Google Analytics Real-time + historical data - google-analytics

I work for a non-profit that needs to see how our fundraising efforts are going in 'real-time'.
We look at results in blocks of about a half hour - so we need to report on how we finished the last 24 hours or so and also where we're at in the current half-hour. We're accomplishing this through google analytics, as we have multiple fundraising streams all pointing to a common GA account.
I have tried using datastudio to report against the GA API, but that connector does not seem to refresh at a reliable rate - someitmes it'll pull fresh data within a minute, sometimes it can take twenty minutes to report on recent transactions. I believe the 'real-time' API could be used to get fresher GA data, but as far as I can tell, that will only report 'live' data, and not prior/historical data (say from four hours ago). Does anyone know what API I could use if any to pull all data historical through current datetime?
I apologize if this request is vague, but I'm just looking for a conceptual approach at this point to get the freshest data - preferably in one fell swoop (API call). There is more complexity post-data intake (I have to then compare it to goals we've set for each half-hour, amongst other nuances to the transacitons themselves), so i wanted to start with this fundamental piece/question.

Given the context provided, I believe that the API solution would not be feasible. Among other reasons:
The real time API only offers a limited amount of dimensions and metrics. For example, e-commerce data is not available.
The Standard intraday processing SLA for the Core Reporting API is < 24 hours for standard properties. The processing occurs on a best effort basis. Meaning that an hourly availability can occur from time to time but can not be guaranteed.
As an alternative approach to the API solution, you could consider the use of an App + Web property which would allow you to stream event data in real time to BigQuery. However, this solution has some cost implications and would introduce you to a new tracking paradigm.


How to extract Google Analytics historical data using APIs. Pros and cons?

I'm doing a quick proof of concept to understand the procedure to extract historical data from Google Analytics to be further used for offline data stitching to generate a holistic view of data and its analysis. I have not found any detailed online documentation available to understand pros and cons.
Would like to know any limitations on:
The time period for which data can be extracted or any limitation for max. calendar days?
Whether all dimensions/metrics can be extracted or any specific ones?
Will the data be real-time or sampled?
Can all data be pulled into a single table or separate ones?
Will it be available for both freeware and premium version?
The time period for which data can be extracted or any limitation for max. calendar days?
Start date can not be before the launch of Google analytics on '2005-01-01'. Due to processing time lag extracting data that is newer then 2 days old can result in incomplete data. Recommend checking the isDataGolden flag on the response.
Requesting large date ranges can result in sampling which can not be prevented. Its best to request the data in small chunks.
Whether all dimensions/metrics can be extracted or any specific ones?
A list of the dimensions and metrics you can extract can be found here. Each request can contain a maximum of 7 dimensions and 10 metrics.
Will the data be real-time or sampled?
Real-time API and Reporting API are two different APIs. Real-time API is not to my knowledge sampled but as its only about five minutes of data I find it hard to think anyone but really big websites will hit this problem if it is.
Will it be available for both freeware and premium version?
Accessing Google Analytics APIs is free there is no charge. There are however limits on how much data you can extract in a given day.
By default your application can run a maximum of 50k request a day. This can be extended.
Each view you are extracting from can make a maximum of 10k requests day. This can not be extended.
See: limits and quotas for more info.
Note: I am a developer on a business intelligence application that extracts Google Analytics data. I can tell you that its definitely doable.

Anomaly detection for Google Analytics in realtime

I'm trying to detect anomalies in google analytics events like page views or custom events.
I tested the custom alert feature from google itself. The period for those alerts are per day, week or month. What I'm looking for is a realtime detection. It would be useful to define rules for alerts like a maximum divergence between two points in time. For example [now, now - 15 minutes] or [now, now - 24 hours] or [now, now - 7 days]. Some solutions provide alerts when fixed threshold got passed (like But thats not very helpful for highly fluctuating numbers that depend on weekday and daytime (like page views).
I would be thankful for any tips how to detect anomalies in GA in realtime.
I agree thereshold solutions is not a good idea for detect anomalies in time series. Because they generally are set by the user, rather than learned, which can be a time consuming and difficult process when monitoring many data streams.
Moreover, they need to be adjusted as the environment changes, so manual real-time maintenance is needed.
Besides, since they don’t take temporal sequences into account, simple thresholds cannot identify pattern changes that take place within the range. I recommend you use methods for anomaly detection in time series or change point detection.
You can googling about this topics and you'll find several algorithms. For realtime analisys, i also can recommend softwares like MOA ( and Numenta (

Google analytics data adjustment?

