 management console's interface - wso2-api-manager

I tried to follow the steps given in the below WSO2 documentation link to customize the APIM management console's interface but the changes don't reflect after restarting the carbon server. Need suggestions on this.
Documentation link:!
Steps followed as per documentation:
Copied the org.wso2.carbon.ui_4.6.0.jar from <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/components/plugins/ to a separate location.
Created a MMP with name org.wso2.carbon.ui_4.6.0_patch and added new css file and image file under the MMP. Copied the template.jsp from the org.wso2.carbon.ui_4.6.0.jar and placed it under this MMP project. Within this jsp file, reference of the new css file was added.
Created one more MMP with name org.wso2.carbon.ui_4.6.0_fragment and within its pom.xml added a plugin to point to the org.wso2.carbon.ui_4.6.0_patch MMP.
Created jars for both the MMPs' using maven and copied them under <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/components/dropins/.
Restarted the WSO2 APIM server but the changes didn't reflect in the management console (https://localhost:9443/carbon) as given in the documentation.

Please follow the instructions given in documentation [1]. The document that you have pointed out has to be updated.


Firebase Deploy Error: 'Changing secrets is not supported' when using separate projects with Stripe 'Run Payments with Stripe' extension

I'm trying to setup multiple environments for my Vue / Firebase Project.
I have two Firebase Projects
1.) Dev
2.) Prod
The project utilizes Stripe Extension which pulls the API Key from an auto-generated file called:
which contains:
Where xxxx is a random 4 character string.
That line pulls the value of the key from Google Secret Manager.
Let's say Dev is 'dddd'
and Prod is: 'pppp'
The issue is that I can only define either:
At first I tried to create a new value within Google Secret Manager simply called:
The thought was this should be a simple fix, and it would pull the associated API_KEY for the project currently being used.
but this causes the error:
Error: firestore-stripe-payments: Found 'projects/foo/secrets/firestore-stripe-payments-STRIPE_API_KEY/versions/latest' for secret param STRIPE_API_KEY, but this instance was previously using a different secret projects/fooo/secrets/firestore-stripe-payments-STRIPE_API_KEY-dddd.
Changing secrets is not supported. If you want to change the value of this secret, use a new version of projects/foo/secrets/firestore-stripe-payments-STRIPE_API_KEY-dddd.You can create a new version at
Also, if there is a better place to ask this question please let me know, couldn't find the 'right' room
For this scenario, could you include a separate env ( file using the following guidelines
.env # loaded in all cases
.env.local # loaded in all cases, ignored by git
.env.[mode] # only loaded in specified mode
For generating separate keys for each environment, I believe from your example you are using a single Stripe Extension on a single project.
Firebase Extensions can support multiple instances of an Extension per project, this will create a separate "dev" secret for you to use.
Additionally, a separate Firebase project with another "Stripe Extension" installation would be recommended to separate any concerns in development.

Artifactory: how to add properties to a build run?

For a build run in artifactory, exists a tab named "Environment" which contains a section named "System Variables".
Link to image: Environment tab with variables
I need to add some properties there via REST API or artifactoy groovy public api (PAPI).
I managed to create build info with properties (via REST API), but now I need to update it with the properties. Is this possible?
The Environment tab is created according to the build-info JSON deployed to Artifactory using the /api/build REST API. The build-info structure is available at the build-info github project's README file here:
When building the JSON you can add properties to it, by adding them to the "properties" section as described in the the above README. This is probably how you added the properties to the build run.
The build-info for a specific build run however is immutable in Artifactory and cannot be modified after it is deployed.

Cannot find namespace in project oxford name space in sample app of microsoft cognitive services

I am trying to create a simple app that shows near real time emotions with a live web cam. I am using this guide:
I've Downloaded the sample app:
but I am unsure how I could make it run. the README says:
. Get API keys for the Vision APIs.
2. Open the sample in Visual Studio 2015, build and run the sample applications:
- For BasicConsoleSample, the Face API key is hard-coded directly in BasicConsoleSample/Program.cs.
- For LiveCameraSample, the keys should be entered into the Settings pane of the app. They will be persisted across sessions as user data.
I've got the API keys and inserted the Face API key to the Program.cs code and all of the API's into the settings.
It say's that it cannot find some namespaces as seen in the image:
Why does it say that the namespaces are not included in the Microsoft.ProjectOxford namespace ? Thanks
Edit: This was solved. After updating Nuget and all it still didn't work and the problem was that the pathname was too long.
What I did was downloading the project to desktop and than pressed extract files.
It created a folder with a long name and inside was another folder with a long name so the path was big.
Just put it in D or just extract here and not it will extract the folder inside the zip and not create another one with the folder inside.
You're seeing red squiggles because you're missing some dependent assemblies. These are provided via NuGet, so you should download it by right-clicking on the project, and selecting Manage NuGet packages.... The UI thereafter is hopefully self-explanatory.
Once the missing packages are pulled in from NuGet, you should be able to build+run the application. Once you run it, there should be UI presented where you'd enter the requisite key. The XAML for it is here.

Custom Workflow _ Alfresco Community

I need to create a new Custom Workflow in Alfresco.
I followed this tutorial : Creating Custom Workflow in Alfresco
But I couldn't find the two files in my Alfresco:
share-workflow-form-config.xml that must be in
bootstrap-context.xml that must be in
I'm using Alfresco Community Edition 5.1 under Windows 8
Can I add those two files to My Alfresco ? If so, where can I find them ?
You should not be modifying the two files that you have listed. It goes against best practices and they are no longer exposed in exploded webapps (you can find them inside of their respective jars).
For tutorial purposes you should use the shared classpath folder. If you're using the all-in-one installer, then that location is: $CATALINA_HOME/shared/classes/alfresco/
As an example: C:/alfresco-one/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco
In a simplistic approach, you should add your Share form config for workflows to the share-config-custom.xml file located in the shared web-extension location ($CATALINA_HOME/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml)
Add your bootstrap config to a custom context file in the shared extension location:

how to create a new folder using alfresco api

I have uploaded file in this directory CompanyHome/site/testsite/documentlibrary/test.
Now I want to create new folder called childfolder under above directory [CompanyHome/site/testsite/documentlibrary/test/childfolder] and move the under it.using Alfresco API how do i create child folder and move the file under newly created childfolder?
This really depends upon what version of Alfresco you're using and what API you want to use to do it. For example, assuming that you want to do this via a REST API then you have the option of CMIS, the recent "Public API" or the internal WebScript based API.
Alternatively, you might want to do this by using the JavaScript API and WebScript develop your own WebScripts.
There are lots of ways to achieve this - perhaps you can provide some more information on the overall picture of what you're trying to do and where you're trying to do this (e.g. as an extension of Share maybe?).
It's possible to create a folder within Share and if you do so whilst you have browser developer tools open you'll be able to see the exact REST API calls that are used.
