How can I get current user ID using IHttpContextAccessor? -

I am currently using .NET Core and I am trying to get the current user ID. I understand that System.Web is not available in NET Core, so I tried using IHttpContextAccessor.
I have also added this into my Startup.cs: service.AddHttpContextAccessor()
I then tried looking up for the user id by doing this in my controller:
public Controller(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor){
var userId = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)
But it always returns null, does anyone knows why and able to advise? I have also disabled anonymousAuthentication and set windowsAuthentication to true.
The only changes I did to my Startup.cs is in the ConfigureServices method.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Are you sure, that you need IHttpContextAccessor?
There is a better way to get Id from claims actually:
You can use ControllerBase.User property, but at first make sure that your controller is derived from Controller or ControllerBase (last one is without views support).
public class YourController : Controller
var id = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)

There is a better way to get Id from claims actually:
You can use the ControllerBase.User property, but at first, make sure that your controller is derived from Controller or ControllerBase (the last one is without views support).
Use the following code snippet to get ASPNET ID
string currentUser = _http.HttpContext.User.Claims.ToList().Find(r => r.Type == "id").Value;

If you've included "ClaimTypes.Name" with the username value in claims when token was generated.
Then you can access the username using IHttpContextAccessor, if respective dependency is added, like:
var currentUserName = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.Claims.First(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Name).Value;
Then you can access the user like:
var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(currentUserName);
and hence the userId:
var userId = user.Id;

You'll need an instance of UserManager<ApplicationUser>. The easiest way to get an instance of this class is add it as an argument to your class constructor and it will be provided via dependency injection.
string userId = UserManager.GetUserId(httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User);
Don't forget to check for null values.


Set custom route using OData 8

Recently I updated to OData 8.0.10. I added this in my Startup.cs file:
services.AddControllers().AddOData(opt =>
opt.AddRouteComponents("odata", GetEdmModel()).Filter().Select().OrderBy().Count());
private static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
return builder.GetEdmModel();
I have this small controller
public class ProjectController : ControllerBase
[EnableQuery(PageSize = 20)]
public IQueryable<Project> GetAsync()
var projects = _projectRepository.GetAll();
return projects;
[HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetProjectById")]
public async Task<ActionResult> GetAsyncById(long id)
var project = await _projectService.GetProjectByIDAsync(id);
return Ok(project);
[HttpPatch("{id}", Name = "PatchProjectById")]
public async Task<ActionResult> PatchProject(long id, [FromBody] ProjectPatchDetails projectPatch)
var project = await _projectRepository.GetAsync(id);
var updated = await _projectService.UpdateProjectAsync(id, project, projectPatch);
return Ok(updated);
that has three endpoints, one of them is annotated by [EnableQuery] and the rest aren't. When I access api/project?$count=true&$skip=0&$orderby=CreateDate%20desc, I get a paged info (20 records) but I don't get the #odata.context and #odata.count. If I access /odata/project?$count=true&$skip=0&$orderby=CreateDate%20desc, with odata/ prefix, it gives me #odata.context and #odata.count. I tried changing AddRouteComponents to AddRouteComponents("api", GetEdmModel()) but in this case I get the following error:
"The request matched multiple endpoints. Matches: MyApp.Api.Controllers.ProjectController.GetAsync (MyApp.Api) MyApp.Api.Controllers.ProjectController.GetAsync (MyApp.Api)"
I have multiple questions in this case:
Is there a way to reroute odata to api, make /odata prefix as /api and make it work?
Should I make another controller that will store all OData tagged actions and on this way maybe workaround this as a solution, if possible?
Is there a way to reroute odata to api, make /odata prefix as /api and make it work?
if you add 'opt.AddRouteComponents("api", GetEdmModel())', remember to remove
[Route("api/[controller]")] and other attribute routings
Should I make another controller that will store all OData tagged actions and on this way maybe workaround this as a solution, if possible?
Basically, it's better to create two controllers, one for odata, the other for others. In your scenario, you mixed them together. You should be careful about this. You can use 'app.UseODataRouteDebug()' middleware to help you debug.
I think your ProjectController should be inheriting from ODataController not ControllerBase. With the ODataController, you should get the context url and the #odata.count

