Nextjs in Production - next.js

I know that Next.js can do SSR.
I have questions about production.
In my experience(no SSR). Frontend build static files, and then give the folder to backend to integrate.And there is only one server.
I want to know that if we want to use SSR with Next.js (not static site).
Do we need host two server? One for host backend(nodes, java…), another for host frontned(next.js)?
If I use nodejs as backend language.Can I write all api in next.js?(I mean frontend and backend code all use next.js, so that there is only one server).
If question one's answer is yes, I see the document use next start to host server, is it strong enough to host many users?

Do we need host two server? One for host backend(nodes, java…), another for host > frontned(next.js)?
In most cases you would have a single server producing the SSR as well as rendering the markup required for the client. The associated Javascript files that only the browser can be sent via a asset serving server ( e.g: An S3 bucket ) - You would front the whole thing using a CDN so your server would not get all public requests
If I use nodejs as backend language.Can I write all api in next.js?(I mean frontend and backend code all use next.js, so that there is only one server).
Yes, for simplistic uses you can checkout the api solve that NextJS ships with.
If question one's answer is yes, I see the document use next start to host ? server, is it strong enough to host many users?
You would use a next build and next start - With the latest optimizations nextjs adds Static site generation (SSG) - Sorry one more confusing term but this lets your backend nodejs app receive much lesser requests and be smart about serving repetitive requests, However even with these abilities you should front the whole thing using a CDN to ensure high availability and low operating costs.


How to test different versions of backend services on Kubernetes?

I have a frontend instance (Angular app on nginx), which proxies calls to backend under a specific domain (let's say backend-app). Everything's easy when there is only one instance of both backend and frontend - I name the Service backend-app and DNS resolves to the correct backend Deployment.
Let's say I have another version of backend which I would like to test before merging to master. As nginx configuration of frontend instance is hardcoded to proxy to backend-api, creating another Service under the same name for a newer version of backend doesn't work.
I considered these options:
Making an environment variable and substituting domain name in nginx proxy configuration during runtime. This way I could be flexible about where do I want to route frontend calls to. Cons of this solution, as far as I have investigated, is that this approach beats the purpose of self-containment, that is, it becomes ambiguous what is the frontend's backend client and this type of configuration is prone to errors.
Creating different namespace every time I want to test things. While this allows spinning the whole stack without any problem or conflict, it seems to me that it's a huge overhead to create namespaces just for testing something once.
Having some fancy configurations combining labels and selectors. I couldn't think or find how to do it.
Any other opinions/suggestions you might have?
Try this approach
add label name:backend-1 to backend1 pod
add label name:backend-2 to backend2 pod
create a service using backend-1 selector.
to test against other backend, say backend2, all you have to do is edit the service yaml file and update the selector. you can toggle this way to test between backend1 and backend2
Are you using open shift. If yes then you can divide load between services by percentage using route.
Check blue/green and canary deployment options for more details

accessing WordPress DB from remote server

Need some advice before starting develop some things.. I've 15 WordPress websites on different installs, and I've remote server which gets data 24/7 from those websites.
I've reached a point that I want the server to modify the websites based on his calculated data.
The things are this:
Should I allow the server the access the WP DB remotely and modify things without using WP on the circle?
Or, use WP REST API and supply some secured routes which provide data and accept data and make those changes?
My instinct is to use the WP API, but. After all its a PHP (nginx+apache) which have some limits (timeout for example) and I find it hard to run hard and long process on the WP itself.
I can divide the tasks to different levels, for example:
fetching data (simple get)
make some process on the remote server
loop and modify in small batches to another route
My concerns are that this circle require perfect match between remote server and WP API, and any change or fix on WP side brings plugins update on the websites which is not much fun.
Hope for any ideas and suggests to make it forward.
"use WP REST API and supply some secured routes which provide data and accept data and make those changes", indeed.
i don't know why timeout or another limits may cause a problem - but using API is the best way for such kind of cases. You can avoid timeout problems with some adjustments on web servers side.
Or you can increase memory, timeout limit exclusively for requested server.
if ($_SERVER["remote_attr"]=='YOUR_MAIN_SERVER_IP') {

