I am using R studio to estimate paramters for data under Variance Gamma. I want to fit this data to the data and find estimates of parameters. The code I have is
vgFit(x, freq = NULL, breaks = NULL, paramStart = init, startMethod = "Nelder-Mead", startValues = "SL", method = "Nelder-Mead", hessian = FALSE, plots = TRUE)
The error I got was:
Error in optim(paramStart, llsklp, NULL, method = startMethodSL, hessian = FALSE, :
function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters
I am not sure what the issue is?
The error might suggest divergence. Based on your previous questions, I'm wildly guessing the x is the raw number of the stock values. So a log-transformation may be necessary before modelling the change per time unit (ex. daily returns).
x <- c(1291,849,238,140,118,108,87,70,63,58,50,47,21,21,19)
dx <- log(x)[2:length(dx)] - log(x)[1:(length(dx)-1)]
#Parameter estimates:
# vgC sigma theta nu
# 0.16887 0.03128 -0.47164 0.27558
We may want to compare with simulated data. I implemented two methods and they seem equivalent for large observation number nt.
Method 2 is according to below:
#Simulating VG as a time-fixed Brownian Motion
nt = 15 #number of observations
T = nt - 1 #total time
dt = rep(T/(nt-1), nt-1) #fixed time increments
r = 1 + 0.16887 #interest rate
vgC = (r-1)
sigma = 0.03128
theta = -0.47164
nu = 0.27558
V_ = rep(NA,nt) #Simulations for log stock value
V_[1] = 7.163172 #log(x[1])
V2_ = V_ #alternative simulation method
for(i in 2:nt)
{#method 1: by VarianceGamma package
V_[i] <- V_[i-1] + rvg(1,vgC=vgC*dt[i-1], sigma=sigma, theta=theta, nu=nu)
#method 2: by R built-in packages
gamma_i<-rgamma(1, shape=dt[i-1]/nu, scale = nu)
normal<-rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=sigma*sqrt(gamma_i))
V2_[i] <- V2_[i-1] + vgC*dt[i-1] + theta*gamma_i + normal
# Visual comparison
plot(x, xlab='Time',ylab='Stock value',type='l')
lines(exp(V_), col='red')
lines(exp(V2_), col='blue')
The resulting parameters suggest unstable estimations due to small sample size nt:
#The real parameter:
c(vgC*dt[1], sigma, theta, nu).
# vgC sigma theta nu
# 0.16887 0.03128 -0.47164 0.27558
#Parameter estimates for 1st data set:
dV = V_[2:nt] - V_[1:(nt-1)]
# vgC sigma theta nu
#-0.9851 0.3480 1.2382 2.0000
#Parameter estimates for 2nd data set:
dV2 = V2_[2:nt] - V2_[1:(nt-1)]
# vgC sigma theta nu
#-0.78033 0.07641 0.52414 0.11840
In addition, the rvg function is assuming fixed time increments. We can relax that hypothesis by #Louis Marascio's answer using log-likelihood approach.
#Simulating VG as a time-changed Brownian Motion
nt = 100 #Increase the number of observations!
