Been trying to write this hex to decimal converter in MIPS. Should take in up to 8 arguments (string) from command line, all hex starting with "0x", 4 bytes long and terminated with null character after every argument.
$s1= number of args; $s0-->args(0).
For these Program Arguments: 0x1A 0xF1 0x0B3:
buffer: .space 32
args: .asciiz "\nProgram arguments:\n"
space: .asciiz " "
d_rep: .asciiz "\n\nInteger values:\n"
newLine: .asciiz "\n"
maxVal: .asciiz "Maximum value:\n"
add $t9, $zero, $zero # t9 will be max value
add $s1, $a0, $0 # store number of program arguments
add $s2, $a1, $0 # store address of where program arguments are
addi $s0, $0, 0 # use s0 as index for looping
addi $s7, $zero, 0 # used as index for print loop
add $s6, $s1, $0 # store numArgs for printloop
add $s5, $s2, $0 # store address for printloop
addi $t5, $zero, 16
addi $t6, $zero, 0
la $a0, args # load and print "Program arguments" string
li $v0, 4 # print
beq $s7, $s6, printInt # only print as many times as there are args
lw $a0, 0($s5) # get the first word
li $v0, 4 # print
la $a0, space # print a space between words
li $v0, 4 # print
addi $s5, $s5, 4 # increment to next word
addi $s7, $s7, 1 # increment printloop counter
j printloop # loop again if there are more args
la $a0, d_rep # print "Decimal values:"
li $v0, 4 # print
beq $s0, $s1, done # while $s0 <= numArgs
lb $t1, 2($s2) # load s2[2] into
addu $t2, $zero, $t1 # make a copy so we dont lose place
subiu $sp, $sp, 4
beqz $t2, postConv # while t2 != null
blt $t2, 65, convNumber # if less than value of A then got a num
subiu $t3, $t2, 0x37 # -55 for uppercase letter
sll $t3, $t3, 4 # sll by 4 is same as mult by 16
sw $t3, ($sp) # store word to do some addition
addiu $t2, $t2, 1 # increment t2
subiu $sp, $sp, 4 # increment sp
j convert # go back to convert
addu $t3, $zero, $t2 # put t2 into t3 for to do some math
subiu $t3, $t3, 0x30 # -48 for number
sll $t3, $t3, 4 # sll by 4 is same as mult by 16
sw $t3, ($sp)
addiu $t2, $t2, 1 # increment t1
addiu $sp, $sp, 4 # increment sp
j convert # jump back to convert
addi $sp, $sp, 4 # load the second value
lw $s4, ($sp) # load the first value
addi $sp, $sp, 4
# sll $s4, $s4, 4
lw $s3 ($sp)
addu $s3, $s3, $s4 # add em up for converted decimal
move $a0, $s3 # move to a0 so they pint
li $v0, 1 # print
addiu $s0, $s0, 1 # increment loop counter
addiu $s2, $s2, 4 # increment to next word
ble $t9, $t6, newMax # check for a new max value
j while # jump back to loop
addu $t9, $zero, $t6 # got a new max so save it
j while
la, $a0, newLine
li $v0, 4
la, $a0, newLine
li $v0, 4
la, $a0, maxVal
li $v0, 4
move $a0, $t9
li $v0, 1
la, $a0, newLine
li $v0, 4
li $v0, 10 # end program
My output is this:
Program arguments:
0x1A 0xF1 0x0B3
Integer values:
Maximum value:
-- program is finished running --
But it should be : 26 241 179. And maxValue should be: 241
I would be very grateful if someone could help me debug this. Thank you! :D
You should be able to debug this yourself. Single stepping the code to find this error is trivial. If you don't know how to debug code, then suggest you focus on learning that. Check each instruction to make sure it is doing what you expect, and if not, that's where the problem is.
argv is a pointer to pointers to characters — if we consider that a pointer to characters is a string, then we can describe argv as a pointer to strings. To get single character from argv we have to choose which of the strings, then choose a character from that string.
You are doing this correctly when printing the program arguments, but are not following that approach for accessing their bytes, instead you're accessing individual bytes from the pointers themselves, which of course makes no sense. Put another way, you're missing an indirection aka dereference.
