Saving multiple sparse arrays in one big sparse array - initialization

I have been trying to implement some code in Julia JuMP. The idea of my code is that I have a for loop inside my while loop that runs S times. In each of these loops I solve a subproblem and get some variables as well as opt=1 if the subproblem was optimal or opt=0 if it was not optimal. Depending on the value of opt, I have two types of constraints, either optimality cuts (if opt=1) or feasibility cuts (if opt=0). So the intention with my code is that I only add all of the optimality cuts if there are no feasibility cuts for s=1:S (i.e. we get opt=1 in every iteration from 1:S).
What I am looking for is a better way to save the values of ubar, vbar and wbar. Currently I am saving them one at a time with the for-loop, which is quite expensive.
So the problem is that my values of ubar,vbar and wbar are sparse axis arrays. I have tried to save them in other ways like making a 3d sparse axis array, which I could not get to work, since I couldn't figure out how to initialize it.
The below code works (with the correct code inserted inside my <>'s of course), but does not perform as well as I wish. So if there is some way to save the values of 2d sparse axis arrays more efficiently, I would love to know it! Thank you in advance!
while <some condition>
for s=1:S
<solve a subproblem, get new ubar,vbar,wbar and opt=1 if optimal or 0 if not>
if opt==1
# Add opt cut Constraints
for i=1:nV
for k=1:nV
if i!=k
for j=i:nV
if links[i,j]==1
# Add feas cut Constraints
#constraint(mas, <constraint from ubar,vbar,wbar> <= 0)
if opts==S
for s=1:S
#constraint(mas, <constraint from ubar2,vbar2,wbar2> <= <some variable>)

A SparseAxisArray is simply a thin wrapper in top of a Dict.
It was defined such that when the user creates a container in a JuMP macro, whether he gets an Array, a DenseAxisArray or a SparseAxisArray, it behaves as close as possible to one another hence the user does not need to care about what he obtained for most operations.
For this reason we could not just create a Dict as it behaves differently as an array. For instance you cannot do getindex with multiple indices as x[2, 2].
Here you can use either a Dict or a SparseAxisArray, as you prefer.
Both of them have O(1) complexity for setting and getting new elements and a sparse storage which seems to be adequate for what you need.
If you choose SparseAxisArray, you can initialize it with
ubar2 = JuMP.Containers.SparseAxisArray(Dict{Tuple{Int,Int,Int},Float64}())
and set it with
If you choose Dict, you can initialize it with
ubar2 = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int,Int},Float64}()
and set it with


Nondeterministic growth in Julia loop

I have a computation loop with adaptive time stepping and I need to store the results at each iteration. In other words, I do not know the vector size before the computation, so I can not preallocate a vector size to store the data. Right now, I build a vector using the push! function
function comp_loop()
clock = [0.0]
data = [0.0]
while run_time < model_time
# Calculate new timestep
timestep = rand(Float64) # Be sure to add Random
run_time += timestep
# Build vector
Is there a more efficient way to go about this? Again, I know the optimal choice is to preallocate the vector, but I do not have that luxury available. Buffers are theoretically not an option either, as I don't now how large to make them. I'm looking for something more "optimal" on how to implement this in Julia (i.e. maybe some advanced application available in the language).
Theoretically, you can use a linked list such as the one from DataStructures.jl to get O(1) appending. And then optionally write that out to a Vector afterwards (probably in reverse order, though).
In practise, push!ing to a Vector is often efficient enough -- Vectors use a doubling strategy to manage their dynamic size, which leads to amortized constant time and the advantage of contiguous memory access.
So you could try the linked list, but be sure to benchmark whether it's worth the effort.
Now, the above is about time complexity. When you care about allocation, the argument is quite similar; with a vector, you are going to end up with memory proportional to the next power of two after your actual requirements. Most often, that can be considered amortized, too.