T = nt-1
dt = runif(nt-1) #random time increments
dt = dt/sum(dt)*T
r = 1 + 0.16887
vgC = (r-1)
sigma = 0.03128
theta = -0.47164
nu = 0.27558
V_ = rep(NA,nt) #simulations for log stock value
V_[1] = 7.163172
for(i in 2:nt)
{V_[i] <- V_[i-1] + rvg(1,vgC=vgC*dt[i-1], sigma=sigma, theta=theta, nu=nu)
dV = V_[2:nt] - V_[1:(nt-1)]
# -log-likelihood function with different time increments
ll = function(par){
if(par[2]>0 & par[4]>0)
{tem = 0
for (i in 1:(length(dV)))
{tem = tem - log(dvg(dV[i], vgC = par[1]*dt[i], sigma=par[2], theta=par[3], nu = par[4]))
return (tem)
else return(Inf)}
Indeed, the results show better estimation by relaxing the fixed time assumption:
#The real parameters:
c(vgC, sigma, theta, nu)
# vgC sigma theta nu
# 0.16887 0.03128 -0.47164 0.27558
#Assuming fixed time increments
# vgC sigma theta nu
#-0.2445969 0.3299023 -0.0696895 1.5623556
#Assuming different time increments
method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "Brent")[5])
# vgC sigma theta nu
# 0.16503125 0.03241617 -0.50193694 0.28221985
Finally, the confidence intervals for the estimated parameters may be obtained by multiple simulations:
out = NULL
for (j in 1:100) #100 simulations
{V_ = rep(NA,nt)
V_[1] = 7.163172
for(i in 2:nt)
{V_[i] <- V_[i-1] + rvg(1,vgC=vgC*dt[i-1], sigma=sigma, theta=theta, nu=nu)
dV = V_[2:nt] - V_[1:(nt-1)]
#to skip divergence
tem <- try(vgFit(dV)$param)
if (inherits(tem, "try-error")) next
out = rbind(out,tem)
# vgC sigma theta nu
#-0.8735168 0.1652970 0.4737270 0.9821458
# vgC sigma theta nu
#2.8935938 0.3092993 2.6833866 1.3161695
I am attempting to find three parameters by minimizing a negative log-likelihood function in R. I have attempted this using two different commands: nlm and nloptr. I get different results for both of these. As such, I was wondering if it is normal for them to differ and if so, which of the commands I should use for this specific question. Another issue I have is that I have to be able to estimate the standard errors of each the parameters and have no idea how to do this.
Here is my code. The wage, unemployment_duration and employed vectors are all vectors of pre-existing data:
####################### Guessing initial values ###################
mu_guess<- 10
sigma_w_guess<- 3.61
lambda_guess<- 5
#Vector of inputs
initial_guess <- c(mu_guess,sigma_w_guess,lambda_guess)
#Lower and upper bounds
lower_bound <- c(0,0,0)
upper_bound <- c(Inf,Inf,Inf)
####################### Specification 1 ###################################
negative_log_likelihood <- function(x){
#Parameters to estimate
mu <- x[1]
sigma_w <- x[2]
lambda <- x[3]
#Rate of leaving unemployment
hu <- lambda*(1 - plnorm(reservation_wage, meanlog = mu,
sdlog = sigma_w, lower.tail = TRUE,
log.p = FALSE))
#Predefining vectors
fu_hat <- matrix(0,1458,1)
fa<- matrix(0,1458,1)
L <- matrix(0,1458,1)
for (i in 1:1458){
#Probability of a completed spell (vector)
fu[i,1] = hu*exp(-hu*unemployment_duration[i,1])
#Probability of an ongoing spell (vector)
fu_hat[i,1] = exp(-hu*unemployment_duration[i,1])
#Distribution of wage accounting for truncation at reservation wage
fa[i,1] = dlnorm(wage[i,1], meanlog = mu, sdlog = sigma_w,
log = FALSE)/(1 - plnorm(reservation_wage,
meanlog = mu, sdlog = sigma_w,
lower.tail = TRUE,log.p = FALSE))
#log-ikelihood of an observation
#Log-likelihood function
neg_log_lik <- -sum(L)
I am trying to figure out how to sample from a custom density in rJAGS but am running into issues. having searched the site, I saw that there is a zeroes (or ones) trick that can be employed based on BUGS code but am having a hard time with its implementation in rJAGS. I think I am doing it correctly but keep getting the following error:
Error in jags.model(model1.spec, data = list(x = x, N = N), n.chains = 4, :
Error in node dpois(lambda)
Length mismatch in Node::setValue
Here is my rJAGS code for reproducibility:
N = 100
x = rexp(N, 3)
L = quantile(x, prob = 1) # Censoring point
censor = ifelse(x <= L, 1, 0) # Censoring indicator
x[censor == 1] <- L
model1.string <-"
model {
for (i in 1:N){
x[i] ~ dpois(lambda)
lambda <- -N*log(1-exp(-(1/mu)))
mu ~ dlnorm(mup, taup)
mup <- log(.0001)
taup <- 1/49
R <- 1 - exp(-(1/mu) * .0001)
jags <- jags.model(model1.spec,
data = list('x' = x,
'N' = N),
Here, my negative log likelihood of the density I am interested in is -N*log(1-exp(-(1/mu))). Is there an obvious mistake in the code?
