When to use pointers when defining structs - pointers

Ive noticed in some libraries that when they define structs some values have pointers while others don't. I can't seem to find anywhere explaining when to use pointers and when not to.
type MyStruct struct {
FieldOne *int64
FieldTwo int64
FieldFour *AnotherStruct
FieldFive AnotherStruct
What are the benefits of using a pointer ?

From my experience, I will try to not use pointer value in a struct because it may be root cause of panic, if we forgot to check nil before use it. Have three reason when I use a pointer value in a struct:
This field is a big struct so I think it can help to reduce copy costs (It's correct in C/C++, but in go, some case the Benchmark test showed same result).
When I need to check and do some thing if this value is nil (Because of default values in go and the cost to compare with AnotherStruct{}).
When i need "omitempty" (ignore this field if it empty) to convert fields of struct to bson or json ...
I hope 2) and 3) can help to answers for your question. If you have any better idea please share me. Because I also new on go!


Extending a Variable's Lifetime

To be fair, I cannot be entirely sure the title correctly describes the problem I am having, as it merely mirrors my current understanding of Ada as it is.
The Problem
I have a function:
function Make_Option (Title : String) return Access_Option is
O : aliased Option := (
Title_Len => Title'Length,
Title => Title);
begin -- Make_Option
return O'Unrestricted_Access;
end Make_Option;
This function is supposed to create a new menu option for the user, that may in turn be inserted into a menu (one that you might see in a terminal-based environment). You are all probably sighing, as quite evidently, the O variable would be deallocated at the end of this function (from my current understanding). As such, using the Unrestricted_Access here is just plain stupidity, but it mirrors the result of what it is I am trying to accomplish (as this code indeed does compile successfully).
The Access_Option is defined as following:
type Access_Option is access all Option;
The idea is that with an access to the option, which in turn is a discriminated record, is that we can store it within an array-like structure (as the object itself varies in size).
Beyond doubt, it would be nice if we could instead use the Access attribute for this, as the compiler would then make sure the lifetime is long enough of the O variable we are referencing, but as the lifetime as a matter of fact only exists til the end of the Make_Option function, we are presented with the following:
non-local pointer cannot point to local object
What I am then asking, is: how would I go about having a function to create Access_Options for me? Is such a thing even possible, or am I doing it all wrong? To clarify, what I am trying to do is create a neat way for filling an array with references to discriminated records, that I can then dereference and use.
Thought Process
I personally have not tried too many things, more than think about solutions that may be plausible for the problem. And, frankly, rather than going crazy of working makeshift solutions, it would be nice to have a solution that works for large-scale applications too, without messing up the code base to bad.
Would you perhaps have some sort of object queue to handle it? Does Ada even deallocate resources automatically in the first place? Gah. I am confused.
Would it, in fact, be possible to somehow place the O variable outside of the scope for deallocation to then manually deallocate it later?
Given the example you show above a much simpler approach is to simply make an array of Unbounded_String:
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_Io;
procedure Str_Arrays is
type Arr is array(1..10) of Unbounded_String;
A : Arr;
for S of A loop
S := To_Unbounded_String("Hello World!");
end loop;
for S of A loop
end loop;
end Str_arrays;
Don't try that.
There are two alternative options:
1) Use Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors instead of a plain array.
2) Give your record discriminant a default value. Then you can store it in a plain array.
You seem to be reinventing the bounded string. Alternatives include
Using an instantiation of Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length
Using Ada.Strings.Unbounded
Using an indefinite container (Ada.Containers.Indefinite_*) to hold type String

Pointers sent to function

I have following code in main():
msgs, err := ch.Consume(
q.Name, // queue
cache := ttlru.New(100, ttlru.WithTTL(5 * time.Minute)) //Cache type
//log.Println(reflect.TypeOf(msgs)) 'chan amqp.Delivery'
go func() {
//here I use `cache` and `msgs` as closures. And it works fine.
I decided to create separate function for instead of anonymous.
I declared it as func hitCache(cache *ttlru.Cache, msgs *chan amqp.Delivery) {
I get compile exception:
./go_server.go:61: cannot use cache (type ttlru.Cache) as type *ttlru.Cache in argument to hitCache:
*ttlru.Cache is pointer to interface, not interface
./go_server.go:61: cannot use msgs (type <-chan amqp.Delivery) as type *chan amqp.Delivery in argument to hitCache
Question: How should I pass msg and cache into the new function?
Well, if the receiving variable or a function parameter expects a value
of type *T — that is, "a pointer to T",
and you have a variable of type T, to get a pointer to it,
you have to get the address of that variable.
That's because "a pointer" is a value holding an address.
The address-taking operator in Go is &, so you need something like
hitCache(&cache, &msgs)
But note that some types have so-called "reference semantics".
That is, values of them keep references to some "hidden" data structure.
That means when you copy such values, you're copying references which all reference the same data structure.
In Go, the built-in types maps, slices and channels have reference semantics,
and hence you almost never need to pass around pointers to the values of such types (well, sometimes it can be useful but not now).
Interfaces can be thought of to have reference semantics, too (let's not for now digress into discussing this) because each value of any interface type contains two pointers.
So, in your case it's better to merely not declare the formal parameters of your function as pointers — declare them as "plain" types and be done with it.
All in all, you should definitely complete some basic resource on Go which explains these basic matters in more detail and more extensively.
You're using pointers in the function signature but not passing pointers - which is fine; as noted in the comments, there is no reason to use pointers for interface or channel values. Just change the function signature to:
hitCache(cache ttlru.Cache, msgs chan amqp.Delivery)
And it should work fine.
Pointers to interfaces are nearly never used. You may simplify things and use interfaces of pass by value.

