Missing fonts in Scene builder - javafx

I use Scene builder to build some JavaFX app, whenever I try to select a font from right menu some fonts aren't shown in the list, what could be the problem?
I tried several solutions such as reinstalling the program, install the fonts then installing Scene builder, and tried different machines. I noticed that any PC that runs Windows 7 are working perfectly.
Edit 1: After some attempts to try to fix the problem it turned out that Windows 10 store fonts in two separate folders, when installing fonts choose Install for all users and it should work.


Messed Up Layout in Deployed Qt Application on Windows 10

When I launch my deployed application from the .exe file the layout is messed up. When I launch the app from Qt Creator, the layout is fine.
Here are the details about how I deployed my app. I am using Qt 5.5 and MinGW 32 bit 4.9.2. I am running Windows 10.
First in Qt Creator I built for release.
Next, I opened the Qt 5.5 for Desktop (MinGW 4.9.2 32 bit) console.
I navigated to my project folder and ran
windeployqt.exe --release ./APPNAME.exe
It copied all the necessary .dll and created some folders as expected.
Now when I run the app, it seems to work just fine. But the layouts are all wrong. Again, when launching the app from Qt Creator it looks great! Proper spacing and sizing of my widgets. When I launch the .exe every thing is smooshed, the ratios of my sliders are all wrong, and some text is hidden because of crowding.
What could cause this bad layout? Am I missing some dependency somehow?
I figured out my own question. The issue was not my build or my layout but that many sizePolicy parameters don't seem to take effect when launching the app from QtCreator. Not 100% sure on the explanation but I think that when launching the .exe the OS is managing interpreting some of those size policy parameters and it does it differently (perhaps more strictly it appears) than QtCreator does. (To be clear I'm not talking about how the app looks in the Design tab. I'm actually talking about launching the app from within QtCreator)
So to fix the appearance of the app I have to play around with the size policies and parameters, build, and then launch the app from the executable.

JavaFX Projects gone?

I have been trying to find a place to download the plugin, allowing the creation of JavaFX projects, but without success.
I have installed the newest Java SDK8u65-windows-x64 but it doesn't support JavaFX Projects, or at least I couldn't figure how to create one!
Does anyone know if they have temporally taken the url's where we used to be able to download JavaFX plugins from, or is it only me, who can't find them on the Oracle website?
Thank you !
EDIT: The problem was, that I was using Eclipse Mars, which for some reason doesn't allow to auto import JavaFx, as it has some odd access restrictions on the JRE system library. How I solved it was I installed the e(fx)clipse plugin and I was able to import javafx components successfully after that!
You can develop JavaFx straight away if you are using intellij Idea and perhaps some other ides
But if you are using eclipse, you should install the e(fx)clipse for your version.
Try this link
Also if you have more than one JDKs on your system, try to use jdk 8 an the default
Right click your project > properties
Then elect “Java Build Path” on left, then “JRE System Library”, click Edit…
Select "Workspace Default JRE"
Click "Installed JREs"
Check out the list and select jdk 8....
If you don't see it, click Search…, navigate to your jdk8 path, then click OK
Now you should see all installed JREs, select the one you want
Click OK

javafx jar builds fine but doesn't open

So i created a javafx project, it has 3 packages, application, controller, and an images package that holds all the images im using. The program runs fine if i just compile and run, no errors. However, when i create a jar from it, by selecting the build.fxbuild, everything goes smoothly and it tells me it is successful but when i try to double click the jar file nothing opens but java starts running in the background until i force close it. Im running OSX yosemite, and im on java 1.8 if that helps at all. I've tried making the jar through the export option but it doesnt run either and just says that it cant open the file. The weird thing is i made another javafx project just to see if it would work, same settings but just something simple, a window that pops up and says a line, then exported to a jar by clicking build.fxbuild and when i double click the jar it made it works perfectly.
I'm at a loss for what is preventing my other javafx project from working as a jar file and the other similar posts ive found on here haven't solved it either. Any ideas?

Does FlexBuilder 3 work with Eclipse 3.5.1?

I m trying to install Flex Builder 3 into Eclipse 3.5.1 as a plugin on Mac 10.6.2.
During the installation phase, FB3 says it only support eclipse 3.3 & 3.4. But I started the installation anyway.
After the installation was done, I can't find Flex perspective from Eclipse. So I google around and found out the possible way to manually add this link file from folder "links" to point to the FB3 Plugin folder. I did that and FB perspective can be shown now. But when I try to switch to FB perspective, error occurs:
Problems opening perspective:
Anyone has done this successfully?
Unfortunately Eclipse 3.5 is unsupported by Flex Builder 3. There are a few bugs for this:
Please comment on those bugs and vote for them.
I've created a work-around for one of the major issues related to displaying problems.

Eclipse (3.4) will not load Flex Plugin

I installed Flex Builder plug in (3.2) into Eclipse 3.4. The installation had no errors, but I get this error when trying to start a new Flex Project.
The selected wizard could not be started.
Plug-in com.adobe.flexbuilder.apollo.ui was unable to load class com.adobe.flexbuilder.apollo.ui.wizards.flex.FlexApolloProjectWizard.
com/adobe/flexbuilder/editors/common/ui/project/wizards/AbstractFlexProjectWizar d
I have tried re-installing several times, even tried the older eclipse versions.
Any thoughts ?
When Flex is installed on a Windows machine, it generates two versions of the Flex SDK, one in C:/Programs Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 3 Plug-in and the other in your Eclipse directory (not sure if this is true on a Mac). I've fixed similar issues by copying missing files from the Flex Builder folder into the parallel Eclipse plug-in directory. That would be my first guess.
If that does not work, you may have to contact Adobe.
Sometimes Flex is... terrible. I mean absolutely awful.
There was a major kerfluful with the fact that FlexBuilder would install correctly in Eclipse 3.4. The new Flashbuilder, for version 4 is designed to work with 3.5(galileo), I'm hoping that it will work with Helios, so I will no longer need to keep multiple Eclipse versions going. Here's a link on how to make it work. I just hope we don't have to keep repeating this.
