I am using the lighthouse API to pull pagespeed insights and recommendations and have run into an issue where when I test the page in the ui, https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights, I get results but the screen shot of the page only shows the log in page. Technically the page is available both publicly (without logging in) and behind the login though. I am afraid that the results are for the "log in page" and not the page I want to analyze.
Curious if anyone has run into the same and if there is a way past this with the API (eg: API request inclusive of user credentials, etc).
Good Morning,
So I am facing a dilemma using Firebase Auth (specifically Google OAuth).
Google seems to have blocked the use of their OAuth when a user access my site via a web-view (for example they have clicked on the link in TikTok and the website has opened within a view in TikTok)
It makes sense as to why Google has blocked this, however, this is now stopping my ads from being successful as users see the ad, click on the link, and then it opens up in the TikTok web view, and then they can't log into my web application.
I'm using the simple Firebase Authentication plugin, with Nuxt/Firebase the code for it is as below:
const provider = new this.$fireModule.auth.GoogleAuthProvider()
prompt: 'select_account'
Does anyone know any workaround? I've googled this so much but the only real solution I have come across is if I'm creating an android/ios app and this is not a mobile application, this is just a web application.
Thanks so much for your help.
I am trying to set up a company website to use an adfs log in system, using the instructions found on https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-implement-sso-aspnet-mvc-application-adfs-tuomas-kesti, but my site does not redirect to the adfs page, and instead loads the home page of the site as if nothing happened. Looking at the network page in inspect element shows that the site never calls or redirects to the adfs page.
In my web.config file, the realm and reply values are set up to the main site, with the issuer value being the adfs site and follows the same format of "https://sts.domain.com/adfs/ls/". The adfs site is up and running with and the thumbprint from its certificate is added in the tag. passiveRedirectEnabled is set to true in the tag.
Im not sure what the problem is, and looking it up online doesn't find me any results. If anyone has an idea on why my site isn't autocratically redirecting, that would be appreciated.
Yes, it seems that the code in your tutorial doesn't redirect automatically when no JWT is available. I.e. the last code sample should contain an 'else' that responds with a redirect to the ADFS login page.
Have a look at these samples for Azure AD:
I found them very helpful and they can (mostly) be used with a standalone ADFS as well. Most of all, they cover all sorts of solution architectures and framework versions.
I have power BI embedded into my ASP.NET web application and is working for other developers and works on a previous computer but now I have a new computer without the last and it doesn't work.
after entering the web application, and clicking on the power BI button, for others, it shows a Office 365 login screen but for me, it appears and then disappears without giving the chance to enter in my details, therefore returning an error, of an unauthorized user.
I have tested and cleared cookies, session variables and any history from my computer so don't believe it is that.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I am implementing a bookmarking service (think Instapaper) using Firebase as a back end. Mostly it's working great, however I'm running into one major problem.
A core part of the service will be a bookmarklet that allows users to bookmark pages they are currently viewing in their browser (again, like Instapaper's: https://www.instapaper.com/save).
The first problem I encountered when implementing this was that even when a user is logged in on my firebaseapp.com page, that user was not showing up as authenticated when the javascript from the bookmarklet was fired. I figured out this was most likely due to cross-domain issues, so I next implemented an iframe-based solution. The idea being that the url of the iframe is hosted on my firebaseapp.com site, allowing the currently-logged-in user to show up as authenticated.
This works great in Chrome and Firefox but fails in Safari when the security setting for cookies and website data is set to "Allow from websites I visit" rather than "Always allow" (asking users to switch that setting to "Always allow" is not practical).
Is there any solution to this problem? Forcing users to log in every time the bookmarklet is clicked on a new domain would be highly inconvenient. I'm basically out of ideas at this point (and starting to get out of my depth on the web dev side of things).
Thank you so much for any help!
I have set up a simple intranet at file:///c:/Path/Index.html and I'd like to track its use with Google Analytics.
Because its protocol is 'file:', not 'http:', it does not have a domain name. Is there a way to use Google Analytics anyway ?
If you turn on file auditing you can view access logs with that, but other than adding a web server app I can't see how this would work with google.
Any web page that is accessed locally, the cookies will be generated by Google Analytics and will not be recorded, simply because does not have a domain to be recorded.
If you want to measure your data in Google Analytics requires that your intranet is up and running within a Web Server.
Not being redirected to the Local Host but to a fictitious domain.
I was looking for information on implementing google analytics on static HTML, came across this official google info -
"Static website
A static website is one in which the page HTML is NOT generated using a programming language or interface such Python, Ruby, PHP, etc. To collect data, you must copy and paste the Analytics tracking code into the source code on every web page you wish to track.
Once you have the Javascript tracking code snippet for your property, copy the snippet exactly without editing it.
Paste your tracking code snippet (unaltered, in its entirety) before the closing tag on every web page on your site you wish to track.
If you wish to collect data from web pages to multiple properties at once, learn how to track a page using multiple accounts or properties."