Error on compilation 'my_bool' - Droplet on DigitalOcean Debian 9.12 - azerothcore

I've been following the installation guide from
During the compiling process, an my_bool error has occured and stopped the process.
From the github issues, I could only find that this could be related to incorrect MySQL, and the solution is to use MariaBD but I already use MariaDB.

Apparently the issue was using an outdated version of mysql/mariadb.
It's better to either use mysql 5.7 or 8.0 or latest mariadb version.


Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime error - Assertion Failed

Using: VS Code
Working on: Running automation test scripts for WebdriverIO.
Error facing:
because of this error, my test specs are not executing. Is there any way to get rid of this??
Please follow the below steps to resolve this issue
Uninstall the current version of node.js.
Go to
Install the previous version of node.js (I installed from here 4.
Restart your system
Try building the project using npm install
I hope this will solve your problem
The error here is coming from the Fibers npm package. Fibers only supports node versions before version 16. I had the same error message and switched the node version to 14.20.0 ,which is the newest LTS before version before 16 at the moment, and that solved the problem for me.

After installing xpack on Kibana 5.0, the app fails to load

Kibana works fine with elasticsearch until I install xpack. I am using kibana and elasticsearch 5.0 on both and I am installing the 5.0 package of xpack.
The screen that I get after installing xpack is this
I tried restarting kibana but then the app would not show up at all.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue the logs are not showing any issues.
You can try the solution here -
Had a similar problem and resolved by installing x-pack for both logstash and elasticsearch as well. I used below commands in windows 10 might be different depending on O/S
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
bin/logstash-plugin install x-pack
Described here
This seems to be the problem with installation. If you are running on any linux machines, do make sure you install x-pack with the same user that you installed kibana/elasticsearch. It is an issue often.
If not, do follow the process in the link to uninstall and reinstall again. It is very striaght forward and should work fine.
Also, do check if we need to make any changes in the configuration files- kibana.yml/elasticsearch.yml. This maynot be the case for here but it could help in debugging.

Error occurs when updating to meteor1.4

My current version is 1.3.5, and I tried to update my meteor to 1.4.
However it stop in lineļ¼š fourseven:scss 3.8.0 1.
I think I install meteor 1.4 successfully.(i'm not good at English...)
Try to reinstall and be sure to have proper internet connection

unable to find mpd.conf file

I have installed MPICH2 1.4 version on RHEL.
Whenever I'm trying to run a program then it is throwing following error
unable to find mpd.conf file
How to resolve this problem.?
This error comes from running an old version of MPICH that requires some setup. You might try upgrading to a much newer version (the latest is 3.0.4) available at and you don't have to worry about setting up MPD because it will use the newer process manager (Hydra) by default.

Oracle: Error while registering Oracle JDBC Diagnosability MBean

I am trying to install OracleClient 11g and initially i had a issue regarding JDK compatibility.
so i ended up uninstalling JDK 7 (64bit) and reinstalled JDK 6 (32bit) and edited sqldeveloper.conf for SetJavaHome.
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_31
Now, once i click sqldeveloper.exe it loads up and throws an error as mentioned below
Error (i):
Error (ii):
I tried similar issue thread in stackoverflow but didn't help much. So any help is much appreciated.
Couldn't solve the problem but found out an alternative way.
Install JDK1.6 ( 32bit)
Install Oracle Client (32bit)
Note: even if u have OS 64bit, try installing 32bit JDK & Oracle client and u should not face this error.