This kind of error should stand out to you like a flashing warning sign when you single step over the lb $t1, 2($s2) instruction — because you are expecting it to fetch the ascii 1, 0x31, but are getting an 0xff instead. When you see that an instruction is not getting what you expect that's where and when to rethink things: it is doing what you told it to do but you can observe that is not what you want.
I'm stuck on a stack. I have to call to a function in mips-32 assembly code, in which I have to evaluate a Hermite polynomial just by giving the n and the x as parameters. It must be done using recursion.
I've tried to set 2 base cases H0 and H1, using them both at the same time, but I can't identify the sequence and the pile draw that makes the code clear.
Follows the code:
li $t2,2
recursive_hermite: #H(n,x,___,___)
bge $a0,$t5,more_than_2
#### base
#### case
jr $ra ##<--- this takes us to the operation of the value
## here you are supposed to store the values on stack
## (such as return address and n values)
addi $a0,$a0,-1 ##you must decrease n (or increase I'm not sure)
jal recursive_hermite ##once they are stored, you just recall
### operations of value
## $f12 must contain the whole value
jr $ra ####this one returns to the main
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
I see you are in trouble. Judging the way you wrote the question it seems like your assigment is due tomorrow, so we have to work things fast.
You remind me of myself 20 years back, good old times when c++ was just being born and assembly was all the rage. I have heard of those cringy MIPS emulators like QTspim, you should avoid them and work like a real man with some real handy hardware.
Here is my tip: you have to store the partial results of the polinomials tested in every recursion. To do that you have to control time and space, which have to be perfectly balanced like all things should be.
If I was you I would start working in your step by step execution of the program so you can check what the register values are.
It is dangerous to go alone, take this:
userInput: .space 700
empty: .asciiz "Input is empty."
long: .asciiz "Input is too long."
invalid: .asciiz "Invalid base-33 number."
#prints message for input that is too long
la $a0, long
li $v0, 4
j end
#prints message for invalid input
la $a0, invalid
li $v0, 4
j end
#prints message for empty string
la $a0, empty
li $v0, 4
j end
.globl main
li $v0, 8
la $a0, userInput
li $a1, 200
#takes care of leading spaces
li $t9, 32 # space
lb $t8, 0($a0)
beq $t9, $t8, Character
move $t8, $a0
j length
addi $a0, $a0, 1
j Rid
#takes care of length
addi $t0, $t0, 0
addi $t1, $t1, 10
add $t2, $t2, $a0
#itertates through the array
lb $s2, 0($a0)
beqz $s2, discovered
beq $s2, $t1, discovered
addi $a0, $a0, 1
addi $t0, $t0, 1
j traverse
#busted empty space or input that violates limit
#if it's empty go to case for empty which outputs
beqz $t0, ErrorEmpty
slti $t4, $t0, 5
#if it's too long, go to case for too long and print
beqz $t4, ErrorLong
move $a0, $t2
#go to next verification process
j verify
#Comenzamos a calcular H0
lb $s3, 0($a0) #loads address here
beqz $s3, initial
beq $s3, $t1, initial
slti $t3, $s3, 48 #invalid for anything below 0
bne $t3, $zero, ErrorInvalid
slti $t3, $s3, 58 #legal input for everything less than or equal to 9
bne $t3, $zero, Move
slti $t3, $s3, 65 #legal input for everything less than or equal to 65, 'a'
bne $t3, $zero, Move
slti $t3, $s3, 88 #legal input for anything less than or equal to 88
bne $t3, $zero, Move
slti $t3, $s3, 97 # invalid input, not numerical nor alphabetical
bne $t3, $zero, ErrorInvalid
slti $t3, $s3, 120 #legal input for lower case characters
bne $t3, $zero, Move
bgt $s3, 119, ErrorInvalid # illegal input, out of range
