Get initial value of entity in FormExtension - symfony

In my update form, I want to add a data attribute on the inputs that will contains the initial value of the entity. This way, I will be able to highlight the input when the user will modify it.
In the end, only the input modified by the users will be highlighted.
I want to use this only in update, not in creation.
To do so, I created a form extension like this:
class IFormTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
public static function getExtendedTypes()
//I want to be able to extend any form type
return [FormType::class];
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'is_iform' => false,
'is_iform_modification' => function (Options $options) {
return $options['is_iform'] ? null : false;
$resolver->setAllowedTypes('is_iform', 'bool');
$resolver->setAllowedTypes('is_iform_modification', ['bool', 'null']);
public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options)
if (!$options['is_iform'] && !$this->isParentIForm($form)) {
//We need to add the original value in the input as data-attributes
if (is_string($form->getViewData()) || is_int($form->getViewData())) {
$originValue = $form->getViewData();
} elseif (is_array($form->getViewData())) {
if (is_object($form->getNormData())) {
$originValue = implode('###', array_keys($form->getViewData()));
} elseif (is_array($form->getNormData()) && count($form->getNormData()) > 0 && is_object($form->getNormData()[0])) {
$originValue = implode('###', array_keys($form->getViewData()));
} else {
$originValue = implode('###', $form->getViewData());
} else {
//There's no value yet
$originValue = '';
$view->vars['attr'] = array_merge($view->vars['attr'], ['data-orig-value' => $originValue]);
private function isParentIForm(FormInterface $form)
if (null === $form->getParent()) {
return $form->getConfig()->getOption('is_iform');
return $this->isParentIForm($form->getParent());
As you can see in the buildView method, I get the originValue from the ViewData.
In a lot of cases, this works well.
But if I have any validation error in my form OR if I reload my form through AJAX, the ViewData contains the new information and not the values of the entity I want to update.
How can I get the values of the original entity?
I don't want to make a DB request in here.
I think I can use the FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA event, then save the entity values in session and use these in the buildView.
I could also give a new Option in my OptionResolver to ask for the initial entity.
Is it possible to have the original data of the entity directly form the buildView? (If I'm not wrong, this means the form before we call the handleRequest method).
Someone wanted to have an example with a controller. I don't think it's really interresting, because with the FormExtension, the code will be added automatically. But anyway, here is how I create a form in my controller :
$form = $this->createForm(CustomerType::class, $customer)->handleRequest($request);
And in the CustomerType, I will add the 'is_iform' key with configureOptions() :
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
"translation_domain" => "customer",
"data_class" => Customer::class,
'is_iform' => true //This line will activate the extension

It's probably an opinionated answer. There also might be better approaches.
I'm not a big fan of your form extension, since it's really convoluted and unclear what's happening, at least to my eyes.
What I'm proposing: When the form submit happened, in your controller you should do the following
// ((*)) maybe store customer, see below
$form = $this->createForm(CustomerType::class, $customer);
if($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
// easy case, you got this.
return $this->redirect(); // or another response
} elseif($form->isSubmitted()) {
// form was submitted with errors, have to refresh entity!
// REFRESH - see discussion below for alternatives
// then create form again with original values:
$form = $this->createForm(CustomerType::class, $customer);
// other stuff
return $this->render(..., ['form' => $form->createView(), ...]);
so, essentially, when the form validation fails, you refresh the entity and recreate the form, avoiding the problem with the changed state of your entity. I believe this approach ultimately is easier then hacking the form to magically not update values or re-set older values.
Now the question remains: how to refresh an entity? Simplest approach: reload from database:
$em->refresh($customer); // easiest approach, will likely run another query.
Instead of giving $customer to the form, you create a customer DTO that contains the same values but on change doesn't automatically change the original object. If the form validation fails, you can just re-generate the DTO.
Instead of refresh($customer), which will most likely run another query (except maybe not, if you have a cache), you could cache the customer yourself via a DefaultCacheEntityHydrator, you would have to create your own EntityCacheKey object (not really hard), generate a cache entry (DefaultCacheEntityHydrator::buildCacheEntry() at the ((*)) above) and restore the entry for when you need to restore it. Disclaimer: I don't know if/how this works with collections (i.e. collection properties, the entity might have).
That being said ... if you really really want a form extension for whatever reason, you might want to form event with a PRE_SET_DATA handler that stores the data in the form type object, then on buildView uses those values. I wouldn't store something in the session for I don't see the necessity ... your aversion to db queries is baffling though, if that's your main reason for all the shenanigans

In the end, I managed to make it work BUT I'm not fully convinced by what I did.
It was not possible to get the original data from the form OR add a new property (the form is read only in the form extension).
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
function (FormEvent $event) {
$form = $event->getForm();
if ('_token' === $form->getName()) {
$data = $event->getData();
$this->session->set('iform_'.$form->getName(), is_object($data) ? clone $data : $data);
What I do here, is simply register the form values by its name in the session.
If it's an object, I need to clone it, because the form will modify it later in the process and I want to work with the original state of the form.
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'is_iform' => false,
'is_iform_modification' => function (Options $options) {
return $options['is_iform'] ? null : false;
$resolver->setAllowedTypes('is_iform', 'bool');
$resolver->setAllowedTypes('is_iform_modification', ['bool', 'null']);
The configure options did not change.
And then, depending on the value type, I create my "data-orig-value" :
public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options)
if (!$options['is_iform'] && !$this->isParentIForm($form)) {
$propertyValue = $this->session->get('iform_'.$form->getName());
$originValue = '';
try {
if (null !== $propertyValue) {
//We need to add the original value in the input as data-attributes
if (is_bool($propertyValue)) {
$originValue = $propertyValue ? 1 : 0;
} elseif (is_string($propertyValue) || is_int($propertyValue)) {
$originValue = $propertyValue;
} elseif (is_array($propertyValue) || $propertyValue instanceof Collection) {
if (is_object($propertyValue)) {
$originValue = implode('###', array_map(function ($object) {
return $object->getId();
}, $propertyValue->toArray()));
} elseif (is_array($propertyValue) && count($propertyValue) > 0 && is_object(array_values($propertyValue)[0])) {
$originValue = implode('###', array_map(function ($object) {
return $object->getId();
}, $propertyValue));
} else {
$originValue = implode('###', $propertyValue);
} elseif ($propertyValue instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$originValue = \IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($propertyValue, $form->getConfig()->getOption('format', 'dd/mm/yyyy'));
} elseif (is_object($propertyValue)) {
$originValue = $propertyValue->getId();
} else {
$originValue = $propertyValue;
} catch (NoSuchPropertyException $e) {
if (null !== $propertyValue = $this->session->get('iform_'.$form->getName())) {
$originValue = $propertyValue;
} else {
$originValue = '';
} finally {
//We remove the value from the session, to not overload the memory
$view->vars['attr'] = array_merge($view->vars['attr'], ['data-orig-value' => $originValue]);
private function isParentIForm(FormInterface $form)
if (null === $form->getParent()) {
return $form->getConfig()->getOption('is_iform');
return $this->isParentIForm($form->getParent());
Maybe the code sample will help anyone !
If anyone have a better option, don't hesitate to post it !


Callback Constraint doesn't show paylod (Symfony Validator Component)

My controller code:
public function postFilesAction(Request $request)
$validator = $this->get('validator');
$requestCredentials = RequestCredentials::fromRequest($request);
$errors = $validator->validate($requestCredentials);
validate method in RequestCredentials (Callback constraint).
* #Assert\Callback(payload = {"errorCode" = "FILE_FILE_URL"})
public function validate(ExecutionContextInterface $context)
if (! ($this->fileExistsAndValid() || $this->fileUrlExistsAndValid())) {
$context->buildViolation('Neither file nor file_url is present.')->addViolation();
Callback works as expected, but the value of $constraintViolation->$constraint->$payload is null.
When I'm trying to use payload in other Constraints (NotBlank, for example), it works (I can see it in ConstraintViolation object).
Is it Symfony bug or am I doing somethings wrong? Should I use some other solution to my problem? (I need to check if there's at least one of two fields (file or file_url) present in request).
In Symfony 3.0 you cannot easily access the payload in the callback when using the Callback constraint. Starting with Symfony 3.1, the payload will be passed as an additional argument to the callback (see and
I managed to solve this problem with following code in the assertion:
* #Assert\Callback(payload = {"error_code" = "1"}, callback = "validate", groups = {"Default", "RequestCredentials"})
public function validate(ExecutionContextInterface $context)
// some validation code
I think the problem was because of the Symfony Callback constraint constructor:
public function __construct($options = null)
// Invocation through annotations with an array parameter only
if (is_array($options) && 1 === count($options) && isset($options['value'])) {
$options = $options['value'];
if (is_array($options) && !isset($options['callback']) && !isset($options['groups'])) {
$options = array('callback' => $options);
When it is given $options = ['payload' => [...]] (what happened in my case) it turns it into $options = ['callback' => ['payload' => [...]]]
and then '$payload' data becomes inacessable in ConstraintViolation object.
But I'm still not sure whether it's Symfony imperfection or me not getting something and using it wrong.