Why is fmt.Println not consistent when printing pointers?

I'm an experienced programmer but have never before touched Go in my life.
I just started playing around with it and I found that fmt.Println() will actually print the values of pointers prefixed by &, which is neat.
However, it doesn't do this with all types. I'm pretty sure it is because the types it does not work with are primitives (or at least, Java would call them that, does Go?).
Does anyone know why this inconsistent behaviour exists in the Go fmt library? I can easily retrieve the value by using *p, but for some reason Println doesn't do this.
package main
import "fmt"
type X struct {
S string
func main() {
x := X{"Hello World"}
fmt.Println(&x) // &{Hello World} <-- displays the pointed-to value prefixed with &
fmt.Println(*(&x)) // {Hello World}
i := int(1)
fmt.Println(&i) // 0x10410028 <-- instead of &1 ?
fmt.Println(*(&i)) // 1
The "technical" answer to your question can be found here:
As you can see, when printing pointers to Array, Slice, Struct or Map types, the special rule of printing "&" + value applies, but in all other cases the address is printed.
As for why they decided to only apply the rule for those, it seems the authors considered that for "compound" objects you'd be interested in always seeing the values (even when using a pointer), but for other simple values this was not the case.
You can see that reasoning here, where they added the rule for the Map type which was not there before:
I would guess this had to do with the fact that it is very common to use for example pointers to Struct to pass them around (so many times you'd just forget to de-reference the pointer when wanting to print the value), but no so common to use pointers to int or string to pass those around (so if you were printing the pointer you were probably interested in seeing the actual address).

Comparing pointers to structs for the purpose of Phobos' Binary Heap

I've written a struct called Node, and want to be able to use pointers to that struct as entries in a Phobos BinaryHeap. However, I am not sure how opEquals and opCmp are implemented for pointers to structs (or in fact, in general). I've not been able to find anything in the documentation to help me. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
If you have an array of these Node* you can do something like that:
Node*[] arr = ....;
auto heap = heapify!(yourCustomCompareFuncGoesHere)(arr);
If you can't use heapify for whatever reason you can create a BinaryHeap by:
BinaryHeap!(Node*[], yourCustomCompareFuncGoesHere) heap;
yourCustomCompareFuncGoesHere will be passed as an alias template parameter to the heap and used for the "is less comparison" for sorting. Compare to the struct signature of BinaryHeap in the phobos docs.

go: using pointer allows changing the contents of a struct. Why?

Consider the following example. I don't fully understand what happens "in the background" and seek an explanation. This version seems to make a copy of the struct Foo when I call AddToEntry from the main function. Right? How can I "proof" this in the code?
When go makes a copy of the struct, I am just manipulating the copy of the struct and when I get back to the main function I see the original as before?
When I expect a pointer (see comment in the code), everything is fine, my struct is not copied. How can avoid this kind of "error"? How can I make sure I am not copying the struct? Is there a possible compile time/run time check for that, or do I have be careful?
package main
import (
type Foo struct {
Entry []string
func MakeFoo() Foo {
a.Entry = append(a.Entry,"first")
return a
// if I change (f Foo) to (f *Foo), I get
// the "desired" result
func (f Foo) AddToEntry() {
f.Entry = append(f.Entry,"second")
func main() {
fmt.Println(f) // {[first]}
fmt.Println(f) // {[first]}
Your method signature is func (f Foo) AddToEntry(). The way methods work, f.AddToEntry() is is the same as:
g := Foo.AddToEntry
The receiver is just another parameter. Why is this important? What happens when you pass a struct and modify it in a function? In C, Go, and other pass by value languages, the struct given in the parameter is only a copy. Therefore, you can not modify the original. Only return the new struct.
When you define func (f *Foo) AddToEntry(), you are defining the receiver, the first parameter, as a pointer. Obviously, given a pointer, you can modify the original struct. What is hidden is that you are implicitly referencing when you access a struct in Go. To put it another way, (*ptrFoo).Entry is the same as ptrFoo.Entry in Go.
So the issue here is that for those unaccustomed to go, the syntax is hiding some of what is going on. In C, you would never be able to edit a struct unless you passed a pointer to it. The same happens in Go. You need to use a pointer receiver in order to modify what you are receiving.
Have you read this Go documentation?
Should I define methods on values or pointers?
Methods: Pointers vs. Values
The Go Programming Language Specification
How can I make sure I am not copying the struct? Is there a possible
compile time/run time check for that, or do I have be careful?
The short answer here is that no , you can't do a compile-time or run-time(1) check
for this - you just have to be careful. Once you get a bit familiar with go, this becomes natural.
Technically your function could query whether the type is a pointer or not with the type switch, but if you remember to do that, you'll also remember to make the parameter a pointer.
