Is it possible to convert CSS code to dart code - css

There is a website called framer[] which lets you to create layouts and UIs and the site will generate the CSS code for the layout which you created[sample image in the link] and now how do I convert that code to dart. I don't know much about CSS. It will be super handy to convert CSS code to Dart and use it in flutter.

While not exactly the same thing as your question, you may find a solution in this article which is going from design in AdobeXD to dart code for Flutter. Offers the same type of workflow from prototype design to code.
Flutter AdobeXD Plugin

You can try this link CSS to Flutter

There is sadly no way of converting CSS to Dart. They work very differently so you will have to do it manually.


Xamarin Forms photo Pan/Scale/Crop plugin?

I'm making app with using XF pcl.
To make photo viewer/editor function, you should add Pan/Scale/Crop.
Is there good plugin that somebody already have done for it?
Of course I can make my own but
It's very common behavior so I'm curious.
You might want to try this, this library has a lot of different transformations.

how to adapt drag drop Formbuilder to Meteor

i'm trying to adapt and to Meteor.
Meteor seems to be strugglinh with Html template files of both of these FormBuilders.
any pointers on how i can adapt one these to my MeteorJs application ?
I'm looking for the same integration. If you could find any solution please write it down here.
By the time, not the drag&drop but kind of dynamic form can be created through

MonoTouch css styling

I am new to monotouch and wanted to know if there is a simple way to implement css styling in any of the types of views/viewcontrollers? I have read about WebViews, worked with UIViewControllers, but I want to build an app that is basic styling for now that I can update later with css styling from a design organization. Anyone know anything about this?
iOS 5 has some limited support for global styling. Miguel has a post that explains how to use it in MonoTouch.
Interestingly enough there was a project on which ended up getting funded which allows you to use CSS3 to style iOS and soon Android apps. It actaully works really well.

How to make emberjs app with a mobile look (like the one in jquery mobile)?

I have a simple project of a web application for mobile using Emberjs. For the look and feel, I want something equivalent to JQuery Mobile. Is there a way to mix Emberjs and jquery mobile? If so, how?
I have looked at the Travis-ci mobile app and they seem to have only defined a specific css for the mobile version. What is strange is that they also have this file : file that seems to be an attempt to integrate with JQMobile but they don't use it anywhere in the code.
I also have found this article Using Ember.js with jQuery UI but it's about JQuery UI. Can I use the same technique for JQuery Mobile?
Please share your own experience about having a mobile look and feel with Emberjs.
If you know any open source project on GitHub or wherever that uses Emberjs for mobile I will be thankful if you let me know the address.
What Technique do you recommend?
Note: I have make a first attempt to use the 'data-' html5 attributes of jquery mobile within a list generated by a controller but the elements of the view don't have change to a jquery mobile look and feel and I not sure why.
Sorry for my English, it is not my mother tongue.
As stated in the Ember.js wiki there are two projects concerning mobile:
ember-titanium - Titanium Mobile wrapped in Ember (formerly SproutCore-Titanium)
ember-mk - Mobile Kit for ember.js
Maybe they are useful for you.
#luissala created a proof of concept project using Ember with jQuery Mobile. It might get you on the right track:
Have a look at Twitter Bootstrap:
Is in a very premature state, but it seems pretty promising.
It's from the guys who started Sproutcore (I think!), so the syntax is very relevant to EmberJS

CKEditor running in Flex 3?

I'm interested in integrating CKEditor into my Flex 3 application so that users can generate full HTML documents. After some quick googling, I am interested in using CKEditor, but I can't find any home-run success stories on using it with Flex 3. For example, I found:
and a couple of similar blogs. Based on posted comments, however, it looks like there either may be integration issues, cross-browser issues, or similar gotchas.
I'd like some advice on scoping this effort and potential pitfalls, and any pointers to useful snippets, tutorials or blogs on similar efforts. I am also open to better HTML editors for flex -- I just haven't found any.
I was able to get mine working (with Bob Tate's help setting everything up) without having to use Drumbeat Insight's control. if you need some help or pointers, email me directly with CKEditor in the subject line.
You can't really integrate a non-Flex component into a Flex application.
Your best bet is to look into using the iFrame trick to make it appear as if CFEditor is part of your Flex application. Google around for iFrame trick to find more info on it.
There is an HTML Component from Drumbeat Insight that helps solve a lot of the issues w/ this trick.