Parallel iteration over array with step size greater than 1

I'm working on a practice program for doing belief propagation stereo vision. The relevant aspect of that here is that I have a fairly long array representing every pixel in an image, and want to carry out an operation on every second entry in the array at each iteration of a for loop - first one half of the entries, and then at the next iteration the other half (this comes from an optimisation described by Felzenswalb & Huttenlocher in their 2006 paper 'Efficient belief propagation for early vision'.) So, you could see it as having an outer for loop which runs a number of times, and for each iteration of that loop I iterate over half of the entries in the array.
I would like to parallelise the operation of iterating over the array like this, since I believe it would be thread-safe to do so, and of course potentially faster. The operation involved updates values inside the data structures representing the neighbouring pixels, which are not themselves used in a given iteration of the outer loop. Originally I just iterated over the entire array in one go, which meant that it was fairly trivial to carry this out - all I needed to do was put .Parallel between Array and .iteri. Changing to operating on every second array entry is trickier, however.
To make the change from simply iterating over every entry, I from Array.iteri (fun i p -> ... to using for i in startIndex..2..(ArrayLength - 1) do, where startIndex is either 1 or 0 depending on which one I used last (controlled by toggling a boolean). This means though that I can't simply use the really nice .Parallel to make things run in parallel.
I haven't been able to find anything specific about how to implement a parallel for loop in .NET which has a step size greater than 1. The best I could find was a paragraph in an old MSDN document on parallel programming in .NET, but that paragraph only makes a vague statement about transforming an index inside a loop body. I do not understand what is meant there.
I looked at Parallel.For and Parallel.ForEach, as well as creating a custom partitioner, but none of those seemed to include options for changing the step size.
The other option that occurred to me was to use a sequence expression such as
let getOddOrEvenArrayEntries myarray oddOrEven =
seq {
let startingIndex =
if oddOrEven then
for i in startingIndex..2..(Array.length myarray- 1) do
yield (i, myarray.[i])
and then using PSeq.iteri from ParallelSeq, but I'm not sure whether it will work correctly with .NET Core 2.2. (Note that, currently at least, I need to know the index of the given element in the array, as it is used as the index into another array during the processing).
How can I go about iterating over every second element of an array in parallel? I.e. iterating over an array using a step size greater than 1?
You could try PSeq.mapi which provides not only a sequence item as a parameter but also the index of an item.
Here's a small example
let res = nums
|> PSeq.mapi(fun index item -> if index % 2 = 0 then item else item + 1)
You can also have a look over this sampling snippet. Just be sure to substitute Seq with PSeq

How can I retrieve an object by id in Julia

In Julia, say I have an object_id for a variable but have forgotten its name, how can I retrieve the object using the id?
I.e. I want the inverse of some_id = object_id(some_object).
As #DanGetz says in the comments, object_id is a hash function and is designed not to be invertible. #phg is also correct that ObjectIdDict is intended precisely for this purpose (it is documented although not discussed much in the manual):
ObjectIdDict() constructs a hash table where the keys are (always)
object identities. Unlike Dict it is not parameterized on its key and
value type and thus its eltype is always Pair{Any,Any}.
See Dict for further help.
In other words, it hashes objects by === using object_id as a hash function. If you have an ObjectIdDict and you use the objects you encounter as the keys into it, then you can keep them around and recover those objects later by taking them out of the ObjectIdDict.
However, it sounds like you want to do this without the explicit ObjectIdDict just by asking which object ever created has a given object_id. If so, consider this thought experiment: if every object were always recoverable from its object_id, then the system could never discard any object, since it would always be possible for a program to ask for that object by ID. So you would never be able to collect any garbage, and the memory usage of every program would rapidly expand to use all of your RAM and disk space. This is equivalent to having a single global ObjectIdDict which you put every object ever created into. So inverting the object_id function that way would require never deallocating any objects, which means you'd need unbounded memory.
Even if we had infinite memory, there are deeper problems. What does it mean for an object to exist? In the presence of an optimizing compiler, this question doesn't have a clear-cut answer. It is often the case that an object appears, from the programmer's perspective, to be created and operated on, but in reality – i.e. from the hardware's perspective – it is never created. Consider this function which constructs a complex number and then uses it for a simple computation:
julia> function f(y::Real)
z = Complex(0,y)
w = 2z*im
return real(w)
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(123)
From the programmer's perspective, this constructs the complex number z and then constructs 2z, then 2z*im, and finally constructs real(2z*im) and returns that value. So all of those values should be inserted into the "Great ObjectIdDict in the Sky". But are they really constructed? Here's the LLVM code for this function applied to an Int:
julia> #code_llvm foo(123)
define i64 #julia_foo_60833(i64) #0 !dbg !5 {
%1 = shl i64 %0, 1
%2 = sub i64 0, %1
ret i64 %2
No Complex values are constructed at all! Instead, all of the work is inlined and eliminated instead of actually being done. The whole computation boils down to just doubling the argument (by shifting it left one bit) and negating it (by subtracting it from zero). This optimization can be done first and foremost because the intermediate steps have no observable side effects. The compiler knows that there's no way to tell the difference between actually constructing complex values and operating on them and just doing a couple of integer ops – as long as the end result is always the same. Implicit in the idea of a "Great ObjectIdDict in the Sky" is the assumption that all objects that seem to be constructed actually are constructed and inserted into a large, permanent data structure – which is a massive side effect. So not only is recovering objects from their IDs incompatible with garbage collection, it's also incompatible with almost every conceivable program optimization.
The only other way one could conceive of inverting object_id would be to compute its inverse image on demand instead of saving objects as they are created. That would solve both the memory and optimization problems. Of course, it isn't possible since there are infinitely many possible objects but only a finite number of object IDs. You are vanishingly unlikely to actually encounter two objects with the same ID in a program, but the finiteness of the ID space means that inverting the hash function is impossible in principle since the preimage of each ID value contains an infinite number of potential objects.
I've probably refuted the possibility of an inverse object_id function far more thoroughly than necessary, but it led to some interesting thought experiments, and I hope it's been helpful – or at least thought provoking. The practical answer is that there is no way to get around explicitly stashing every object you might want to get back later in an ObjectIdDict.

