Get month and year when browsing the Calandar WebForm ASPX control -

I would like to ask you for help, I need to get the month and year of the calendar control at the time that the user changes the month or year directly in the control.
Is it possible?
I need to change the color of the days that contain data in the SQL database, the code is OK but it is necessary to pass the Month and Year parameters to a stored procedure at the moment when the user changes the month or year in the Calendar control.
I am grateful in advance for your help.
I can only get the month and year from the current date when the control is loaded more when I change to another month or year, I cannot get this information.
Can you help me?
MesCalendar.Text = CalendarioPrincipal.VisibleDate.Month
AnoCalendar.Text = CalendarioPrincipal.VisibleDate.Year


List view - Select a specific day

I am using the calendar in list mode and a question has arisen. Can I select a specific day?
In the list mode I have a full month loaded, but when I enter for the first time I would like to select a specific day, by default, the day we are on.
Thanks for the comments, but what I need is to show all the information, and be positioned on a specific day, not always on the first day that has information, usually on day 1 of the selected month
It's possible?
Day view
list view
I used the method ".fullCalendar ('gotoDate', moment (" 30/10/2018 "," DD / MM / YYYY "))". In the rest of the views it works correctly but in the list mode the information of that day is not shown but it continues to appear on the day 01/10/2018.
Thank you

Telerik RadDatePicker not picking up dates post year 2030

I am using RadDatePicker control for start and end date input controls on my form.
I am taking "01/01/1980" as min date and "12/31/2049" as max date. I am facing a problem when I enter the date manually in Date text box.
Scenario 1: I enter date as 123129. RadPicker correctly picks it up as 12/31/2029 and displays the formatted date value.
Scenario 2: I enter date as 123130. I get a client side validation warning. No matter what day and month I enter, it freezes every time on year greater than XX/XX/29 (2029).
Scenario 3: I enter date as 12312030 - complete year instead of just last 2 digits. RadPicker correctly picks it up as 12/31/2030 and displays the formatted date value.
I tested all 3 scenarios on ASP.NET Calendar Demo - DatePicker - First Look as well.
I am not sure why the validation kicks in even when the max date is set as 12/31/2049. Please assist me in resolving this issue.
"The years starting from 30 and greater are parsed as 19.. like if u say 30th(year) it would get it like 1930, 123130 will be parsed as 12/31/1930. this is invalid because the default value of the MinDate i.e. 1/1/1980.
In Order to solve this set the ShortYearCenturyEnd property of the DateInput to 2099.
Hope i answered the question.

How to create only a week calendar with previous and next week buttons

I am really stucked at this.what i want is that there should be 6 table cells in which i should have days with date. like
Monday 4/3/2013 Tuesday 5/3/2013 and so on till saturday
.i have two more buttons,previous week and next week button.. it should automatically show next week when i click the next week button and should show the previous week whenever i press the previous button..
also the i need to take the value of days/month and year so that i can use them in where clause in my sql query..pls its urgent can anyone help me with this...
im providing a link you can see what exactly i want by visiting this link
i am just giving you the outline as posting the whole code is not possible.
create an asp:panel in your aspx page
try generating the table structure dynamically inside that panel by writing myPanel.innerhtml = "(your html structure generated in a string)"
use theDate.AddDays(7 - (int)theDate.DayOfWeek) to get the date for this weeks sunday.(where theDay is the current date or the date given by you and change 7 to 6 if you want it for monday as this returns date for sunday etc..)
on previous and next click you can add or subtract 7 days from the first day of the weel that is generated above.
hope this helps you.

procedure to convert the dates in ms access(vb code requir

i have four forms namely file status , load file, reconciliation, and reports.
Reconciliation form has 2list boxes.. namely fiscal year and fiscal month. In that we have to choose for eg say i chose fiscal year 2012 and month as 1, then when i click open the reports form i have reports in there which displays information as per the year and the month.
what my requirement is in this report it displays fiscal year as i have chosen in the first step. But i do not want it because fiscal year 2012 and fiscal month 1 actually corresponds to actual year 2011 and month 10 i . e October. i want this to be displayed over there.
IF the corresponding Calendar Month/Year is always the same period behind, then a simple calculation could be done:
Format(DateAdd("M",-3,Format([FiscalPeriod]&"-01","ddddd")),"MMMM YYYY")
Format(DateAdd("M",-3,Format([FiscalYear]&"-"&[FiscalMonth]&"-01","ddddd")),"MMMM YYYY")
If it's not, then You'll need a lookup table for each Fiscal Period and it's related calendar Month. Then have that value looked up on Your form using Dlookup() and have the report reference the lookup field instead of the List Boxes.
From the Access Help files:
DLookup(expr, domain [, criteria] )
=DLookup("[ProductName]", "Products", "[ProductID] =" & Forms![Order Details]!ProductID)

How to display the calendar according to event data startdate

I have a event data which contains startdate and end date , i want to see the calendar holding that event,now what is happening is it is showing the current week calendar ,but if my event having previous week satrtdate means i have to go to previous week and and i can able to see the event data in calendar..but i want to focus that date calendar at first shot itself..pls do the needful its urgent, i think i have to change something in fullcalendar.js but i dont know where to change pls do needful
Check the documentation for FullCalendar...
This shows parameters that can be set to get the calendar to initate at a particular date.. by default it will always start at todays date.
