How to send output plot from 'checkresiduals() function to a pdf file - r

I am wondering if there is a way to send the output plot from the checkresiduals() function to a pdf file.
I have the following command :-
checkresiduals(ts_regr_auto_new_objects[[1]], test = FALSE, plot = TRUE)
This generates a series of plots including ACF plot, residual density plot and the residual plot.
Will try and attach the image - for some reason its not doing it now but hopefully can reproduce the image again later.
The image is attached now :-
I can save the save the image as a pdf file from the RStudio console but I would like to be able to do so from code as this is a part of a larger application code.
Best regards

I'm not familiar with checkresiduals, but generally it should be possible to save PDF with base R:
# start PDF output
pdf(file = "plot.pdf", paper = "a4")
# some graphics
# end of output, save file
So for your case probably this:
pdf(file = "plot.pdf", paper = "a4")
checkresiduals(ts_regr_auto_new_objects[[1]], test = FALSE, plot = TRUE)
See documentation... Hope this helps.


How can I View the output of this animation code in Rstudio

This R code is to create an animated plot, I have run it and it did run but I have not been able to view it. it is said to save it output on pdf file though I saw the file but unable to open it. I got the code at How do I transfer output of animation R package on a beamer frame
because I want to learn how to input R animated plot on latex thus I was given this as an example. can you show me how I can view its output either on Rstudio or where the code saves it to? If you mean that the output can be viewed on pdf that is originally saved to, show me how? I am using Acrobat Reade Dc.
brownianMotion <- function(n=10,xlim=c(-20,20),ylim=c(-20,20),steps=50)
for (i in 1:steps) {
plot(x,y,xlim = xlim,ylim = ylim)
# iterate over particles
for(k in 1:n){
walk=rnorm(2); # random move of particle
x[k]=x[k]+walk[1] # new position
# simple model for preventing a particle from moving past the limits
if(x[k]<xlim[1]) x[k]=xlim[1]
if(x[k]>xlim[2]) x[k]=xlim[2]
if(y[k]<ylim[1]) y[k]=ylim[1]
if(y[k]>ylim[2]) y[k]=ylim[2]
pdf("frames.pdf") # output device and file name
par(xaxs="i", yaxs="i", pty="s") # square plot region
par(mai=c(0.9,0.9,0.2,0.2)) # plot margins
brownianMotion(n=20, steps=400) # 20 particles, 400 time steps
There are two things here :
you need to add after plotting so that the current plot is saved to the output device
the loop over step is rewriting the same filename for each plot, so that you end-up in having only the last frame in frames.pdf. Following this tutorial, you should rather write separate pdf files to an output folder, then animate them within LaTeX.
brownianMotion <- function(n=10,xlim=c(-20,20),ylim=c(-20,20),steps=50){
for (i in 1:steps) {
pdf(paste0("out/frames", i, ".pdf")) # save frames{i}.pdf to 'out' folder
plot(x,y,xlim = xlim,ylim = ylim)
text(x,y) # Adding
par(xaxs="i", yaxs="i", pty="s") # square plot region
par(mai=c(0.9,0.9,0.2,0.2)) # plot margins
if (!dir.exists("out")) dir.create("out") # create 'out' folder if it doesn't exist
brownianMotion(n=20, steps=4) # 20 particles, 4 steps
The out folder will be located where your working directory is (use getwd() to see it).

drake readd function not working for plots

I'm trying to trouble shoot why Drake plots are not showing up with readd() - the rest of the pipeline seem's to have worked though.
Not sure if this is caused by minfi::densityPlot or some other reason; my thoughts are the later as it's also not working for the barplot function which is base R.
In the RMarkdown report I have readd(dplot1) etc. in the chunks but the output is NULL
This is the code I have in my R/setup.R file:
pkgconfig::set_config("drake::strings_in_dots" = "literals") # New file API
# Your custom code is a bunch of functions.
make_beta <- function(rgSet){
rgSet_betas = minfi::getBeta(rgSet)
make_filter <- function(rgSet){
rgSet_filtered = DNAmArray::probeFiltering(rgSet)
This is my R/plan.R file:
# The workflow plan data frame outlines what you are going to do
plan <- drake_plan(
baseDir = system.file("extdata", package = "minfiData"),
targets = read.metharray.sheet(baseDir),
rgSet = read.metharray.exp(targets = targets),
mSetSq = preprocessQuantile(rgSet),
detP = detectionP(rgSet),
dplot1 = densityPlot(rgSet, sampGroups=targets$Sample_Group,main="Raw", legend=FALSE),
dplot2 = densityPlot (getBeta (mSetSq), sampGroups=targets$Sample_Group, main="Normalized", legend=FALSE),
pal = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal (8,"Dark2"),
dplot3 = barplot (colMeans (detP[,1:6]), col=pal[ factor (targets$Sample_Group[1:6])], las=2, cex.names=0.8, ylab="Mean detection p-values"),
report = rmarkdown::render(
output_file = file_out("report.html"),
quiet = TRUE
After using make(plan) it looks like everything ran smoothly:
config <- drake_config(plan)
I am able to use loadd() to load the objects needed for one of these plots and then make the plots, like this:
densityPlot(rgSet, sampGroups=targets$Sample_Group,main="Raw", legend=FALSE)
But the readd() command doesn't work?
The output in the .html for dplot3 looks weird...
Fortunately, this is expected behavior. drake targets are return values of commands, and so the value of dplot3 is supposed to be the return value of barplot(). The return value of barplot() is actually not a plot. The "Value" section of the help file (?barplot) explains the return value.
A numeric vector (or matrix, when beside = TRUE), say mp, giving the coordinates of all the bar midpoints drawn, useful for adding to the graph.
If beside is true, use colMeans(mp) for the midpoints of each group of bars, see example.
So what is going on? As with most base graphics functions, the plot from barplot() is actually a side effect. barplot() sends the plot to a graphics device and then returns something else to the user.
Have you considered ggplot2? The return value of ggplot() is actually a plot object, which is more intuitive. If you want to stick with base graphics, maybe you could save the plot to an output file.
plan <- drake_plan(
dplot3 = {

Save automatically produced plots in R

I'm using a function in R able to analyse my data and produce several plots.
The function is "snpzip" from adegenet package.
I would like to save automatically the three plots that the function produces as part of the output. Do you have any suggestion on how to do it?
I want to point to the fact that I know how to save a single plot, for instance with png or pdf followed by My problem is that when I run snpzip(snps, phen, method = "centroid"), the outcomes are three plots (which I would like to save).
I report here the same example as in the "adegenet" package:
simpop <- glSim(100, 10000, n.snp.struc = 10, grp.size = c(0.3,0.7),
LD = FALSE, alpha = 0.4, k = 4)
snps <- as.matrix(simpop)
phen <- simpop#pop
outcome <- snpzip(snps, phen, method = "centroid")
If you use a filename with a C integer format in it, then R will substitute the page number for that part of the name, generating multiple files. For example,
will generate 3 files, page1.png, page2.png, and page3.png. For pdf(), you also need onefile=FALSE:
pdf("page%d.pdf", onefile = FALSE)

R: How to save plot of "find_droughts" function from "lfstat" package as an image using code?

When I try to save this particular plot as an image, I only get an empty white image file. With this same code I managed to save multiple other "normal" plots, but it just won't work for find_droughts function (maybe also for some others).
I can save the plot manually by clicking "Export" in the Viewer, but I have a lot of plots to save and I would really like to do it using code.
This code generates the plot I have in mind:
# random data
date<-seq(from=as.Date("2018-01-01"), to=as.Date("2018-12-31"), by="days")
flow<-c(runif(150, min=50, max=180),runif(95, min=25, max=50),runif(120, min=50, max=400))
# dataframe
names(flow.df)<-c("day", "month", "year", "flow")
#dataframe to lfobj
lfobj <- createlfobj(flow.df,hyearstart = 1, baseflow = FALSE)
# lfobj to xts
# find droughts
droughts<-find_droughts(xts, threshold=47, drop_minor = 0)
# Save plot as .png
mypath <- file.path(paste(savehere,filename, sep = ""))
I need help with the last step - "# Save plot as .png".
And if anybody knows a way to change title of this plot, names of axis labels and so on, this would also help.
I think the reason is that the default plot from the 'find_droughts' function is an interactive plot based on dygraph package.
I can think of two ways to overcome your issue.
If you want to plot static png, you can define on the plot function the type of the plot, so it's not the default (interactive) anymore. Based on your code, it will be:
# Save plot as .png
savehere <- "C:/.../"
filename <- "myplot.png"
mypath <- file.path(paste(savehere,filename, sep = ""))
plot(droughts, type='l') # by defining type 'l', it will provide a plot of xts object, which is static
If you want to plot an interactive plot, you can do something as below:
# Save plot as .html
library(htmlwidgets) # for saving html files
savehere <- "C:/.../"
filename <- "myplot.html"
mypath <- file.path(paste(savehere,filename, sep = ""))
InteractivePlot <- plot(droughts)
saveWidget(InteractivePlot , file=mypath)
# the above function will generate the interactive plot as an html file, but also a folder, which you might want to delete, since it's not required for viewing the plot. For deleting this folder you can do the following
foldername <- "myplot_files"
mypath <- file.path(paste(savehere,foldername , sep = ""))
unlink(mypath, recursive = T)
Hope this helps.

How to plot and save it inside a R function in R in mac

My question is that I want to save a plot inside an overall big function to summarize result. However, when I do not put my plotting command in the big function, it works great, but when I run the big function, then I my plot can not be opened because they are damaged. Is there any options I can achieve my goal? Neither of the two options I provide below works.
Thanks guys!:)
I am using a mac machine with yosemite system
Here is my code:
poissonICARMCMCPost = function(overallRes, preProcessData,path){
####Posterior part#########################################
### get the posterior information from the posterior samples
result = overallRes$result
resultSubset = overallRes$resultSubset
dev.copy2pdf(file = paste(path, "acfplot", ".pdf", sep=""))
I have also tried
poissonICARMCMCPost = function(overallRes, preProcessData,path){
####Posterior part#########################################
### get the posterior information from the posterior samples
result = overallRes$result
resultSubset = overallRes$resultSubset
pdf(paste(path, "acfplot", ".pdf", sep=""))
Thanks for MrFlick's great comment, I find a solution that works for now:
poissonICARMCMCPost = function(overallRes, preProcessData,path){
####Posterior part#########################################
### get the posterior information from the posterior samples
result = overallRes$result
resultSubset = overallRes$resultSubset
dev.copy2pdf(file = paste(path, "acfplot", ".pdf", sep=""))
