Undefined array in Vuex payload using firestore where ' in ' query - firebase

I am trying to make an 'in' query like this: db.collection('units').where('SuperID', 'in', payload)
SuperID: is a number
payload: is an array of numbers matching the SuperIDs
I am doing this so I can group users based off a document like this
Vuex Store
getgs: firestoreAction(({ bindFirestoreRef, payload }) => {
//return the promise returned by 'bindFirestoreRef'
return bindFirestoreRef('gs', db.collection('units').where('SuperID', 'in', payload))
methods: {
Whenever I try to call it, it logs the array that I need but then says that its undefined and throws the Firebase error.

Ok I think I found the answer this time.
Using this example from the docs:
actions: {
checkout ({ commit, state }, products) {
// save the items currently in the cart
const savedCartItems = [...state.cart.added]
// send out checkout request, and optimistically
// clear the cart
// the shop API accepts a success callback and a failure callback
// handle success
() => commit(types.CHECKOUT_SUCCESS),
// handle failure
() => commit(types.CHECKOUT_FAILURE, savedCartItems)
It looks like your action definition should be
getgs: firestoreAction(({ bindFirestoreRef }, payload) => {
//return the promise returned by 'bindFirestoreRef'
return bindFirestoreRef('gs', db.collection('units').where('SuperID', 'in', payload))
With the payload outside of the context object.


RTK Query - Update existing data (streaming with websocket)

i have another problem while using RTK Query.
We initially fetch data with a get request. Once the result added to the cache, we want add the websocket connection and listen for any changes.
But the only thing i can find in the docs is, just adding further entries via .push.
But we have to update already existing data.
The structure of the data is:
resources: event.resources, // Array
events: event.events, // Array
resourceTimeRanges: event.resourceTimeRanges, // Array
calendars: event.calendars, // Array
project: event.project, // Array
Via websocket we get changes only for the events prop of the object.
So we have to update an entry in the events array.
How would it looks like?
Our code:
async onCacheEntryAdded(arg, { updateCachedData, cacheDataLoaded, cacheEntryRemoved }) {
const state = store.getState();
const currentUser = state.user.uuid;
try {
// wait for the initial query to resolve before proceeding
await cacheDataLoaded;
// when data is received from the socket connection to the server,
// if it is a message and for the appropriate channel,
// update our query result with the received message
const listener = (event) => {
schedulerData.util.updateData('getSchedulerEvents', undefined, (draft) => {
// Test data
const newEvent = { id: 2, name: 'newName' };
// How do i update data here???
updateCachedData((draft) => {
// client-side
socketClient.emit('schedulerRoom', 'join');
socketClient.on('scheduler', (payload) => {
console.log('Joined room!');
} catch (e) {
// no-op in case `cacheEntryRemoved` resolves before `cacheDataLoaded`,
// in which case `cacheDataLoaded` will throw
// cacheEntryRemoved will resolve when the cache subscription is no longer active
await cacheEntryRemoved;
// perform cleanup steps once the `cacheEntryRemoved` promise resolves
Thank you very much for your suggestions.

Pass extra arguments to thunk payload in redux toolkit

I'm using the createAsyncThunk method to handle an api request with RTK.
However, I can't get to pass extra arguments to the fulfilled response of the thunk. I can only get the data from the returned promise.
The returned promise has this data:
{ items: [ [Object], [Object] ], metadata: {} }
The action:
export const getGroupsBySchoolId = createAsyncThunk(
async (schoolId, _thunkAPI) => {
const { items } = await fetch(someUrl); // simplified fetch request
return { items, schoolId }; // this won't work in the reducer, only if I unwrap() the promise in the component
in the slice the builder I'm trying to get the schoolId, but I only get the returned promise.
builder.addCase(getGroupsBySchoolId.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
// console.log(action);
const schoolId = action.payload.items.length > 0 ? action.payload.items[0].parentId : null; // i want to avoid this an get it from the payload
state.items[schoolId] = action.payload.items;
state.loading = false;
The output from console.loging the action, which is of course, the returned promise and the action type:
type: 'groups/getGroupsBySchoolId/fulfilled',
payload: { items: [ [Object], [Object] ], metadata: {} }
I could create a regular reducer and dispatch it once the promise has been resolved, but that sounds like an overkill that -I think- shoul be solved in the fulfilled builder callback.
Based on your last comment, I see what you're asking - you want to know how to get access to the thunk argument in the reducer.
In other words, given this:
You want to to be able to see the value 123 somewhere in the action when it gets to the reducer.
The good news is this is easy! For createAsyncThunk specifically, the thunk argument will always be available as action.meta.arg. So, this should work:
builder.addCase(getGroupsBySchoolId.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
// console.log(action);
const schoolId = action.meta.arg;
state.items[schoolId] = action.payload.items;
state.loading = false;

