Creating a map book for feature elements - report

I have a point feature class that is survey monuments. I'd like to create a page for each survey monument that would have a a overview map showing where the monument is and a report on the attributes. Ideally I'd like to be able to insert photos that are attached to the feature.
I'm trying to determine what software would be best to do this, and any tricks I need to know. I have access to the following software:
ArcGIS Pro
It seems like this should be a common type of thing to want to do, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it in any software other than using the Geocortex reporting tool. However, these aren't currently in our Geocortex site and it is quite cumbersome to get everything to a point where I can create reports there.

I figured this out. Not sure why I missed it initially. In ArcGIS Pro they are called Map Series and in ArcMap they are data driven maps.
Searching on those will give tonnes of information on how to do them.


How to create HERE maps

HERE maps for certain city like Chennai, India is very limited. I understand that lot of information can be added so that it will benefit end-user.
My question, can I create a new map using HERE and allow my version of maps to be downloaded? If yes? How can I do this
HERE Maps is a proprietary software so you can not try to recreate your own version of it. Trying to recreate a Map API by yourself is a cool idea, but it is also a good idea to build something on top of a technology or an application that is already existing. There are other Map API's out there like OpenStreetMap and Google Maps that allows user to create and add data about POIs (Point of Interests) and/or locations. The data on these apps are also open source, that is why the community are encouraged to contribute data of their own on top of the Application.
TIP: If you are really onto it here is a page that documents the stuffs the happened behind the scenes in developing the HERE Maps:

Creating an indoor map

I wonder if someone here can help here ,in my web application I'm trying to create map section:
In my map section the objective is to show an indoor search like in the attached picture from Yahoo Maps does someone know how they Created the tenants names and level of the floor on the maps it self?
I think the best answer for this one is going to depend on which mapping framework you were interested in using.
If you're using Yahoo maps: Yahoo got that indoor map data from Nokia's here platform. As far as I know, they don't offer an editor for the indoor mapping data. The major mapping platforms often have some self-service mechanism to add or correct mapping data. If you were set on having this available and you were using Yahoo's maps, you might want to try to contact someone at Nokia's "here" and see how you might be able to get that to happen.
With that being said, you can do something like that with Google Maps as well. They have information and a way to add the interior layout of a building here. I haven't used it...I just know that it exists, so I can't speak to it in much detail.
There is also some support for this kind of thing in OpenStreetMap. I would post a link to an example of it, but stackoverflow says I can't post more than 2 links unless I have more than 10 reputation. (Sorry...I'm still relatively new to posting on here.)

Graph collaboration tool and adjacency list generation

I'm looking for an online tools where me and my team could collaborate on creating graphs.
The purpose is to bind related words, and generate the adjacency list. For example,
will generate the following list :
The idea is to allow people to collaborate simply using graph visualization, without diving through the adjacency list directly.
There is one service wchich I believe is going to be designed to allow people to collaborate on creating a graph. It is Graph Commons. Site slogan says:
Collaborative 'network mapping' platform and knowledge base of relationships
Unfortunately at the moment you can only sign up for beta invitation on the website. And from the website it is not clear what the creation/editing mechanism would be.
You could use yfiles library to build a graph editor online, but I've never used it and I don't know if you can manage multimple sessions (hence allowing direct collaboration). But, for instance, if you use graphity, which is an implementation of yfiles flex library, and save a file on dropbox, then each collaborator has access to that file, and you can set up a rudimentary collaboration graph tool. Maybe.
It would be great to have tools like LucidChart or, but they don't allow to export a graph file (e.g. graphML from which you can then have an edgelist with some other programs like Gephi). Those tools only allow you to export images and vectors. exports xml, but not graphML.
I believe Linkurious let you edit your graph. Again, I've never used it, I don't know if you can manage multiple sessions > collaboration. But I would check it out. Edit: Linkurious enterprise edition (see pricing) is desegned to handle multiple user sessions.
What about building something with vis.js? The library has the ability to «listen for changes in the data» using a DataSet component. Have a look at this example.
I'm sorry if I don't have any real answer, but since your question is very interesting in these days, and the right tools would come out sooner or later (if it doesn't exists), I wanted to share these thoughts. I hope they can help. Please post when you find a solution!

I want to create some very specific heatmaps. Can it be done?

First of all, I'd like to explain what I want to achieve.
Imagine that I own a leaflet drop business. I cover a city, which is divided into 10 sections.
I want to leaflet-drop those 10 sections systematically, and have a heatmap that shows when they were last done (ie, if an area was done just last week, it would show up as green, but if it was done 6 months ago, it would be red.)
However, occasionally, I would do additional leaflet drops within the area, that I wouldn't want to be included in the data above - these would then show up on the heatmap in, say, blue.
I've been looking at OpenLayers, and it seems like it can do what I want - but I'm not really that technical, so need advice. OpenLayers has the ability to select specific areas with a polygon tool, which is exactly what I need - but how can I input this data, which will change frequently?
I currently monitor coverage of the territories with an Excel spreadsheet, but would like this heatmap system in addition to that.
So - any ideas?
Heck, for a tool for you to use yourself, you could use a drawing package like Inkscape. Scan a map of the area, paste that in, draw polygons for the areas you care about, and then every time you do a drop, change the colour of the polygon.
OpenLayers is generally used by software developers to aggregate geospatial/map data from various sources into web applications used by many users. OpenLayers can do what you want but not without writing a fair amount of JavaScript code. You might be looking more for a tool like ESRI's ArcCatalog, although it is probably too powerful for your needs.
I did a quick google search of "best map drawing tools" and found SmartDraw, for example. I have no affiliation with SmartDraw, nor do I know if it's any good, but it seems like this type of software would be more suited to your needs.
For what you say would be more useful a desktop tool as e.g. (is open source and free)

Does anyone know how to create a interactive graphs using flare or other visualisation classes?

Does anyone know of software or flex/flash/as3 source or visualisation software that could be used to make interactive graphs, where the user would enter a query that would pull data from a MySQL database and the user would build a sunburst or icicle graph by dragging and dropping items into a tree-like structure and they would be able to view the graph? i have attempted to use flare but my programming skills are pretty bad. So far from what i gather, flare only allows the graphing of defined datasets rather than allowing a user to modify the dataset and thus creating a new dataset.
This is far too big for the scope of a single question. You're going to need to write at least a few different pieces.
1.) Access to the database and a way to view datasets
2.) Control handlers to drag and drop datasets onto your chart object
3.) A chart object that can handle receiving dropped dataset items and render itself accordingly.
There are lots of good charting frameworks out there including Flare, Axiis, Flex charting, Fusion Charts, iLog Elixir. I'm not sure what you're trying to do but any one of those should be able to serve as your charting piece.
We worked on a project that used Flare and Flex. We had to provide the data to Flare in an XML format called GraphML, so we had code to convert the data into the required format in our C# backend, and then we passed it to Flex. There were naff all tutorials for it though, so took some time to figure it out.
There is a properly cool graphing tool (although its commercial) called Kapit. Check out their Diagrammer and Visualizer demos. It could be the case that its worth the spend.
But I agree with Mr Owen, theres some mad scope in that question:)