New to OCaml: How would I go about implementing Gaussian Elimination?

I'm new to OCaml, and I'd like to implement Gaussian Elimination as an exercise. I can easily do it with a stateful algorithm, meaning keep a matrix in memory and recursively operating on it by passing around a reference to it.
This statefulness, however, smacks of imperative programming. I know there are capabilities in OCaml to do this, but I'd like to ask if there is some clever functional way I haven't thought of first.
OCaml arrays are mutable, and it's hard to avoid treating them just like arrays in an imperative language.
Haskell has immutable arrays, but from my (limited) experience with Haskell, you end up switching to monadic, mutable arrays in most cases. Immutable arrays are probably amazing for certain specific purposes. I've always imagined you could write a beautiful implementation of dynamic programming in Haskell, where the dependencies among array entries are defined entirely by the expressions in them. The key is that you really only need to specify the contents of each array entry one time. I don't think Gaussian elimination follows this pattern, and so it seems it might not be a good fit for immutable arrays. It would be interesting to see how it works out, however.
You can use a Map to emulate a matrix. The key would be a pair of integers referencing the row and column. You'll want to use your own get x y function to ensure x < n and y < n though, instead of accessing the Map directly. (edit) You can use the compare function in Pervasives directly.
module OrderedPairs = struct
type t = int * int
let compare =
module Pairs = Map.Make (OrderedPairs)
let get_ n set x y =
assert( x < n && y < n );
Pairs.find (x,y) set
let set_ n set x y v =
assert( x < n && y < n );
Pairs.add (x,y) set v
Actually, having a general set of functions (get x y and set x y at a minimum), without specifying the implementation, would be an even better option. The functions then can be passed to the function, or be implemented in a module through a functor (a better solution, but having a set of functions just doing what you need would be a first step since you're new to OCaml). In this way you can use a Map, Array, Hashtbl, or a set of functions to access a file on the hard-drive to implement the matrix if you wanted. This is the really important aspect of functional programming; that you trust the interface over exploiting the side-effects, and not worry about the underlying implementation --since it's presumed to be pure.
The answers so far are using/emulating mutable data-types, but what does a functional approach look like?
To see, let's decompose the problem into some functional components:
Gaussian elimination involves a sequence of row operations, so it is useful first to define a function taking 2 rows and scaling factors, and returning the resultant row operation result.
The row operations we want should eliminate a variable (column) from a particular row, so lets define a function which takes a pair of rows and a column index and uses the previously defined row operation to return the modified row with that column entry zero.
Then we define two functions, one to convert a matrix into triangular form, and another to back-substitute a triangular matrix to the diagonal form (using the previously defined functions) by eliminating each column in turn. We could iterate or recurse over the columns, and the matrix could be defined as a list, vector or array of lists, vectors or arrays. The input is not changed, but a modified matrix is returned, so we can finally do:
let out_matrix = to_diagonal (to_triangular in_matrix);
What makes it functional is not whether the data-types (array or list) are mutable, but how they they are used. This approach may not be particularly 'clever' or be the most efficient way to do Gaussian eliminations in OCaml, but using pure functions lets you express the algorithm cleanly.


I have a code which has a 2D local array (cval).This local array is being calculated by every processor and in the end I call MPI_ALLREDUCE to sum this local array to a global array(gns).
This local array has different sizes for different processors.The way I do a all reduce is as follows
k = n2spmax- n2spmin + 1 ! an arbitrary big value
do i = nmin, nmax
end do
Is this the correct way of writing it.I am not sure about it ?
No, you can't do it this way. MPI_Allreduce requires that all of the processes in the communicator are contributing the same amount of data. That's why there's a single count argument.
To give more guidance on what is the right way to do this, we'll need a bit more clarity on what you're trying to do. Is the idea that you're calculating gns(i,j) = the sum over all ranks of cval(i,j), but not all ranks have all the cval(i,j)s?