Dynamically assign controller action permissions to roles in MVC

I am working on mvc 5. I want to assign permissions of controllers' action methods to roles dynamically without hard conding the roles in Authorize attribute.
Here is the scenario -
In my project, I have four roles - Student, Teacher, Program Officer and Admin.
I want that admin can change the accessability of each role whenever he wishes. I do not want to hard code the authorize attribute with role names before every action name of controller because admin will not then be able to change the permissions of each role.
I want to create a page where every action method of controller will be listed as checkbox and admin can select action checkboxes for a role. Then that role users will get accessability of those action methods.
Here I want to make the UI as following -
Can anyone please help me to do this by giving any suggestion or code or link?
Imagine you have service which returns array of roles based on controller and action name like this:
public class RoleProvider
public string[] Get(string controller, string action)
// get your roles based on the controller and the action name
// wherever you want such as db
// I hardcoded for the sake of simplicity
return new string[]{"Student", "Teacher"};
Now you can write your own authorization attribute something like this:
public class DynamicRoleAuthorizeAttribute: AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var controller = httpContext.Request.RequestContext
var action = httpContext.Request.RequestContext
// feed the roles here
Roles = string.Join("," ,_rolesProvider.Get(controller, action));
return base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext);
Now use your custom authorization attribute instead of older one like this:
public ActionResult MyAction()
I think the only way is to implement your own Authorize Attribute where you can implement your own logic for authorization.
And in your case you should have a table where associate roles and controllers action and check this table in your custom Authorize Attribute.
While this does not give you the dynamics web page assignment you're looking for, If you are flexible in your approach... you can set up an Enum list of Roles Admin, Editor editor etc, and pass them as a parameter object (ENUM) as a param, so that the DynamicRoleAuthorize can use it load the roles that are allowed
from vivians blog The constructor accepts parameters of type object, that is the little trick. If you use parameters of type Enum, you will get the same error message as above. We can do that because an Enum is an object.
To ensure that we are passing parameters of type Enum, we check the type of every roles. If one role is not of type Enum, the constructor will throw an ArgumentException.
Then we set the standard Roles property with the name of our roles with the string.Join method.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace MvcApplication.HowTo.Attributes
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class AuthorizeEnumAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public AuthorizeEnumAttribute(params object[] roles)
if (roles.Any(r => r.GetType().BaseType != typeof(Enum)))
throw new ArgumentException("roles");
this.Roles = string.Join(",", roles.Select(r => Enum.GetName(r.GetType(), r)));

How to Get CurrentUserId in WebApi2

Current User Id in WebApi2
I want to get to current user-id, I tried following things
string currentUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId()
string currentUserId1 =
but it always returns null,
Another approach is :-
To implement extension method on IIdentity interface in Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.IdentityExtensions.
but don't know how to implement this method with interface IIdentity as input parameter.
Event having content on internet and stack-overflow none of the example worked
Not able to understand why the above one liner code doesn't work.
Can any body give working example. Stuck here.
Where in your code are you using this?
Not only, but you should be able to, get this atleast inside a Api controller.
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
[Authorize]//makes sure the user is authenticated
//or use User.Identity.IsAuthenticated before getting the ID.
public class AccountController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Get()
string userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
return Ok();

Can core policies and claims handle resource/activity based authorization?

I'm looking into core and the new security policies and claims functionality. Having just looked at it I don't see how it is much better than the existing authorize attribute logic in the past where hard-coded roles or users are decorated on controllers, methods etc. To me the issues has just been moved from hard-coding in attributes to hard-coding policies.
Ideally I would like to perform activity/resource based authorization where everything would be database driven. Each activity or resource would be stored in the database and a permission/role would be assigned to the resource.
While researching the topic I found this fantastic article by Stefan Wloch that pretty much covers exactly what I'm looking to do.
So my question is with the new core features how does it prevent us from having to hard-code and recompile when the time comes to change what roles/permissions are allowed to access a controller or method in a controller? I understand how claims can be used to store anything but the policy portion seems susceptible to change, which gets us back to square one. Don't get me wrong, loving core and all the great changes, just looking for more information on how to handle authorization.
There are at least 2 things that need to be consider in implementing what you want. The first one is how to model the Controller-Action access in database, the second one is to apply that setting in core Identity.
The first one, there are too many possibilities depend on the application itself, so lets create a Service interface named IActivityAccessService that encapsulate. We use that service via dependency injection so that anything that we need can be injected to it.
As for the second one, it can be achieved by customize AuthorizationHandler in a policy-based authorization. The first step is to setup things in Startup.ConfigureServices :
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("ActivityAccess", policy => policy.Requirements.Add( new ActivityAccessRequirement() ));
services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationHandler, ActivityAccessHandler>();
//inject the service also
services.AddScoped<IActivityAccessService, ActivityAccessService>();
//code below will be explained later
next we create the ActivityAccessHandler:
public class ActivityAccessHandler : AuthorizationHandler<ActivityAccessRequirement>
readonly IActivityAccessService _ActivityAccessService;
public ActivityAccessHandler (IActivityAccessService r)
_ActivityAccessService = r;
protected override async Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext authHandlerContext, ActivityAccessRequirement requirement)
if (context.Resource is AuthorizationFilterContext filterContext)
var area = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["area"] as string)?.ToLower();
var controller = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] as string)?.ToLower();
var action = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"] as string)?.ToLower();
var id = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["id"] as string)?.ToLower();
if (_ActivityAccessService.IsAuthorize(area, controller, action, id))
public class ActivityAccessRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement
//since we handle the authorization in our service, we can leave this empty
Since we can use dependency injection in AuthorizationHandler, it is here that we inject the IActivityAccessService.
Now that we have access to what resource is being requested, we need to know who is requesting it. This can be done by injecting IHttpContextAccessor. Thus services.AddHttpContextAccessor() is added in code above, it is for this reason.
And for the IActivityAccessService, you could do something like:
public class ActivityAccessService : IActivityAccessService
readonly AppDbContext _context;
readonly IConfiguration _config;
readonly IHttpContextAccessor _accessor;
readonly UserManager<AppUser> _userManager;
public class ActivityAccessService(AppDbContext d, IConfiguration c, IHttpContextAccessor a, UserManager<AppUser> u)
_context = d;
_config = c;
_accessor = a;
_userManager = u;
public bool IsAuthorize(string area, string controller, string action, string id)
//get the user object from the ClaimPrincipals
var appUser = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(_accessor.HttpContext.User);
//get user roles if necessary
var userRoles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(appUser);
// all of needed data are available now, do the logic of authorization
return result;
Please note that the code in IsAuthorize body above is an example. While it will works, people might say it's not a good practice. But since IActivityAccessService is just a common simple service class, we can inject anything that wee need to it and modify the IsAuthorize method signature in any way that we want to. For example, we can just pass the filterContext.RouteData instead.
As for how to apply this to a controller or action:
[Authorize(Policy = "ActivityAccess")]
public ActionResult<IActionResult> GetResource(int resourceId)
return Resource;
hope this helps