Redux - Update store with same function from different files

being rather new to react.js + redux, I'm facing the following conundrum:
I have multiple files, which need to update the store in exactly the same way, based on the stores current state. Currently I simply copy-paste the same code (along with the needed mapStateToProps), which goes again DRY.
Similar to something like the below, where getData is an Ajax call living in the actions file and props.timeAttribute is coming from mapStateToProps:
props.getData(props.timeAttribute).then((newState) => {
Would a function like that go in the actions file? Can the current state be read from within that actions file? Or does one normally create some sort of helperFile.js in which a function like that lives and is being called from other files?
If your file is executing the same action, then yes, you would put the action creator in a separate file and export it. In theory, you can put state in an action by passing the state as a parameter, but the philosophy behind an action is that it announces to your application that SOMETHING HAPPENED (as denoted by the type property on the return value of the action function). The reducer function responsible for handling that type subsequently updates the state.
You can access the current state of the store inside of an action creator like this:
export const testAction = (someParam) => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const {
} = getState(); //getState gets the entire state of your application
//do something with someState and then run the dispatch function like this:
dispatch(() => {type: ACTION_TYPE, payload: updatedState})
I like this approach because it encapsulates all the logic for accessing state inside of the one function that will need to access it.
DO NOT modify the state inside of the action creator though! This should be read only. The state of your application should only be updated through your reducer functions.
Yes, it is recommended to maintain a separate file for your actions.
Below is an example of how i use an action to fetch information and dispatch an action.
export const fetchComments = () => (dispatch) => {
console.log("Fetch Comment invoked");
/*you can use your Ajax getData call instead of fetch.
Can also add parameters if you need */
return fetch(baseUrl + 'comments')
.then(response => {
if (response.ok){
return response;
else {
var error = new Error('Error ' + response.status + ': ' + response.statusText);
error.response = response;
throw error;
error => {
var errmess = new Error(error.message);
throw errmess;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(comments => dispatch(addComments(comments)))
.catch(error => dispatch(commentsFailed(error.message)));
/* Maintain a separate file called ActionTypes.js where you can store all the ActionTypes as Strings. */
export const addComments = (comments) => ({
type : ActionTypes.ADD_COMMENTS,
payload : comments
export const comments = (errMess) => ({
type : ActionTypes.COMMENTS_FAILED,
payload : errMess
Once, you receive dispatch an action, you need an reducer to capture the action and make changes to your store.
Note that this reducer must be a pure function.
export const comments = (state = { errMess: null, comments:[]}, action) => {
console.log("inside comments");
switch (action.type) {
case ActionTypes.ADD_COMMENTS:
return {...state, errMess: null, comments: action.payload};
case ActionTypes.COMMENTS_FAILED:
return {...state, errMess: action.payload};
return state;
Don't forget to combine the reducers in the configureStore().
const store = createStore(
In your components where you use the Actions, use
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
fetchComments : () => dispatch(fetchComments()),
Note to export the component as
export default connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(Component);