#now I iterate again, this time to check for invalid input
addi $a0, $a0, 1 #iterates
j verify #goes to verification point
#first step of conversion, does the prerequisite work for translation
move $a0, $t2 #moves content
addi $t5, $t5, 0 #$t5 has 0 now
add $s0, $s0, $t0
addi $s0, $s0, -1 #decrement
#aqui empieza lo bueno
addi $sp, $sp, -16
sw $ra, 0($sp)
sw $ra, 4($sp)
sw $ra, 8($sp)
sw $ra, 12($sp)
jal Must
lw $ra,16($sp)
lw $s4, 3($sp)
lw $s5, 2($sp)
lw $s6, 1($sp)
lw $s1, 0($sp)
jr $ra #return
#li $s4, 3 #each digit
#li $s5, 2
#li $s6, 1
#li $s1, 0
lb $s7, 0($a0) #loads digits
beqz $s7, final #final conversion step
beq $s7, $t1, final #if branch statement is true, move to final conversion statement
slti $t3, $s7, 58 #checks for less than or equal to 58
bne $t3, $zero, Base #OK to move forward if $t3 is not null
slti $t3, $s7, 88 #max for upper
bne $t3, $zero, Mari #OK to go to conversion of upper characters if $t3 is not null
slti $t3, $s7, 120 #max for lower
bne $t3, $zero, Mici #OK to go to conversion of lower characters if $t3 is not null
addi $s7, $s7, -48 #conversion for regular numbers
j row
addi $s7, $s7, -55 #conversion for upper case
j row
addi $s7, $s7, -87 #conversion for lower case
row: #determines which digit needs to be converted
beq $s0, $s4, one
beq $s0, $s5, two
beq $s0, $s6, three
beq $s0, $s1, last
#first character
li $t6, 35937 #values to multiply by for the power of 3
mult $s7, $t6
mflo $t7
add $t5, $t5, $t7
addi $s0, $s0, -1
addi $a0, $a0, 1
j translate
#second character
li $t6, 1089 #values to multiply by for the power of 2
mult $s7, $t6
mflo $t7
add $t5, $t5, $t7
addi $s0, $s0, -1
addi $a0, $a0, 1
j translate
#third character
li $t6, 33 #values to multiply by for the power of 1
mult $s7, $t6
mflo $t7
add $t5, $t5, $t7
addi $s0, $s0, -1
addi $a0, $a0, 1
j translate
#fourth character
li $t6, 1 #values to multiply by for the power of 0
mult $s7, $t6
mflo $t7
add $t5, $t5, $t7
#no more need to go back to translation step
final: #final step
li $v0, 1
move $a0, $t5 #moves content to $a0 so it can be printed
#last system call of the program will end program
end: #prints result
li $v0, 10
Hope it helps, if you need, ask for further explanation here, its been directly
taken out of my Final grade Work, and in my Masters.
PD: It is licensed under the GPL, so be careful on what you do with it, FBI might be looking for you.
Love :)
I'm having some trouble on an assignment and would appreciate some help. I'm not asking for the answer, I prefer to put two and two together to figure it out myself, but I know so little about MIPS its hard for me to know where to start.
Here is what I started with
addi $sp, $sp, -16 #prepare stack for 4 items
sw $s0, 0($sp)
sw $s1, 4($sp)
sw $s2, 8($sp)
sw $ra, 12($sp)
move $s0, $a0
move $s1, $a1
add $s2, $s0, $s1 #add two previous numbers and store result in $s2
move $v0, $s2 #put answer into $v0
lw $s0, 0($sp)
lw $s1, 4($sp)
lw $s2, 8($sp)
lw $ra, 12($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 16
Essentially we are to use a recursive function to calculate the fibonacci numbers and a loop to print out the first 10 numbers of the fibonacci sequence.
I have looked up many examples but they all use instructions that we haven't learned yet so I can't make sense of it and I can only assume we aren't expected to use them. In the code above I'm essentially creating a stack to store the $ra along with three values, the two numbers to be added and the sum. Part of my problem is understanding where the function starts and ends and what the totality of the work being done is.
We were also given that to print you use the following
li $v0, 1
move $a0, $s0
Am I correct in thinking this is printing the value stored in $v0?