How to obtain a list of Users from ASP.NET Identity?

Edit: This question is outdated
The Identity Framework was a moving target at the moment I asked this. The authors changed quite a few things and they have decoupled several others, making everything easier.
Have a look at the Asp.NET Identity Sample project on github.
I'm creating a small application that requires user management. Registration is not allowed, instead there is a super user that will create and modify login information.
I'm using the new ASP.NET Identity membership system, and sure enough, creating users and adding roles is easy and intuitive.
Now, my question: How to obtain a list of users using the AuthenticationIdentityManager class that is used by the generated AccountController class? I couldn't find a way to access the user list from my controller.
(By the way, the new name "Identity" may sound awesome to some people but it is a pain to search for.)
Edit: If I try to do this
ApplicationDbContext UsersContext = new ApplicationDbContext();
UsersContext.Users.ToList(); // Exception
I get an exception Invalid column name 'Discriminator'. The definition of ApplicationDbContext is generated automatically by the new application wizard:
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework;
namespace Cobranzas.Models
public class ApplicationUser : User
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContextWithCustomUser<ApplicationUser>
So my guess is that Discriminator column is for telling apart ApplicationUser from User. However, it does not exists in my database (which was created automatically by the application.)
I found out that I wasn't using the derived ApplicationUser object for anything, so I just went ahead and changed all uses of it for plain old User. Then I just changed ApplicationDbContext definition for the following:
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<
User, UserClaim, UserSecret, UserLogin,
Role, UserRole, Token, UserManagement>
And now I can access the user list:
UsersContext = new ApplicationDbContext();
However, I think this will come back and haunt me in the future (I'll probably need to add more fields to User) so probably I'll have to use the same approach as in this question:
Get all role names in ASP.NET MVC5 Identity system
Edit: Since I got the need to add a new property, I had to revert my changes. So I went ahead and did a line by line comparison with the ASP.NET Identity Sample Project, and found out that the generated project had the following line:
IdentityManager = new AuthenticationIdentityManager(new IdentityStore());
while the Sample application had included the database context in the constructor. So I added it in my constructor, recreated the database and the problem went away.
IdentityManager = new AuthenticationIdentityManager(new IdentityStore(new ApplicationDbContext()));
Create ASP .NET MVC5 project by default
Create ASP .NET Identity tables properly and change connection string as well.
To get users just do the following test
A. Go to AccountController
B. Create any dummy method and put there
var context = new ApplicationDbContext();
var allUsers = context.Users.ToList();
For RTM, you will have to drop down to your DbContext or whatever your specific store implementation has to enumerate all users. In the next release, we will most likely be adding an optional IQueryable Users/Roles method on the Manager classes that stores can implement to expose IQueryables for both users and stores.
using System.Linq;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Entity;
var db = new ApplicationDbContext();
var Users = db.Users.Include(u => u.Roles);
If we can use the following type of Constructor in Identity AccountController.
public AccountController(ApplicationUserManager userManager,
ISecureDataFormat<AuthenticationTicket> accessTokenFormat)
UserManager = userManager;
AccessTokenFormat = accessTokenFormat;
public ApplicationUserManager UserManager
return _userManager ?? Request.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
private set
_userManager = value;
then we can directly used UserManager object to get user list like
var userList= UserManager.Users.ToList();
You can do this by explicitly setting right types:
var userStore = new UserStore<IdentityUser>();
var userManager = new UserManager<IdentityUser>(userStore);
IQueryable<IdentityUser> usersQuery = userManager.Users;
List<IdentityUser> users = usersQuery.ToList();
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
