I would like to replace columns that contain "score" string with predefined names.
Here is a simple example dataset and my desired column names to replace.
df1 <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,3,4,5),
b = c(5,6,7,8,9),
c.1_score = c(10,10,2,3,4),
a.2_score= c(1,3,5,6,7))
replace.cols <- c("c_score", "a_score")
The number of columns changes each trial. So whenever the column name includes _score, I would like to replace them with my predefined replace.cols names.
The desired col names should be a b c_score and a_score.
Any thought?
We can use rename_at
df1 <- df1 %>%
rename_at(vars(ends_with('score')), ~ replace.cols)
# a b c_score a_score
#1 1 5 10 1
#2 2 6 10 3
#3 3 7 2 5
#4 4 8 3 6
#5 5 9 4 7
or with str_remove
df1 %>%
rename_at(vars(ends_with('score')), ~ str_remove(., '\\.\\d+'))
Or using base R (assuming the column names order is maintained in 'replace.cols')
names(df1)[endsWith(names(df1), 'score')] <- replace.cols
I have below data frame
data = data.frame('A' = 1:3, 'CC' = 1:3, 'DD' = 1:3, 'M' = 1:3)
Now let define a vectors of strings which represents a subset of column names of above data frame
Target_Col = c('CC', 'M')
Now I want to find the column names in data that match with Target_Col and then replace them with
paste0('Prefix_', Target_Col)
I prefer to do it using dplyr chain rule.
Is there any direct function available to perform this?
Other solutions can be found here!
vars<-cbind.data.frame(Target_Col,paste0('Prefix_', Target_Col))
data <- data %>%
rename_at(vars$Target_Col, ~ vars$`paste0("Prefix_", Target_Col)`)
data %>% rename_with(~ paste0('Prefix_', Target_Col), all_of(Target_Col))
We may use
data %>%
rename_with(~ str_c('Prefix_', .x), all_of(Target_Col))
A Prefix_CC DD Prefix_M
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
With dplyrs rename_with
rename_with(data, function(x) ifelse(x %in% Target_Col, paste0("Prefix_", x), x))
A Prefix_CC DD Prefix_M
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
I have a tibble which has column names containing spaces & special characters which make it a hassle to work with. I want to change these column names to easier to use names while I'm working with the data, and then change them back to the original names at the end for display. Ideally, I want to be able to do this as part of a pipe, however I haven't figured out how to do it with rename_with().
Sample data:
df <- tibble(oldname1 = seq(1:10),
oldname2 = letters[seq(1:10)],
oldname3 = LETTERS[seq(1:10)])
cols_lookup <- tibble(old_names = c("oldname4", "oldname2", "oldname1"),
new_names = c("newname4", "newname2", "newname1"))
Desired output:
> head(df_renamed)
# A tibble: 6 x 3
newname1 newname2 oldname3
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 1 a A
2 2 b B
3 3 c C
4 4 d D
5 5 e E
6 6 f F
Some columns are removed & reordered during this work so when converting them back there will be entries in the cols_lookup table which are no longer in df. There are also new columns created in df which I want to remain named the same.
I am aware there are similar questions which have already been asked, however the answers either don't work well with tibbles or in a pipe (eg. those using match()), or don't work if the columns aren't all present in the same order in both tables.
We can use rename_at. From the master lookup table, filter the rows where the names of dataset have a match (filtered_lookup), then use that in rename_at where we specify the 'old_names' in vars and replace with the 'new_names'
filtered_lookup <- cols_lookup %>%
filter(old_names %in% names(df))
df %>%
rename_at(vars(filtered_lookup$old_names), ~ filtered_lookup$new_names)
Or using rename_with, use the same logic
df %>%
rename_with(.fn = ~filtered_lookup$new_names, .cols = filtered_lookup$old_names)
Or another option is rename with splicing (!!!) from a named vector
df %>%
rename(!!! deframe(filtered_lookup[2:1]))
You can use rename_ with setnames
cols_lookup <- tibble(old_names = c("oldname3", "oldname2", "oldname1"),
new_names = c("newname3", "newname2", "newname1"))
rename_(df, .dots=setNames(cols_lookup$old_names, cols_lookup$new_names))
# A tibble: 10 x 3
newname1 newname2 newname3
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 1 a A
2 2 b B
3 3 c C
4 4 d D
5 5 e E
6 6 f F
7 7 g G
8 8 h H
9 9 i I
10 10 j J
I have a tibble which has column names containing spaces & special characters which make it a hassle to work with. I want to change these column names to easier to use names while I'm working with the data, and then change them back to the original names at the end for display. Ideally, I want to be able to do this as part of a pipe, however I haven't figured out how to do it with rename_with().
Sample data:
df <- tibble(oldname1 = seq(1:10),
oldname2 = letters[seq(1:10)],
oldname3 = LETTERS[seq(1:10)])
cols_lookup <- tibble(old_names = c("oldname4", "oldname2", "oldname1"),
new_names = c("newname4", "newname2", "newname1"))
Desired output:
> head(df_renamed)
# A tibble: 6 x 3
newname1 newname2 oldname3
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 1 a A
2 2 b B
3 3 c C
4 4 d D
5 5 e E
6 6 f F
Some columns are removed & reordered during this work so when converting them back there will be entries in the cols_lookup table which are no longer in df. There are also new columns created in df which I want to remain named the same.