Using the zeros trick, the variable on the left-hand side of the dpois() relationship has to be an N-length vector of zeros. The variable x should show up in the likelihood somewhere. Here is an example using the normal distribution.
N <- 100
x <- rnorm(100, mean=3)
z <- rep(0, N)
C <- 10
pi <- pi
model1.string <-"
model {
for (i in 1:N){
lambda[i] <- pow(2*pi*sig2, -0.5) * exp(-.5*pow(x[i]-mu, 2)/sig2)
loglam[i] <- log(lambda[i]) + C
z[i] ~ dpois(loglam[i])
mu ~ dnorm(0,.1)
tau ~ dgamma(1,.1)
sig2 <- pow(tau, -1)
sumLL <- sum(log(lambda[]))
jags <- jags.model(model1.spec,
data = list('x' = x,
'z' = z,
'N' = N,
'C' = C,
'pi' = pi),
inits = function()list(tau = 1, mu = 3),
samps1 <- coda.samples(jags, c("mu", "sig2"), n.iter=1000)
Iterations = 101:1100
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 4
Sample size per chain = 1000
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
mu 4.493 2.1566 0.034100 0.1821
sig2 1.490 0.5635 0.008909 0.1144
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
mu 0.6709 3.541 5.218 5.993 7.197
sig2 0.7909 0.999 1.357 1.850 2.779
I'm trying to run a MLE for an infectious disease compartmental transmission model (SEIR, in my case SSEIR) with the mle2 command, trying to fit a curve of predicted number of weekly deaths to that of observed weekly deaths similar to this:
plot of predicted vs observed weekly deaths.
However, the parameter estimates seem to always be on the (sensible) boundaries I provide and SEs, z-values, p-values are NA.
I set up the SEIR model and then solve it with the ode solver. Using that model output and the observed data, I calculate a negative log likelihood, which I then submit to the mle2 function.
When I first set it up, there were multiple errors that stopped the script from running, but now that those are resolved, I cannot seem to find the root of why the fitting doesn't work.
I am certain that the boundaries I set for the parameter estimation are sensible. The parameters are transition rates between compartments and are therefore defined as (for example) delta = 1/duration of infectiousness, so there are very real biological boundaries on what the parameters can be.
I am aware that I am trying to fit a lot of parameters with not that much data, but the same problem persists when I try only fitting one, so that cannot be the root of it.
