React Native: in-app messages when app is in background - firebase

I've been researching different options for implementing messaging, specifically sending a message from the server to the client code, in React Native apps. I have found two main options: push notifications and in-app messages.
Push notifications can be implemented with services, such as Firebase and OneSignal, and work well except there is a claim that they are not very reliable and sometimes messages can get lost. The advantage of push notifications is that they work regardless of whether the app is in the foreground or background.
In-app messages can be implemented with event-bus services, such as SignalR (Azure or standalone), AWS SNS or GraphQL subscriptions. These services are pretty reliable, but this approach only works when the app is in the foreground.
However, there appears to be another option which doesn't seem to be as popular as the first two. This option involves running a native background service/process on the mobile device which participates in in-app message exchange similar to the normal in-app messaging. The background service would subscribe to SignalR or SNS or GraphQL and display a local notification on the device when it receives a message.
What are the problems with the last approach and why not prefer it over the hybrid approach (push notifications when app is in background but in-app messages when app is in foreground) which seems to be more commonly used?

The main limit is that mobile devices do not allow applications to keep a long-lived connection open in the background. This limit became more strongly enforced in Android 8 (Oreo) (documented here, and this has always been true on iOS. Exceptions are made for certain VoIP applications, but generally, this rule applies to all apps.
One of the key reasons is battery life. Keeping a connection open takes a small amount of energy and if a user had dozens of apps like this, then it would be a noticeable issue. As a result, both Google and Apple have standardized around having a single connection open to the device that all notifications are delivered through.
For what it's worth, iOS notifications are actually very reliable and consistent. Android is more problematic due to modifications made by various OEMs. (documented here:
One workaround is that you could distribute an application outside of the Google Play Store that bypassed this limitation by requesting special permissions, however, it would still be affected by the OEM issues just like FCM is and likely worse.


Does FCM support push notification to PWA on iPhone?

I host a PWA website and I am trying to integrate push notifications to my users who may have the website open in a browser tab even if their phones are inactive. You notoriously can't send Push notifications to iPhones without using Apple Push Notifications service (APNs).
Seeing as the point of firebase cloud messaging (FCM) is to outsource the message handlers, I kinda assumed it would support sending push notifications to iPhones somehow via APNs, but the information here suggests you still can't do this from the web.
Safari and iPhones don't support Push API.
According to this answer:
Option #2 may be possible if you know the device ID token, which is apparently very hard to get and perhaps not possible anymore because Apple are trying to make it harder to obtain due to security concerns.
I think the actual sending via APNs from server side is quite easy, the problem comes with the initial setup/registration and actually granting permissions that allow notifications to arrive.
So, in short, I don't mind registering my website with Apple, agreeing to terms and obtaining keys for the purpose of interfacing with APNs, but I don't want to make and distribute a whole native iOS app just to send notifications to devices about my website.
Does anybody know the correct way to achieve this in 2022 ?

Why use a push notification service over a Web Push library?

I'm planning to add push notifications to my web app.
As far as I understand it, to push notifications to my users, I can either use a web push library and deliver the notifications directly, or use a push notification service such as OneSignal, Firebase Cloud Messaging, or
From what I understand, these services offer a one-stop solution to deliver notifications not only as Web Push, but also to iOS and Android apps.
If I'm focusing only on Web Push for now, is there any advantage I should be aware of, to use one of these services over a web push library directly?
Web Push is a standard which is still under development and subject to change. Also browser support is quite limited at the moment (see
The advantage is: you have one API to rule all the supporting platforms (including desktop).
Disadvantage is: You have to be aware that not all platforms support the standard.
Using a notification SaaS solution to handle notifications enables you to handle all platforms. Sending out a notification from your backend will be a single call to your notification SaaS service, but you still have to be aware, when you want to have native notifications on Android, iOS and the browser, you will have to handle the integration of those platforms differently in your client apps (see example here using Google Cloud Message integration in an Android App:
So your decision should be based on which platforms you have to support.
- If you get away with supporting Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers on non-iOS-Devices (or handle iOS Notifications differently), you can use Web Push.
- Otherwise i would choose a Notification SaaS Solution.
The most important point for me personally when doing your own implementation is that you control everything. This means that your notifications don't fail when AWS loses a region or pricing changes and you can't afford it any more. Not any provider can ban you because of the content you distribute or the complaints from users. You can implement your own logic for showing the notifications on the front-end, like stacking them or having your own segmentation rules (paying users versus free tier, for instance). I'm not even speaking of the custom subscription UI. No weird copyright in your messages.
From what I understand, these services offer a one-stop solution to deliver notifications not only as Web Push, but also to iOS and Android apps.
When you've got the server logic to process the app events and send notifications in place, it shouldn't be really hard to extent it do work with mobile push notifications. The only thing that changes is the way you subscribe devices.
And the last, but not the least - it's fun to develop. This is more of a personal matter, I guess, but I like learning new thing :)
Hope that helps you to make a decision.
you can implement push notification to your website without using third-party libraries. You have required to get subscription token from the client and store this subscription token onto the server (Inside database). After when you want to send a push notification to the user then you have to just call endpoint (endpoint is mentioned in subscription token). That's it.
Due to security risk and managing subscription tokens, developers prefer to use firebase, AWS push notification or services. These services are optional you don't need at all.
Read links introduction to push notification and also the same lab code examples. Later I will update with simple working code for further reference to your question.
It depends on what you want. It‘s not possible to use iOS Safari for Web-Push. For notifications to iOS you have to use a service or build your own app.
I use Pushover for notifying myself from Scripts and Software. That may or may not be a solution depending on how much users you have, how many notifications you send and how willing your users are to use a web app like Pushover (or an app on iOS).
A service will keep notifications going when things change. So it should be less maintenance for you.
If you want to target iOS visitors also, this is not possible, as web push notifications are not supported by iOS.
To circumvent this, you need to use a third party service like Wise Notifications.
The alternative is to build an iOS app and send native push notifications.

