I'm testing for random intercepts as a preparation for growth curve modeling.
Therefore, I've first created a wide subset and then converted it to a Long data set.
Calculating my ModelM1 <- gls(ent_act~1, data=school_l) with the long data set, I get an error message as I have missing values. In my long subset these values are stated as NaN.
When applying temp<-na.omit(school_l$ent_act), I can calculate ModelM1. But, when calculating ModelM2 ModelM2 <- lme(temp~1, random=~1|ID, data=school_l), then I get the error message of my variables being of unqueal lengths.
How can I deal with those missing values?
Any ideas or recommendations?
What you might get success with would be to make a temp dataframe where your remove entire lines indexed by negation of the missing condition: !is.na(school_1$ent_act)
temp<-school_l[ !is.na(school_l$ent_act), ]
Then re-run the lme call. There should now be no mismatch of variable lengths.
ModelM2 <- lme(ent_act ~1, random= ~1|ID, data=school_l)
Note that using school_l is going to be potentially confusing because it looks so much like school_1 when viewed in Times font.
Ok, I have a data frame with 250 observations of 9 variables. For simplicity, let's just label them A - I
I've done all the standard stuff (converting things to int or factor, creating the data partition, test and train sets, etc).
What I want to do is use columns A and B, and predict column E. I don't want to use the entire set of nine columns, just these three when I make my prediction.
I tried only using the limited columns in the prediction, like this:
myPred <- predict(rfModel, newdata=myData)
where rfModel is my model, and myData only contains the two fields I want to use, as a dataframe. Unfortunately, I get the following error:
Error in predict.randomForest(rfModel, newdata = myData) :
variables in the training data missing in newdata
Honestly, I'm very new to R, and I'm not even sure this is feasible. I think the data that I'm collecting (the nine fields) are important to use for "training", but I can't figure out how to make a prediction using just the "resultant" field (in this case field E) and the other two fields (A and B), and keeping the other important data.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. I can post some of the code if necessary.
I'm just trying to learn more about things like this.
A assume you used random forest method:
model <- randomForest(E ~ A+ B - c(C,D,F,G,H,I), data = train)
pred <- predict(model, newdata = test)
As you can see in this example only A and B column would be taken to build a model, others are removed from model building (however not removed from the dataset). If you want to include all of them use (E~ .). It also means that if you build your model based on all column you need to have those columns in test set too, predict won't work without them. If the test data have only A and B column the model has to be build based on them.
Hope it helped
As I mentioned in my comment above, perhaps you should be building your model using only the A and B columns. If you can't/don't want to do this, then one workaround perhaps would be to simply use the median values for the other columns when calling predict. Something like this:
myData <- cbind(data[, c("A", "B)], median(data$C), median(data$D), median(data$E),
median(data$F), median(data$G), median(data$H), median(data$I))
myPred <- predict(rfModel, newdata=myData)
This would allow you to use your current model, built with 9 predictors. Of course, you would be assuming average behavior for all predictors except for A and B, which might not behave too differently from a model built solely on A and B.
I'm using lme4 package to run mixed model. I want to extract fixed effect result and random effect result in seperate dataset, so that we can use it for further analysis. But unfortunately I could not.
mixed_result<- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), data = sleepstudy)
I tried to extract fixed effect and random effect using the following method:
I tried fixef and ranef for fixed effect and random effect respectively and try to create the dataset using the result of it. But it was giving me the following error:
Error in View : cannot coerce class ""ranef.mer"" to a data.frame
I actually want output as we get in SAS , solutionF and solutionR. But in case if it's not possible to get output like that, the coeffs of fixed and random will do.
I'll be grateful if someone can help me.
Thanks and Regards,
Use str to see the structure of an object.
# named vector, can probably be coerced to data.frame
# works just fine
# list of data frames (well, list of one data frame in this case)
If you had, say, slopes that also varied by Subject, they would go in the same Subject data frame as the Subject level intercepts. However, if intercepts also varied by some other variable group, with a different number of level than Subject, they obviously couldn't go in the same data frame. This is why a list of data frames is used, so that the same structure can generalize up for more complex models.
I have a question regarding the aggregation of imputed data as created by the R-package 'mice'.
As far as I understand it, the 'complete'-command of 'mice' is applied to extract the imputed values of, e.g., the first imputation. However, when running a total of ten imputations, I am not sure, which imputed values to extract. Does anyone know how to extract the (aggregate) imputed data across all imputations?
Since I would like to enter the data into MS Excel and perform further calculations in another software tool, such a command would be very helpful.
Thank you for your comments. A simple example (from 'mice' itself) can be found below:
R> library("mice")
R> nhanes
R> imp <- mice(nhanes, seed = 23109) #create imputation
R> complete(imp) #extraction of the five imputed datasets (row-stacked matrix)
How can I aggregate the five imputed data sets and extract the imputed values to Excel?
