Naked Domain not working in Firebase and Google Domain - firebase

I created a free hosting account in Firebase and uploaded a single page site. It works
I have a custom Domain with Google Domains. I connected my custom domain and added the two IP address given by Firebase in Google Domain DNS A records. The connection is successful
My website is working not working when I access it like
But it works well for any of the following URLs
I am trying to setup this URL for admob - URL:

You can refer to here:
Apex domain
Common inputs include:
The apex domain name (for example,
Leaving the Host field blank
Common inputs include:
The full subdomain name (for example,
Only the subdomain portion (for example, app only, and leaving out
Only www for the subdomain of


Custom domain for an IBM Cloud static website

The problem I am trying to solve is to configure a custom domain name, such as and for an IBM Object Storage Static Website. The part I especially need help with is the domain validation part.
Using the tutorial Accelerate delivery of static files using a CDN I have created an IBM Cloud Object Storage Static Website. My browser says that site (page) is dangerous but I am not sure why; that address is the public endpoint for the index.html document.
I tried to configure for the site. Currently the DNS does not have a CNAME or A record. I have created a CDN (Network) resource. The status is Domain validation required. When I view the details of that then view domain validation I get a pop-up with 4 tabs. The first tab is for CNAME and the description says ONLY if your domain is not serving live traffic. I do not know what that means but I seem to be using that. The second tab is for Challenge domain. I have tried to use that but when I try to edit the CDN details I am unable to edit the CNAME and other settings.
The tutorial uses for the domain. I am not sure I can use the same procedure for and for I am interested in complete and understandable instructions for configuring a custom domain for an IBM Object Storage Static Website but that might be a separate question.

concerns about required A records for setting up Firebase Dynamic Links with a custom subdomain

In setting up our own subdomain to handle Firebase Dynamic Links using these docs, the wizard says to put the A records at in our DNS. I'm getting pushback from our network administrators who are wary of creating an A record at the root of our domain, which is a large e-commerce web site.
A couple of concerns/questions about this:
The IP addresses required ( and point to non-Google servers (looks like Fastly), which is a bit alarming - it seems strange that Google would outsource their deep link hosting.
We don't want all of our e-commerce traffic (coming through to be subject to these A records. Is it possible to put the A records at instead?
The Firebase documentation on using a custom domain for dynamic links has this note:
To use a custom domain for Dynamic Links, the domain must point to Firebase Hosting. If you have a domain you want to use with Dynamic Links and the domain points to a different host, you can either move to Firebase Hosting or create a subdomain hosted by Firebase, which you can use for Dynamic Links.
So you can indeed use a subdomain for the dynamic links. In that case, just set up the subdomain in Firebase hosting. You'll need the same TXT record as normal, to prove that you have access to the domain, but then just map the subdomain (e.g. links) for the A record.
Here is the answer I received from Firebase support about these my two concerns/questions:
Regarding Fastly, Firebase uses this subprocessor to deliver content and managed services on Firebase Hosting. For more details you could check the list of Subprocessors used by Firebase on this doc.
It's possible to use a subdomain as your Firebase project's FDL domain. You'd need to create a subdomain ( on your domain's DNS provider and connect it to Firebase Hosting. You could check out this guide for more details.

Redirecting a domain to wordpress on google cloud platform

I installed WordPress on google cloud platform the first time in my life and besides of a few hick ups I could make it work, but one thing that seems really tricky is pointing a custom domain to WordPress. Here is what I have done so far:
On Google Cloud Platform
Created custom zones
Changed the external ip from ephemeral to static
In Wordpress
Changed the WordPress address URL and site address URL to swiftplayground dot io
On Google Domains:
Added the custom name servers:
Added custom resource records:
Now if I type into the browser it redirects me to the right domain and website, but nothing happens if I type directly swiftplayground dot io
please help... :(

Pointing domain from one cPanel account to another

I manage a hosting server using WHM. I have two cPanel accounts on this server, one for (account name is exampletest) and one for (account name example). We have a Wordpress site that was working well at but we keep running into problems when we try to migrate it to I believe it has to do with one WordPress plugin that doesn't migrate well.
So we had the idea to simply take the domain and point it to the exampletest cPanel account, then update the domain for WordPress in the database. However, one potential issue I can see is that we have many active email addresses on the example account. I fear that associating the domain to the exampletest account will break the email addresses.
Keeping the above in mind, I have a couple questions:
Will associating the domain to the exampletest account break the emails? If so, is there a workaround (moving the email addresses to the new account somehow?)
Is there a better way to go about doing this that I'm not thinking of?
The best way of transferring your wordpress site would be to copy the files, create a database user with the same login details and import the database. Wordpress shouldn't be able to tell the difference.
One way would be to assign a static IP address to exampletest and point's A record to that IP.
Due to the way WHM's DNS and port binding is set up it will not let you set up the same domain on two seperate accounts.
You could treat www. as a seperate subdomain and add the subdomain to exampletest as an addon domain and remove the www A record from example first. Redirect all web traffic from to or use another sub-domain such as www2.
Another option would be transfer the emails, you can either use the transfer tools in WHM > Transfers or use

how to create sub-domains

i am going to create some sub-domains on my website.
when i create a sub-domain i must define a directory that sub-domain will refer to newly created sub-domain. but i want a different solution.
i want to detect when a user enters a URL , which sub-domain is used and then do some operation for each special sub-domain.
for example if website user entered
i extract "a" sub-domain from URL and then without redirecting webpage i load some data in page.
please help me how i do these,on both web-server and localhost?
In general your application doesn't care about the host name, so you have to configure your IIS to handle all requests.
Production only: Create a wildcard DNS record for your domain (e.g. *.domain.tld)
Your IIS site should have no explicit bindings, so that ALL incoming requests hit this application (other sites should still work fine!).
After this you can check the HttpContext.Current.Request.Url and extract the requested subdomain.
