Read and Write to Firebase Realtime Database / Auth from WordPress? - wordpress

I have developed a tool with Angular for which I would like to offer a free and a paid premium model. Accordingly, a login is possible there. The authentication and the database runs via Firebase.
I present this tool on a separate WordPress website based on Elementor. There you can also find other areas like FAQ, Demos etc. On this site I also listed the prices and offer with WooCommerce the possibility of purchase (subscription model / Paypal).
Now to my question: How do I link both platforms most elegantly? If someone subscribes to the premium model via WooCommerce, the user (at this moment registered...or not...) must get premium access via the Angular app. Is there a best practice here?
My approach: after the purchase, I send a token by e-mail, which the user can enter in his profile on the platform. There I check the validity.
How would you rate this procedure?

You can read the official doc from here that may help you get it done.


Wordpress Chat Plugin

I'm looking for a Wordpress chat plugin for customer support. Are there any plugins that will pre-fill the logged in users name and email? I'd like to avoid having my logged in user fill basic information twice.
You can have a look at this guide
This is made by a maker of a live chat plugin but also discusses other plugins which you may find useful and they don't require signing in just a email which is very standard for these kinds of plugins

PCI Compliance with Paid Memberships Pro and Stripe

I'm posting this on multiple platforms because I understand that there may be multiple options. I just want to get as much feedback as possible.
So I have a website up with WordPress through Hostgator. My WordPress site has an option where people can sign up for paid subscriptions filling out payment forms generated by the plugin: Paid Memberships Pro. I have PMPro integrated with my Stripe account, and the payment page is protected by the SSL: Let's Encrypt. The page is also TSL 1.3. So I am almost 100 percent confident that I'm PCI compliant.
The reason I'm posting on here, however, is that a colleague is concerned that my payment forms are on my site, not Stripe. So there's concern over security in that respect. So my question: Is there a way to have the payment forms on the Stripe site instead of my site in a way to still be able to use Paid Memberships Pro? If not, am I safe as is or do I have to forget about Paid Memberships Pro and try to do everything through Stripe? If I have to do everything through Stripe, how do I get Stripe to have my website let my user generate a username and password for my site after paying?
If I'm asking anything that could be answered easily through a tutorial of some sorts, forgive me and give me a reference to that sort. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything correctly. So thanks everybody in advance.
You should review the PCI Compliance guide and reach out for support from the plugin provider to understand how their plugin works. All card information should be collected securely with Stripe.js & Elements. While this appears to the customer as though it is "on your site" it is actually inside a Stripe-hosted iframe for exactly this reason.
You can also use redirect-based products like Checkout to set up subscriptions, but I don't know if this is supported by your plugin.

External API integration into WordPress

I am working on a website that needs data from "wunderground" therefore they have issued me with an API Key, i needed to know how i integrate the API key into the existing word press site. That the main problem i am facing, or are there existing plugins to assist with this?
There is a plugin available:
From the plugin page:
Do I need a Wunderground account?
Weather Underground has been very
gracious and has provided the plugin with free data - you don't need
your own account. If you want to use Wunderground data in your own
application, register for a Weather Underground API account.

How to create an audio streaming site in the style of Lynda or other video-training sites?

I would like to make a streaming store like,, or other video-training websites - where the customer can buy and/or subscribe to my digital library, but the customer can only stream the content, no downloading. Is this something I should do in WordPress, Shopify, or something else? A key aspect would be the customer being able to go back-and-forth between buying an individual stream and a monthly subscription without losing their purchased streams.
The content will be self-created audio files. As far as the audio-player, I was thinking about using and privatizing the audio on Then embed the audio onto the site to prevent pirating and rely on a third-party site to host the audio content rather than burdening the hosting provider. Or is there a better solution?
Thanks for any feedback!
You CAN use Wordpress, but there will need to be more involved then just setting up a basic website. You'll need to provide the user with a unique URL to stream the content from.
Other than building a custom platform, you can use something like to create user profiles. And only allow paid users to access certain content.
Shopify will only help with taking orders. Not giving users account access to login.
You could use shopify, then build out a user login side using something like Heroku. We had a similar goal to build a marketplace for live music bookings - basically the difference here being that the artists were the users, not the customers. We used Collections as profiles and Products as bookable packages. We simply embedded youtube vids and made sure to turn off recommendations in the youtube embed code. We currently make this information public, but it could be behind a login (the basic login/account that shopify provide) in your instance. It would be a little bit manual: e.g. they 'purchase' the subscription, then they create a login at checkout, whereby they're then able to access the videos/audio.
Have a play with our marketplace as an example of what I mean:

A WP plugin specifically to manage an organization’s membership

There are any number of membership plugins for Wordpress that exist to monetize website content. People pay a subscription and have access to pages and posts. This makes it difficult to locate what I am looking for.
Is there a plugin that is specifically for managing the membership in an organization?
Have the ability to import existing
membership details and create WP
users from those details.
Automate and manage the
collection of annual dues.
Facilitate mass e-mails to members.
Restrict access to some of the Web site pages
perhaps by linking membership to WP
Perhaps manage payments for conferences.
Have the ability to export membership details.
Have pay per post functionality.
Sell value added pages.
Have different levels of accounts based on content.
I was looking for a similar plugin for a non-profit organization client of mine, and finally found MemberMouse. I was particularly concerned about being able to setup annual dues at a certain time of the year with pro-rating for new members during the rest of the year. While this is not in their base plugin, they can custom program that for a small fee.
The only parts of your request that plugin may not cover is facilitating mass emails (you could manage that through something like Constant Contact) and taking payments for conferences (which you could setup on your site anyway pretty easily using PayPal or your merchant account provider and a cart).
Hope this helps. I would suggest contacting MemberMouse with your questions to see if it will work for you.
