Does "indent" term using only for horizontal gap? [closed] - css

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is it correct to say "(vertical) indent before unordered list"?
Or "indent" term using only for horizontal spacing?

indent as a CSS property describes the space before the content horizontally floating on the left as shown in the docs
If you would like to achieve similar vertically, you have to use padding, margin or some flexbox logic whatever you want to achieve.


How to get the desired shape of CSS elements [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I need to make a shape like this from a div.
How can I do this with CSS ?.
Maybe clip-path is a option, but in most cases it's best to use a image/ svg.
More info on clip-path:

How to align the icons to the right of the text with the icon list elementor module? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I would like to Align the icons to the right of the text with the module "icon list elementor", there is no option for this can be a css solution?
icon list
You are correct, by saying that there is no option for that -
But in you module, you can achieve it by applying the following css.
selector .elementor-icon-list-item{
selector .elementor-icon-list-icon{
This would make your list have the icon at the end, and you can then toy around with positioning.

Remove label section from paper-textarea [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'd like to remove the extra space that the label takes up in a polymer text-area. Is this possible? Thank you.
These are three mixins that can be applied to label in paper-text-area. You can use these to style label or hide it as per your need
I guess there are some default margin on padding. Without code it's hard to say.

Css Chrome zoom breaks layout [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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zooming in on chrome dispositions elements by >= 1px
yeah, by zooming in on divs which are a set size, you're not guarenteed to get a fixed size back from zooming in on them, and your layout must be very tight and unforgiving if your layout breaks

Margin right ignored in bourbon neat? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm working on a portfolio site and would like each project box to span 4 columns on all layout sizes. Their width seems to be correct based on the column grid shown. But why do the right margins get ignored by the browser??
Because .project is indeed the last child in .project-container div.
I'm not massively familiar with Burbon - just switched those ( .project and .project-container ) classes around
so now .project:last-child properly applies to the last-child
Have a look:
