How do you inject a view dependency into Presenter (MVP) in ASP.NET Web Forms using Simple Injector or Microsoft.Extensions.Dependency? -

The following example shows a scenario where I'm trying to implement a DI container. In this case, I'm trying to use Simple Injector or Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI Container. I've seen code examples that start hitting around the target, such as here, but no bullseye as of yet.
Below is a general code sample that I would like to modify to use one of the aforementioned DI containers (Used Simple Injector for example). I could move the view out of the presenter constructor and set it as a property. However, I was hoping for a more eloquent solution also it is a dependency that needs to be injected.
I know .NET 4.7.2 has increased DI support functionality but the biggest benefit seems to be allowing dependencies to be easily injected into pages/user controls. For MVP architecture I need the concrete class of the page tied to its view interface so the DI container can resolve and pass into the presenter, as the presenter depends on the view. I've not seen an example of this implemented well other than Unity using its DependencyOverride, which can pass the concrete class at runtime.
public partial class UserLoginView : IUserLoginView
private UserLoginPresenter _userLoginPresenter;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
//This is my problem:
//An error will be thrown "...contains the parameter with name
//'view' and type IUserLoginView, but IUserLoginView is not
_userLoginPresenter = SimpleInjectorDependencyInjector
public class UserLoginPresenter : IUserLoginPresenter
private readonly IUserLoginView view;
private readonly IUserService _userService;
public UserLoginPresenter(IUserLoginView userLoginView,
IUserService userService)
this.view = userLoginView;
this._userService = userService;
public static class SimpleInjectorDependencyInjector
private static readonly Container container = new Container();
public static T GetInstance<T>() where T : class
return container.GetInstance<T>();
//Assume this is called from App on start
public static void RegisterClasses()
.Register<IUserLoginPresenter, UserLoginPresenter>();
.Register<IUserService, UserService>();

I was able to accomplish what I was looking for using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection Container.
In my MSDependencyInjector wrapper class, I used the ActivatorUtilities extension.
public static T GetService<T, I>(I interfaceInstance)
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<T>(container, interfaceInstance);
Implemented in my page's partial class I wrote:
_userLoginPresenter = MSDependencyInjector.GetService<UserLoginPresenter,
A Caveat: The 'T' parameter of createInstance wants the concrete class type not the interface. This caused hours of frustration, prompting the creation of this question in the first place. MS documentation isn't the greatest but I definitely misread.
I'm not sure how to implement something as straightforward in Simple Injector and would be interested in knowing. Based on my reading I not sure if my solution isn't something like a service locator, which depending on which camp you are from should be avoided. However, if the implementation of this can be contained for just solving the need for this MVP paradigm then it is my hope all will be well.


How to decorate objects created by a custom factory using .NET Core DI?