I am aware there are similar questions which have already been asked, however the answers either don't work well with tibbles or in a pipe (eg. those using match()), or don't work if the columns aren't all present in the same order in both tables.
We can use rename_at. From the master lookup table, filter the rows where the names of dataset have a match (filtered_lookup), then use that in rename_at where we specify the 'old_names' in vars and replace with the 'new_names'
filtered_lookup <- cols_lookup %>%
filter(old_names %in% names(df))
df %>%
rename_at(vars(filtered_lookup$old_names), ~ filtered_lookup$new_names)
Or using rename_with, use the same logic
df %>%
rename_with(.fn = ~filtered_lookup$new_names, .cols = filtered_lookup$old_names)
Or another option is rename with splicing (!!!) from a named vector
df %>%
rename(!!! deframe(filtered_lookup[2:1]))
You can use rename_ with setnames
cols_lookup <- tibble(old_names = c("oldname3", "oldname2", "oldname1"),
new_names = c("newname3", "newname2", "newname1"))
rename_(df, .dots=setNames(cols_lookup$old_names, cols_lookup$new_names))
# A tibble: 10 x 3
newname1 newname2 newname3
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 1 a A
2 2 b B
3 3 c C
4 4 d D
5 5 e E
6 6 f F
7 7 g G
8 8 h H
9 9 i I
10 10 j J
I have a data frame with three columns. Each row contains three unique numbers between 1 and 5 (inclusive).
df <- data.frame(a=c(1,4,2),
I want to use mutate to create two additional columns that, for each row, contain the two numbers between 1 and 5 that do not appear in the initial three columns in ascending order. The desired data frame in the example would be:
df2 <- data.frame(a=c(1,4,2),
I tried to use the below mutate function utilizing setdiff to accomplish this, but returned NAs rather than the values I was looking for:
df <- df %>% mutate(d=setdiff(c(a,b,c),c(1:5))[1],
I can get around this by looping through each row (or using an apply function) but would prefer a mutate approach if possible.
Thank you for your help!
Base R:
cbind(df, t(apply(df, 1, setdiff, x = 1:5)))
# a b c 1 2
# 1 1 5 3 2 4
# 2 4 3 1 2 5
# 3 2 1 5 3 4
Warning: if there are any non-numerical columns, apply will happily up-convert things (converting to a matrix internally).
We can use pmap to loop over the rows, create a list column and then unnest it to create two new columns
df %>%
mutate(out = pmap(., ~ setdiff(1:5, c(...)) %>%
set_names(c('d', 'e')))) %%>%
# A tibble: 3 x 5
# a b c d e
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
#1 1 5 3 2 4
#2 4 3 1 2 5
#3 2 1 5 3 4
Or using base R
df[c('d', 'e')] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(asplit(df, 1), function(x) setdiff(1:5, x)))
I'm trying to remove rows with duplicate values in one column of a data frame. I want to make sure that all the existing values in that column are represented, appearing more than once if its values in one other column are not duplicated and non-missing, and only once if the values in that other column are all missing. Take for example the following data frame:
toy <- data.frame(Group = c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,7,7), Class = c("a",NA,"a","b",NA,NA,NA,NA,"a","b","a","a","a"))
I would like to end up with this:
ideal <- data.frame(Group = c(1,2,2,3,4,5,5,6,7), Class = c("a","a","b",NA,NA,"a","b","a","a"))
I tried transforming the data frame into a data table and follow the advice here, like this:
toy.dt <- as.data.table(toy)
toy.dt[, .(Class = if(all(is.na(Class))) NA_character_ else na.omit(Class)), by = Group]
but duplicates weren't handled as needed: value 7 in the column 'Group' should appear only once in the resulting data.
It would be a bonus if the solution doesn't require transforming the data into a data table.
Here is one way using base R. We first drop NA rows in toy and select only unique rows. We can then left join it with unique Group values to get the rows which are NA for the group.
df1 <- unique(na.omit(toy))
merge(unique(subset(toy, select = Group)), df1, all.x = TRUE)
# Group Class
#1 1 a
#2 2 a
#3 2 b
#4 3 <NA>
#5 4 <NA>
#6 5 a
#7 5 b
#8 6 a
#9 7 a
Same logic using dplyr functions :
toy %>%
na.omit() %>%
distinct() %>%
right_join(toy %>% distinct(Group))
If you would like to try a tidyverse approach:
toy %>%
group_by(Group) %>%
filter(!(is.na(Class) & sum(!is.na(Class)) > 0)) %>%
# A tibble: 9 x 2
# Groups: Group [7]
Group Class
<dbl> <chr>
1 1 a
2 2 a
3 2 b
4 3 NA
5 4 NA
6 5 a
7 5 b
8 6 a
9 7 a