gdta <- c(0, 36.2708172419082, 1.57129615346629, 28.1146409459558, 147.701669719614, 311.876708482584, 512.401145459178, 563.798275104372, 470.731269976821, 292.716043742125, 153.604156195608, 125.760068922451, 198.755685044427, 143.847282793854, 69.2693867232681, 42.2093135487066, 17.0200426587424)
#build seir function
seir <- function(time, state, parameters) {
with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {
dS0 <- - beta0 * S0 * (I/N)
dS1 <- - beta1 * S1 * (I/N)
dE <- beta0 * S0 * (I/N) + beta1 * S1 * (I/N) - delta * E
dI <- delta * E - gamma * I
dR <- gamma * I
return(list(c(dS0, dS1, dE, dI, dR)))
# build function to run seir, include ode solver
run_seir <- function(time, state, beta0, beta1, delta, gamma, sigma, N, startInf) {
parameters <- c(beta0, beta1, delta, gamma)
names(parameters) <- c("beta0", "beta1", "delta", "gamma")
init <- c(S0 = (N - startInf)*(sigma) ,
S1 = (N - startInf) * (1-sigma),
E = 0,
I = startInf,
R = 0)
state_est <- as.data.frame(ode(y = init, times = times, func = seir, parms = parameters))
times <- seq(0, 16, by = 1) #sequence
states <- c("S0", "S1", "E", "I", "R")
# run the run_seir function to see if it works
run_seir(time = times, state= states, beta0 = 1/(1.9/7), beta1 = 0.3*(1/(1.9/7)), delta = 1/(4.1/7), gamma = 1/(4.68/7), sigma = 0.7, N = 1114100, startInf = 100)
#build calc likelihood function
calc_likelihood <- function(times, state, beta0, beta1, delta, gamma, sigma, N, startInf, CFR) {
model.output <- run_seir(time, state, beta0, beta1, delta, gamma, sigma, N, startInf)
LL <- sum(dpois(round(as.numeric(gdta)), (model.output$I)/(1/delta)*CFR, log = TRUE))
# run calc_likelihood function
calc_likelihood(time = times, state = states, beta0 = 1/(1.9/7), beta1 = 0.3*(1/(1.9/7)), delta = 1/(4.1/7), gamma = 1/(4.68/7), sigma = 0.7, N = 1114100, startInf = 100, CFR = 0.02)
#parameters that are supposed to be fixed
fixed.pars <- c(N=1114100, startInf=100, CFR = 0.02)
#parameters that mle2 is supposed to estimate
free.pars <- c(beta0 = 1/(1.9/7), beta1 = 0.3*(1/(1.9/7)),
delta = 1/(4.1/7), gamma = 1/(4.68/7), sigma = 0.7)
#lower bound
lower_v <- c(beta0 = 0, beta1 = 0, delta = 0, gamma = 0, sigma = 0)
#upper bound
upper_v <- c(beta0 = 15, beta1 = 15, delta = 15, gamma = 15, sigma = 1)
#sigma = 1, this is not a typo
#mle function - need to use L-BFGS-B since we need to include boundaries
test2 <- mle2(calc_likelihood, start = as.list(free.pars), fixed = as.list(fixed.pars),method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lower_v, upper = upper_v)
After I run mle2, I get a warning saying:
Warning message:
In mle2(calc_likelihood, start = as.list(free.pars), fixed = as.list(fixed.pars), :
some parameters are on the boundary: variance-covariance calculations based on Hessian may be unreliable
and if I look at summary(test2):
Warning message:
In sqrt(diag(object#vcov)) : NaNs produced
Based on the research I've done so far, I understand that the second error might be due to the estimates being on the boundaries, so my question really is how to address the first one.
If I run mle2 with only lower boundaries, I get parameter estimates in the millions, which cannot be correct.
I am fairly certain that my model specification for the SEIR is correct, but after staring at this code and trying to resolve this issue for a week, I'm open to any input on how to make the fitting work.
I'm trying to estimate a GARCH (1,1) model using maximum likelihood with simulated data. This is what I got:
garch11<-garchSpec(model = list())
x<-garchSim(garch11, n = 1000)
y <- t(x)
r <- y[1, ]
### Calculate Residuals
CalcResiduals <- function(theta, r)
n <- length(r)
sigma.sqs <- vector(length = n)
sigma.sqs[1] <- 0.02
for (i in 1:(n-1)){
sigma.sqs[i+1] <- omega + alpha11*(r[i]^2) + beta11*sigma.sqs[i]
return(list(et=r, ht=sigma.sqs))
###Calculate the log-likelihood
GarchLogl <- function(theta, r){
res <- CalcResiduals(theta,r)
sigma.sqs <- res$ht
r <- res$et
return(-sum(dnorm(r[-1], mean = 0, sd = sqrt(sigma.sqs[-1]), log = TRUE)))
fit2 <- nlm(GarchLogl, # function call
p = rep(1,3), # initial values = 1 for all parameters
hessian = FALSE, # also return the hessian matrix
r = r , # data to be used
iterlim = 500) # maximum iteration
Unfortunately I get the following error message and no results
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
1: In sqrt(sigma.sqs[-1]) : NaNs produced
2: In nlm(GarchLogl, p = rep(1, 3), hessian = FALSE, data <- r, ... :
NA/Inf durch größte positive Zahl ersetzt
Do you have any idea whats wrong with my code? Thanks a lot!