Given I have a factory class responsible for constructing instances of a certain service that has constructor parameters that can only be resolved at runtime, is there a way to leverage container-driven decoration?
Consider the following class which relies on a parameter that is only defined at runtime:
interface IFooService
void DoServicyStuff();
class MyFooService : IFooService
public MyFooService(string somePeskyRuntimeArgument)
this.peskyValue = somePeskyRuntimeArgument;
public void DoServicyStuff()
// do some stuff here with the peskyValue...
Since the value can only be provided at runtime, we need to move away from the constructor injection and into a method-level parameter passing. This is commonly achieved using a factory implementation like this:
interface IFooServiceFactory
IFooService CreateService(string heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter);
class FooServiceFactory : IFooServiceFactory
public IFooService CreateService(string heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter)
return new MyFooService(heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter);
While this works fine if the intent is to just abstract away the construction of the service, it poses a challenge to decorate the IFooService instance.
For scenarios where no runtime parameter is involved, this can be easily achieved by tapping into the container to provide our service for us. The example below uses the Scrutor library to decorate the interface with a logging decorator implementation:
class FooServiceFactory : IFooServiceFactory
private readonly IServiceProvider serviceProvider;
public FooServiceFactory(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider
public IFooService CreateService(string heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter)
return this.serviceProvider.GetRequiredInstance<IFooService>();
.AddTransient<IFooService, MyFooService>()
.AddTransient<IFooServiceFactory, FooServiceFactory>()
.Decorate<IFooService, LoggingFooService>();
But since MyFooService takes a primitive value as an argument, we cannot rely on GetRequiredService<T> to obtain the instance, as it will fail to find "a registration for string" when building the concrete class.
Similarly, changing the factory to rely on ActivatorUtilities's .CreateInstance or .CreateFactory methods will end up creating the objects while completely ignoring the container registrations, thus leaving us without any decorator.
I know I have at least 2 options to decorate the objects manually, namely:
Using the factory itself to manually create the decorator:
public IFooService CreateService(string heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter)
return new LoggingService(
new MyFooService(heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter));
Using a factory decorator to inject a decorator after the instance is created:
abstract class FooServiceFactoryDecorator : IFooServiceFactory
private readonly IFooServiceFactory fooServiceFactory;
protected FooServiceFactory(IFooServiceFactory fooServiceFactory)
this.fooServiceFactory = fooServiceFactory;
public virtual IFooService CreateService(string heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter)
return this.fooServiceFactory.CreateService(heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter);
class LoggingFooServiceFactory : FooServiceFactoryDecorator
private readonly IFooServiceFactory fooServiceFactory;
public FooServiceFactory(IFooServiceFactory fooServiceFactory)
this.fooServiceFactory = fooServiceFactory;
public override IFooService CreateService(string heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter)
return new LoggingFooService(
.AddTransient<IFooServiceFactory, FooServiceFactory>()
.Decorate<IFooServiceFactory, LoggingFooServiceFactory>()
Neither of these allows me to directly use .Decorate on top of the service interface. The first option works but is heavily coupled (meaning I'd have to keep changing it if I want to add other decorators into the mix), while the second version is less coupled, but still forces me to writing one factory decorator per service decorator and thus leads into a much more complex solution.
Another pain point is dependencies on the decorators themselves (for example, ILogger<T> on the LoggingFooService), which I could potentially solve by leveraging ActivatorUtilities to create the decorators instead of newing them up manually.
I could also potentially generalize the "factory decorator" so that the decoration function is parameterized and thus the class can be reused, but it is still very convoluted and hard to maintain, while also not providing as good a syntax for consumers to add new decorators.
class DecoratedFooServiceFactory<TDecorator> : FooServiceFactoryDecorator
where TDecorator : IFooService
private readonly IFooServiceFactory fooServiceFactory;
private readonly IServiceProvider serviceProvider;
public FooServiceFactory(
IFooServiceFactory fooServiceFactory,
IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
this.fooServiceFactory = fooServiceFactory;
this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public override IFooService CreateService(string heyItsNowAMethodLevelPeskyParameter)
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<TDecorator>(
.AddTransient<IFooServiceFactory, FooServiceFactory>()
.Decorate<IFooServiceFactory, DecoratedFooServiceFactory<LoggingFooService>>()
And finally, if I ever want to move away from using a factory and want to change to using the service directly, this will cause a significant setup change where I'd then have to configure all the decorators again in the container directly instead of just removing the factory registration as one normally would do.
How can I use a factory like this, while still keeping the capability of configuring decorators at the container level using the simple Scrutor syntax?
Ok, a couple of disclaimers first:
I agree with Steven here in that this looks like an anti-pattern and you will probably be better off redesigning your code to not require run-time values on service construction.
I additionally want to caution against using scrutor-like Decorate. While much less confident in this than in the first point, I believe hiding logging in decorators is much less convenient in the long run than it seems at first. Or at least that's what I saw after about a year of trying them out.
That said, let's see what can be done.
First, let's put some constraints on where the value is coming from. Specifically, let's say we can have a service providing that value, that looks like this:
public interface IValueProvider
string Get();
This actually allows us to have quite a bit of range. Implementation of that interface can:
Get value from external API - once or periodically in the background. It can even call it every time Get is called, but this is a very bad idea, as it will make construction asynchronous.
Get value that is stored in memory and allow some other service to update it. Say, expose a 'configuration' endpoint where a user can set a new value every once in a while.
Calculate the value based on some algorithm of your choice.
Once you have this service, you can register it like this:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IValueProvider, AwesomeValueProvider>();
services.AddSingleton<IFooServiceFactory, FooServiceFactory>();
services.AddTransient<IFooService>(sp =>
var factory = sp.GetRequiredService<IFooServiceFactory>();
var valueProvider = sp.GetRequiredService<IValueProvider>();
return factory.Create(valueProvider.Get());
Hope this helps

