Firebase still blocked in China? - firebase

I don't know if my app will work in China and I don't know how to test it. I had read somewhere that there's a firebase Chinese domain .cn in operation. Is there a possibility to transfer the current project to the Chinese domain and make it work, if it doesn't already?
If I create a new project and select the Chinese servers for my firebase services then will it have any other adverse consequences for the rest of the world? This solution would literally force all the developers to have the firebase servers located in China, just so they don't miss out out on their Chinese user base, which I assume could be an issue to some.
I might not have the best ideas but any suggestion and a workaround would be appreciated.

There isn't a simple way to do that. Indeed, trying to set the servers there might a be way, but it's not a guarantee, since China Firewalls are constantly changing. You can try some onlines tools as this one here to verify if your domain is blocked, by adding the URL of your application.
Besides that, the best option is the one clarified in this other post here. You would create an API in Heroku and make the data and calls from Firebase go over this API, so it would make the connection. Another option you may try is using a proxy server - as very well explained in the article Firebase: Accessing Firestore and Firebase through a proxy server - so it gets complied and it's possible to be used in China.
The usage of VPN is not a very good option, as not of them work in China and the ones that work can easily vary, also, this could impact the usability, since it might affect performance and usage for the users there.
To summarize, there isn't a specific and fully correct answer to using Firestore in China, due to the fact that updates and changes on their rules are regular, but these are some alternatives that you can give it a try. It's more about trying the one that would be less damaging for your use case.
Let me know if the information helped you!

Might be helpful for someone...
There is a Firebase alternative for China - Huawei Mobile Services. It contains services like Auth Service, Cloud Functions, Cloud DB, Crash, Push Kit, Ad Kit, and many more...


Use Firebase Emulators as own pernament server

Can i use Firebase Emulators (Firestore, Functions) to serve them permanently on example VPS server?
Hosting + storage will be apache and from for example #angularfire I will call firestore and functions
Is this possible or i must pay for use functions :c
I won't say that it's impossible to use the emulator in this way, but I strongly recommend against it. The emulator was only meant to be used during development and testing on your local machine before pushing code to production. It's not meant to run persistently. You could run into problems if you try to use it this way, since it's not tested to work like this.
You should know that Firebase and Google Cloud products have a free tier where you don't pay anything at all unless you exceed the free limits. I suggest reviewing the billing structure to find out what you actually get for free per month. I think it's quite generous.
As Doug said it is not verified to be used as such but I have tested an on-premises solution this way (no internet, about 100 IoT clients on LAN). Hosting server handles load well. The storage emulator works fine for small data sizes. The max time I know it ran without a problem is about 3 months.

Is it a good idea to use an additional server with Firebase?

I've never used Firebase (or Firestore) before and I'm considering using it for my new mobile application. And I'm wondering if using Firebase only, without any additional server is a good idea. Firestore does a lot of things I guess, like authentication, security and scalability. So I really hesitate putting an another server into Architecture. But I have a plan to do many server-side stuffs like searching for text or calculating something.
I think the answer is "it depends", but I want to hear some advices from people who have used Firebase before about this topic. Thank you in advance!
Is it a good idea to use an additional server with Google Firebase?
Firebase will help you build apps fast, without managing infrastructure. So you'll be able to focus on your app development and not on how to maintain servers. Perhaps, if you have requirments that Firebase cannot handle, which I doubt it, you can use an additional server.
I've never used Google Firebase (or Firestore) before and I'm considering using it for my new mobile application.
If you have never used the Firebase suite, I recommend you get started by reading the official documentation. Before starting to use Cloud Firestore, I recommend first get more familiar with NoSQL databases.
And I'm wondering if using Firebase only, without any additional server is a good idea.
There are many apps out there that are not using any other server than Firebase.
Firestore does a lot of things I guess, like authentication, security and scalability.
Firestore is a scalable NoSQL cloud database that allow you to store and sync data for client- and server-side development. It does not authenticate users. For that, there is another product named Firebase Authentication that I encourage you to use it.
But I have a plan to do many server-side stuffs like searching for text or calculating something.
Here you can find more details about Firestore search options. Regarding calculations, you can do pretty much everything you can do in a regular SQL database.

Cost of developing a Google Assistant App?

