R package for post js load webscraping without relying on an external headless browser - r

I need to scrape content and sniff network activity from an asynchronous web page using R.
The problem is that in my team we work both on Mac and Windows machines on a project directory shared via github.
This creates quite some problem in using external headless browsers via RSelenium (mac/windows path differences, different locations of executables, dynamic number of collaborators).
So an ideal solution would be to use some simple headless browser written directly in R and installed as a package, so that we don't have to take care of OS support, location, etc...
Does such a package exist?

Looks like there are now solutions to do this through packages like https://github.com/rstudio/chromote or https://github.com/RLesur/crrri without installing any headless browser since recently Chrome exposes an API for interacting with it.


In a locally run web app, is there any performance hit from loading fonts?

So it's common knowledge that if you load like 100 fonts from, say, Google Fonts, then it will probably cause some loading performance issues on your site. But it's not totally clear to me if almost all of that performance hit is just from downloading from Google, or if it's partially due to just having to parse through the various fonts.
I'm currently building an Electron app meant to be run locally. If I package fonts within the app and load them, will I have to worry about any load times from parsing/loading the font files?
Use dev tools on your webpage. Go to the network tab and see how long each resource takes to load.

A-Frame: standalone environment (ala PhoneGap)

Are there any options for packaging an A-Frame application into a standalone form? Sort of like how PhoneGap packages webapps?
I imagine the solution would need to package all HTML/JS files and resources together with a standalone browser? And then launch with 'headset mode' on by default?
A-Frame apps are just webapp, so try the existing toolchains like Cordova or Phonegap. There may be issues and your mileage may vary though as we don't put much effort towards those use cases. There are several issues filed for Cordova + A-Frame on GitHub for an introductory read.
It seems though recent webvr-polyfill issues may not be friendly for WebViews: https://github.com/aframevr/aframe/issues/1940
I've been using crosswalk lately, all the latest APIs and no browser compatibility problems.
It's very easy to add on to an existing html5 project : https://crosswalk-project.org/

How do I use HP's UFT with Eclipse's EMF Client Platform?

I have an existing software system in pure Java (1.8, currently 32 bit), using Eclipse's EMF Client Platform. Some modules are opened in normal web browsers like IE, Chrome etc. while others are loaded into an Eclipse client as Eclipse plugins. We're using Eclipse Mars.
We're looking to automate our testing with HP's UFT, so we're trying it out for the first time with a freshly downloaded trial version. We easily figured out how to use UFT with modules that are opened in a web browser from a tutorial I found online.
However, we're unable to say the same for the part of the system opened in the Eclipse client. My PM did a little preliminary research and some say there are compatibility issues. Right now I'm investigating this in-depth with the objective to get it working if possible. I Google'd with the terms UFT, Eclipse plugin, and/or EMF Client Platform without useful result.
As someone using this tool for the first time, I'm looking for help from those with experience in the community. Do you know any tutorial, documentation, any material that can assist me, whether to solve the problem outright or at least to help me understand the relevant parts of the UFT tool?
I understand LeanFT is installed with UFT, so I am open to using it as an alternative. Thanks!

R Shiny pages on IE10

I have a windows machine. I use R shiny (R 3.0.1 and Shiny to share some apps with others on the same network.
Just running an app using runApp("some_app") works fine on chrome/IE10 but not of much use because others on the network can't access it. When I run using: runApp("some_app", host="XX.XXX.XX.XXX", port=3456), others can access the page but can't see any reactive output only on IE10.
Any idea what would be the problem with reactive output on IE10 when I use my computer's ip while it works okay on chrome?
Many Thanks
I'm not an expert, but my impression is that a lot of things don't work in IE, especially things that are new / cool.
A quick google search provided some helpful links, especially this one on shiny's google group.
If people really can't use Chrome or Firefox, I would consider having people connect to a remote server that does have Chrome installed.

working on a remote R session

The R session that I am working on is on a remote cluster due to memory contraints and the data is stored remotely. I am therefore using notepad++ to edit my files and just paste them into my SSH session as I go along. What is the best way to integrate with the remote session to take advantage of code completion and other things available in editors like RStudio. Any best practice suggestions about working on remote connections? I imagine this must be the case for most R users who work with large data sets.
From: http://www.sciviews.org/_rgui/projects/Editors.html
The famous Vim editor now also provides syntax highlighting for R. You can get a plugin to integrate R here. For Windows, there is another plugin using R-DCOM here. There is an alternate, multiplatform, plugin here. Also look at the VIM web site, because there are other interesting resources there for R users (see here for an overview). There is also an R package to better integrate debugging facilites in Vim: adtdbg