Here is the code for your function. I know you are not looking for the answer but sometimes looking for an example and seeing how it works gets you more easily to the point where you understand how it really works.
msg1: .asciiz "Give a number: "
.globl main
li $v0, 4
la $a0, msg1
syscall # print msg
li $v0, 5
syscall # read an int
add $a0, $v0, $zero # move to $a0
jal fib # call fib
add $a0, $v0, $zero
li $v0, 1
li $v0, 10
# $a0 = y
# if (y == 0) return 0;
# if (y == 1) return 1;
# return fib(y - 1) + fib(y - 2);
#save in stack
addi $sp, $sp, -12
sw $ra, 0($sp)
sw $s0, 4($sp)
sw $s1, 8($sp)
add $s0, $a0, $zero
addi $t1, $zero, 1
beq $s0, $zero, return0
beq $s0, $t1, return1
addi $a0, $s0, -1
jal fib
add $s1, $zero, $v0 # $s1 = fib(y - 1)
addi $a0, $s0, -2
jal fib # $v0 = fib(n - 2)
add $v0, $v0, $s1 # $v0 = fib(n - 2) + $s1
lw $ra, 0($sp) # read registers from stack
lw $s0, 4($sp)
lw $s1, 8($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 12 # bring back stack pointer
jr $ra
li $v0,1
j exitfib
li $v0,0
j exitfib
Like Gusbro said in order to use recursion in mips you will have to do 2 things. jal (jump and link) to the name of the function but first always store the return address into a stack, $ra, so in the future if you want to return back to the beginning you will be able to using jr $ra. If you don't save a return address and try to access it via jr you will most likely get an invalid program counter error.
Here goes some hints:
You have to write a recursive function, but you are not writing a function at all.
To write this function in MIPS assembler I suggest you first write it in a higher level language (C).
So it would go something like this:
int fib(int n)
if(n == 0 or n == 1)
return n;
else return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
The first line checks whether you are in a base case of the recursion (n=0 or n=1). If thats the case, fib(n) returns n.
Otherwise the recursion step goes which returns the sum of fib(n-1) plus fib(n-2).
So you will have to write a function, define the input/output parameters (which register will held n and which will return fib(n).
The manually compile the C code.
To start a function, just add a label
then put your stack management code there.
then translate the IF-THEN-ELSE to MIPS assemble.
to issue the recursive call, use jal instruction.
Before returning from the function with jr $ra restore the saved values from the stack.
Your main program will load the input parameter (the register used for input argument n), then jal fib.
This explains how to implement the Fibonacci function in MIPS as well as how to translate a MIPS function back to equivalent C code, it's well detailed : Fibonacci function in MIPS by
The code for the base case:
bgt $a0, 1, recurse
move $v0, $a0
jr $ra
Convert the code for the base case.
bgt $a0, 1, recurse
move $v0, $a0
jr $ra
Save callee- and caller-saved registers on the stack.
sub $sp, $sp, 12 # We need to store 3 registers to stack
sw $ra, 0($sp) # $ra is the first register
sw $a0, 4($sp) # $a0 is the second register, we cannot assume $a registers will not be overwritten by callee
Call fib recursively:
addi $a0, $a0, -1 # N-1
jal fib
sw $v0, 8($sp) # store $v0, the third register to be stored on the stack so it doesn’t get overwritten by callee
Call fib recursively again:
lw $a0, 4($sp) # retrieve original value of N
addi $a0, $a0, -2 #N-2 jal fib
Write a recursive version of 𝑟add() in C or C++, then use this program to develop a MIPS
program that gets as input two integers 0<𝑎 ≤255, and 0<𝑏 ≤255, and returns the
result of 𝑟add(𝑎,𝑏) in $v1.
So I understand the logic behind how to calculate the sum of digits. I was just wondering whether this recursive function is correct. Assume that the user already entered the number which he or she wants the digit sum for and is stored in $v0.
li $s0, 0
move $a1, $v0
li $s1, 0
li $s2, 10
# I am adjusting the stack frame size to store 3 words
addi $sp, $sp,-12
# These are the sum value, the return address, and the number
sw $s1, 0($sp)
sw $ra, 4($sp)
sw $a1, 8($sp)
Loop2: bne $s0, $a1, SUM3
move $a0, $s1
li $v0, 1
lw $s1, 0($sp)
lw $ra, 4($sp)
lw $a1, 8($sp)
addi $sp, $sp 12
jr $ra
div $t0, $a1, $s2
mfhi $t0
add $s1, $s1, $t0
div $t1, $a1, $s2
mflo $a1
j Loop2
If the logic isn't clear I am first checking to see if the number doesn't equal zero and if it doesn't I will then get the modulus of the number divided by 10 and add it to the sum which is initially 0 and then divide the user input number by 10 and continue to call the function till the number eventually becomes zero. I also had one quick last question. In Mips would a recursive function or iterative function execute faster?