Silverstripe 3.2: How to make a custom action button in the CMS to create a new Dataobject and populate it from another one

I'm searching for a way to create a custom action button which allows me to make a new DataObject with pre-filled content from another DataObject. As a simple example: When I have an email and click the "answer"-button in my email-client, I get a new window with pre-filled content from the email before. I need exactly this functionality for my button. This button should appear next to each DataObject in the GridField.
So I know how to make a button and add it to my GridField (--> and I know how to go to a new DataObject:
I also found out that there is a duplicate function for DataObjects:
public function duplicate($doWrite = true) {
$className = $this->class;
$clone = new $className( $this->toMap(), false, $this->model );
$clone->ID = 0;
$clone->invokeWithExtensions('onBeforeDuplicate', $this, $doWrite);
if($doWrite) {
$this->duplicateManyManyRelations($this, $clone);
$clone->invokeWithExtensions('onAfterDuplicate', $this, $doWrite);
return $clone;
Perhaps it's easier than I think but at the moment I just don't get how to rewrite this to get what I need. Can somebody give me a hint?
That's for sure not the cleanest solution but I think it should do the trick.
At first let's create the custom gridfield action. Here we will save all accessible records in a session and add a query string to the url so that we'll know which object we want to "clone"
public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName) {
if(!$record->canEdit()) return;
$field = GridField_FormAction::create(
array('RecordID' => $record->ID)
$values = Session::get('ClonedData');
$data = $record->data()->toMap();
if($arr = $values) {
$arr[$record->ID] = $data;
} else {
$arr = array(
$record->ID => $data
Session::set('ClonedData', $arr);
return $field->Field();
public function getActions($gridField) {
return array('clone');
public function handleAction(GridField $gridField, $actionName, $arguments, $data) {
if($actionName == 'clone') {
$id = $arguments['RecordID'];
after adding this new component to our gridfield,
$gridField->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldCustomAction());
we'll need to bring the data into the new form. To do so, add this code directly above "return $fields" on your getCMSFields function so it will be executed every time we'll open this kind of object.
$values = Session::get('ClonedData');
if($values) {
$json = json_encode($values);
$fields->push(LiteralField::create('ClonedData', "<div id='cloned-data' style='display:none;'>$json</div>"));
At the end we need to bring the content back into the fields. We'll do that with a little bit of javascript so at first you need to create a new script.js file and include it in the ss backend (or just use an existing one).
(function($) {
onmatch: function() {
var data = JSON.parse($(this).text()),
id = getParameterByName('cloneID');
if(id && data) {
var obj = data[id];
if(obj) {
$.each(obj, function(i, val) {
$('[name=' + i + ']').val(val);
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
And that's it ... quite tricky. Hope it will solve your problem.

Validation on extended fields UserDefinedForm

I have made an extension on the UserDefinedForm (module userforms). This works well, but I cannot figure out how to set validation on this extra fields. This is (a part of) my code:
class UserDefinedPaymentForm_Controller extends UserDefinedForm_Controller {
private static $allowed_actions = array(
public function getFormFields() {
//Payment fields
$supported_methods = PaymentProcessor::get_supported_methods();
$gateways = array();
foreach ($supported_methods as $methodName) {
$methodConfig = PaymentFactory::get_factory_config($methodName);
$gateways[$methodName] = $methodConfig['title'];
$fields = parent::getFormFields();
$fields->add(new NumericField("PaymentAmount", _t('UserDefinedPaymentForm.PAYMENT_AMOUNT', 'Payment Amount')));
$fields->add(new Literalfield("literalfield", _t('UserDefinedPaymentForm.PAY', '<h2>Pay</h2>')));
$fields->add(new Literalfield("literalfield", _t('UserDefinedPaymentForm.PAY_INSTRUCTIONS', '<p>Choose your prefered payment method and click Pay:</p>')));
$fields->add(new DropdownField("PaymentMethod", _t('UserDefinedPaymentForm.PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Payment Method'), $gateways));
return $fields;
Now I want to validate the field PaymentAmount, the value of this field has to be 2 or more. How can I do this?
I would guess (I haven't tested this) your best bet is to create a subclass of UserFormValidator and override the php($data) method.
Then, in your UserDefinedPaymentForm_Controller, you will also need to override the Form method.
class PaymentAmountUserFormValidator extends UserFormValidator {
public function php($data) {
$result = parent::php($data);
if ($result === true) {
// verify your PaymentAmount here and return true or false, accordingly
return $result;
class UserDefinedPaymentForm_Controller {
public function Form()
$form = UserForm::create($this);
// Generate required field validator
$requiredNames = $this
->filter('Required', true)
$validator = new PaymentAmountUserFormValidator($requiredNames);
return $form;

