Variables used in Test Package in R Studio - r

I am trying to fix an issue in an R project (that I'm not too familiar with). The test script that is executed when running "Test Package" in R-Studio uses a variable, let's call it x. From the result of the test I can tell that the data assigned to this variable is outdated and I want to update it.
Problem is, I just cannot figure out where this variable is actually defined. I have used grep for the entire source code of the package, and I only find the instance from the test script but no declaration. It is not defined in the script itself nor anywhere else in the source code.
When I just load the package, the variable is not defined. Somehow it is defined however when running the test, because only when I change the name in the test script into some dummy I get the error that it isn't defined.
Is there a specific place where I could look, or may be a simple trick how I could figure out where and how the variable is defined?
Edit: the actual variable name is a bit complicated, it is not x

The find in files option in RStudio may help.
You can search through multiple files within a folder.
If you get too many matches to sort through (I'm really hoping your variable is not actually called x!), you can try using a regular expression.

enter image description here
Follow the pictures and you could solve the problem.


Very simple question on Console vs Script in R

I have just started to learn to code on R, so I apologize for the very simple question. I understand it is best to type your code in as a Script so you can edit and save it. However, when I try to make an object in the script section, it does not work. If I make an object in the console, R saves the object and it appears in my environment. I am typing in a very simple code to try a quick exercise on rolling dice:
die <- 1:6
But it only works in the console and not when typed as a script. Any help/explanation appreciated!
Essentially, you interact with R environment differently when running an .R script via RScript.exe or via console with R.exe, Rterm, etc. and in GUI IDEs like RGui or RStudio. (This applies to any programming language with interactive compilers not just R).
The script does save thedie object in R environment but only during the run or lifetime of that script (i.e., from beginning to end of code lines). Your code line is simply an assignment of object. You do nothing with it. Apply some function, output results, and other actions in that script to see.
On the console, the R environment persists interactively until you quit it with q(). So assigned objects remains for lifetime of your console session. After assigning, you can afterwards apply function, output results, or other actions in line by line calls.
Ultimately, scripts gathers all line by line code in advance of run for automated execution without relying on user to supply lines. Imagine running 1,000 lines of code with nested if/then or for/while loops, apply functions on console! Therefore, have all your R coding needs summarily handled in scripts.
It is always better to have the script, as you say, you can save edit correct, without having to rewrite the code to change a variable or number.
I recommend using Rstudio, it is very practical and will help you to program more efficiently and allows you to see, among other things, the different objects that you have created.

How can I add a breakpoint to debug my R package without recompiling

When I develop a R package I endup doing the following thing:
load the latest build
use it
realize there is a bug in say function 'f_bug'
try to debug
I would be easy if I could just 're-source' f_bug and that the newly sourced version would be chosen (I'd rebuild the package clean latter).
But I cannot do that, it looks like the package::f_bug is always "chosen" by default when called within another package function.
Can I do such a thing ?
You can't use RStudio's convenient graphical breakpoints, but you can do the same thing using trace:
trace(package::f_bug, browser, at = insertion_point)
Here insertion_point refers not to line numbers but to a vector of substeps. From ?trace:
look at ‘as.list(body(f))’ to get the numbers
associated with the steps in function ‘f’.)
Another option might be to use utils::setBreakpoint which takes a file name and line number as arguments. See the help file for details.

Atom editor: list and jump to definition(s) in project

As already mentioned I'm using the Atom text editor.
I'm currently working on a project written in c++. Of course it is desirable to jump to the definition of a function (in another project file), or other uses of this function (within the project). As far as I know this can be achieved with the packages I'll mention below. I want the package to display me the definition along with the path to the corresponding file which holds the definition and ideally the line where it occurs.
I'll welcome any comments and suggestions on how to solve the below mentioned problem(s) I have with (one of) the packages. Moreover I'm also thankful about pointers to possible solutions or posts concerning my problem(s), or how I can achieve this with another package.
Here is what I found / tried / did so far.
Currently I'm using this package, although it is rather slow and does not show the arguments of the function as e.g. atom-ctags does, but it's the only package which displays me the files I need to see.
It shows me where the function is defined as well as where it is also used. However it does not show me the path to the file corresponding file it refers to.
I also tried this package, building the tags is quite fast and moreover it show me the path to the file. But this package only lists the .cc files and not the .h files. It appears to me as if it only shows me the other uses but not the definition, which is obviously a problem.
I also tried generating the ctags myself and changing the command options in the settings of the package, unfortunately without any success.
Atoms built-in symbols-view
In order to get this to work, one needs to generate the symbols. This can be, for example, achieved with the symbol-gen package. However, it shows me some of the definitions, but also no .h files. Moreover, jumping to the definition results in a Selected file does not exist., therefore it is not usable at all.
Just for completeness, there is also this package. It does not work for me, since c++ is not supported but maybe others will find it useful.
Again, for completeness, this should be a replacement for the atom built-in, but when disabling the build-in it does not show me any jump functionality nor is a short cut mentioned.
So, basically, nothing really works well. I have tried Symbol Tree View but it but barely works.

Error when attempting to call a C++ .dll library in R

I have a library, let's say mylibrary.dll, that has c++ code that I want to run in R. I did this:
I get:
Error in .Call("myfun") : C symbol name "myfun" not in load table
Now, I've seen several answers to similar problems, on here and on other websites, but when I attempted each solution, each seemed to be to require having access to the original source code, for example adding something like this: extern "C" to the C++ code or re-compiling the code in a certain way. All I have is a .dll file, and I'd like to use that directly to call from R the functions contained within it.
Solution: the name of the function was different than what I expected. I went to the thread that Alexey suggested in the comments, and from there was able to use one of the suggested tools (DLL export viewer) to get a list of the functions, where I found the correct name.
(Alas, I now need to figure out why R is locking up when I call the function, but my question here is done!)

Starting a second R script from within a parent script

I have about 5 scripts that are all part of a project to be run one after the other. I would like to open the first script, run it and then be prompted at the end, "Do you want to run XrefGenetic.r?" If yes, then XrefGenetic.r should open and run. I am 100% certain R can do this, in fact I think I used to know how but have forgotten and cannot find it anywhere.
How do I open another r script from within an r script?
Are you thinking of source() ?
My usual recommendation is to create a package, as that alleviates all these issues: functions and symbols are known (or hidden if you chose not to export them) and you have generally much better control.