Your implementation corresponds to something like this:
int sum_digits(int n) {
int res = 0;
while (n != 0) {
res += n % 10;
n /= 10;
return res;
Actually you're just printing the result rather than returning it, but that's beside the point. It's clearly an iterative function.
A recursive implementation would look something like this:
int sum_digits(int n) {
return (n >= 10) ? ((n % 10) + sum_digits(n / 10)) : (n % 10);
I'll leave it to you to translate that into MIPS assembly now that you know what the algorithm looks like.
Proper implementation of recursion to do sum of digits:
n: .word 1965
s: .word 0
lw $t0,n
addi $t1,$zero,10
add $t4,$zero,$zero #the result
div $t0,$t1 #n/10 and n%10
mflo $t0 #n=n/10
mfhi $t3 #digit=n%10
add $t4,$t4,$t3 #s=s+digit
bne $t0,$zero,recursion #if n!=0
sw $t4,s
li $v0,10
I'm currently trying to figure out how to code a function of finding the lowest integer in MIPS following this algorithm...
int Min( int[] A, int low, int high)
{ if (low== high) return A[low];
int mid = (low+high)/2;
int min1 = Min( int[] A, low, mid);
int min2 =Min( int[] A, mid +1, high);
if(min1>min2) return min2;
return min1;
I'm receiving problems as I attempt to code this in MIPS. Here is my current MIPS code. The user inputs up to 6 integers which are stored in an array. The registers $a0, $a1, and $a2 are used as arguments for the function.
$a0 = int[]A
$a1 = int low //index
$a2 = int high //index
Here is the recursion function...
bne $a1, $a2, recur
mul $t4, $a1, 4
add $a0, $a0, $t4
lw $v1, 0($a0)
jr $ra
# recursion start
addiu $sp, $sp, -12 #reserve 12 bytes on stack
sw $ra, 0($sp) #push return address
# mid = (low+high)/2 t0 = mid t1= min1 t2=min2 t3 = mid+1
add $t0, $a1, $a2 # t0 = low + high
div $t0, $t0, 2 # t0 = (low+high)/2
# mid1 = min(int[]A,low,mid)
sw $a2, 4($sp) #push high
addi $t3, $t0, 1 # mid+1
sw $t3, 8($sp) #store mid+1
move $a2, $t0 #change high to mid
jal min #compute
# check
move $t1, $v1 #set up the min1 = return value
# mid2 = min(int[]A,mid+1,high)
lw $a2, 4($sp) #reload high prior call
lw $a1, 8($sp) #change low to mid+1
jal min #compute
move $t2, $v1 #set as the min2 = return value
# return mid2 if mid1 > mid2
bgt $t1, $t2, returnMid2
# else return mid1
move $v1, $t1
j minFinal
move $v1, $t2
lw $ra, 0($sp)
addiu $sp, $sp, 12 #release stack
jr $ra
The problem is whatever combination of integers I input during the program, I never get the minimum value but rather the number "543976553". I've been looking over my code and notes and I still don't have a clue.
For mid1, try putting the return value on the stack and then moving it to $t1 AFTER mid2 is called. Then compare $v0 with $t1 instead of comparing $t1 with $t2
When using the div command in MIPS, doesn't one need to acquire the quotient from $LO ?
thus your logic for (high+low)/2 might look something like
add $t0, $a1, $a2 # t0 = low + high
addi $t5, $zero, 2 # t5=2
div $t0, $t5 # LO = t0/t5, HI = t0%t5
addi $t0, $LO, 0 # t0 = LO (t0/t5)
some of those lines are written just how I learned to do MIPS but you may have a different style for loading immediate values into a register.
I also can't promise this will fix everything, but at first glance, that is something I noticed.