Return entity record value based on custom value in Symfony2

I'm making an API and I need to display data from entity based on action type. For example, I have User and his visibility preferences (to hide/show his name for other people). Doing this like that:
// entity
public function getSurname()
$visibility = $this->getVisibility();
if($visibility['name'] == 0)
return $this->surname;
return '';
is ok, but if User is logged in, I want to show him his name, for example, in edit account.
The best way I think is to edit record when I get it from database, but how to this on doctrine object?
$user = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle:User')->findOneById($id);
$user = $this->getVisibility();
if($user != $this->getUser() && $visibility['name'] == 0)
$user->setSurname(''); //but this save this to DB, not to "view"
Unfortunately (or I'm doing something wrong) my problem can't be solved by Snake answer, beause when I do this code:
$user = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle')-findOneById($id);
return array(
self::USER => $user
In my API response, entity modifications don't work, because I think this is getting record directly from DB? And I need return whole object like in code above.
I found workaround for this
// entity
* #ORM\PostLoad
public function postLoad() {
$this->surname = $this->getSurname();
and then I can just return full $user object
If you want to show the surname depends of visibility, you can add the Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\EquatableInterface and edit your function:
// entity
public function getSurname(Acme\DemoBundle\User $user = null)
// Nothing to compare or is the owner
if( !is_null( $user ) && $this->isEqualTo($user) ){
return $this->surname;
// else...
$visibility = $this->getVisibility();
if($visibility['name'] == 0)
return $this->surname;
return '';
After in your controller you only must get the surname:
$user = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle:User')->findOneById($id);
// If the user is the owner, show the surname, otherwise it shows the surname depends of visibility
$surname = $user->getSurname( $this->getUser() );
Also, you can execute the logic in the controller (check if is the same user and get the visibility...).
I suggest you read about ACL too.

Drupal 7 hook_node_access to conditionally block node access

For all users I need to conditionally block access to nodes of type 'message'. The only way users should be able to view these message nodes is by successfully submitting a form.
I've started like this:
function mymodule_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
if ($op == 'view' && $node->type == 'message') {
However, I want to allow view access to individual nodes of this type upon successful submission of form:
function form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// some logic here
$form_state['redirect'] = 'node/255';
so node 255 is of type 'message', and I want to 'lift' the NODE_ACCESS_DENY for this particular node and this user (+ in most cases this will be an anonymous user)
Any suggestions on different ways to accomplish this?
The only way you can do that is to set a value in the form submission handler that is then checked by hook_node_access(); you could use a Drupal variable, or a value saved in a database table.
You need to store the user ID of the user that accessed the form, and the node ID of every node for which such form has been submitted.
Supposing you use a Drupal variable, you could use code similar to the following one:
function mymodule_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
global $user;
$message_nid = 255;
$values = variable_get('access_nid', array());
if (isset($values[$user->uid])) {
if (!isset($values[$user->uid][$message_nid])) {
$values[$user->uid][$message_nid] = $message_nid;
else {
$values[$user->uid] = array($message_nid => $message_nid);
variable_set('access_nid', $values);
$form_state['redirect'] = 'node/' . $message_nid;
function mymodule_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
if ($op == 'view' && $node->type == 'message') {
$values = variable_get('access_nid', array());
if (!empty($values[$account->uid]) {
if (isset($values[$account->uid][$node->nid])) {
else {
else {
variable_set('access_nid', $values);
return $result;
To notice that this code allows a user to access a node only once; if the user would try to access the same node the second time, the user would get an "access denied" error. If that is not desired, then the second function should be re-written as follows:
function mymodule_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
if ($op == 'view' && $node->type == 'message') {
$values = variable_get('access_nid', array());
if (!empty($values[$account->uid]) {
if (isset($values[$account->uid][$node->nid])) {
else {
I used a Drupal variable to write simple code; using a Drupal variable, in this case, should be done if the users that can create nodes of that content type are few; if there are many users who can create those nodes, then using a database table is better.
Also when using Drupal variables, Drupal is using a database table; the difference is that the content of that database table is always loaded in memory. If you need to store many data, you should not use Drupal variables.
Modified solution to use $_SESSION as I'm working mostly with anonymous users:
function mymodule_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$message_nid = 255;
if (!isset($_SESSION['node_access'])) {
$_SESSION['node_access'] = array();
if (!isset($_SESSION['node_access']['nid'])) {
$_SESSION['node_access']['nid'] = $message_nid;
$form_state['redirect'] = 'node/' . $message_nid;
function mymodule_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
$node_access = NODE_ACCESS_IGNORE;
if ($op == 'view' && $node->type == 'message') {
if (isset($_SESSION['node_access'] && !empty($_SESSION['node_access'])) {
if ($node->nid == $_SESSION['node_access']['nid']) {
$node_access = NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW ;
} else {
$node_access = NODE_ACCESS_DENY;
} else {
$node_access = NODE_ACCESS_DENY;
return $node_access;
