How do I receive mail from React Native app using firebase? - firebase

I am creating a "Send Feedback" screen on React Native Expo and I need a way for users to send feedback via a submit form and I need to redirect their emails to my email address. Does anyone have a clue or can offer some direction. Thank you so much for your time.

You can solve it in another way:
First create a collection (feedback) in your Firebase Cloud Firestore. When a user sends the feedback via the submit form, they make an entry in the collection with the data of the feedback.
Then you can create a Firebase Cloud Functions, that executes 1 time everyday and send you an email with the latest new feedbacks. Make sure to check out nodemailer too.


Flutter firebase trigger email implementation

I've been trying to create a contact form for my flutter project. The contact form is composed of two steps. First, the user provides their email and then describes their issue. Once the user presses submit, I want to receive an email on my end. I've look at several packages like mailer and flutter_email_sender. However, they don't seem to offer good solutions; mailer requires that I provide the password to my email address in my code (opening up the possibility for vulnerabilities). Flutter_email_sender simply opens up an email app on the phone.
Recently I've come across the perfect solution, Firebase's new extension Trigger Email. Although the extension seems promising, I can't find any resources outlining proper implementation of Trigger Email in Flutter.
Can you please provide an example of how Trigger Email can be implemented in Flutter project?
From the documentation of the extension:
Use this extension to render and send emails that contain the information from documents added to a specified Cloud Firestore collection.
So to send an email you write a document to Cloud Firestore. For examples of writing to Cloud Firestore from Flutter, see the FlutterFire documentation for examples of this.

I want connect my firebase information with my mail

I just created a contact form and I use firebase realtime database to get the information of the website visitor who want to contact me.
and now I want receive an email with the information form firebase each time a visitor send a contact submission from the web site.
how can I connect firebase realtime database with my email?
thank you
I hope this will help you achieve your desired functionality.
One way of doing is by using Firebase Cloud Functions. You state that you want to receive an email after a user persists information to firebase Realtime database. I suggest have a thorough look at Firebase Cloud Functions and look under firebase real-time database triggers. These functions get executed or are triggered after an operation(delete, update, write) occurs within the database. Also have a look at Firebase Functions Send Email for how to implement the email sending part.

React native push notification getting data from API

I'm new to react native and I need some help.
I need to implement a feature that the application informs the client if it has an appointment on the day and if it does, notify him, if not, not notify.
However, I believe that the application needs to check in the API if it has any scheduling and if it has to check if it is on the scheduling day and if it is, send a notification to the client
Correct me if I'm wrong
I'm using react-native-push-notification
But I can't make the logic for this to happen, I can offer my code so they can help me
You can opt to go with the react-native-push-notification with firebase so that You can able to send the push notification whenever you want through the blackened.
Firebase documentation:Cloud Messaging

Can I modify the template used for Firebase's email link-based authentication?

I'm walking through the steps described here and upon sending the verification email to myself, I get an email in my inbox from
For other email-based auth steps, I can customize the sender name and email address directly from the Firebase console:
Am I missing something that could help me with Email Link sign-in or do I need to go through the process of modifying the SMTP settings in my app's console?
I noticed the same behavior / restriction in the Firebase console. Considering that the underlying .firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword method could write your new user to firestore, i guess you could use firebase function to trigger a custom email via sendGrid, for example, and you could flesh out a custom workflow from there.
This article, Email via Firebase Firestore Cloud Function Triggers includes the code to trigger custom emails and could be adapted to your needs. I imagine the trick will be to get the .emailValidated property set to true. It may be as easy as switching the boolean - i don't know.
All in all, it seems like a lot of work just to get a customized validation email though. I would recommend you just stick with what they provide.

How to implement Firebase Invites in my Android application?

I want to implement the Firebase Invite Feature, where a user can send a link which is unique to his/her friends and whenever the other receiver installs the app using this link my application recognize it and act accordingly.
Now I have searched quite a while about Firebase invite and I came to know that you can send the link only via email and android messages. However, I want the user to send via any other social networking app.
What approach should be followed while implementing this?
Firebase Invites is a UI layer to send dynamic links to other users through email. If you want to send the links with another service, you can create them directly using Firebase Dynamic Links.