Meteor serve remote video files as a reverse proxy

A bit of a weird question :) I have a video at and I would like my Meteor server to respond to exactly as if the video from s3 was living there. So that I can stream, seek etc ie that
<video><source src="" type="video/mp4"></video>
would behave exactly like
<video><source src="" type="video/mp4"></video>
while not hosting anything on my server.
This doesn't do the job: it seems to download everything (my server went out of memory...)
The reason of this weird request is that Safari is not doing a great job with CORS (see here and here) and I can't paint to a canvas a video from a different domain... setting crossOrigin and configuring CORS correctly in AWS doesn't solve it.
And just to check: there is no simpler way to set AWS config to make things as if the content was coming from right?
Lots going on here. You're on the right track with reverse proxy, as that's the only way you'll change the outbound source of the files. But for a hosted Meteor app, that is still being developed for AWS integration, so people end up using a reverse proxy like Nginx, which is most popular now for Meteor devs.
The SO question you posted is directions for how to go directly from the S3 bucket, but it looks like what you want to do is serve the content from the bucket (that you own?) and have it's source by your website. In and of itself not hard, you will need to configure your AWS setup so that the content is streamed from your S3 then to your hosted space, and through to the app. Cloudfront is a service they have that can start the process for you, but without knowing more about your server / host setup its hard to troubleshoot. You'll have to specify an origin domain name when delivering content through AWS CF, but you'll surely be able to figure out how to get this to be, particularly if you're already hosting on AWS and use Nginx.

Is there a way to change the MONGO_URL in code?

I'm searching for a way to change the way Meteor loads the Mongo database. Right now, I know I can set an environment variable when I launch Meteor (or export it), but I was hoping there was a way to do this in code. This way, I could dynamically connect to different instances based on conditions.
An example test case would be for the code to parse the url '' and then look up a URL based on the 'textxx' subdomain and then connect to that particular instance.
I've tried setting the process.env.MONGO_URL in the server code, but when things execute on the client, it's not picking up the new values.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Meteor connects to Mongo right when it starts (using this code), so any changes to process.env.MONGO_URL won't affect the database connection.
It sounds like you are trying to run one Meteor server on several domains and have it connect to several databases at the same time depending on the client's request. This might be possible with traditional server-side scripting languages, but it's not possible with Meteor because the server and database are pretty tightly tied together, and the server basically attaches to one main database when it starts up.
The * hosting is doing something similar to this right now, and in the future Meteor's Galaxy commercial product will allow you to do this - all by starting up separate Meteor servers per subdomain.

How to restrict a Flex application to only run from my website?

is it possible to make a Flex-application to only run from my domain? So a user can't copy the .swf and start it locally.
In a lot of cases this won't work because of the security model associated with the crossdomain.xml.
Say for example, I have a flex app that has a service call and login to my backend database (perhaps PHP and mysql). Unless I explicitly enable it in crossdomain.xml policy file the app will not be able to communicate with my server unless the swf file is directly loaded from my domain. If the app was local it would look to my server like localhost was trying to access my backend through the flex app. So by default this would not work unless an explicit rule was put in place in the crossdomain.xml to allow access from localhost. Likewise someone cannot simply put the swf on a different server and try to access from my server unless I add that remote server to the crossdomain.xml policy.
So back to your question. Obviously, this crossdomain.xml stuff doesn't really apply if your flex app is really simple and does not try to make service calls to a server. For example, if you have simple game that just loads and plays without additional server calls inside the flex game.
If you wanted to protect your app you could have a basic "phone home" process during the startup sequence that makes a very simple server call to your website. It doesn't have to be anything super complicated, just require a round trip service call in the start up of your app. Perhaps check for a simple key or string stored in a variable on the PHP side, and don't let the flex app run unless that key is valid. You could hardcode the expected key inside the actionscript. Or perhaps have a basic logger that tracks how many times the app is launched and store the count in a database or something. The main thing is do not let the app completely launch until this request to the server has returned a valid result.
If you have this in place then the crossdomain.xml policies will kick in and if someone downloads your swf it shouldn't work because it will try to make a call from localhost to your server. Or if they steal your app and host it on their site it shouldn't work either.
The simplest solution il probably to check the value of
on application startup (for example in the applicationComplete event) and match it with your web site domain.
Do check out flash.System.Capabilities.playerType on LiveDocs as well.
