Is Google Calendar V3 still supporting API Key Authentication? - google-calendar-api

I've been using Google Calendar API for several years for a project and suddenly I received the following error when requesting the list of holiday events:
( "Invalid Credentials".
According to the docs, it should be still be possible to authenticate with API Key but when testing it returns the same error. Am I missing something?

It seems to be a bug that affected many users in the last days
I recommend you to give it a "star" to increase visibility and hope for prompt fixing.


This API project is not authorized to use this API - using geocode in R

I've been looking all the answers to this same question, but the solutions seem to be too old or not working...
I am using geocode from the ggmap library in R, I am using it to transform 100,000 addresses to a latitude and longitude...
Everything was working fine for 25,000 and suddenly I started getting the message
"This API project is not authorized to use this API" and now I'm unable to do anything anymore.
I enabled the geocoding API and the google cloud APIs in the google cloud platform..
I also changed the API key, it first said my key expired but after a while it started saying "This API project is not authorized to use this API" again..
As an additional note, my billing method is enabled and working fine
Why do you think this is happening? How to solve it?
well, after an hour or so it seems that it started working again... I assume considering that enabling the geocoding API was the only actual action I did and changing the API key, the only conclusion is that after you do that it's important to wait until all the changes are propagated or something.

New Google Analytics property not capturing traffic

We have a production prperty for google analytics and out IOS and Android Apps are recording the events and data.
I am trying to create a test property in order to use it in the test environment, how ever that does not seem to work. here is what I have done:
1. Created a new prperty under the production account
2. Created Streams for Ios, Android and Web
3. Cannot find the Tracking Id for the new property. Sme places I have read it is in the format
UA-AccountId-PrpertySlnumnber. I have tried that but not result.
4. Some places suggested to use the measurementid (G-xxxxxxxx) available in the web Stream and I used that but still it wont work.
However if I use PROD tracking Id in the code, it perfectly works. Am I missing anything? Any guidance will really help.
(Added as answer because low reputation doesn't allow comment)
Can you clarify if this is what is occurring?
Production property with production tracking ID shows data
Test property with test measurementID does not show data
Test property with test tracking ID (tracking ID not found)
Or did you mean Test property with Production tracking ID shows data?
Based on this, it sounds like your properties are not replicates. Are they both the same type of property? I would suggest going through the instructions on Google with both properties side-by-side.
See further info below:
A couple things to consider.
Have you setup the firebase console correctly?
Are the data being sent out correctly? You can check this in your network calls.
Is there a lot of data being tracked already in your current environment (Staging or dev)? Google analytics perform sampling on the data when there's too much data coming in. I think it's 1 million data points per day. It does 1% sampling on our production app.
I think my mistake was I was trying to create a new google analytics for firebase property but was not connecting it to the firebase.
The reason behind is I was trying to accomodate it with the older Google Analytics SDK implementation and I was not finding any documentation which said no it is mot possible.
Now, I created properties connected them through google firebase projects and enabled analytics with them. In my xamarin app I used Xamarin.Firebase packaged to get it working.

LinkedIn Sign In API recently intermittently failing

I'm having intermittent issues with signing in to LinkedIn with the LinkedIn Sign In API.
By intermittent I mean, I have two LinkedIn accounts, and as of this week one of them is unable to use the API to sign in to external services, such as the LinkedIn application I develop.
I'm authenticating via Auth0, whose engineers have confirmed there is an issue:
Over the last few weeks, the current version of the LinkedIn API for
has been intermittently failing when fetching the user
profile, causing a small number of users to fail to log in. The cause
of this issue is currently unknown, and is coming from LinkedIn
The Auth0 response i'm getting is the following (I've replaced senstivie response values with 'XX'):
{"name":"a0.response.invalid","message":"unknown error","json":{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"InternalOAuthError: failed to fetch user profile (status: 500 data: {\n \"errorCode\": 0,\n \"message\": \"Internal API server error\",\n \"requestId\": \"XX\",\n \"status\": 500,\n \"timestamp\": 1550474289966\n})","state":"XX"},"status":0}
I know this API is being depreciated in March, but it's imperative that this API continues to work until the decommission date. I'm wondering if anyone has found a work around or solution to this issue, as it's impacting my ability to run real-world trials of my application scheduled in this week.
I've contacted LinkedIn support who directed me here.
Auth0 recently released a change to LinkedIn social connection, allowing you to use the new LinkedIn API (Version 2). You can change this by going to Connections-->Social-->LinkedIn-->Strategy Version dropdown and select Version 2. This should fix most of the login issues with the old deprecated version of LinkedIn API. More information post.

gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get() is always false when Chrome Browser has multiple accounts

I copied the example given in Google Calendar API Quickstart and replaced it with the appropriate info. Every time I refresh the page, I'm asked to authorize before api data is fetched.
I'm using Chrome and I currently have multiple accounts / users. I noticed if I open an Incognito Window and sign in with one set of credentials then when I refresh the page I'm not asked to authorize.
Note, once I authenticate I receive calendar information so I don't believe it's an issue with client_id, api_key, scope, etc.
Looking at the example code, I'm guessing the getAuthInstance() is getting confused because of multiple accounts / users. Does anyone have any idea? Thanks!
This was happening when running on localhost. This issue stopped happening after deploying the webpage to a hosted server.

google cloud vision API error "Deadline expired before operation could complete."

I got the cloud vision API working, and I was having lots of fun tagging my images. I've only tested it on about 50 images. It was working yesterday. When I tried again today, I got an error. For the label annotation, the error is:
"Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota)."
For face detection, the error is:
"Deadline expired before operation could complete."
I don't think I have gone over the 1,000 monthly limit, but I can't figure out how to check. Does anyone know?
Or, does anyone have any ideas about why this would have happened if I am indeed below the 1,000 request limit (which I am pretty sure I am!)
Thanks for any help!
For future reference, you can check your quote using the API Manager in the Cloud Console.
On the left-nav, jump to API Manager Dashboard, then search for the Vision API.
The Vision API dashboard will have a "Quotas" tab that shows you how many requests have been made, etc.
You can also look at the Quotas page in the IAM & Admin section of the console, and filter by Service ("Google Cloud Vision API"):