What costs are involved with developing and/or releasing a Google Assistant App?
eg: Can you develop an app using DialogFlow and a backend (say Firebase) without having to pay while you learn?
First of all - you don't need to use Dialogflow or Firebase to develop your action. Both are suggested, but neither are required. You can use any NLP you want, or none at all if you use the Actions SDK (but you want an NLP). You can use any backend at all, including running it off your local machine and tunneling to it via ngrok, but you don't want to do that for production.
But, during development (and even during a light deployment before your action becomes massively popular and a stand-out hit), you have lots of solutions that will be free.
Dialogflow is free for use with the Google Assistant. Period. There is an Enterprise edition which offers additional services and support for a cost, but you won't need them. There are restrictions, but you won't bump into them until you hit 3 requests per second - which you shouldn't during development.
Firebase's free tier (the Spark Plan) is good for very simple experimentation, but once you start doing network calls to outside Google's network (if you are trying to call the network API for other services), you will be blocked. No worries! The "Blaze Plan" paid tier does require a way to bill you, but they don't start billing you until you get quite a bit of usage: 2 million function calls / month and similarly scaled usage of CPU, memory, and network. So even the "Blaze Plan" will be free during development (and for basic usage).
Updated, December 2020
Things have changed a bit since the original answer was posted, but the underlying basics remain true - there is no charge to develop for Actions on Google.
Dialogflow now has an "Essentials" edition and a more advanced "CX" edition. While you can still use both to build Actions, they're not really intended for this purpose anymore.
Instead, Google has included the Actions Builder into the Actions Console to handle the NLP work. The Actions SDK works with this, but can also just pass along all the STT information to your webhook. Both are also free to use.
Dialogflow is for free if you don't use it as an enterprise:
And Firebase free tier should be enough if you not using firebase
already for other projects. enter link description here
But of course you have to calculate your own time so in case of the
spent time probably not.
For everything else yes it is, as long as you not using it already somewhere. You can for development also host your server local and use an ngrok tunnel as sever address for Dialogflow.
As an addition to shortQuestion's answer:
The free plan in Firebase should be enough if you're just using it for learning and developing apps for personal use. If you want to go a bit further you'll need to upgrade the plan.
You can sign up with a free trial for actions on Google to get 300$ of credits during a 12 month period which would be more than enough to do anything you want.
The costs of Firebase/Actions on Google on a higher plan aren't anything to worry about though, you'd be talking about a few cent per multiple hundred thousand requests.

Will Google block my access if I use their features without token?

I'm using this link
to fetch feeds using Google's algorithm. As you can see I'm not adding any other parameters, just fetching the returned data in JSON format. My app will be heavily used hopefully and if I send a lot of requests to this link, will Google block my access or something?
Is there anything I can include, like userip, url for my app (so if they have problem to just contact me) or something else?
The most basic answer to your question is that Google will change its Terms of Service whenever it likes, and you've got no say in the matter. So if it's allowed today, it might not be allowed tomorrow, at Google's whim.
On this issue, though, you seem fairly safe. From the Terms of Service (these is the general document, since Reader doesn't seem to have a specific one):
Don’t misuse our Services. For example, don’t interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.
Google provides RSS and Atom. They provide these feeds, so I assume they expect that they'll be used. They don't say that it's a misuse to point someone else at those feeds, so it looks OK for now, but they could add such a clause at any time.
All online services are subject to the terms and conditions of the providers of those services. So, as others have said, they may be ok with your use today, but they can change their mind any time down the line. I doubt including a URL or email or contact info will help anything, because when these services change, they don't notify every user of the service, they just announce the change publicly, and usually they give several month's notice in order to give users a chance to adapt their applications, but this is not standardized or enforced so there is no guarantee. One example would be the fairly recent discontinuance of the Google Finance API (for which no replacement has been announced).
The safest approach would be to design your app such that this feature that uses google's functionality is decoupled as much as possible from the rest of your app, so that, when or if the availability of the service changes (ie it's no longer available at all) you can adapt your app to use some other source for the feeds with minimal impact to the rest of the app. Design for change and plan for the worst.

Has anyone tried building an ASP.NET Session State Provider for Amazon SimpleDB?

If not, are there any fundamental limitations of the service that prevent one from being built?
In response to Garys answer. "If you're hosting your app on EC2, it'll be fine"
Even if you're hosting your application on EC2 you should not really use SimpleDB to store session state. It provides an "eventually consistent" guarantee, so if you PUT something there is no guarantee that you will see the item on your next GET.
This is fine when you want to use simpledb to do indexing on data that does not need to be immediately up to date and can be reconciled later, but in the case of session state, you'd likely want something with ACID guarantees (like SQL Server) as you want to know that once you have committed something you will get it back on the next read.
This obviously depends on your requirements, but most people use session state to store shopping cart items or similar. Your site visitors will soon get upset if things appear to go missing from thier cart, then re-add them and then discover they have added the same item twice when they come to pay.
There's a C# library for working with SDB.
If you want to roll your own, the API, WSDL and other documentation can be found at
It's a pretty straight forward API that rides over HTTP. The hardest part is writing the signing code. There's plenty of implementations in other languages.
As for using it for session state, there's a huge speed difference between using SimpleDB from EC2 and anywhere else on the internet. If you're hosting your app on EC2, it'll be fine, otherwise, it'll be brutally slow.
You could base it off this MySQL provider:!CAA619CB4C4D1B6C!342.entry