I had similar issue.
I used the code below which is good enough to numeric vars.
For others I thought about randomly choose one of the imputed results (because averaging can disrupt it).
My offered code is (for numeric):
tempData <- mice(data,m=5,maxit=50,meth='pmm',seed=500)
completedData <- complete(tempData, 'long')
a<-aggregate(completedData[,3:6] , by = list(completedData$.id),FUN= mean)
you should join the results back.
I think the 'Hmisc' is a better package.
if you already found nicer/ more elegant/ built in solution - please share with us.
You should use complete(imp,action="long") to get values for each imputation. If you see ?complete, you will find
complete(x, action = 1, include = FALSE)
An object of class mids as created by the function mice().
If action is a scalar between 1 and x$m, the function returns the data with imputation number action filled in. Thus, action=1 returns the first completed data set, action=2 returns the second completed data set, and so on. The value of action can also be one of the following strings: 'long', 'broad', 'repeated'. See 'Details' for the interpretation.
Flag to indicate whether the orginal data with the missing values should be included. This requires that action is specified as 'long', 'broad' or 'repeated'.
So, the default is to return the first imputed values. In addition, the argument action can also be a string: long, broad, and repeated. If you enter long, it will give you the data in long format. You can also set include = TRUE if you want the original missing data.
ok, but still you have to choose one imputed dataset for further analyses... I think the best option is to analyze using your complete(imp,action="long") and pool the results afterwards.fit <- with(data=imp,exp=lm(bmi~hyp+chl))
but I also assume its not forbidden to use just one of the imputed datasets ;)
I'm very new to R and this might be a very silly question to ask but I'm quite stuck right now.
I'm currently trying to do a Canonical Correspondence Analysis on my data to see which environmental factors have more weight on community distribution. I'm using the vegan package. My data consists of a table for the environmental factors (dataset EFamoA) and another for an abundance matrix (dataset AmoA). I have 41 soils, with 39 environmental factors and 334 species.
After cleaning my data of any variables which are not numerical, I try to perform the cca analysis using the formula notation:
CCA.amoA <- cca (AmoA ~ EFamoA$PH + EFamoA$LOI, data = EFamoA,
scale = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
But then I get this error:
Error in weighted.mean.default(newX[, i], ...) :
'x' and 'w' must have the same length
I don't really know where to go from here and haven't found much regarding this problem anywhere (which leads me to think that it must be some sort of very basic mistake I'm doing). My environmental factor data is not standardized as I red in the cca help file that the algorithm does it but maybe I should standardize it before? (I've also red that scale = TRUE is only for species). Should I convert the data into matrices?
I hope I made my point clear enough as I've been struggling with this for a while now.
Edit: My environmental data has NA values
Alright so I was able to figure it out all by myself and it was indeed a silly thing, turns out my abundance data had soils as columns and species as rows, while environmental factor (EF) data had soils as rows and EF as columns.
using t() on my data, I transposed my data.frame (and collaterally converted it into a matrix) and cca() worked (as "length" was the same, I assume). Transposing the data separately and loading it already transposed works too.
Although maybe the t() approach saves the need of creating a whole new file (in case your data was organized using different rows as in my case), it converts the data into a matrix and this might not be desired in some cases, either way, this turned out to be a very simple and obvious thing to solve (took me a while though).
I am getting an error when I am trying to use randomForest in R.
When I enter
basic3prox <- randomForest(activity ~.,data=train,proximity=TRUE,xtest=valid)
where train is a dataframe of training data and valid is a dataframe of test data,
I get the following error
Error in randomForest.default(m, y, ...) :
x and xtest must have same number of columns
But they do have the same number of columns. I used subset() to get them from the same original dataset and when I run dim() i get
[1] 3237 563
[1] 2630 563
So I am at a loss to figure out what is wrong here.
No they don't; train has 562 predictor columns and 1 decision column, so valid must have 562 columns (and corresponding decision must be passed to ytest argument).
So the invocation should look like:
However, this is a dirty hack which will fail for more complex formulae and thus it shouldn't be used (even the authors tried to prohibit it, as Joran pointed out in comments). The correct, easier and faster way is to use separate objects for predictors and decisions instead of formulae, like this:
Maybe it is not a bug. When you use dim(), you got different number. It means that training data and valid data do have different dims. I have encountered such problem. My solution is as following: First, I use names() show the variables in the training data and in valid data. I see they do have different variables; Second, I use setdiff() to "subtract" the surplus variables (if the training data has more variables than the valid data, then subtract the surplus variables in training data,vice versa.) After that, training data and valid data have the same variables. You can use randomForest.