Push notifications: Why use Amazon SNS over Google's GCM/FCM?

I have created a mobile app for Android and iOS using Phonegap Build. Last year I had nearly finished writing code to use GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) for remote push notifications - which can go out via Apple's APNS too - but the project was shelved.
This year the project is resurrected and I find Google has changed everything to Firebase (FCM). I then read some enticing things about Amazon SNS handling notifications. Just when I started to think SNS might be a better option, I noticed you still have to set up GCM/FCM anyway, and pass all those details to SNS.
So is there any benefit to using SNS when I've got to do the full FCM setup as well?! Both services seem to offer the same features: interact with APNS if required, subscribe to topics, provide you with a nice API/SDK, etc. The app code, and the server-side code would be no simpler, as far as I can see. Why add another layer (SNS) on top of FCM?
(I'm trying not to let this be an opinion-based question: I want to know whether SNS is saving me any effort, giving me any advantage, or adding any features that FCM does not have.)
Just some thoughts.
If you are already using some mobile AWS SDK, then it's more convenient to use it for SNS too.
That also helps keep your app smaller.
And you're happier as a developer since API calls are somewhat unified.
If your backend is hosted on AWS infrastructure you can use IAM roles for EC2 instances (also Lambdas etc.) to make those call without access key/secret key.
You get metrics in your CloudWatch.
But Firebase Cloud Messaging is free :)
Let's answer a few questions first.
1.Do you want to develop, maintain and run the code to talk to GCM?
2.Do you wish to do the same for another platform (iOS, Kindle Fire), if you choose to develop your app for other mobile platforms.
3.Do you want to manage change of registration_id's by yourself?
4.Do you care if a notification is delivered to your users a few milliseconds later?
If you answered NO to any of the questions above, I recommend using SNS to deliver push notifications to iOS, Android and Kindle Fire devices.
SNS talks to GCM to deliver notifications to android devices. Here is what SNS can offer you.
Simple API to send notification to heterogeneous platforms.
Manages application registration_ids. As a developer you don't have to worry about change of registration_ids.
Scales really well. You don't have to worry about managing infrastructure if your app becomes super popular.
Can tolerate GCM downtime & throttling.

What is the best way to use firebase as an events broker?

I am writing a connected home device (alarm system) which can receive events/messages from a mobile device (e.g. a message to dismiss an alarm).
Example of a scenario (mobile device is an iphone for the sake of the example):
Connected device at home sounds alarm and notifies the iphone (using iOS push notifications, not firebase)
iphone user brings up the app, and clicks "dismiss"
connected device gets "dismiss" message and stops the alarm
I was thinking about using firebase's live database for this interaction, so the iphone app would set a db field, and the home device (which runs python) would subscribe to this field and see that it has been set.
The problem is that this is not a very clean implementation, as I would need the home device to turn off the dismiss field after it has received it, so that subsequent dismiss event can be recognized.
Essentially I am implementing messaging on top of a live database.
Is there a cleaner way to do this in firebase?
If not, is this a reasonable implementation?
Are there alternatives to firebase that take care of such a scenario?
What I really need is a web-based event-broker as-a-service...
I would suggest looking at
There are a few examples of usage on SO such as My Firebase Queue doesn't do anything after I changed to Firebase 3
Many of our developers are using Firebase with a server to perform tasks like background processing, integrating with third party APIs, or handling advanced authentication requirements. Today, we're introducing Firebase Queue, a fault-tolerant multi-worker job pipeline built on Firebase.
If you're writing your server code in Node, Firebase Queue makes it easy to handle background jobs with a worker queue. We're already using it in our private backups feature, where we reliably handle hundreds of jobs per day across multiple machines. ( )

Is it a good idea to use push notifications for mobile chat applications? (Android, iOS)

The idea of using the push notifications is only to have a notification mechanism that will send a notification when there is a new message waiting to download from the backend service: all the notifications are of the same type e.g. "refresh messages from the server" (the same for Android and iOS).
Are there any limits for the Apple/Google push notifications services?
Assuming that my application will handle more that 100k active users (or even 1M or more users) - would there be any problem with the Apple Push Notifications or GCM services?
If using the push notifications for such a service is not a good idea then what is other solution that could be used for mobile chat applications?
Don't forget that on iOS user may forbid sending notifications, so your app won't receive any even in foreground. Thus, you need to implement your own push mechanism.
Need for push notifications
Especially on iOS you don't have a choice but to use their push notifications service APNS. There is no other way to receive notifications immediately because iOS may kill or neglect the TCP connections of your background app.
On Android it seems possible to use your own background TCP connection to avoid having to use push notifications. But you may still consider the use of the push notifications through GCM for the sake of improved battery usage.
Neither APNS (iOS) nor GCM (Android) charge you for the service and you are allowed to send an unlimited number of messages.
Limitations and Requirements
Both services will delete message, when there are too many messages accumulated in the queue for an offline device - which makes sense because there is no point in delivering those messages hours later. You have to take that in to account, when writing your app (just do a poll when going back online).
Depending on the app you are writing, there may also be privacy concerns. Even if you encrypt the message itself, at least Apple/Google know when a notification is sent to a certain device, which may be a deal-breaker for certain high-security applications.
You will also need a server that is able to communicate to both APNS and GCM. There are open source solutions for that (e.g. easyApns for iOS and python-gcm for Android), but how easy their integration is depends on your server and the language it is written in.