Blazor. Task from another service

I'm studying blazor server.
Deployed a solution from a standard vs template.
Created two server-side services, TestService1 and TestService2.
In TestService1 i have task
How can i call with task from TestService2?
If i trying
var serv1 = new TestService1()
i have to fill in all the variables of the constructor that is in TestService1.
What is easiest way?
In line with the comment on your question, the best way to go about this in Blazor is to utilize the built-in dependency injection mechanism.
I assume that your services look like the following:
public class TestService1
public object GetMyData()
public class TestService2
private readonly TestService1 _testService1 { get; set; }
public class TestService2(TestService1 ts1)
_testService1 = ts1;
public void DoesSomething()
var data = _testService1.GetMyData();
First, you'd need to register these with Blazor at startup, so in your Startup.cs in the ConfigureServices method, add the following, assuming you have an empty constructor available for TestService1:
Because you'll need to instantiate an instance of TestService1 into TestService2 to call methods on it, you'll have to handle registration of TestService2 differently since you'll need to procure an instance of TestService1 from the DI service to instantiate it:
services.AddSingleton<TestService2>(s => {
var testService1 = s.GetService<TestService1>();
return new TestService2(testService1);
It's possible you may need to scope the services differently (e.g. used scoped instead of singletons). You can read about the differences here.
Now something is presumably calling TestService2 to kick all this off, so let's pretend it's running in a component in your Blazor app. You'd inject TestService2 into the component with the following:
#inject TestService2 _testService2
#code {
protected override void OnInitialized()
As part of the initialization then of this component, it'll automatically inject a TestService2 instance (based on the scoping you specified at DI initialization) to your component and will call the DoesSomething method on it. When injected, it looks to DI to instantiate the TestService1 service to the constructor as you've also specified, leaving it free to call that method and the call commences as intended.
Please let me know if you'd like any clarification somewhere!

Why all mvc samples on the net reference the DAL in UI

may be I got it all wrong but in all the companies I have worked we never added a reference to the Dal in the UI layer (winforms-Web)
I am new to web but a seasoned winform-wcf developer,however I am struggling with the concept of having the dal being referenced in the UI.
In a big team with no proper supervision is a recipe for disaster.
Why not have 2 composition roots
1)WebUI just services classes (not wcf) when using wcf composition root is in there
2)within the services that we inject there the repository.
Am i missing the obvious?
In all the samples I see they all use DI (Unity-Autofac-Nject etc..) and they wire up the repository via interface,which also requires the concrete class,hence the reference to the DAL.Can this be done in the service layer?
There's a way to inject dependencies without referencing data access layer from the UI. You have to add a transversal Utils or Helpers project that will resolve all dependencies across the project.
In this explanation I'll use Unity for DI. I'll walk your through it in a couple of steps:
First, create an Utils project. This project will be transversal to all the layers. Add this static class with an extension method for IUnityContainer:
// This class will resolve all dependencies across the project
public static class DependencyResolver
// This method will resolve all dependencies
public static void ResolveDependencies(this IUnityContainer container)
This will force you to create both methods: ResolveBusinessLayerDependencies and ResolveDataAccessLayerDependencies in the container.
Second, you should go to your business logic project (here, you should be able to access the interfaces and implementations of this layer). Add a new static class like this:
public static class DependencyResolver
public static void ResolveBusinessLayerDependencies(this IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<IBusinessLayerClass, BusinessLayerClass>();
Do the same for your data access project:
public static class DependencyResolver
public static void ResolveDataAccessLayerDependencies(this IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<IDataAccessLayerClass, DataAccessLayerClass>();
Now in the UnityConfig.cs, the method RegisterTypes would be something like:
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
This is one way I've find useful to use DI without referencing all layers from the main project

Autofac, ASP.NET and Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation

I've been working thru the details of implementing IoC in my web apps but in a way that leverages Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation. I am specifically using Autofac and the integration, but I wanted to leave myself open to other containers. Along the lines of this question, i was concerned about how to access the container in my web app code.
I have a 'core' library that primarily defines interfaces to be resolved. This core library is used by my web app and other apps as well. Very handy to have common interfaces defined. I thought this was an excellent place to put access to the IoC container, and I did so with a static class. The trick is injecting the container into the static class.
It's tricky in a web environment becuase the container may be different for each request, while in a non-web app it will probably be the same all the time. At first I tried injecting the container direclty with a method but that quickly failed on the next web request! So I came up with this:
public static class IoCContainer
public static void SetServiceLocator(Func<IServiceLocator> getLocator)
m_GetLocator = getLocator;
static private Func<IServiceLocator> m_GetLocator = null;
public static T GetInstance<T>(string typeName)
return m_GetLocator().GetInstance<T>(typeName);
Now in my global.asax.cs I do this:
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
var builder = new Autofac.Builder.ContainerBuilder();
... register stuff ...
var container = builder.Build();
_containerProvider = new Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProvider(container);
Xyz.Core.IoCContainer.SetServiceLocator(() =>
new AutofacContrib.CommonServiceLocator.AutofacServiceLocator
public IContainerProvider ContainerProvider
get { return _containerProvider; }
static IContainerProvider _containerProvider;
And calls to resolve dependences look like
var someService = Xyz.Core.GetInstance<ISomeService>();
So rather than pass a specific container I pass a delegate that knows how to GET a container. For non-web applications the delegate would probably just return what builder.Build() serves up.
My question to the experts is, does this make sense? I have an easy way to get to something that can resolve dependencies without knowing what the container product is or where the container itself comes from. What do you think?
We use a similar pattern mostly due to the fact that IoC was introduced into a non-DI architecture. Thus the need to be able to explicitly call the container to get services, which basically is the Factory pattern.
The true benefit of IoC is achieved when all dependencies can be injected and your code no longer have a dependency on the service locator. Autofac.Integration.Web have handlers that will perform injection into your page objects which will make the static service locator obsolete. Imo this is the preferred way, though (as in our case also) service locator cannot always be avoided.
That said, since you already have isolated your app from the container using IoCContainer class, I see no reason to have the additional abstraction of AutofacServiceLocator within IoCContainer. Bottom line is that IoCContainer is already your service locator and should be "allowed" direct access to the container implementation.
Here is my take on your service locator class:
public static class IoCContainer
private static IContext GetContainer()
var cpa =
return cpa.ContainerProvider.RequestContainer;
public static T GetInstance<T>()
return GetContainer().Resolve<T>();