I've been using a SSIS Integration component to download data from Google Analytics in order to keep an historical view of some websites and track the evolution of them. Basically the metrics we track are Visits (now Sessions) and Visitros (now Users), and the dimensions are Year and Month. However, today I noticed that the data I downloaded for july had a variation on the Users metric. I heard that google analytics uses an estimation method to "calculate" some (if not all) of their metrics, could it be that after that they "adjust" the data with more acurate information? If so, is this mentioned in the documentation? (a link would be highly appreciated) Since the users are complaining that we are not delivering the real GA Data. I tried looked on the Google analytics documentation page with no luck.
Thanks for your time.
PS: Sorry for my english, it isn´t my native language
If you are using the standard version of Google Analytics (you'll know if you are paying $150k for premium), data is sampled depending on volume. Have a read of this article can-you-trust-your-google-analytics-data
I have seen very slightly differing results being returned if you repeatedly call the api with the same historical parameters repeatedly. In my case the figures only differed by 1-2 over a daily set of several thousand, but nevertheless it differed.
If you want to guarantee your results, consider upgrading to premium
Sampling could be an issue if what you are requesting is over 50,000 rows for the time period you are requesting. To avoid it you can download more often, such as daily.
But I think your issue is that there is a processing time for Google Analytics - if you are downloading at 3 am on the 1st it is probable that the processing for the previous day has not finished.
Google Analytics Premium SLA is for 4 hour data freshness, so even that would have trouble. Pragmatically you should allow 24 hours before you download data for the previous day, 48 hours for e-commerce data.
Thirdly make sure it is not Unique Visitors you are requesting, as this is dependent on the time period you are requesting.

Could "filling up" Google Analytics with millions of events slow down query performance / increase sampling?

Considering doing some relatively large scale event tracking on my website.
I estimate this would create up to 6 million new events per month in Google Analytics.
My questions are, would all of this extra data that I'm now hanging onto:
a) Slow down GA UI performance
b) Increase the amount of data sampling
I have noticed that GA seems to be taking longer to retrieve results for longer timelines for my website lately, but I don't know if it has to do with the increased amount of event tracking I've been doing lately or not – it may be that GA is fighting for resources as it matures and as more and more people collect more and more data...
Finally, one might guess that adding events may only slow down reporting on events, but this isn't necessarily so is it?
The amount of data being loaded will influence the speed of GA performance, but nothing really dramatic I would say. I am running a website/app with 15+ million events per month and even though all the reporting is automated via API, every now and then we need to find something specific and use the regular GA UI.
More than speed I would be worried about sampling. That's the reason we automated the reporting in the first place as there are some ways how you can eliminate it (with some limitations. See this post for instance that describes using Analytics Canvas, one my of favorite tools (am not affiliated in any way :-).
Also, let me ask what would be the purpose of your events? Think twice if you would actually use them later on...
Slow down GA UI performance
Standard Reports are precompiled and will display as usual. Reports that are generated ad hoc (because you apply filters, segments etc.) will take a little longer, but not so much that it hurts.
Increase the amount of data sampling
If by "sampling" you mean throwing away raw data, Google does not do that (I actually have that in writing from a Google representative). However the reports might not be able to resolve all data points (e.g. you get Top 10 Keywords and everything else is lumped under "other").
However those events will count towards you data limit which is ten million interaction hits (pageviews, events, transactions, any single product in a transaction, user timings and possibly others). Google will not drop data or close your account without warning (again, I have that in writing from a Google Sales Manager) but they reserve to right to either force you to collect less interaction hits or to close your account some time after they issued a warning (actually they will ask you to upgrade to Premium first, but chances are you don't want to spend that much money).
Google is pretty lenient when it comes to violations of the data limit but other peoples leniency is not a good basis for a reliable service, so you want to make sure that you stay withing the limits.

Google Analytics API recommends running queries on dates that are at least 48 hours in the past for consistent results

It means I can't see traffic i got today. Also is it only specific to API or Overall Analytics System?
The reason Google recommends this is because for most of the data, there is about a 24 hour delay before you see it in reports or have it available for pulling with the API. The extra 24 hours on top of that is a buffer for insurance.
So if you look at a report or pull data with the API from like 12 hours ago, and then wait an hour or whatever and pull the data with same ranges/metrics/etc... the numbers won't match up, because by then, more data will have become available. But it's data that was already there (people didn't take a time machine into the past and visit your site, obviously) was just not yet processed and available for looking at through the report/API.
A delay in data for reports (or through an API) is not unique to GA. Different reporting tools have different "lags" in data availability, depending on how their databases are setup, how they process the data, how much you are paying for the services, etc... for instance (these are the 4 major tools I've used):
Yahoo Web Analytics data is more or less real-time
Adobe/Omniture SiteCatalyst is..they say real-time but in practice I've seen it take anywhere from instant to an hour
WebTrends has a 24 hour delay
GA has a 24 hour delay
But this isn't as big a deal as you might think. Most companies look at reports by the week, month, quarter, year, so really the delay isn't a problem for the people that matter. The only people that really feel it are the code implementers who have to sit there and wait to see data come in when they are trying to QA an implementation or debug when there is a potential problem.
But even then there are a lot of tools out there that let you see in real-time what is physically being sent to the tool (like firebug, charles proxy, etc...), which greatly helps in QAing. It doesn't really help as far as QAing stuff that requires settings/alterations within the tool's interface, but still, it's a big help.