I have a simple likelihood function (from a normal dist with mean=0) that I want to maximize. optim keeps giving me this error:
Error in optim(par = phi, fn = loglike, estimates = estimates, NULL, hessian = TRUE, : non-finite finite-difference value [1]
Here is my data and likelihood function:
y = [ -0.01472 0.03942 0.03592 0.02776 -0.00090 ]
C = a varcov matrix:
1.66e-03 -0.000120 -6.780e-06 0.000102 -4.000e-05
-1.20e-04 0.001387 7.900e-05 -0.000140 -8.000e-05
-6.78e-06 0.000079 1.416e-03 -0.000070 8.761e-06
1.02e-04 -0.000140 -7.000e-05 0.001339 -6.000e-05
-4.00e-05 -0.000080 8.761e-06 -0.000060 1.291e-03
my log likelihood function is:
lglkl = -.5*(log(det(v)) + (t(y)%%vi%%y))` where v = phi*I + C and vi=inverse(v) and I= 5*5 Identity matrix.
I am trying to get the mle estimate for "phi". I thought this would be a simple optimization problem but am struggling. Would really appreciate any help. Thanks in advance. My code is below:
loglike <- function(phi,y) {
v = phi*I + C
vi = solve(v)
loglike = -.5*(log(det(v)) + (t(y)%*%vi%*%y))
phi = 0
parm <- optim(par=phi,fn=loglike,y=y,NULL,hessian = TRUE, method="L-BFGS-B",lower=0,upper=1000)
The error you ran into is because ϕ becomes negative beyond a certain number of iterations (which indicates that the constraints are not being applied correctly by the algorithm). Also, the solution does not converge to a single value but jumps between a few small values before reaching a situation where the updated covariance matrix is no-longer positive definite. At that stage you get det(v) < 0 and log[det(v)] is undefined. The optim algorithm bails out at that stage.
To see what's happening, play with the maxit and ndeps parameters in the code below.
# Log-likelihood function
loglike <- function(phi, y) {
# Shift the covariance matrix
print(paste("phi = ", phi))
#v = phi*I + (1 - phi)*C
v = phi*I + C
# Invert shifted matrix
vi = solve(v)
# Compute log likelihood
loglike = -.5*(log(det(v)) + (t(y) %*% vi %*% y))
print(paste("L = ", loglike))
# Data
y = c(-0.01472, 0.03942, 0.03592, 0.02776, -9e-04)
C = structure(c(0.00166, -0.00012, -6.78e-06, 0.000102, -4e-05, -0.00012,
0.001387, 7.9e-05, -0.00014, -8e-05, -6.78e-06, 7.9e-05,
0.001416, -7e-05, 8.761e-06, 0.000102, -0.00014, -7e-05,
0.001339, -6e-05, -4e-05, -8e-05, 8.761e-06, -6e-05, 0.001291),
.Dim = c(5L, 5L ))
# Initial parameter
I = diag(5)
phi = 50
# Minimize
parm <- optim(par = phi, fn = loglike, y = y, NULL, hessian = TRUE,
method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0.0001, upper = 1000,
control = list(trace = 3,
maxit = 1000,
ndeps = 1e-4) )