Injecting Lower Layer Dependency in Presenter in an ASP.NET MVP Application

I recently read Phil Haack's post where he gives an example of implementing Model View Presenter for ASP.NET. One of the code snippets shows how the code for the view class.
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page, IPostEditView
PostEditController controller;
public _Default()
this.controller = new PostEditController(this, new BlogDataService());
However, here the view constructs the instance of the BlogDataService and passes it along to the presenter. Ideally the view should not know about BlogDataService or any of the presenter's lower layer dependencies. But i also prefer to keep the BlogDataService as a constructor injected dependency of the presenter as it makes the dependencies of the presenter explicit.
This same question has been asked on stackoverflow here.
One of the answers suggests using a service locator to get the instance of the BlogDataService and passing it along to the presenter's constructor.This solution however does not solve the problem of the view knowing about the BlogDataService and needing to explicitly get a reference to it.
Is there a way to automatically construct the presenter object using an IoC or DI container tool such that the view does not have to deal with explicitly creating the BlogDataService object and also injecting the view and service instances into the presenter's constructor. I prefer to use the constructor injection pattern as far as possible.
Or is there a better design available to solve the problem?. Can there be a better way to implement this If i am building a WinForms application instead of a ASP.NET WebForms application?
Thanks for any feedback.
Yes there is. For example using StructureMap in a webform constructor:
public partial class AttributeDetails : EntityDetailView<AttributeDetailPresenter>, IAttributeDetailView
public AttributeDetails()
_presenter = ObjectFactory.With<IAttributeDetailView>(this).GetInstance<AttributeDetailPresenter>();
and as you can see here presenter needs view and service injected
public AttributeDetailPresenter(IAttributeDetailView view, IAttributeService attributeService)
MyForm = view;
AppService = attributeService;
You can also use StructureMap BuildUp feature for webforms so that you can avoid using ObjectFactory directly in your view.
I did exactly this. The solution is based on Autofac, but can be implemented on top of any container.
First, define an interface representing the authority for presenting views in a request to the MVP system:
public interface IMvpRequest
void Present(object view);
Next, create a base page which has a property of that type:
public abstract class PageView : Page
public IMvpRequest MvpRequest { get; set; }
At this point, set up dependency injection for pages. Most containers have ASP.NET integration, usually in the form of HTTP modules. Because we don't create the page instance, we can't use constructor injection, and have to use property injection here only.
After that is set up, create event arguments representing a view which is ready to be presented:
public class PresentableEventArgs : EventArgs
Now, catch the events in PageView and pass them to the request (present the page as well):
protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs args)
var cancel = false;
if(args is PresentableEventArgs)
cancel = true;
cancel = base.OnBubbleEvent(source, args);
return cancel;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
private void Present(object view)
if(MvpRequest != null && view != null)
Finally, create base classes for each type of control you'd like to serve as a view (master pages, composite controls, etc.):
public abstract class UserControlView : UserControl
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
RaiseBubbleEvent(this, new PresentableEventArgs());
This connects the control tree to the MVP system via IMvpRequest, which you'll now have to implement and register in the application-level container. The ASP.NET integration should take care of injecting the implementation into the page. This decouples the page entirely from presenter creation, relying on IMvpRequest to do the mapping.
The implementation of IMvpRequest will be container-specific. Presenters will be registered in the container like other types, meaning their constructors will automatically be resolved.
You will have some sort of map from view types to presenter types:
public interface IPresenterMap
Type GetPresenterType(Type viewType);
These are the types you will resolve from the container.
(The one gotcha here is that the view already exists, meaning the container doesn't create the instance or ever know about it. You will have to pass it in as a resolution parameter, another concept supported by most containers.)
A decent default mapping might look like this:
public class LogOnPage : PageView, ILogOnView
// ...