await response of image upload before continue function

So I am working on a upload function for multiple images in an array. After a lot of struggling I have finally got my upload function to work and the images are showing up in the Firebase Database. However I have yet to find out a working way to make sure my upload function completes before continuing.
Below is the part were I am calling the upload function and try to store the response in uploadurl, the uploadurl variable is later used in the dispatch function to store the url with other data.
try {
uploadurl = await uploadImages()
address = await getAddress(selectedLocation)
if (!uploadurl.lenght) {
Alert.alert('Upload error', 'Something went wrong uploading the photo, plase try again', [
{ text: 'Okay' }
So the image upload function is below. This works to the point that the images are uploaded, however the .then call to get the DownloadURL is not started correctly and the .then images also is not working.
uploadImages = () => {
const provider = firebase.database().ref(`providers/${uid}`);
let imagesArray = [];
try {
.then(photoarray => {
console.log('all responses are resolved succesfully')
for (let photo of photoarray) {
let file = photo.data;
const path = "Img_" + uuid.v4();
const ref = firebase
var metadata = {
contentType: 'image/jpeg',
ref.putString(file, 'base64', metadata).then(() => {
.then(images => {
uri: images
console.log("Out-imgArray", imagesArray);
return imagesArray
} catch (e) {
So I want to return the imagesArray, AFTER, all the photos are uploaded. So the imagesArray is then set as uploadURL in the first function? After all images URL are set in imagesArray and passed to uploadURL, only then my dispatch function to upload the rest of the data should continue. How can I make sure this is happening as expected?
I have changed this so many times now because I keep getting send to different ways of doing this that I am completely at a loss how to continue now :(
Most of your uploadImages() code was correct, however in many places you didn't return the promise from each asynchronous action.
Quick sidestep: Handling many promises
When working with lots of asynchronous tasks based on an array, it is advised to map() the array to an array of Promises rather than use a for loop. This allows you to build an array of promises that can be fed to Promise.all() without the need to initialise and push to another array.
let arrayOfPromises = someArray.map((entry) => {
// do something with 'entry'
return somePromiseRelatedToEntry();
.then((resultsOfPromises) => {
console.log('All promises resolved successfully');
.catch((err) => {
// an error in one of the promises occurred
The above snippet will fail if any of the contained promises fail. To silently ignore individual errors or defer them to handle later, you just add a catch() inside the mapped array step.
let arrayOfPromises = someArray.map((entry) => {
// do something with 'entry'
return somePromiseRelatedToEntry()
.catch(err => ({hasError: true, error: err})); // silently ignore errors for processing later
Updated uploadImages() code
Updating your code with these changes, gives the following result:
uploadImages = () => {
const provider = firebase.database().ref(`providers/${uid}`);
// CHANGED: removed 'let imagesArray = [];', no longer needed
return Promise.all(photos) // CHANGED: return the promise chain
.then(photoarray => {
console.log('all responses are resolved successfully');
// take each photo, upload it and then return it's download URL
return Promise.all(photoarray.map((photo) => { // CHANGED: used Promise.all(someArray.map(...)) idiom
let file = photo.data;
const path = "Img_" + uuid.v4();
const storageRef = firebase // CHANGED: renamed 'ref' to 'storageRef'
let metadata = {
contentType: 'image/jpeg',
// upload current photo and get it's download URL
return storageRef.putString(file, 'base64', metadata) // CHANGED: return the promise chain
.then(() => {
console.log(`${path} was uploaded successfully.`);
return storageRef.getDownloadURL() // CHANGED: return the promise chain
.then(fileUrl => ({uri: fileUrl}));
.then((imagesArray) => { // These lines can
console.log("Out-imgArray: ", imagesArray) // safely be removed.
return imagesArray; // They are just
}) // for logging.
.catch((err) => {

FIrebase Firestore onCreate Cloud Function Event Params Undefined

I have tried following Firebase's documentation and other SO posts to access a parameter value for a cloud function I've successfully deployed.
Unfortunately I've still been receiving a
Type Error: cannot read property 'id' of undefined
I've logged event.params and it is outputting as undefined, so I understand the issue, but am unsure how, syntactically, I'm supposed to derive the param value.
Below is my js code for reference:
exports.observeCreate = functions.firestore.document('/pathOne/{id}/pathTwo/{anotherId}').onCreate(event => {
//event prints out data but params undefined...
const data = event.data()
var id = event.params.id;
return admin.firestore().collection('path').doc(id).get().then(doc => {
const data = doc.data();
var fcmToken = data.fcmToken;
var message = {
notification: {
title: "x",
body: "x"
token: fcmToken
.then((response) => {
console.log('Successfully sent message:', response);
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error sending message:', error);
You're using the pre-1.0 API for the firebase-functions module, but the acutal version of it you have installed is 1.0 or later. The API changed in 1.0. Read about the changes here.
Firestore (and other types of) triggers now take a second parameter of type EventContext. This has a property called params that contains the data that used to be in event.params.
exports.observeCreate = functions.firestore.document('/pathOne/{id}/pathTwo/{anotherId}').onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
Please also read the documentation for the most up-to-date information about Firestore triggers.
